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A simile is a descriptive phrase that people use to compare one

thing with another. It is a figure of speech.

Similes commonly follow the same format so they’re easy to identify

in a sentence. The two types of simile you will come across are:

1. Those that make a comparison using the word ‘as’.

E.g. ‘He was as tall as a tree’.

2. Those that make a comparison using the word ‘like’.

E.g. ‘She sings like an angel’.

Examples of Similes Using ‘As’

The following simile examples all follow the ‘as __ as’ format:
· It was as big as an elephant.
· She was as sly as a fox.
· He is as bright as a button.
· It’s as clear as day.
· His hair is as black as night.
· The car is as clean as a whistle.
· It’s as dry as a bone out there.
· She’s as good as gold.
· It’s as tough as an old boot.
· This bag is as heavy as lead.
· That knife is as sharp as a razor.
· He’s as sick as a dog.
· She’s as cold as ice.
· He’s as busy as a bee.
· He’s as sharp as a needle.
· It’s as easy as pie.

Examples of Similes Using ‘Like’

The following simile examples all use the ‘__ like __’ format:
· He looks like a fish out of water.
· Her eyes shone like diamonds.
· She slept like a log.
· The airplane soared like an eagle.
· He eats like a pig.
· We’re like two peas in a pod.
· It moves like a snail.
· He slept like a baby.
· The girl was sweet like sugar.
· The shark had teeth like razors.
· Life is like a box of chocolates.
· It cuts like butter.
· He ran like lightning.
· It leaked like a sieve.
· It was soft like velvet.

Definition of Assonance

Assonance is a literary device in which the repetition of similar vowel

sounds takes place in two or more words in proximity to each other within a
line of poetry or prose. Assonance most often refers to the repetition of
internal vowel sounds in words that do not end the same. For example, “he
fell asleep under the cherry tree” is a phrase that features assonance with
the repetition of the long “e” vowel, despite the fact that the words
containing this vowel do not end in perfect rhymes. This allows writers the
means of emphasizing important words in a phrase or line, as well as
creating a sense of rhythm, enhancing mood, and offering a lyrical effect of
words and sounds.

Common Examples of Assonance

Many common phrases utilize assonance. People use them in everyday

speech for emphasis or to reflect mood. Here are some examples of
common uses of assonance:

 Son of a gun
 The cat is out of the bag
 Dumb luck
 After a while, crocodile
 Chips and dip
 Cock of the walk
 Goodnight, sleep tight, don’t let the bedbugs bite
 Stranger danger
 Winner, winner, chicken dinner
 Motion of the ocean
 Keep your eyes on the prize
 Lean, mean, fighting machine
 Wild child
 Surf and turf
 The early bird catches the worm.
 Honesty is the best policy.
 Let the cat out of the bag.
 A stitch in time saves nine.
 The squeaky wheel gets the grease.

Onomatopoeia Examples
Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sound.
When you say an onomatopoeic word, the utterance itself is reminiscent
of the sound to which the word refers. Poets use onomatopoeia to access
the reader’s auditory sense and create rich soundscapes. It is one of
many poetic devices dealing with the sounds of poetry. Many people
confuse onomatopoeia with interjections; however, they are two different
and distinct concepts. Interjections are one of the eight parts of speech.
An interjection is a sudden outburst of emotion or excitement, such as
“ouch” or “wow.”
While some onomatopoeic words may be used as interjections, most
interjections do not imitate sounds. Contrarily, onomatopoeic words, such
as “buzz” or “boom,” always mimic the noises to which they refer. Here
are 101 examples of onomatopoeia:

1. The sheep went, “Baa.”

2. The best part about music class is that you can bang on the drum.
3. It is not unusual for a dog to bark when visitors arrive.
4. Silence your cellphone so that it does not beep during the movie.
5. Dad released a belch from the pit of his stomach.
6. The bridge collapsed creating a tremendous boom.
7. The large dog said, “Bow-wow!”
8. Are you afraid of things that go bump in the night?
9. My brother can burp the alphabet.
10. Both bees and buzzers buzz.
11. The cash register popped open with a heart warming ca-
12. The bird’s chirp filled the empty night air.
13. Her heels clacked on the hardwood floor.
14. The clanging pots and pans awoke the baby.
15. If you want the red team to win, clap your hands right now!
16. The cadets swelled with pride when they heard the clash of
the cymbals at their graduation ceremony.
17. The dishes fell to the floor with a clatter.
18. Nothing annoys me more than rapidly clicking your pen.
19. The bride and groom were not surprised to hear the familiar
sound of clinking glasses.
20. The horse’s hooves clip-clopped on the cobblestones.
21. Those clucking chickens are driving me crazy!
22. The dim-witted pigeon repulsed us with its nerve
crawling coo.
23. If you’re going to cough, please cover your mouth.
24. The prisoner was terrified to hear the crack of the whip.
25. We roasted marshmallows over the crackling fire.

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