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REVIEWER IN UTS STORGE-This is love-related friendship and based on

nonsexual affection.
SEXUAL SELF MANIA- characterized by an intense feeling which
may lead to obsessive and possessive love towards
SEXUAL SELFHOOD-It is defined as how one the loved one.Manic lovers always check the
thinks about himself or herself as a sexual individual. partner’s whereabouts.
LUDUS-For ludic lovers, love is just a game,
In Ancient Greece, it is the male that assumes the something for fun or entertainment.
dominant role.Their wives were considered as PRAGMA-This is a practical and business-like love.
objects to be possessed just like property.  Date to marry.
Women, on the other hand, were forbidden to own BY ROBERT STERNBERG
property and had no legal and only function was to INTIMACY-This includes the desire to give and
bear children. The Greek word for woman is “gyne” receive emotional closeness, support, caring and
means – bearer of children.  sharing.
PASSION-This is the hot component of love which
Sigmund Freud was one of the most prominent can be described as intensely romantic or sexual
people to explain sexuality, through his theories. desire for another person usually accompanied by
According to him, human beings are faces with two physical attraction and physiological arousal.
COMMITMENT-This is the cold component of love. It
forces – sex instinct and libido (pleasure) and death
is the decision to maintain the relationship through
or aggressive instinct (harm toward oneself or
good times and bad times. 
towards others).

According to anthropologist Helen Fisher (2016) LIKING (INTIMACY)-This only involves emotional
intimacy and has no passionate intention for long-
term commitment. It is just a friendly relationship.
there are three stages of falling in love. These INFATUATION (PASSION)- This is associated with a
stages are lust, attraction, and love. high degree of physiological arousal. There is only
passion without intimacy or commitment. It is
LUST-Lust is driven by the desire for sexual usually called “love at first sight” and may fade
gratification. quickly.
EMPTY LOVE (COMMITMENT)- This involves only
ATTRACTION-in this stage, a person may begin to be commitment. A relationship. With no intimacy and
obsessed about their object of affection and crave passion. Couples only stay together for their children
for his presence. or other important reasons. 
ROMANTIC LOVE-It is a combination of both passion
ATTACHMENT-This stage involves wanting to make a and intimacy which may be present during the first
phase of a relationship.
COMPANIONATE LOVE-The components are both
more lasting commitment to your loved one. You
intimacy and commitment which is experienced in
want to cuddle and be close and share your deepest long deeply committed friendship or marriage where
secrets with her. You plan and dream together. passion has faded. It is more durable than romantic
love and may grow over time.
STYLES OF LOVE FATUOUS LOVE-A combination of passion and
commitment experienced by a couple who spent a
EROS-usually experiences love at first sight, they
short time in courtship and suddenly decided to get
tend to be quick to fall in and out of love. 
AGAPE-This is altruistic and selfless love. The person
CONSUMMATE LOVE-There exists a healthy balance
of passion, intimacy, and commitment shared by
shows his love without expecting to receive the couples considered to be ideal for each other.
same in return.
psychological theories that would explain why
people fall in love:
SIGNIFICANCE-Concerned with the meaning
BEHAVIORAL REINFORCEMENT THEORY- When assigned to the object.
someone received a reward such as free ride or -powerful symbols or icons
other favors from another, a positive feeling may be
experienced. Roland Barthes (1915 – 1980) the French theorist,
PHYSIOLOGICAL AROUSAL THEORY- explains the was one of the first to observe the relationship that
most acceptable theories about emotions: the people have with objects.
bodies experience a physiological change first, then
people assign an emotion to that physical sensation In the 1950s, he popularized the field of Semiology
EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES-This explains that love (the study of objects as signs). A sign is anything that
arose due to some sociobiological need. conveys meaning.
The Psychology of Love According to him, a sign has two elements:
-Physical attractiveness (though beauty is in the eye Signifier-  refers to its physical form
of the beholder) Signified- mental concepts
-Reciprocity (people tend to like an individual who
also like them) Semiotic analysis- objects function as signifiers in
-Proximity (being around anytime physically or the production of meaning
-Similarities (same age, religion, education, race, RED FLAGS- danger, STOP, severe
physical attractiveness, intelligence, and socio-
economic class)
Is our concept of self as reflected in a total of all the
tangible things you own. ALCOHOLISM & DRUG ADDICTION – If your partner
relies on substances to get through the day, week, or
Identities can be reflected on the possessions that a tough situation, then that’s indicative of addiction
people have. and signifies they haven’t figured out how to cope
without altering their mental state.
People are likely to purchase products that can
relate to their personality. Material possessions VIOLENT DISPLAYS- someone who demonstrates
signify some aspects of one’s sense of self and cruelty toward you, loved ones, strangers, and even
identity. animals is a serious red flag.
The decisions that go into the purchase of items and MISMATCHED RELATIONSHIP GOALS- this includes
certain services is dependent on a number of the inconsistencies where you want to live, whether
factors: you want to have children, and how you plan to
tackle finances.
>financial constraints
>availability of items and services
partner looks like attentiveness at the start of a
>influence of family and friends relationship, but there’s an underlying control
problem beneath all the attention.
Synonymous with luxuries. People buy them for HISTORY OF INFIDELITY- even if your partner has
reasons that do not warrant necessity. demonstrated change you must ask yourself if you
NEEDS feel comfortable pursuing the relationship, knowing
These are important for survival. Food, clothing, and they have a history of cheating.
shelter are basic needs so people purchase them out
of necessity.  CONTROLLING NATURE- if your partner tries to
manage who you see, who you talk to, where you
UTILITY-Concerned with how things serve a practical go, how you spend your money, what you do online ,
purpose. what your body looks like, what you eat, or even
what you wear.
STORY OF CRAZY EXES- this sort of perspective
deflects any responsibility and demonstrates a lack
of respect for the people they once cared for and Taking Charge of One’s Health
Self-Compassion-Self-compassion is defined as
NO FRIENDS- if your partner struggles to make and showing compassion to oneself. It involves being
maintain relationships, then that could indicate you open to and moved by one’s own suffering,
will also struggle to connect with them. expressing care and kindness towards oneself, taking
an understanding and nonjudgmental attitude
THEY GIVE YOU ALL THEIR TIME- if someone relies on
toward one’s inadequacies and failures, and
you entirely and always for their sense of happiness
recognizing that one’s experience is part of the
and entertainment, that can lead to feelings of
common human experience.
suffocation, resentment and unhappiness.


shows no interest in opening up and bonding. Self-Kindness- Self-kindness means not being
physically and verbally harsh to oneself. It involves
GASLIGHTING- when a person says and/or does
and act where one blames himself or herself for his
things to make you question your own sanity.
or her actions or decisions. Self-beration is a kind of
LOVE BOMBING- manipulatively showering someone verbal abuse directed to oneself. Usually this is done
with praise and affection to gain (or regain) trust by stating unkind words to oneself. Self-harm, on the
quickly. other hand is the act of harming oneself through
physical means which is both physically or
BREADCRUMBING- leading you on with little morsels psychologically damaging to an individual.
of encouragement just enough so you don’t give up
on the relationship.


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