Effect of Colour Sensing and Drawing Pen On Children S Colour Perception and Feature Detection of Objects When Drawing

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Behaviour & Information Technology

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Effect of colour sensing and drawing pen on

children’s colour perception and feature detection
of objects when drawing

Chih-Kai Sung, Pei-Jung Cheng & Li-Chieh Chen

To cite this article: Chih-Kai Sung, Pei-Jung Cheng & Li-Chieh Chen (2022): Effect of colour
sensing and drawing pen on children’s colour perception and feature detection of objects
when drawing, Behaviour & Information Technology, DOI: 10.1080/0144929X.2022.2071764

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/0144929X.2022.2071764

Published online: 06 May 2022.

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Effect of colour sensing and drawing pen on children’s colour perception and
feature detection of objects when drawing
a,b c
Chih-Kai Sung , Pei-Jung Cheng and Li-Chieh Chend
The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan; bDepartment of innovative product design, Lee-Ming Institute of
Technology, Taipei, Taiwan; cDepartment of Advertising, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan; dDepartment of Industrial Design,
Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan


Commercial digital drawing pens have incorporated color sensing capabilities to improve the Received 31 May 2020
interactive experience of drawing. However, despite these improvements, it remains unclear Accepted 24 April 2022
whether color sensing and picking functions improve drawing learning performance. This study
observed third and fourth grade elementary school students, who were in the “dawning Colour perception; feature
realism” stage of artistic development, to determine how using a digital drawing pen with a detection; digital drawing
color sensing function affected their color perception and feature detection abilities. This study pen; colour sensing
analyzed quantitative data on color choice, with some students directly picking colors from the
surface of an object and other students choosing colors from the app’s default palette. This
study also interviewed a focus group of experts who compared between the two
aforementioned methods of choosing colors, as used in drawings. The results revealed the
following advantages of using a digital drawing pen to directly pick colors off object surfaces:
(1) children better utilize and depict the color gradient; (2) children interact with and observe
objects and their shapes more thoroughly; (3) children draw objects’ shapes and colors more
precisely; and (4) children, being in the dawning realism stage, are better able to satisfy their
need to perceive the colors and features of objects.

1. Introduction
also become common in family settings. Scholars have
People begin learning about this world upon arriving in predicted that digital drawing on tablets will become a
it. Influenced by family and school education, people new trend in art education (Liu 2012). When digital
adopt different methods to learn about and understand drawing was applied in the creative drawing activities
their environments and express their feelings. Drawing of elementary school children, the children were noted
is a learning tool and a prerequisite skill for writing; it to exhibit improvements in learning attitude, learning
may also serve as a visual language that can be used to outcome, confidence, and drawing skills (Liu 2012;
express ideas and socialise with others (Hall 2009). Liu, Chen, and Wang 2014). Lee and Lim (2013)
With the advancement of technology, drawing software suggested that students’ learning performance is
has been added to the repertoire of children’s drawing affected by their equipment, and that the learning out-
tools–joining physical tools such as crayons, pencils, comes from swiping on a tablet are superior to those
and markers–and is beginning to be taught in schools. using a mouse and desktop computer.
In Taiwan, children start learning to use graphics soft- However, when children use physical tools, computer
ware in the third grade. Many studies have noted the graphics software, or mobile apps for drawing, they are
pedagogical superiority of digital drawing over hand provided only with a set of specific colours for colour-
drawing. Digital drawing encourages children to learn ing, causing discrepancies between their drawings and
and experience the use of different colours and media their actual observations. Children aged 9–11 years are
(Huang 2002). Digital drawing encourages children to in the ‘dawning realism’ stage of artistic development,
learn through trial and error, because changing line during which they gradually transition from subjective
thickness, depth, and opacity is relatively hassle-free to objective colour use when drawing. In this stage, chil-
(Li 2003); this improves children’s learning perform- dren attempt to select colours on the basis of their visual
ance (Tseng 2003) and originality in drawing (Hsu experiences; consequently, they tend to select colours
2012). Learning to draw on smartphones or tablets has that reflect the local colours of an object and stop

CONTACT Chih-Kai Sung kaikei1220@gmail.com The Graduate Institute of Design Science, Tatung University, Taipei, Taiwan; Department of innovative
product design, Lee-Ming Institute of Technology, Taipei, Taiwan
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

using conceptual or symbolic colours (Wu 1993). In colour with shape through visual observations of target
Taiwan, third and fourth grade art classes focus on objects (Lui 1996a, 1996b).
exploring visual elements and colour perception (Minis- With their improved observation of colours, third to
try of Education 2021). However, children are often pre- sixth grade students mainly use colours with a clearly-
vented from fully capturing the colours they observe defined tone or a light tone, and they also start to notice
because they are limited by the colours they can create the presence of faint tones and the contrast between
using the drawing tools available to them. heavy and light tones (Saito and Sakura 1975).Further-
In particular, commercial digital drawing pens have more, children at this stage tend to imitate or copy others’
already incorporated colour picking features, and works as an inspiration for theirs. They also attempt to
whether such features enhance drawing education war- use techniques such as profiling, shadowing, and overlay-
rants investigation. Therefore, through observing and ing, thus building their abilities in perspective and chiar-
analyzing children’s art works that were drawn using a oscuro drawing (Burt 1992). Lui, a scholar of child art
digital drawing pen, this study analyzed the difference education, suggested that children older than 9 years
between drawings of a) children who directly picked have developed the intelligence and observational skills
up colours from the surface of objects and b) children to perceive spatial, temporal, and emotional relation-
who chose colours from the app’s default palette. In ships in objects in the environment (Lui 1996a, 1996b).
doing so, this study determined how children’s colour Similarly, Chung (2002) argued that 9-year-olds are
perception and object feature detection were affected already capable of sorting colours by their chromatic sys-
by their use of a digital pen to drawing objects. tems, and that 11-year-olds have developed the ability to
collate, infer, and organise colours.
In Taiwan, the third and fourth years of elementary
2. Literature review school are designated as the second stage of arts and
humanities education; during this stage, educators aim
2.1. Importance of observation and drawing with
to help children explore visual elements and express
colours in the education of children
their perceptions and imaginations. Because colour per-
According to scholars of child visual education, in ception and shape and spatial exploration are empha-
elementary school students, development in colour per- sised, art class curricula for students in this stage often
ception ability differs by stage, particularly in the third include activities involving colour observation, identifi-
to fourth grades and fifth to sixth grades (Gardner cation of similar colours, the concept of the colour scale,
1980; Adams 1989). Lowenfeld and Brittain (1987) and colour association (Ministry of Education 2021).
noted that the ages of 9–12 years is a stage where chil- One study proposed that, when teaching students how
dren draw objects realistically, with specific regard to to draw, teachers should employ various strategies to
spatial relationships, shapes, and colours—especially in guide students’ reflections, engage in feedback conversa-
using multiple hues rather than a single colour. tions, enhance students’ perceptions of physical objects,
As younger elementary school students grow older, use models, and answer drawing-related questions to
colour use depends less on intuition and more on life help students learn how to analyze and evaluate artwork
experience (Wang 2006). When children learn about (Duncum 1999). However, research has also discovered
colours, most teachers and parents guide children to that most children in the fourth grade tend to perceive
associate one object with one colour. This, coupled an object in a single colour rather than in its tonal
with the limitations of teaching instruments and change. Moreover, when these children use colours,
materials, often results in the child having an insipid most of them are not aware that an object is often a col-
perception and description of colours, making them lage of colours of similar tones. Therefore, how colours
unable to perceive and express the colours they observe are taught can greatly affect children’s subjective colour
with diverse vocabularies and perspectives. perception (Cheng 2015).
Generally, colour use becomes more sophisticated The aforementioned studies have reported that the
when children reach the third or fourth grade. There- colour perception of children in the dawning realism
fore, guidance on colour hues and colour mixing is stage centres on self-observation and learning. Children
more suited for fourth grade students and above in this stage are not satisfied with merely knowing the
(Chan 2004; Wang 1998; Saito and Sakura 1975). The name of an object’s local colour, they are also interested
colour use of children in this stage gradually transits in the tonal changes and use of colours. Without proper
from subjective to personalised expressions, as they guidance, they may fail to discern tonal changes in col-
start using colours to express their own thoughts and our, which can inhibit how they learn about and per-
feelings. Moreover, these children begin to associate ceive colours in their environment.

2.2. Research on the application of existing advantage of a digital drawing pen is reduced operator
digital technologies on observation and drawing error, because it builds on an already established pen-
holding habit (Anthony et al. 2012; McKnight and Fit-
The use of advanced technologies in educational pro-
ton 2010; Mohd Shukri and Howes 2014; Picard, Mar-
ducts has garnered increasing attention, and interactive
tin, and Tsao 2014). Tu, Ren, and Zhai (2015)
products have transformed children’s education, learn-
discovered that when drawing on a tablet, using a digital
ing, and daily living. Maria Montessori (1870–1952),
drawing pen is more precise than using one’s fingers.
an expert in early childhood education, argued that in
Hemati et al. (2020) reported that compared with
addition to capable teachers and an adequate environ-
mouse users, drawing-pen users reported greater wrist
ment, the use of effective teaching aids, which greatly
comfort and produced more favourable experiment
aid the development of problem-solving abilities, is
results (measured by parameters). Ryokai, Marti, and
key to children’s learning. Benedetti et al. (2014) devel-
Ishii (2004) investigated the use of the I/O Brush draw-
oped a software programme called Paint with Bob that is
ing tool, which enables users to ‘pick up’ the colour, tex-
easy to learn and enables novices to quickly acquire the
ture, and motion of a scanned surface with a drawing
basic drawing techniques required for producing crea-
pen without the use of canvas. They reported that the
tive artwork. Studies have reported problems encoun-
children who participated in their study were able to
tered by children in learning to draw on computers.
create highly complex artwork with the I/O Brush and
However, some problems with digital drawing have
engage in discussions about the patterns and features
also been identified. An early study noted that most
in their surroundings, Wu, Lee, and Tsai (2017) noted
individuals transferred their hand drawing habits over
that when using a digital drawing pen, children could
to their digital drawing (Lang, Everts, and Barash
achieve their desired effects more easily through intui-
1991). Conversely, this research has found that the
tive movements involving fewer procedural steps,
inability to transfer their digital drawing habits into
which enhanced the joy that the children experienced
hand drawing potentially frustrates children. Tseng
through drawing. Lee, Wu, and Tsz (2017) investigated
(2003) and Wang (2007) also identified the use of
the use of multiple icons on a digital drawing pen
mouse as a handicap to children in learning how to
(where the icons are used to make pen or tool selections)
draw. In an experiment on fourth graders’ painting
and reported that a direct switching method reduced the
task performance using computer graphics software,
time spent on decision-making. Brooker (2018) noted
Sung and Cheng (2015) concluded that using a mouse
that novel learning activities yielded favourable learning
in place of a pen was highly unintuitive, and that
outcomes in children, and therefore recommended the
detailed drawing cannot be done with a mouse.
incorporation of drawing tools and technology into
Appropriate tools can enable children to learn
the teaching of drawing; such novel tools allow children
quickly. Aziz (2013) suggested that children older than
to be freed from the restrictions of traditional drawing
4 years are capable of using hand gestures to operate
methods, represent the actual colours and shapes of
an iPad app, which entails that a suitable tablet interface
objects in their drawing, and be more motivated to
can accelerate children’s learning. Borg (2019) observed
learn drawing. By making such recommendations,
the use of Doodlecast, an iPad drawing app, by 3-year-
Brooker sought to expose children to the actual colours
old preschool children, and noted that children of this
in their environment from a young age and encourage
age can explore colour options, draw highly precise
them to bring such colours into their drawing, which
lines and shapes, use the eraser function, and create
can be critical to children’s development of colour per-
shapes. Mohd Shukri and Howes (2017) investigated
ception. The aforementioned studies all indicate that the
children drawing on tablets, and discovered that extrin-
tablet functionality enables children to strengthen their
sic rewards can induce children to change their drawing
confidence in drawing. Moreover, Liu, Chen, and Wang
style and make corrections, thereby improving their
(2014) suggested that the rich colour choice of tablet
skills, performance, and confidence in drawing. There-
apps can more effectively pique children’s curiosity.
fore, new types of digital devices are likely to be condu-
Another benefit of a digital drawing pen is that it is simi-
cive to children’s learning. However, many studies have
lar in shape to the pens children often use for drawing,
noted that children are prone to operator errors when
making it easier to learn how to use compared with a
swiping on a tablet, because they have less finger dexter-
mouse. However, at present, teaching with regard to
ity relative to adults (Chen et al. 2012). Therefore,
drawing and colour choice is mostly limited to paper-
Huang (2002) proposed the use of a digital drawing
based drawing or computer-based drawing (with a
pen, believing that doing so would be synergetic to chil-
default palette) in a classroom, a practice that hampers
dren’s colour perception and colour use. Another
the observation of actual colours in the environment.

2.3. Colour picking technology and unresolved Thus, the present study investigated whether chil-
topics dren (in the dawning realism stage) learn colour percep-
tion and feature detection, in relation to actual objects,
Through observing the drawings of third to fourth grade
better through interactive digital devices, specifically
elementary school students, Hsin et al. (2019) noted that
through a digital drawing pen that can pick up colours
these students’ learning was greatly affected by their
from the surface of an actual object. With an intuitive
peers, notable people in their school, their classroom,
digital drawing pen used as the medium between chil-
and their school campus’ outdoor setting. Therefore,
dren and physical objects, children could directly inter-
traditional teaching practices may not meet the needs
act with physical objects, unlike the use of a screen and
of children in the dawning realism stage, who are under-
mouse interface. We reasoned that direct interaction
going development in their perception and observation
with the object with the digital drawing pen (specifically
of colours. Habibe (2014) suggested that exposure to
in drawing with the colour picked up by the pen), chil-
actual environment stimuli produces greater learning
dren are encouraged to and perform better when they
outcomes than learning in the classroom, and some
observe, study, recognise, and remember the colours
other studies have also suggested that the timely gui-
and features of environmental objects.
dance on colour use can help students break away
from the pattern of using only conceptual colours
(Chen 1999; Lin 1973). Sobel and Letourneau (2018) 3. Research method
argued that when the learning environment is changed
Elementary school students in the third and fourth were
from home to school, the responsibility of a teacher is
recruited to participate in an experiment in which they
not restricted to simply allowing children to explore
were required to use a digital drawing pen and tablet-
and play, but in guiding them to realising that their
based drawing app in place of their usual pen and sketch
behaviour will shape their learning, thereby encoura-
board (or mouse and computer). The researchers
ging self-reflection in children. If children learn more
observed the students’ performance to determine whether
about colours in the third and fourth grades of elemen-
the pen’s colour picking feature, which facilitated inter-
tary school, they have greater opportunities to visually
action between the students and an actual object,
observe and interact with more objects in their environ-
improved the students’ ability in colour observation and
ment, thus allowing them to perceive the real world
perception. The children were divided into an experimen-
through their senses rather than through the words, pic-
tal group and a control group. The experimental group
tures, or stories of others (Hsieh and Tsai 2017).
observed a real object, used a digital drawing pen to pick
Therefore, picking colours from a default palette,
up colours from the surface of the object, and then drew
either to fill a drawn shape or to scribble, cannot induce
on a tablet using a drawing app. The control group used
children to actually observe an object’s shape and its
the same digital drawing pen but did not use the colour
tonal changes in colour. This can limit their ability to
picking function. Instead, they were asked to observe a
use colours. Moreover, even if they wish to express colour
real object and then draw it on the tablet using colours
changes from memory, they only have access to that lim-
in the app’s default palette. Data on the number of colours
ited range of colours in the palette. Nevertheless, even in
used in the drawings and the students’ drawing behaviour
hand drawing classes, children often have difficulty
were then statistically analyzed, and drawing teachers
representing the colours they observe, either because
evaluated the student’ works in a focus group setting.
they do not know how to mix colours or because of the
Through these quantitative and qualitative findings, we
colour pens’ limited range of colours. What children
could determine how the use of a colour picking digital
draw in such classes are often a copy of a picture rather
drawing pen affected how students perceived the colours
than their observation of an actual object.
and detected the features of actual objects. Figure 1
Digital drawing pens for tablets have been commer-
illustrates the research framework.
cially available for some time. Mozbii is one such draw-
ing pen manufacturer, where one of its pens has a
micro-camera at the tail that, when pressed against an 3.1. Participants
object, senses the colour of the object, displays the col-
This study chose third to fourth grade elementary
our on an LED on the pen barrel, and then transmits the
school students, who are in the dawning realism stage,
colour to a tablet the pen is synced with for immediate
for two reasons: first, the ages of 9–12 years is a critical
use in drawing. However, although it is useful, such a
transitional stage in children’s abilities to learn and
feature’s beneficial effect on learning performance has
observe (Wu 1993) and second, elementary schools in
not been investigated by scholars.
Taiwan start digital drawing classes in the third grade.

and on an LED screen on the pen barrel, indicating that

the colour is now available for use (Figure 4). Partici-
pants who were not required to use the colour picking
function were told to directly choose the 57 colours
from the app’s three palettes (Figure 5). All participants
were required to draw a mango (Figure 6), and the 36
Figure 1. Research framework. colours on the default palette (Figure 7) covered all col-
ours on the mango (Figure 6).
The third and fourth years of elementary school com-
prise the second stage of arts and humanities education, 3.3. Experimental design
during which drawing and colours are equally empha-
sised. In total, 60 students were recruited (30 from the Both the experimental group and control groups had 15
third grade and 30 from the fourth grade) of Taipei third grade and 15 fourth grade students each. Students
Zhongshan Elementary School in Taipei City. in the experimental group were required to observe the
mango, pick up colours from the mango’s surface with
the ColorPillar pen, and complete a drawing task on
3.2. Experimental setup and environment the iPad with the colours picked up. The students in
the control group used the same ColorPillar pen to
Technology products have always been marketed select colours on the default palette and draw the
toward adults, and digital drawing pens are no excep- mango on the iPad but could not use the pen’s colour
tion. However, an adult-oriented design is often ill-sui- picking function (Figure 8). Because the experiment
ted for children, because children and adults differ was designed to determine whether picking up colours
greatly in their needs, skill levels, and expectations from a physical object improved the students’ colour
(Hanna, Risden, and Alexander 1997; Gilutz et al. and feature observation, the students were not guided
2003). Therefore, when teaching children, the choice or required to draw realistic pictures during the drawing
of drawing tool is critical. Although many digital draw- process. Both groups’ implementations of the drawing
ing pens with colour picking features have been avail- task were filmed for subsequent analysis.
able on the market, only those of Mozbii are made for
children, as is evident in their barrel and interface
designs. Therefore, this study used the Mozbii Colour- 3.4. Statistical analysis
Pillar pen (Figure 2; Ufro, Taipei, Taiwan) as the
The participants’ works were quantitatively and qualitat-
research instrument in conjunction with the Mozbii
ively analyzed. In the quantitative analysis, which was con-
Colouring Book app (Figure 3) on a 9.7-inch iPad.
ducted using SPSS, an independent sample t test was used
The three default palettes of the app have a total of 36
to determine whether the groups differed significantly
colours, and new colours picked up by the ColorPillar
with respect to colour usage (see Figure 9A for the number
pen can be saved to a palette for future use. When a but-
of colours used and tonal change represented), feature
ton at the tail of a ColorPillar pen is pushed and the tail
is pressed against an object, the pen picks up the colour
of the object and displays the colour on both the tablet

Figure 2. The ColorPillar pen. Figure 3. A palette in Mozbii’s Colouring Book app.

Figure 7. Colours in the palette.

Figure 4. Using ColorPillar: (a) Observing the object, (b) and (c)
picking up colours, and (d) applying the colour in the app.
of seven teachers, each with more than 5 years of experience
in teaching children how to draw (Table 1). The teachers
informed the students that they would be divided into
two groups during the experiment but did not mention
the differences in experimental setups. For the focus
group discussion, the students’ works were divided accord-
ing to the groups to which the creators belonged for the
focus group discussion. The focus group compared the
two groups’ drawings with respect to composition, colour
usage, realism, and skilfulness, doing so according to the
Descriptive Inventory of Children’s Drawing Achievement,
proposed by Lui (1996a, 1996b), the Assessment Criteria
for Students’ Drawing Works, proposed by Eisner (1973),
and the Assessment Criteria for Drawing Works, derived
by Sun (2010) from similar scales formulated by non-Tai-
wanese researchers.

Figure 5. Choosing a colour from a default palette: (a) Observ- 4. Results and analysis
ing the object, (b) choosing from three built-in palettes, (c)
selecting a colour, and (d) applying the colour in the app. Figure 10 presents the works of the 60 children, The
data were analyzed through a normal distribution test.
If the data were not normally distributed, a nonpara-
metric analysis was conducted using the Mann–Whit-
ney U test (Table 2); otherwise, an independent
samples t test was performed (Table 3). Table 4 presents
the qualitative focus group results.

4.1. Quantitative analysis

Figure 6. The mango to be drawn.
4.1.1. Colour usage
The drawing task was for the children to realistically depict
detection (see 1 and 2 in Figure 9 for the colours used for the the actual object. The two variables for colour usage were
stem), colour picking behaviour, and drawing time. In the number of colours used and the presence or absence of
addition, Pearson’s correlation coefficient was calculated colour gradient. The experimental group used 169 colours,
to determine correlations between the aforementioned and the control group used 106 colours, a statistically sig-
variables. The qualitative analysis involved a focus group nificant difference (p = 0.00; Table 2). The greater colour

Figure 8. Participants implementing the drawing task with the ColorPillar pen.

Figure 9. Number of colours and colour changes in participants’ works.

Table 1. Teachers in the focus group. Table 3. Statistical analysis of time spent drawing (*p < 0.05).
Teaching Experimental Control group
experience Weekly group (n = 30) (n = 30)
Code Occupation Age (years) class hours Time M SD M SD t p η2
A Part-time elementary 52 25 4 Time spent 202.50 58.03 154.83 91.47 2.41 0.019* 0.09
school art teacher drawing (s)
B Full-time elementary 48 22 16
school art teacher
C Part-time elementary 42 18 4
school art teacher Table 4. Results of focus group evaluation.
D Full-time elementary 48 20 16 Criteria Group Verdict
school art teacher
E Full-time elementary 35 12 16 Composition Experimental Shape was relatively complete and closer to
school art teacher an oval.
F Full-time elementary 40 14 16 Control Shape was relatively irregular, and
school computer sometimes bizarre.
teacher Colour Experimental Colours were richer, and tonal change and
G Full-time elementary 32 5 16 usage gradient were represented.
school computer Control Colours had less variety and only similar
teacher colours were used. No colour gradient was
Realism Experimental Work had greater realism.
Control Work was more imaginative.
Skilfulness Experimental Strokes were used in an assured manner.
accuracy and number of colours used by the experimental Works looked neat and realistic.
group is also evident in the drawings in Figure 10. The Control Strokes were twisted. Works were less
realistic and had unnecessary lines in the
mango to be depicted had five major colours: brown- fringe.
green, red, orange, yellow, and light green. Because the
mango’s main body was a gradient of red, orange, and yel-
low, any student who used all three of these colours was experimental and control groups, respectively, and this
considered to successfully recognise the presence of colour difference was statistically significant (p = 0.002; Table
gradient. There were 22 and 10 such students in the 2). Overall, participants in the experimental group used

Figure 10. Works of the experimental group and control group.

Table 2. Participants’ drawing behaviour and colour usage (*p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001).
Experimental group (n = 30) Control group (n = 30)
Median Median Mann-
Variable min max (quartiles) min max (quartiles) Whitney U z-value p
Colour Number of colours used 3 9 6(4.75,6) 1 10 4(3,6) 132.000 −4.790 .000***
Number of students applying a colour 0 1 1(0,1) 0 1 0(0,1) 270.000 −3.079 .002**
Feature Number of students drawing a stem end 0 1 0(0,1) 0 1 0(0,1) 360.000 −1.594 .111
Number of students with an accurate 0 1 0(0,0) 0 0 0(0,0) 360.000 −2.560 .010*
stem-end colour
Behaviour Number of times colours were picked 5 17 7(6,8.50) 1 10 4(3,6) 145.500 −4.544 .000***
Number of times the object was rotated 0 3 1(1,2) 0 1 0(0,1) 170.000 −4.421 .000***

more colours and were more observant of the presence of their drawing necessarily did so by virtue of their obser-
colour gradient. This indicated that the use of the colour vational abilities, a participant who represented the stem
picking function of the digital pen resulted in a more rea- end in the right colour did so only through the pen’s col-
listic depiction of colour. our picking function. Therefore, the pen’s colour picking
function facilitates colour perception in children.
4.1.2. Feature detection
The objective, a mango, had a stem end, and eight and 14 4.1.3. Behaviour
participants in the experimental and control groups, The two variables for colour picking behaviour were the
respectively, drew the stem end in their work. The differ- number of times a) colours were picked and b) the
ence, however, was nonsignificant (p = 0.111; Table 2). object (i.e. mango) was rotated. A single instance of
However, six participants in the experimental group picking a colour was defined as a child using the digital
accurately presented the colour of the stem end pen to pick a colour, either from the mango (to add the
(brown-green), whereas no one in the control group colour to the app’s palette) or directly from the app’s
could do so (they only picked approximate colours palette. Participants in the experimental group picked
from the app’s default palettes). This difference in colour colours significantly more frequently (p = 0.00; Table
accuracy was statistically significant (p = 0.010; Table 2). 2). As indicated in the video recordings, participants
Although a participant who included the stem end in in the experimental group tended to pick up a colour

from the mango many times until a suitable colour was children how to draw. Focus group members evaluated
acquired, before adding it to the palette for use. In total, the drawings with respect to the criteria of composition,
they picked colours 237 times and acquired 169 colours colour usage, realism, and skilfulness, and they noted
(Pearson’s r, p = 0.00). By contrast, participants in the the following.
control group directly picked an approximate colour
from the app’s palettes and rarely altered their choices. 4.2.1. Composition
In total, they picked colours 141 times and acquired The mango was represented with greater completeness
106 colours (Pearson’s r, p = 0.00). For both groups, by participants in the experimental group. It was
the correlation analysis indicated a significant corre- depicted as having a relatively oval shape, which reflects
lation between the number of times picking colours a higher level of precision, a basic principle of realism.
and the number of colours picked up. As for how By comparison, the works of participants in the control
many times the mango was rotated, an instance of group reflected greater diversity, or rather, imagination,
rotation was defined as a child picking up the mango in their depiction of surface texture. The mango was
and rotating it before putting it back down. The fre- more frequently drawn in an irregular, and sometimes
quency of such rotation was used to determine whether bizarre, shape. For example, the works B06, B08, B13,
such an interaction with the object aided the partici- B20, and B21 all exhibited a lower level of completeness
pants’ observation. As indicated in the video recordings, and realism than did works in the experimental group.
participants in the experimental and control groups
rotated the object 42 and 9 times, respectively. This 4.2.2. Colour usage
difference was significant (p = 0.00; Table 2). As for Works of the experimental group had richer colours.
the correlation between the number of times colours They presented tonal change and colour gradient, and
were picked and the number of times the object was they represented colours more realistically. Moreover,
rotated, it was significant for the experimental group, every student used multiple colours to depict the
whose participants picked colours 237 times and rotated mango, and no one used any unusual colours. By com-
the object 42 times (Pearson’s r, p = 0.00), but not the parison, works of the control group featured a greater
control group, whose members picked colours 141 variance in colour, where colours were inaccurate and
times and rotated the object 9 times (Pearson’s r, p = positioned incorrectly. Furthermore, they did not
0.234). As indicated in the video recordings, children attempt to present the mango in its actual colours,
using the pen’s colour picking function rotated the and used similar colours instead; few also depicted col-
mango many times because they needed to pick the our gradient.
most appropriate colour. This entails greater levels of
observation and interaction, which resulted in a greater 4.2.3. Realism
frequency of colour picking and object rotation. Conse- In contrast to the realistic depictions of the mango in
quently, more colours were presented in their works. works of the experimental group, depictions by works
in the control group were more imaginative, particularly
4.1.4. Time with respect to shape, texture, and colour, which were
The mean drawing times for the children in the exper- also relatively fanciful. This suggests that the students
imental and control groups were 202.5 and 154.8 s, in the control group were drawing the colours, shapes,
respectively. This difference was statistically significant and textures of the mango from past experience rather
(t = 2.41, P = 0.019; Table 3). As indicated in the video than from sight.
recordings, participants in the experimental group
tended to pick a colour again if they found the colour 4.2.4. Skilfulness
they picked up to be unsatisfactory. Consequently, com- Works of the experimental group used heavy, continu-
pared with the control group, they rotated the object ous, and powerful strokes, making the mango appear
more frequently, observed and contemplated on the neat and realistic. By contrast, in the works of the con-
object for longer, and spent more time drawing; they trol group, the mango tended to have a twisted shape,
exhibited keener observation and more accurate colour and the strokes that filled it were also twisted. Moreover,
use. the fringe of the drawn mango often had lines that were
either redundant or of some uncertain purpose. Overall,
participants in the experimental group exhibited greater
4.2. Qualitative analysis
skill at drawing.
The students’ works were then evaluated by a focus According to the focus group, participants in the
group of seven teachers experienced in teaching control group, who did not use the colour picking
10 C.-K. SUNG ET AL.

function of the ColorPillar pen, tended to integrate their tended to use their hands to fetch the mango, stabilise
impressions or personal preferences into their drawing. it, or place it in front of their eyes for close observation.
However, it is essential for children in the dawning rea- By contrast, most participants in the control group
lism stage to learn how to observe an object and note the merely observed the mango before drawing it by choos-
intricate tonal changes in its colours. In this regard, par- ing colours from the app’s default palettes; they barely
ticipants in the experimental group were aided by the interacted with the mango. Moreover, participants in
pen’s colour picking function in their observation of the experimental group were fussier about colour: they
changes in shape and colour, as well as in representing used the pen to pick up colours repeatedly from the
colour gradient. Table 4 summarises the results of the mango until a colour that they deemed to be most
focus group evaluation. appropriate was found. By contrast, most participants
in the control group rarely altered their choice of colour
from the app’s palettes, where the colours were inaccur-
4.3. Discussion
ate, being merely similar to those on the mango or based
The quantitative and qualitative results implied the on their impression of the mango. This lack of colour
following. accuracy compromised realism. Furthermore, because
participants in the control group also spent less time
4.3.1. Drawing composition choosing colours, they completed their drawing quicker.
Among the 60 drawings, only one (B08) did not These observations suggest that the use of the colour
resemble a mango. Because the children observed the picking functions of a digital pen can promote child–
mango from a close distance, the participants’ general object interaction and encourage children to observe
accuracy in depiction indicates that such close-up the object they are drawing more thoroughly and to
observation aids in the drawing of an object’s shape. use colours in a more realistic manner.
This is supported by the focus group’s conclusion that
the experimental group exhibited greater completeness
5. Conclusion and recommendations
and skilfulness in their drawings than did the control
group. The quantitative analysis on the depiction of Because children in the third and fourth grades are in
the mango’s stem end suggested that a the use of the the dawning realism stage, their learning should not
pen’s colour picking function aided shape observation be restricted to the textbook and classroom, and tea-
and feature detection. chers should focus more on their observational abilities
instead. As a new technology, the digital drawing pen, as
4.3.2. Acquisition of colouring skills applied to teaching children how to interact with the
Only four drawings, all from the control group, depicted environment, can pique children’s curiosity and motiv-
a mango with very inaccurate colours. Among these ate them to explore the environments and things around
four, B06 and B20 were uncoloured, whereas B08 and them. Such exploration hones their observational and
B21 represented neither shape nor colour accurately colouring skills in a carefree and interactive manner.
(Figure 10). The quantitative analysis for colour usage Based on its findings, this study presents the following
and gradient indicated that participants in the exper- prescriptions.
imental group used more colours and were also more
capable of representing colour gradient. Furthermore, 1. Children in the dawning realism stage should learn
the focus group concluded that participants in the to use colours realistically (Wu 1993; Lowenfeld
experimental group were more precise in their use of and Brittain 1987). Cheng (2015) noted that most
colours and depiction of colour gradient. Therefore, a Taiwanese children in the third and fourth grades
digital pen’s colour picking function helps children were taught to either use single colours or choose
learn about an object’s colours more accurately, in con- the default colours from a palette when drawing an
trast to simply using the pen to select colours from a object, thus compromising their ability for colour
palette. realism. We observed that when the participants
used the digital pen’s colour picking functions to
4.3.3. Interaction with the object pick colours from an object, they moved the pen
Participants in the experimental group were found to across the object to detect various colours and thus
pick up and rotate the mango more frequently than noticed more colour transitions. They drew the out-
the control group did. Further examination of the line of the object and then divided the object into
video recordings revealed that when drawing with the various sections to be painted individually in the cor-
digital pen, participants in the experimental group responding colours. Moreover, they attempted to

present colour gradient, were more precise in the and firsthand experience is the optimal medium of
positioning of various colours, and used colours at learning (Hsieh and Tsai 2017). Ryokai, Marti, and
a greater number, positioning, and with greater rea- Ishii (2004) conducted an experiment involving the
lism. Hence, the use of digital pens aid children in I/O Brush drawing tool, which enables children to
learning how to accurately apply colours and observe explore the colours in their surroundings by requir-
objects around them. Furthermore, the selection of ing them to move around or use the object of their
colours from the app’s palette was noted to be choice for colour picking; however, their experiment
affected by how the colours were arranged on the was not designed to evaluate children’s observations
palette and how many colours there were; partici- of a single object. In the present study, the use of a
pants in the control group tended to choose which- digital pen’s colour picking function was noted to
ever similar colour first caught their eye without encourage students to manipulate the mango (pick-
giving it much thought. Using a palette with fixed ing it up, stabilising it, and rotating it) to pick the
colours prevented the children from expressing col- most appropriate colour. This interaction with the
our variations or learning to identify differences in object enabled the students to capture more realistic
colours. Therefore, allowing a child to use the colour shapes and colours (especially colour gradients) in
picking functions of a digital pen ensures that a lim- their artwork. Furthermore, the colour-capturing
ited palette will not compromise the child’s colour function of the digital drawing pen enabled easy
perception. Through such an acquisition of accurate and unrestricted selection of colours similar to
colours, the needs of children in the dawning realism those of the object. The participants in the control
stage are satisfied, where they can break away from group were unable to express the colours they
the mindset of using only monographic colours of observed because they were limited to the colours
an object. on the default palette; they could only select the col-
2. In Taiwan, computer drawing classes in elementary ours that were closest to those they observed or col-
schools are mostly conducted in classroom settings; ours that they liked, leading to a subjective depiction
students draw a picture from their imagination or of the object’s shape and colours. Therefore, in chil-
by referencing a picture of an object. Because inter- dren, deeper observations and interactions with a
acting with the real-world environment is conducive real object when drawing improve overall realism
to children’s learning (Habibe 2014), studies on digi- in colour and shape. Every child differs in their col-
tal drawing pens have mostly focused on the operat- our perceptions. Palettes with limited colour options
ing of such pens (Wu, Lee, and Tsai 2017; Lee, Wu, prevent children from fully expressing their colour
and Tsz 2017) or comparing them with computer perceptions, whereas digital drawing pens can pro-
mouse (Tu, Ren, and Zhai 2015; Hemati et al. vide them with more comprehensive colour options.
2020). By contrast, the present study had the stu-
dents use digital drawing pens to retain their pen-
holding habits (Huang 2002), where the students The drawings in this study indicated that most chil-
first observed objects up-close and drew these objects dren did not have a clear, prior understanding of colour
on their tablets. The objects drawn were similar to gradient. However, participants using the colour pick-
the actual objects, and the results showed that chil- ing function were more likely to depict colour gradient,
dren who drew using digital drawing pens (that whereas most participants who did not drew blotches of
allowed the selection of colours) outperformed single colours. Notably, no participant from either
those who used iPads (that also allowed the selection group attempted colour mixing. This is consistent
of colours) in colour usage and object interactions. with Wu (2006), who argued that third and fourth
The greater realism due to the digital pen and its col- grade students should learn about colour tones and col-
our picking function indicate that such a pen, and our mixing, lest they should be unable to develop out of
such a function, facilitate observation and environ- the monochromatic expression of preferred or concep-
mental interaction. This new technology corre- tual colours.
sponds to the proposition of Duncum (1999), who In summary, developers of digital drawing pens
advocates that teachers use teaching dialogues to should focus on improving colour picking functionality,
guide students to focus on the features of objects particularly in allowing for 2–3 colours to be picked and
that they are drawing. mixed. These improvements will promote children’s
3. The drawings of elementary school students are colour perception, teach children to recognise colour
greatly affected by the individuals, objects, and tones and mix colours, and facilitate child–environment
events they encounter in school (Hsin et al. 2019), interaction. Through closely observing objects and
12 C.-K. SUNG ET AL.

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