Ingles Tarea - en PDF

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1. What factors should be considered to build the company's mission?

In the mission you have to consider the internal and external factors that influence the

organization those that are adaptable to your activities and business objectives; having

Taking this into account, we can say that the construction of a good mission leads to the high

management determine the competencies that encompass the organizational culture implemented to

its visualization of the purposes to which the company is sent.

- goals. - Purposes

- Ideas. - Proposals.

- goals. - Strategies.

However, it is also necessary to consider the correct communication of the parties detailed in

it (the mission) because that is how they encompass the cultures of the entire organization and its

different operational departments, good communication is the result of a phase

implanted correctly.

2. What do you think about the steps the team followed to build the mission, vision and values?

The applied methodology is successful, providing participation and knowledge of all the

areas of the organization so that everyone is properly aware of the pertinent information and

understand the context of the organization as well as the reason for its raison d'être of the company

In the same way, raise your strategic objectives to achieve your projected vision

transmitting within its strategic direction the values of which the company is composed and

of which it undertakes to comply in its management, it is also reflected in its methodology the

leadership and commitment of senior management integrating all the parts that make up the company

in the formulation of its strategic plan.

3. Describe the steps to formulate the correct vision of the company?

STEP 1. Define the purpose of your organization or company: Define where we want it to go

focus our company together with the vision is of great importance because at this point

draw a goal and perhaps the most important is the future and success.

STEP 2. Summarize the purpose of the company towards society: Be brief but concise in the manner

to present the vision of the organization, this will make people clear on what it is based

vision and where you want to go.

STEP 3. Show ambition, but be realistic: An organization or company must show a lot of

ambition of where you want to see yourself in short, medium and long term, what are the goals

that is proposed and the objectives that are going to be met, this being as realistic as possible

since by generating more ambition than normal it could generate a problem of not being able to cover

a lot.

Step 4. Be abstract in creating the vision: Do not lose track of the vision in the organization

or company is of great help because this makes your path the same "always at the


4. Describe the steps to formulate the correct mission of the company?

STEP 1: define the stakeholders in the organization.

STEP 2: It must be positive and challenging

STEP 3: must be clear with the cultural and operational aspects of the organization.

STEP 4: You have to mention the strategic objectives of the organization.

STEP 5: you have to mention the external agents, these can be customers and suppliers

STEP 6: It should not be very limited that it limits the actions of the members of the company

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