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Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Section: _______________________________________


Learning Competency: Discuss the relevance of the course

In this self-learning material, you are expected to discuss the relevance of the course.

Cooking is an essential life skill that can be learnt any stage in life. We may
cook variety of meats, vegetables, pulses and grains to broaden your experience of all food
types and flavors.
In cooking you will learn a range of techniques, such as boiling, poaching, frying,
roasting and steaming.
Proper cooking of the food is the only way to completely destroy harmful bacteria.
Variety of foods which are not improperly cooked may harm us and in worst case, it may poison
and kill us.

To check whether the foods are properly cooked or not, make sure that these underwent
proper heating.

Pork, poultry, and meat food products are potentially dangerous products if not cooked

To check whether the sausage, burger, chicken and pork are properly cooked or not,
slice it in the middle and ensure that there is no pink-colored meat left. Pink-colored meat
signifies uncooked part of the meat.

With that said, do you think cookery course is important for us to learn?

Cookery course is very important for us to learn because it will teach us about cooking
as well as handling food safely. It will guide us and help us cook delicious food as well as it
will ensure the safety of our body and health.

There are five (5) relevant points on the importance of cookery course.

Importance of the Course Cookery

1.Get Acquainted with your Kitchen – cookery course helps you to make familiar with
your kitchen and all the tools and equipment in it. Familiarizing our kitchen will make our
cooking task easier.
2.Improve Cooking Skills – cookery course trains us how to cook. It helps us improve and
develop our cooking abilities. The techniques in cooking that we learn in this course will
definitely improve our cooking skills.

3.Promote Self Esteem – cookery course helps us develop our self – esteem. Learning and
mastering proper ways and techniques in cooking will surely boost our self-confidence.

4. Encourage Cultural Awareness – cookery course teaches how cultures from different
places prepare their food. Different cities, regions, and countries around the world reflect
their culture with their food delicacies.

5. Start a Culinary Career – cookery course gives us an opportunity to develop our skills in
cooking. With this, we may start building our own business that is related to cooking like
carenderia or even decent restaurants.

By studying cookery, you will learn how to appreciate food as an art form. You weill
also learn the different cultures around the globe by learning how they prepare their food
delicacies. This will encourage you to a greater appreciation for cultural diversity.

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ________________

Section: _______________________________________ Score: _______________

Competency: Discuss the relevance of the course

Activity 1:

Directions: In five sentences, discuss the relevance of cookery course. Why is it important
to learn cookery as a subject for students like you? Write your answer on the space provided

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