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22-11-2022_Asset Accounting Year end closing activity Errors in DEV-400 system

1. CO Code-2220-MY- Fiscal Year Close we are facing the error as :

When we do changes on Fiscal year to 31-3-2021

Getting the same errors.

When we start close fical year from 2019 also face same error
2. 2620-Singapore
Facing the above error in DEV-400 system for CO Code-2220-MY and 2620-SG

When we form Year end closing activity

For Co code-2620

1. AFAB - Execute-Depreciation –NO ERRORS

2. FAGLGVTR - Fiscal year Change-Balance Carryforward - Central FI

Boithe TEST Run and REMOVE TEST RUN below errors

Posting not possible in company code 2620; specify closed fiscal
Message no. FAA_CMP048

For company code 2620 in Asset Accounting, the open fiscal year has not yet been specified.

This error typically occurs when setting up a new company code.

System Response
Posting is not possible.

Check and correct the settings for the company code (with the Company Code Settings app).

There are two options available to specify the fiscal year in Asset Accounting:

1. If you want to perform a legacy data transfer and no legacy data transfer segment is yet specified, create
a new legacy data transfer and specify a transfer date. Background: At creation of this first legacy data
transfer segment, the system implicitly derives the current fiscal year and the last closed fiscal year from
the legacy data transfer date field (if these fields have not yet been filled).

You create a new legacy data transfer segment and specify the legacy transfer date on the last day of fiscal
year 2020 which is December 31, 2020.

=> The derived closed fiscal year is 2020.

=> The derived open fiscal year is 2021.

2. If you do not want to perform a legacy data transfer or a legacy data transfer segment already exists, you
have to specify the fiscal year manually. Therefore, you have to specify the current fiscal year on ledger
level for every ledger of the company code. This is only possible, if the current fiscal year is not yet
specified or if no postings exist in the company code. After you specified the current fiscal year, the system
will set the closed fiscal year accordingly. If you want to change the closed fiscal year, please use the
existing functionality to close or reopen a fiscal year.

3. FAA_CMP - Year End Close-Execute/Undo

The above errors facing for Co code-2220-MY and 2620-SG in DEV 400 system.

Pls check and help to resolve this issue pls.


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