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Asad Abbas Hussain

Brief Introduction
M r. A s a d A b b a s H u s s a i n w i t h t h e
Those who have worked with him will
motto of "Stories Delivered Daily" surely vouch that he holds strong &
has invented 21 years of his life in stern as well firm belief that Quality
& Content cannot be compromised at
the field. He is an experienced any cost.
i n d i v i d u a l w h o i s a l s o k n o w n a s " M r.
Perfectionist", meticulously believes
Furthermore, his great observation
in records keeping, documentation over the slightest of detail over
and implementation as his 2 decades anything and everything that catches
his eye as it is his forte to go in deep
e x p e r i e n c e i n Te l e v i s i o n a n d F i l m & dig out the greatest of treasures,
Industry. He is creative, passionate and share every part of it equally &
and well organized which makes him fairly.
an integral part of our Media

He has been most fortunate to work

As his prior 21 years' experience in
v a r i o u s a r e a s o f t h e f i e l d ( T V,
A s h i r A z e e N a z l e e N a s e r, H a s a n Media, Advertising, Journalist,
Soomro, Hasina Moin,Anwar Maqsood
Research, Record Keeping as well
making/maintaining his own
as well as many other personnel in the _Archive of Contacts: TV& News
field. Channels, News Papers, Pakistani
Celebrities, Singers along with
many others.

He is well versed in Research &

development. Idea
techniques and is also an expert in
Content and Script Writing which
has given him multiple skillsets
having the right mind with great
accuracy his contribution through
the long list of achievements of his
performance has proven to be
among the most effective in all the
projects/organizations he has been
associated with.

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