Research Methodology

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FCE 2410 Assignment January 2023

This assignment must be completed and handed over by 5th February, 2023
Q1. a) Differentiate between research and scientific method.
b) Discuss in detail:
i) Any four (4) assumptions made in the scientific approach to acquiring new knowledge;
ii) Any four (4) purposes for conducting research.
c) Write short notes on the following modes of acquiring new knowledge.
i) Authoritarian,
ii) Traditional,
iii) Intuition.
Q2. a) Discuss in detail the operations of FOUR random sampling procedures used in research.
b) Give any five reasons why it is considered necessary to review literature in a research study.
c) Explain:
i) Why standard deviation is considered a very good measure of variability.
ii) The conditions under which it is considered necessary to establish grouped frequencies.
iii) The meaning of analysis of variance (ANOVA) and state the assumptions considered in its
d) Write short notes on:
i) research populations,
ii) research sample,
iii) research variables,
iv) Research data.
e) List four (4) desirable qualities of the following aspects often included in an effective engineering
research proposal or report:
i) Research Title
ii) Problem Statement
iii) Specific Objectives
Q3. a) Discuss in detail the three (3) main principles of experimental designs.
b) Four basic experimental designs are commonly used in carrying out engineering research. These
designs are identified as:
i) Completely randomized design;" CRD.
ii) Randomized block design, RBD.
iii) Latin square design, LSD.
iv) Factorial design, FD.
Discuss each of these experimental designs in relation to their applications, layouts, merits and
Q4. (a) Rational sizing of an experiment is a pre-requisite to conducting a sound and cost effective
scientific research. Discuss in detail, any four (5) factors considered in sizing an experiment, showing
how each named factor influences the size of an experiment. State the importance of using the right
sample size.
b) A machine used to pack rise is set to meter an average of 2000 gm of rice per package. The metering
of rice is approximately normally distributed with a standard deviation of 30 gm. Using a level of
significance, α = 0.01, and limiting the chances of committing Type II error to 0.01 (β ≤ 0.01),
determine the sample size required for a study set to reject the null hypothesis (Ho) when the actual
mean of the rice metered by the machine is: .
i) µo > 2024 gm
ii) μo < 1980 gm
iii) 1968 ≤ μo ≥ 2032 gm
Comment on the significance of maintaining the average rice content per package as close to the
labeled weight as possible.
[For this question a copy of statistical tables – Upper-tail areas for the normal curve - will be
Appendix: Statistical Tables
TABLE 2: Upper-Tail areas for the Normal Curve
z .00 .01 .02 .03 .04 .05 .06 .07 .08 .09
0.00 .5000 .4960 .4920 .4880 .4840 .4801 .4761 .4721 .4681 .4641
0.10 .4602 .4562 .4522 .4483 .4443 .4404 .4364 .4325 .4286 .4247
0.20 .4207 .4168 .4129 .4090 .4052 .4013 .3974 .3936 .3897 .3859
0.30 .3821 .3783 .3745 .3707 .3669 .3632 .3594 .3557 .3520 .3483
0.40 .3446 .3409 .3372 .3336 .3300 .3264 .3228 .3192 .3156 .3121
0.50 .3085 .3050 .3015 .2981 .2946 .2912 .2877 .2843 .2810 .2776

0.60 .2743 .2709 .2676 .2643 .2611 .2578 .2546 .2514 .2483 .2451
0.70 .2420 .2389 .2358 .2327 .2296 .2266 .2236 .2206 .2177 .2148
0.80 .2119 .2090 .20&1 .2033 .2005 .1977 .1949 .1922 .1894 .1867
0.90 .1841 .1814 .1788 .1762 .1736 . 1711 .1685 .1&60 .1635 .1611
1.00 .1567 .1562 .1539 .1515 .1492 .1469 .1446 .1423 .1401 .1379

1.10 .1357 .1335 .1314 .1292 .1271 .1251 .1230 .1210 .1190 .1170
1.20 .1151 .1131 .1112 .1093 .1075 .1056 .1036 .1020 .1003 .0985
1.30 .0968 .0951 .0934 .0918 .0901 .0885 .0869 .0853 .0836 .0823
1.40 .0808 .0793 .0778 .0764 .0749 .0735 .0721 .0708 .0694 .0681
1.50 .0668 ,0655 .0643 .0630 .0618 .0606 .0594 .0582 .0571 .0559

1.60 .0548 .0537 .0526 .0516 .0505 .0495 .0485 .0475 .0465 .0455
1.70 .0446 .0436 .0427 .0418 .0409 .0401 .0392 .0384 .0375 .0367
1.80 .0359 .0351 .0344 .0336 .0329 .0322 .0314 .0307 .0301 .0294
1.90 .0287 .0281 .0274 .0268 .0262 .0256 .0250 .0244 .0239 .0233
2.00 .0228 .0222 .0217 .0212 .0207 .0202 .0197 .0192 .0188 .0183

2.10 .0179 .0174 .0170 .0166 .0162 .0158 .0154 .0150 .0146 .0143
2.20 .0139 .0136 .0132 .0129 .0125 .0122 .0119 .0116 .0113 .0110
2.30 .0107 .0104 .0102 .0099 .0096 .0094 .0091 .0089 .0087 .0084
2.40 .0082 .0080 .0078 .0075 .0073 .0071 .0069 .0068 .0066 .0064
2.50 .0062 .0060· .0059 .0057 .0055 .0054 .0052 .0051 .0049 .0046

2.60 .0047 .0045 .0044 .0043 .0041 .0040 .0039 .0038 .0037 .0036
2.70 .0035 .0034 .0033 .0032 .0031 .0030 .0029 .0028 .0027 .0026
2.80 .0026 .0025 .0024 .0023 .0023 .0022 .0021 .0021 .0020 ,0019
2.90 .0019 .00 18 .0018 .0017 .0016 .0016 .0015 .0015 .0014 .0014
.00 I
3.00 .001 3 .0013 .OO12 .001l. .00 11 .0011 .0011 .0010 .0010

z Area
3.500 .00023263
4.000 .00003167
4.500 .00000340
5.000 .00000029
Q5. a) Differentiate clearly how the following are used in engineering research project formulation,
implementation and evaluation:
i) Independent and Dependent variables
ii) Replication and Randomization
iii) Deductive and Inductive reasoning
iv) Literature Review and citation
v) Innovation and design
vi) Randomized block design (RBD) and completely randomized block design (CRBD)
b) What is the importance of a 'Work Plan' in research?
c) Discuss in detail the main body of an engineering research project report under the sub-headings
below; Show the importance of each sub-heading to the research undertaking:
(i) Introduction
(ii) Literature Review
(iii) Methodology (Materials and procedures)
(iv) Results and discussion
(v) Conclusions and recommendations
Q6. a) Distinguish between:
i) Basic research and applied research.
ii) Research Methods and research methodology
iii) Qualitative and quantitative research methods.
b) Discuss in detail the 'planning stage' of research proposal development under the following
i) Problem definition and formulation.
ii) Development of expert judgment.
iii) Making a research decision.
iv) Formulating research objectives.
v) Formulating research hypothesis.
Q7. a) Discuss any five research methods, and for each state advantages and its limitations.
b) Differentiate between theoretical framework and conceptual framework.
c) Explain the differences between a research proposal and a project proposal.
d) State the qualities of an effective research thesis.
e) Discuss the following in connection with research methodology:
i) Expert judgment,
ii) Research decision.
Q8. The 'Introduction Section' is an important section in both the 'Research Proposal' and 'Reporting of
the Research Project'. Discuss this section in detail under the following sub-headings:
i) Background of the research study.
ii) Statement of the research problem.
iii) Objectives of the research study.
iv) Research hypothesis/hypotheses.
Q9. (a) Define "Research".
b) Describe how research as a source of knowledge is different from other named sources of
c) Outline the main purposes of research.
d) Discuss the importance of investing in research for social economic and technological change in
Q10. Define the following terms as used in research:
(a) Population
(b) Sample
(c) Variable
(d) Data
(e) Statistic
(f) Parameter
(g) Objective
(h) Descriptive statistics
(i) Literature review
U) Problem statement
(k) Hypothesis
(I) Unit of observation
(m) Theory
(n) Referencing
Q11. (a) State the possible sources of information in reviewing literature during a research study.
(b) Give any seven reasons why it is considered necessary to review literature in a research study.
Q12. (a) Name FOUR random sampling procedures and explain how each of them operates.
(b) Briefly describe how a standard normal curve is derived in a research study.
(c) State FOUR measurement scales used in a research study and give for each one most important
statistic it is used to express.
Q13. (a) Describe the two types of questions used in questionnaires and for each type give two
advantages and two disadvantages.
(b) Explain with an example the meaning of rating scales in, questionnaires and interview schedules.
(c) Describe any two methods of administering questionnaires and for each method give one advantage
and one disadvantage.
(d) Explain the difference between standardized and non-standardized research instruments and for
each give one example.
Q14. (a) With the help of a labeled chart, discuss in detail, the cyclic nature of the main stages of the
research process and their inter-relationships with theory. Explain briefly why the process begins with
a “problem” and ends with a “problem
(b) Literature Review is one of the major and important sections of the main body of an engineering
research proposal write-up. Discuss this section of an engineering research undertaking under the
following sub-headings:
(i) Purpose and importance of literature review in an engineering proposal write up.
(ii) Sources of relevant literature.
Q15. a) Distinguish between:
i) Basic research and applied research.
'ii) Research objectives and research hypothesis
iii) Qualitative and quantitative research methods.
iv) Research populations and research samples.
v) Reliability and Validity
vi) Conceptual framework and theoretical framework
b) Write short notes on:
i) Completely randomized experimental designs.
ii) Randomized block experimental designs.
iii) Factorial experiments
Q16. Discuss in detail the 'planning stage' of research proposal development under the following
i) Problem definition and formulation.
ii) Development of expert judgment.
iii) Making a research decision.
iv) Formulating research objectives.
v) Formulating research hypothesis.
Q17. The main body of engineering research reporting could broadly be sub-divided into the following
basic sections:
(i) Introduction
(ii) Review of literature
(iii) Materials and methods
(iv) Results and discussion
(v) Conclusions and recommendations
Discuss in detail these basic sections of engineering report writing showing their importance to the
research undertaking.
Q18. a) Define and briefly discuss the term 'Research', outlining its purposes, broad categories and
b) List four (4) desirable qualities of the following aspects often included in an effective engineering
research proposal or report:
i) Research Title
ii) Problem Statement
iii) Specific Objectives
c) Outline the importance of the following in a given engineering research
i) Hypothesis
ii) Materials and, methods (methodology)
Q19. a) Explain four main challenges encountered in the selection of a reasonable research title.
b) Briefly discuss any seven sources of 'Literature Review' in any research work
c) Describe the four main steps in writing a ' Background' to any research.
d) Briefly explain the importance of a budget in a given research.
e) What are the main sections of a research proposal?
Q20. Carefully read the appended abstract, which has appeared in a recent publication then answer the
questions that follow.
Mohamed Bishar A1, Hoffman Johns2, Njoroge Joh1
Department of Agricultural Engineering, Egerton University P.O.B 536, Egerton
Korea Railroad Research Instittute (KRRI) Uiwang, Kyungi, South Korea
Received 26 February 2004, Received in revised form 20 February 2007.
Floods have profound impact on quality of life through their destruction. They lead to losses, which are
particularly damaging, depriving communities of resources, which could otherwise be used for
economic and social development. As the human and financial costs of disasters rise, there are
increasing demands for evidence that mitigation 'pays'. Kenya is prone to very serious flood risks
especially in lowlands in North Eastern parts. This includes parts of Garissa, Mandera and Ijara, Tana
River District. Other areas include Lake Victoria basin and Nairobi. Flood related problems include
destruction of property, displacement, 'water logging, road network disruption, riverbank erosion, mass
deposition of sand, health hazards (mosquito breeding) and environmental pollutio. This study will be
carried out with the aim of developing a non-structural flood warning system and structural mitigation
a) Outline the inadequacies in this abstract and give your reasons.
b) For this paper, write the possible:
(i) Background
(ii) Problem Statement and Justification
(iii) Objectives
c) Show how the document would be cited and referenced in a proposal, indicating the key
aspects/specifications of the reference.
d) Briefly outline the relevant procedure and expected outputs of this research.
Q21. a) Explain four main challenges encountered in the selection of a reasonable research title.
b) Briefly discuss any seven sources of 'Literature Review' in any research work
Q22. (a) Write short notes on: (i) Research, (ii) Scientific method
(b) Briefly discuss any four (4) methods of acquiring new knowledge.
(c) Discuss in detail the three (3) main principles of experimental designs.
(b) A sugar packaging machine is set to meter an average of 1000 gm of sugar per package. The sugar
metering is approximately normally distributed with a standard deviation of 15 gm. Using a level of
significance, α = 0.01, and limiting the chances of committing Type II error to 0.01 (β ≤ 0.01), determine
the sample size required for a study set to reject the null hypothesis (Ho) when the actual mean of the sugar
metered by the machine is:
i) μo > 1012 gm
ii) μo < 990 gm
iii) 984 ≤ μo ≥ 1016
Comment on the significance of maintaining the average sugar content per package as close to the labeled
weight as possible.
Q23. A student carried out research in an electrical laboratory to find out whether the difference for
various lighting bulbs is significant. The bulbs were subjected to varying voltages for similar time
period in an experimental design. The table below shows the results that were obtained:

Types of Bulbs and their Voltage rating

Type of Bulb Voltage Rating
220 V 230 V 240 V
Polaroid 6 5 5
Philips 7 5 4
Apple 3 3 3
Eveready 8 7 4
Carry out an analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the two-way results. State whether the difference is
significant at 5%

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