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White Dolphin summaries chapter (s) 1-38 

Chapter 1: 
Kara is sitting on the school wall while ripping out pages from the Bible, her bully 
Jake comes to her and starts making fun of her. He pokes fun at her name, and 
her parents; he goes too far once he mentions that his father will buy and chop 
Kara’s family boat (Moana). Kara loses her temper and throws the Bible on Jake 
and runs away leaving behind Jake with a bloody nose. Mrs. Carter, her teacher 
keeps yelling out her name but she just runs away.  
Chapter 2: 
Kara runs home, which is her Aunt Bev’s house as she and her father are living 
with Aunt Bev and her family. She needs to talk to her father but he is not there. 
While Kara is looking for her father in the house, Dougie Evans (Jake’s father) 
comes to the house to scold Kara for breaking Jake’s nose. Kara takes her flippers 
and swimming suit and jumps out of the window from her cousin’s room to avoid 
Dougie Evans and talk to her father who is at the harbour.  
Chapter 3:  
Kara finds her father sailing their family boat in the sea. She climbs onto the boat 
and they both sial towards a cove where they keep their fish and lobster. Her 
father is aware of the hatred the Evans’ family has for them so he always advises 
her to keep away from Jake Evans. But then he realizes from the mischievous 
smile on Kara’s face that she has done something wrong. Kara asks her father 
whether it’s true that he’s going to sell Moana because she has an emotional 
attachment with the boat. When her father says yes and also says that Kara’s 
mum is never coming back, Kara can’t stop her tears from rushing down and in 
anger, she jumps o the boat and into the sea.  
Chapter 4: 
When Kara arrives at the shore, she decides not to go back to Aunt Bev’s house 
because she really can’t face anyone. She sits near the cove where her mum used 
to sit and remembers the memories that they made together. She sees a white 
dolphin, a sign that she has always been waiting for since her mum disappeared. 
There are at least 50 other dolphins but the white dolphin is the only one that 
stands out to her. She wonders what her mum is doing right now, she watches the 
dolphins swim away, she decides to go home as her dad is probably waiting for 
Chapter 5:  
Kara is walking on the road making her way back home when a furious Aunt Bev 
pulls up in a car. Aunt Bev tells Kara that coastguards and the police are out 
there looking for her. They arrive home, Aunt Bev scolds Kara for her careless 
behaviour but suddenly dad comes in and hugs Kara. He apologises for what he 
said about mum not coming back and Kara forgives him but Aunt Bev says that 
it’s true that Kara’s mum will never come back. Aunt Bev continues rambling 
saying that Kay (Kara’s mum) left her responsibilities, at this point, Kara has had 
enough and scowls back at Aunt Bev. Dad and Aunt Bev fight but he gets a call 
that someone has put up an o er for Moana. 
Chapter 6: 
In the morning, Kara makes Daisy a simple breakfast and then they head out, she 
sees that Daisy has a bag full of things and she questions Daisy but Daisy 
reminds her of Lauren’s party. Kara wishes that she could go back to primary 
school because she felt safe there. She has to go to Mrs. Barker’s class for multi 
sensory development, there she has to write on sand but while writing she 
remembers memories of her with her parents at the beach. Mrs. Carter comes in 
to talk to Kara, they go outside and Mrs. Carter talks about how Kara broke Jake’s 
nose. Mrs. Carter asks why Kara ripped the Bible but Kara doesn’t answer. The bell 
rings and Kara o ers to help mend the Bible, Mrs. Carter asks Kara to apologize 
to Jake but she would not apologize, she’d rather die.  
Chapter 7:  
Kara goes to school the next day but feels that everyone is staring at her. She 
notices a new boy in the class with a physical disability. At lunch time, her friends, 
Chloe and Ella give her a cold shoulder because they are scared of Jake and his 
dad and their power. Jake and Ethan threaten Kara and blame her mother for 
being the cause of Jake’s brother’s death which is the reason why Kara is being 
Chapter 8: 
After school, Kara picks up Daisy from the party and takes her to a café as a deal 
for not going with her to the beach. There they see Felix with his mother shouting. 
Jake and Ethan are also making fun of him. Felix feels like Kara and Daisy are also 
a part of this. So when Daisy goes to Felix for support after standing up for him, 
he responds rudely towards her. His response makes Daisy cry, she throws the 
ice-cream that Kara bought for her and runs out of the café. 
Chapter 9: 
Kara comes to know that Felix called Daisy Fat Fairy Godmother which made her 
cry. So to make her smile, Kara takes Daisy with her to the harbour. There they see 
Ms. Penluna who is famous for her ‘bird-sanctuary’. She is known as Bird-lady and 
even a witch by the town people. She asks Kara about her mum which makes Kara 
realize that Ms. Penluna doesn’t know about her mother’s disappearance. When 
Kara tells Ms. Penluna about her mum, she is taken aback when Ms. Penluna says 
that she’ll ask angels to look for her.  
Chapter 10: 
Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom are talking with each other. Dad and Kara are having 
breakfast in the kitchen. Daisy enters the kitchen, has her plate and tells that they 
had met Ms. Penluna the day before. Dad tells Kara that there is a party who 
wants to buy Moana. Kara and Dad go to Mr. Andersen’s house to talk about 
Chapter 11: 
Mr. Andersen takes Kara’s dad out of Felix’s room so they can talk in private about 
Moana, leaving Kara with Felix. Felix is busy trying to play an online game. Kara 
starts a conversation by asking him why he acted rudely towards Daisy. He 
answered by explaining that he doesn’t need someone to stand up for him, let the 
bullies make fun of me. Mrs. Andersen walked in holding a tray containing glasses 
of lemonade. She asks Kara about her family and expresses how annoyed she is 
with Felix always sitting on his computer. Mr. Andersen returns Kara’s dad to 
Felix’s room and announces that he and Kara’s dad are the only ones going for a 
trail run on Moana tomorrow since Felix refused to join them. Mr. Andersen leads 
Kara and her dad out when Kara suddenly realises that she doesn’t have her 
jumper and goes back for it. Felix then expresses why they had to move, how 
much he misses London where he had friends and things to do in life. Kara 
realises that Mr. Andersen is the only one interested in buying Moana which lifts 
her spirits of him dropping the idea of buying Moana. Felix doesn’t think or speak 
fondly about Moana. Kara isn't surprised by what Felix said and tells him that 
when the wind is hitting your face and the waves are really high, you don't get any 
second chances and then she asks him how brave he was and leaves the room 
leaving him quiet. 
Chapter 12: 
Aunt Bev is preparing food for the Andersens and Dad reveals that Felix has 
cerebral palsy and they all pity him and his parents. It is a windy day and Dad 
wonders if it is a good day to sail but then Mr. Andersen makes his way towards 
the boat followed by Mrs. Andersen and Felix. They all get on the boat and Kara 
notices that Felix's knuckles are turning white and a twinge of guilt runs through 
her. Felix lurches sideways as the first wave hits the side and Kara notices that he's 
a sickly shade of green, as Kara helps him he yells at her but later listens to 
her.Kara sees Dougie Evans and Jake in an orange ribbed inflatable and Jake 
makes a loser sign, Kara's heart is beating fast because she remembers the words 
that Jake said to her in the school cafeteria. “Soon you and your dad will have 
nothing left.” 
Chapter 13:  
Two orange buoys popped up and destroyed their lobster pots and they ended 
up in a wreck of smashed up wicker. It was Jake and his father who did that, Kara 
suggested to call the police but dad said no, Moana sails roughly through the 
water and then Felix throws up and whacks his head against the deck. Dad o ers 
Felix to sail and he agrees and a little hint of jealousy runs through Kara. Dad 
teaches Felix how to sail the boat properly, and the jealousy is still there in Kara. It 
turns out that Felix is really good at sailing for a person who has never sailed in 
their life. Kara wants to go for a quick swim and Mr. Andersen tells Felix to join her, 
he does so they jump in. She is surprised that Felix can swim, they swim away, 
Kara sees a creature and when they come back up to breathe she asks Felix if he 
saw it too.  
Chapter 14:  
Felix doesn’t see anything so he goes back down and finally sees it and asks what 
it is, it's a cuttlefish.They observe it and then Felix goes to touch it but the 
cuttlefish propel backwards and he is just left there grabbing a black cloud of ink. 
They go back up to the boat and Mr. Andersen and Dad ask them why they took 
so long, they tell them about the cuttlefish, and both Mr. Andersen and Dad jump 
in to see them. Kara tells Felix about the dredging ban and that the reef will 
probably get destroyed, Felix asks who Dougie Evans is and she tells him. She 
also tells him why the ban was placed in the first place, about Aaron (Dougie 
Evan’s son) and about how Dougie tried to scam people.  
Chapter 15:  
They sail back to the harbour and Kara feels as if the white dolphin is swimming 
right below them but instead all she sees is the reflections of clouds skimming all 
over the water. Once they arrive, the Andersens leave as Kara and Dad start to 
tidy up Moana, Dad tells her that Mr. Andersen will ring him once he has made his 
decision. They wait for an hour for the tide to creep in so they can take Moana 
back to her mooring site, after the hour they take Moana back. Both of them walk 
back to Aunt Bev’s home, Daisy is watching T.V and Aunt Bev is knitting, Kara 
hardly moves until the phone rings and dad picks it up. The phone call was from 
Mr. Andersen saying that they won’t buy the boat anymore, Kara can’t take the 
grin o of her face as she is happy that Moana is still their boat. 
Chapter 16:  
Kara is sitting in Mrs. Carter’s o ce, mending the Bible. Mrs. Carter tells Kara 
about how Kara’s father and she discussed Kara breaking Jake’s nose. Mrs. Carter 
tells Kara about a story from the Bible but while she’s storytelling, Kara is sitting 
on her seat, uninterested and thinking about her mother. Once she is dismissed, 
she rushes to the sea but there she finds a baby dolphin badly injured and goes 
to help. Kara thinks that this isn’t real and isn’t really happening but then she 
touches the dolphin’s face.  
Chapter 17: 
Kara falls back into the water. Just when she thought that the dolphin was dead, 
it's alive. She doesn’t know how to help the dolphin alone. Knowledge from the 
times that she spent with her mother comes back and she remembers useful 
things that could help the dolphin. She starts to help out as much as she can. 
The dolphin starts to close her eyes but Kara remembers that if dolphins sleep, 
they die so she quickly wakes the dolphin up. Kara really doesn’t know what to do. 
Then, suddenly, someone called her name and she recognized just who the voice 
belonged to, Felix. 
Chapter 18:  
Felix and his father come to Kara and find the injured dolphin. Mr. Andersen goes 
back to bring a rescue team. Meanwhile both of them tried their best to save the 
baby dolphin. Felix tells Kara that he got a new boat, a sailing dinghy from a 
cerebral palsy charity member. Mr. Andersen brings Carl and Greg who were the 
previous students of Kara’s mum, now working as rescue members. Dad also 
comes with them knowing Kara is more concerned about the baby dolphin. Felix 
also explains to Kara that he loved to sail Moana that’s why he is not going back 
to London. Carl reveals to Kara that there isn’t much chance of survival for the 
baby dolphin as it is severely injured. They need a swimming pool that is full of 
chemicals and has fresh water.  
Chapter 19:  
Kara suggests using the Blue Pool for the injured baby dolphin. The rescue team 
puts Kara’s suggestion to use and carefully transfers the dolphin onto a tarpaulin 
to safely put the dolphin on the rescue boat. As there are too many rocks near 
the Blue Pool, they take Greg’s truck to the Blue Pool. The dolphin’s mother follows 
her calf despite her injury and the obstacles in between. Carl tells Kara to go 
home and that he’ll call Kara’s dad to tell her what will happen. Even though Kara 
doesn’t want to leave, she has to and she does but she hates taking the baby 
dolphin away from her mother. She feels like she’s somehow betraying the baby 
Chapter 20: 
When Kara goes home, she tells Daisy about the baby dolphin. Kara also tells 
Daisy that Felix was also there and he too helped rescue the dolphin. Daisy shows 
her bitterness towards Felix as she still remembers that he called her a Fat Fairy 
Godmother at the café when she tries to stand up for him against the bullying of 
Jake and Ethan. The next morning, Daisy and Kara plan to go to the Blue Pool 
before going to school to see the dolphin. They try to leave home early but Aunt 
Bev suspects that they will go to the Blue Pool so she tells them that she will walk 
with them to school. All the way to school, Kara tries to catch a glimpse of the 
Blue Pool but what she could see was only Greg’s pick up truck which gives hope 
to Kara that the dolphin is still alive. Kara is unable to meet Felix at school 
because he had been moved to another classroom for Maths and English. Kara 
could only meet Felix in the break and he tells Kara that Carl called his dad and 
told him that the dolphin is still alive. He also tells Kara that some volunteers are 
helping the dolphin balance on a raft until she can balance herself on her own. 
After school, Kara runs towards Daisy’s school, grabs her hand and heads 
towards the Blue Pool as she is extremely desperate to see the baby dolphin. 
When Kara and Daisy reach the Blue Pool, they see headland parking full of cars 
as the news of the dolphin has spread across the town, therefore a lot of people 
have gathered along the coastal path. A line of police tape is stretched across 
the path and Kara too is stopped by the police. Kara yells out Carl’s name, he 
comes up and takes Kara to the pool. Carl tells Kara that the dolphin is now able 
to hold herself on her own but still cannot swim. Carl also tells Kara that the vet 
thinks the calf will not be able to survive in the wild upon which Kara tells Carl 
that the dolphin’s mother is waiting for her in the ocean. Carl tells Kara that the 
mother dolphin had not been seen for many hours and a lot of boats had been 
sent to look for her in the ocean and even Felix and his father were out there 
looking for her but Kara was sure that the mother dolphin will come back. Carl 
asserts that the mother dolphin could be miles away, she might have even 
rejoined her pod. This makes Kara emotionally upset. Kara assures Carl that the 
mother dolphin will come back. Just then Kara sees a jackdaw which reminds Kara 
and Daisy of Ms. Penluna, the bird lady and they decide to go and ask her to find 
a clue for Kara’s mother as she had once claimed that she could talk to Angels.  
Chapter 21:  
Kara is grasping onto the only thing she has left of her mother in her hands, a 
dolphin shaped memory stick and running towards Ms. Penluna’s house, whom 
Kara believes can talk to angels and give Kara information about her mother. 
Aunt Bev had given Kara and Daisy to buy fish and chips for supper and expected 
Kara to get back home in half an hour. This was the time Kara utilised to go to Ms. 
Penluna’s home. Kara leaves Daisy in a queue and heads towards Ms. Penluna’s 
home. Kara stops in front of Ms. Penluna’s cottage. There were a number of 
cottages in a line but no one lived there except Ms. Penluna. With a banging 
heart, Kara knocks on the door. Ms. Penluna doesn’t let Kara in as she presumes 
that Kara has come from the council to take the Jackdaw away. At Kara’s request, 
Ms. Penluna lets her in. Kara asks if she can really talk to angels and shows her 
the memory stick and says that this is the only thing she has left of her mother. 
Ms. Penluna asks what “that” (as in the memory stick) is and Kara explains it to her. 
Upon which Ms. Penluna asks whose memory it is. Here, Kara realises that maybe 
Ms. Penluna had never seen a computer before. Ms. Penluna asks what she 
wanted to know, Kara tells her that she wants to know what happened the night 
mum disappeared. Ms. Penluna tells Kara that she should listen to the dolphins as 
they are “angles of the sea.” Kara feels cheated and disappointed, probably 
because she thought that Ms. Penluna could speak to actual angels.  
Chapter 22:  
Disappointed after meeting Ms. Penluna, Kara goes back to Daisy at the fish and 
chips shop. Daisy hands over the fish and chips bag to Kara and is desperate to 
know what the “bird lady” told her but Kara just ignores her and looks forward 
where Felix and Mr. Andersen were coming to Kara with wetsuits and life jackets. 
Kara asks Felix if they found the mother dolphin but Felix informs her that they 
had not been able to find the mother dolphin. Kara claims that the mother 
dolphin would not leave her calf. Daisy, who is upset in the presence of Felix, 
accidentally pulls Kara’s necklace which had some shells and the memory stick on 
it. It breaks and all the shells and the memory stick scatter across the floor. Kara 
scrambles on the floor to save the shells and the memory stick but she loses the 
memory stick, Felix retrieves it and gives it back to Kara. Felix claims that he 
thought Kara was not into computer stu but Kara tells him that it belonged to 
her mother. Felix o ers to Kara that he can read what is on the memory stick. Kara 
hesitantly hands over the dolphin shaped memory stick to him. Kara and Daisy go 
back home where Aunt Bev is lying on the couch watching a TV show. Kara tells 
Daisy that Ms. Penluna says that dolphins are angels of the sea. Kara asks her 
dad if they can go sailing the next day before school as she wished to look for the 
mother dolphin. Kara’s father refuses to sail with Kara and tells her that he is busy 
the next morning. Kara’s dad argues that the ocean is huge and the dolphin 
could be anywhere in the ocean, hence it is not possible to look for her. Kara 
blames her father for giving up and says, “you have given up like you have given 
up on mum.” Kara then goes to her room and cries in her bed.  
Chapter 23:  
Kara dreams that she is sitting on a shoreline and building a castle with sand, she 
decorated it with cowries shells. She constructs a moat around it and tells herself 
that nothing can knock her castle down but a strong wave swirls into the moat 
and floods the castle. Her cowrie shells are swept away by the water. She runs 
after the shell to scoop it up but it tumbles into the foaming waves, it is then she 
sees her mother standing in front of her calling her name softly, but Kara keeps 
running after the cowrie shell. Her mother calls her again and when Kara turns 
towards her, she disappears. Kara wakes up from her dream, picks up her 
swimming suit and jumps into the ocean. She somehow knew that she was going 
to find the mother dolphin. She starts swimming in the ocean and feels herself in 
the deep sea. Kara realises that something was quietly swimming along by her 
side. It was the mother dolphin. Kara observes the deep notch in her dorsal fin. 
Kara tells herself that I knew the mother dolphin will return, Kara guides her 
quietly towards the Blue Pool where her calf was. When Kara reaches the Blue 
Pool, the mother dolphin slaps her tail in the water and opens her beak to whistle 
into the night. The sound echoes around and attracts Greg and Carl. Kara hides 
behind the rocks as she did not want to be seen by Carl and Greg who could 
inform the incident to Kara’s father. Carl takes out a torch and confirms to Greg 
that it was the mother dolphin. He tells Greg that Kara was right and she knew 
that the mother dolphin would not leave her calf alone.  
Chapter 24:  
After guiding the mother dolphin to the Blue Pool, she returns home and quietly 
goes to sleep. She is woken up in the morning by Daisy who touches Kara’s hair 
and asks why her hair was wet. Kara looks at the heap of her wet clothes that were 
lying near her bed and realises that she had actually led the mother dolphin to 
the Blue Pool and it wasn’t a dream. Kara excitedly tells Daisy that the mother 
dolphin has returned. Both get ready for school and come downstairs to have 
breakfast where Uncle Tom was sitting disappointed and heartbroken as he 
hadn’t been able to catch enough fish and Dougie Evan had threatened to fire 
him from his job. Kara and Daisy leave home for school but instead of going to 
school they head towards the Blue Pool. Felix and his father were already there. 
Carl impatiently informs Kara that the mother dolphin has returned. Daisy is still 
mad at Felix and does not talk to him. Kara asks Felix if he read what was inside 
the memory stick. Felix tells her that he could not as the memory stick has a 
password and he had tried to apply as many passwords that he could guess. Kara 
o ers the vet, Sam, to help the baby dolphin balance on the raft but the vet 
doesn’t allow that. Daisy suggests that the baby dolphin should be named “Angel” 
and everyone agrees to it. 
Chapter 25: 
Carl tells Kara that newspapers, TV and some environmental groups want to see 
the baby dolphin. Carl also tells Kara that he wants to hold a press conference 
anf for this purpose he had talked to the town hall but they refused to give their 
hall for the press conference as Dougie Evans is a member of the town hall 
committee. Kara dislikes the idea of making the dolphin a showpiece but Carl 
suggests that this can be the best opportunity to teach people the danger sea 
life is facing. Felix suggests that they can use websites, social media networking 
sites, blogs and twitter to teach people that they should save the reef and sea life. 
He also suggests that they can get an online petition for people to sign to keep 
the dredging ban in place. When Kara and Felix reach school, they both are late. 
Instead of going to the classroom, Kara slips into the playground and sleeps there 
while leaning on a tree. Felix comes looking for her and tells her that Mrs. Carter 
wants to see them both. Kara and Felix go to meet Mrs. Carter in her o ce where 
Chloe, Ella and some other students were already seated. Kara wonders what they 
were doing there. Mrs. Carter appreciates Kara for saving the dolphin and tells 
Kara that the whole school wants to work in support of the dolphin. Kara refuses 
to accept any help but Mrs. Carter tells her that the school has decided to o er 
their hall to Carl for the press conference. She also asserts to Kara that all of 
them are against the lifting of the dredging ban and that they all want to protect 
the bay.  
Chapter 26:  
The school announces “Save The Reef '' to be taken as a school project and the 
whole school is asked to participate in it. Kara reaches the school early in the 
morning on Saturday, but she is surprised to see Felix, Carl, Greg, Ella and Mrs. 
Carter already in the school, decorating the hall with posters of Angels and the 
bay. The students stopped school lessons and worked on the school project for 
the reef instead. The only students who did not get involved in the project were 
Jake and Ethan. By this time, Angel had started swimming and eating by herself, 
her wounds had started healing. Before the starting of the press conference, 
chairs were laid in the hall in rows and postcards were put on the chairs to be 
signed by people to be later put in the petition box to stop dredging. Only two 
days were left until the dredging ban would be lifted, therefore, it was very 
important that the press conference should be successful and the petition to be 
signed. Mrs. Carter prepares a poster by taking a quotation from the internet to 
be posted in the hall. This reminds Kara that Maori’s believe that dolphins carry 
their ancestors’ spirits. She knows it because her mum was born in New Zealand. 
Mrs. Carter wonders what the Maori word for dolphin is, and when Kara tells her, 
Felix decides to try it as the password for the memory stick. Kara looks down from 
the window of the hall and is surprised to see an ocean of people, press, parents, 
tourists and politicians. The car parking and road is filled up with cars. Kara gets 
happy to see a politician, Mr. Cooke, coming to the hall as well and thinks that he 
may help pass a law to stop the dredging but then Kara is taken o -guard when 
she sees Mr. Cooke talking to Dougie Evans while smiling and sharing jokes. She 
reminds herself to not give up even in the hardest situations. She also tells herself 
that it is going to be the greatest chance to save the bay as only two days are left 
when trawlers can haul their chains across the reef.  
Chapter 27:  
The school hall is fully packed with people. Everyone seems to be interested in 
Angel. The press conference is about to start. Kara gets seated with her father 
and Daisy. Dougie Evans also sits along with a group of fishermen. Kara’s dad tells 
her that Dougie Evans has come to protest against the petition for the dredging 
ban. The local radio had also come to broadcast the conference live. The 
conference didn't go well as the microphone did not work and people could not 
hear what Carl said. People seemed interested in only Angel. After Carl was done, 
Dougie Evans stood up and went to the stage. He tells the people that the reef is 
their livelihood. He urges the people to not sign the petition and support 
fishermen to fish in the sea. Carl couldn’t answer Dougie Evans’ argument and 
Dougie Evans seemed victorious. People started getting up to leave and it seemed 
hard to stop them. Felix approached Kara and requested her to hold the 
audience by talking to them as he told her that he had found a clue. Kara climbs 
up the stage and nervously speaks to the audience. She says that we have been 
fishing in the ocean for a long time, we have taken out all the fish from the sea 
and now we are tearing up the bay. Kara’s words get cut o when the lights of the 
hall go o and Kara hears her mother speaking through the darkness.  
Chapter 28:  
A film made by Kara’s mum is shown on the screen. The gravelly sea bed, littered 
with broken sea fans is shown on the screen. Kara’s mum speaks out and tells the 
audience that unless we do not protect our ocean, there will be nothing left but 
wasteland. She stressed we are not farms of the sea. We never sow, we only reap. 
The hall is filled with applause, everyone is found clapping except Dougie Evans 
and Jake. Hundreds of volunteers signed the petition. In another scene, Felix, 
Kara and Carl are sitting near the Blue Pool watching Angel swimming on her own. 
Carl tells Kara that Sam thinks Angel is good enough to be released into the 
ocean. Kara feels torn apart inside her as she thinks that she will not be able to 
see Angel once she is gone. Carl tells Kara that they are going to release Angel 
the next morning at dawn as they don’t want many people on the shore when they 
release Angel in the ocean.  
Chapter 29:  
Kara is the first one to reach the beach as Angel was going to be released into the 
ocean as she has completely recovered from her injuries. Kara’s dad reaches the 
beach while looking for Kara. Kara tells her dad that Angel is going to be released 
at dawn. Felix, Carl, Greg and Sam reach the Blue Pool too. They all help lift Angel 
down the raft to release her. Carl is worried about the mother dolphin as she was 
not being seen anywhere. They float Angel out into the waves and decide not to 
release her in deep waters. Kara senses the mother dolphin around and she is 
right there. Carl and Greg let her slip beneath the raft. Angel swims towards her 
mother and they both swim together side by side, their bodies touching and 
sliding beneath the sea. Kara feels a strange emptiness inside her. Kara tells it was 
not for what I have lost but for what I hope will be… here she means her mother… 
her loss was her mother and she hopes her mother will come back.  
Chapter 30:   
After releasing Angel, Carl o ers Kara, Felix, Mr. Andersen and Kara’s father a lift 
in the pick up truck. On the way, Kara’s father makes Carl stop the pick up truck. 
Kara’s father jumps out of the truck and buys some bread and a local newspaper. 
On the front page of the newspaper was a huge picture of Angel while on the 
inside pages there were pictures of Carl, Dougie Evans, Kara and Daisy. The 
headline reads, “Save our Sea: Locals and tourists filled the school hall to give 
their support to marine reserves.” The newspaper further wrote that more than six 
hundred people signed the petition in less than two hours. Local fishermen 
signed the petition for the voluntary ban on fishing and dredging. It also said 
that a law to protect the bay has been put in the parliament, while fishermen had 
promised not to dredge the bay until a new law is passed to protect the bay. This 
was a huge success on the part of Kara and Felix. They had been able to move 
the mass opinion despite their illnesses. When they reached Aunt Bev’s home, 
they heard raised voices coming through the open kitchen window and Dougie 
Evans’ jeep was parked in Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom’s driveway. It seemed Dougie 
Evans had seen the newspaper too. The door of the kitchen flings open and 
Dougie Evans stands in front of Kara and her dad. He throws the newspaper in 
front of Kara’s dad and tells them that it is not more than a paper. He then stops 
in front of Kara and threatens her that what had happened to her mother can 
happen to her too. Dougie Evans goes on shouting that no one should tell him 
what to do. Kara and her dad go inside where Aunt Bev and Uncle Tom were 
sitting all upset. Aunt Bev tells Kara’s dad that Dougie Evans had fired Uncle Tom 
from his job because Uncle Tom had also signed the petition. Uncle Tom leaves 
the home to get some fresh air while Aunt Bev sits crying and tells Jim that since 
they won't be able to make enough money to even support themselves, they can’t 
keep Kara and her dad in their home anymore. Kara slips upstairs where Daisy 
was sitting crying too. Kara tells Daisy about the release of Angel and the news in 
the newspaper. Kara tells Daisy that many fishermen have refused to dredge in 
the reef. Daisy tells Kara that her dad had also refused to dredge the reef, it is 
therefore Dougie Evans had fired him from the job. Daisy tells Kara that Dougie 
Evans had said that he will be fishing in the midnight tide and will rip every coral 
in the bay.  
Chapter 31: 
Kara and Felix were sitting on the seashore where broken pieces of coral are 
spread everywhere on the shoreline as some trawlers are still dredging the reef 
and also harming the coral reef. Although there was a voluntary ban on dredging 
by the local fishermen, trawlers from other fishing towns were continuously 
dredging the bay. The weather was rough too and the high waves had damaged 
the reef as well. Kara and Felix decide to get some food and sit in Moana. Felix 
tells Kara that he had been practicing sailing in the ocean as he wishes to take 
part in the regatta gala. Felix and Kara get fish and chips and go down the Rope 
Walk to reach the harbour. Kara hurries to get out of the rain and then she hears 
a shout from Felix. When Kara looks back she sees Felix stumbling on the ground, 
his knees injured and all his fish scattered in the rain. Kara feels sorry for him and 
helps him up but he refuses her help. Felix tells Kara that he hates being treated 
like that sometimes. His jeans are ripped and dark red bloodstains spread on 
them. Kara o ers Felix the chips and they head towards the harbour. Kara tries to 
look for Moana along the line of yachts. She notices that the covers of Moana 
had been drawn back and two people were sitting in Moana. Kara recognizes 
them as Jake and Ethan. Kara yells at Jake and Ethan and tells them to get out of 
her boat but Jake tells her that it is not her boat anymore. He tells her that her 
dad had sold Moana to Jake’s dad last week. He shows her the keys to Moana. 
Kara is taken aback by the shocking news. Kara backs out of Moana, hands over 
the chips to Felix and runs towards Aunt Bev’s home. Kara asks Aunt Bev about 
her father and Moana. Aunt Bev confirms that her dad had sold Moana to Dougie 
Evans and he was unable to tell it to Kara and he had sold Moana as he was not 
able to a ord it anymore. Aunt Bev also tells Kara that her dad had gone out of 
town for a job interview and she also tells her that he was doing all of this for 
Kara. Kara runs up the stairs to Daisy’s room and lies in bed in complete silence. 
She feels like the protective shell around her mum, dad and her had broken. This 
is an ironic situation where Kara had lost Moana and it had been sold to Dougie 
Chapter 32:  
Kara is sitting in a park near the harbour and it was raining heavily. All the boats 
had run for homes except the boats and trawlers sent by Dougie Evans. Kara feels 
like she is losing her dad too as she had stopped talking to her father since her 
father had sold Moana to Dougie Evans. Felix is going to take part in the regatta 
gala which is supposed to be held the day after. Felix tells Kara that her sailing 
coach wants to put Felix in the junior training squad for the Paralympics sailing 
team. Felix wants Kara to sail with him in ‘disabled with an able bodied’ sailor 
category. Kara is surprised by the o er but Kara realises that soon she will be 
moving to Exeter with her dad so she doesn’t give Felix and encouraging 
response. Kara walks through the harbour and sees Dougie Evans’ trawlers 
roaring up in the air. Kara tells herself it would be better to move to Exeter, at least 
she won’t see Dougie Evans sailing Moana. When Felix and Kara were leaving the 
park, Adam and his brother Joe tell them that Dougie Evans has caught a huge 
white shark in his net. Felix and Kara plan to go ans see the caught shark. Kara 
pushes her way through the crowd and reaches close to the shark but it wasn’t a 
shark, it was a white dolphin and on its dorsal fin there was a deep notch right at 
the base… it was Angel’s mother. The mother dolphin had died.  
Chapter 33:  
Kara is devastated and she runs towards the cove where she would always find 
peace at the times when she would be upset. Water swirls through Kara’s body 
and she sinks there in the white soft sand. The broken face of the mother dolphin 
gets fixed in Kara’s mind and Kara feels yet again as if a part of her has gone, the 
part that used to keep her close to mum had gone. Kara feels like sinking deep in 
the sand and then Kara hears a burst of dolphin breath. Kara looks around and 
there she was, Angel. Kara wades through the water to reach Angel who was 
sending a series of whistles and clicks to call her mother. Kara tries to touch her 
but she disappears under water. Kata wades further out. The waves swell under 
her and lift her up, Kara hears someone calling her name. It was Felix and Mr. 
Andersen standing on a cli , waving at Kara telling her to get out of there as the 
waves were too high. Kara wades out of the water and looks back to see Angel but 
the cove was empty. Angel had gone. Kara reaches to the top of the cli . She was 
badly cold, her hand all blue and her fingers were blanched white. Mr. Andersen 
tells Kara that they had come to get Kara back home. Mr. Andersen tells Kara and 
Felix to wait there and he would go to get his car. Felix tells Kara that everyone in 
the town is mad at Dougie Evans for killing the mother dolphin. Felix tells Kara 
that he has something to show her. He also tells her that his dad did not want him 
to show it to Kara but he thinks that if he had been in the same place as Kara, he 
would’ve wanted to know. He gives an envelope to Kara and tells her that there 
was something else in the memory stick too. Felix sees his dad coming and tells 
Kara to hide the envelope as it might help Kara understand where Kara’s mum 
disappeared. He tells her that the envelope holds something to do with her mum, 
a missing key as to where she might be.  
Chapter 34:  
Mr. Andersen drops Kara to her home. Kara upon reaching home. Plans to look 
into the information in the envelope. Kara hides herself in her room and opens 
the envelope. There was a picture of Kara’s mother inside the envelope. Kara’s 
mother was sitting on a harbour beside her diving gear. Kara knew that her 
mother would always check her diving gear before going diving. Felix reveals that 
the picture was taken just before Kara’s mother disappeared and it was published 
in a newspaper. Felix also tells Kara that his father confirmed through his 
contacts that probably Kay Wood disappeared during diving but due to the fear 
of bad publicity regarding diving and tourism, the news was not leaked and it was 
spread that Kay Wood just disappeared. This confirms Kara that her mother had 
died. Felic comes to take Kara along with him for the regatta gala but since it had 
been cancelled, they decide to go out and see what was happening in town. Daisy 
accompanies them on the instructions of Aunt Bev. The beach was empty though 
it was warm and humid. A storm was expected and therefore the regatta race had 
been cancelled. Just then they come across Kale and Ethan who try to bully them 
but both Kara and Felix try to ignore them. Jake challenges Kara that he can beat 
her and Felix’s boat by sailing in Moana. Kara just tries to ignore them. It starts 
raining and Jake and Ethan start to sail Moana. Kara tries to stop Jake as the 
storm was approaching and because Kara didn’t want Moana to get wrecked in 
the storm. She tells Jake, “Your dad’s already lost Aaron. He doesn’t want to lose 
you too.” Jake and Ethan set on in Moana, Felix decides to follow Jake and Ethan 
in his boat and they tell Daisy to go to Merry Mermaid, they also tell her to inform 
Kara’s dad to call coast guards. Felix tells Daisy that, this fairy godmother will go 
and call the coast gaurds, his words make Daisy smile and she runs to get help. 
Both Kara and Felix put on their life jackets and follow Jake and Ethan. They carry 
two extra ones for Jake and Ethan as well.  
Chapter 35: 
Felix and Kara are following Moana which is being sailed by Jake and Ethan. 
Heavy rain was falling along with strong wind and high tides in the ocean. It 
seemed it would be hard for small boats to sail in the ocean. Kara realises that it 
was stupid to follow Jake and Ethan. Jake seemed like he was struggling to sail 
Moana and while struggling he fell into the ocean. The tides are too high. While 
Ethan did not know how to sail so Felix steers the boat toward Ethan and Moana 
to help him. Jake who had fallen in the water rises on the surface struggling to 
save himself. Felix swings the boat towards Jake, he rises up towards the boat, 
Kara grabs Felix towards the boat and just then Kara sees something white 
pushing Jake up. Kara pushes Jake in the boat while Ethan is seen clinging to 
Moana. Kara gives Jake a life jacket and grabs another one for Ethan and jumps 
in Moana instructing Felix to sail to the shore. She tells Felix that she will sail 
Moana to the shore with Ethan. Felix sails away with the wind towards the 
harbour. A gust of wind hits Kara while she tries to sail Moana. The weather is 
disastrous with heavy rain and Kara wonders if she would ever be able to see Felix 
and Jake again as she is terribly caught in the storm.  
Chapter 36: 
Kara is in Moana with Ethan. Moana is struggling because of the storm. Kara tries 
to control Moana and Ethan clings to Kara out of fear. Moana heaves and falls 
over the high waves. A strong wave spills in the boat and brakes the mast of the 
boat as a result, the sail of the boat comes down. The wind was screaming past 
and the waves were rising higher and higher and then a thousand tons of water 
stretched over Moana and everything goes dark. The mast and sail of Moana 
come down and Kara realises that now the boat will not be able to sail anymore. 
She takes out a flare from the locker to be raised for help. She had never used a 
flar before, she pulls the tag of the flare and a blast of light explodes giving a 
signal that someone out there needs help. The waves thud against Moana, 
crashing it hard and then Kara and Ethan hear a helicopter flying above them. 
Kara and Ethan wave at the helicopter. A man drops down from the helicopter 
towards Kara and Ethan. He grabs them both and lifts them up towards the 
helicopter. Kara looks down at Moana and wished to lift Moana up with her but a 
strong wave folds over, lifts Moana and smashes it against a cli .  
Chapter 37:  
As soon as Kara is rescued, she asks the rescue man if her friends have been 
rescued. The man tells her that they will first shift Kara and Ethan in an 
ambulance and afterwards they will go and rescue her friends. Kara’s father 
comes running to her and starts crying after hugging her. Felix’s parents and 
Dougie Evans also comes and ask Kara where Jake and Felix are. Kara tells them 
that they are coming to the harbour in Felix’s boat. All of them run towards the 
harbour along with Kara where there is a terrible storm and nothing could be 
seen. They see Ms. Penluna on the harbour and Dougie Evans begs her to pray 
for her son’s safe return. Dougie says that he has already lost Aaron and he 
doesn’t want to lose Jake. Upon which Ms. Penluna tells him that his son is with 
the angels, this upsets him because he knew what she meant. Everyone was upset 
as Felix’s boat was nowhere to be seen and when Kara sees the sail of Felix’s boat, 
she shouts out that Felix’s boat is there. The weather was dangerous and Felix’s 
boat was struggling hard against the storm but Felix makes it and reaches the 
harbour. Felix gave a thumbs up and grins, there was a wave of shouts and cheers 
that exploded all along the harbour wall.  
Chapter 38:  
Kara is in her home, getting up from her sleep. She had been sleeping almost the 
whole day and had been dead tired. When Kara wakes up, Daisy tells her that she 
has a surprise for her. Daisy takes Kara to her mum’s room where Aunt Bev was 
holding a baby in her hands. Daisy tells Kara that she has got a sister and she 
has been named Moana. When Kara sees Aunt Bev holding a baby, she tries to 
imagine that this is how her own mother would once have held her. Aunt Bev 
appreciated Kara’s act of bravery of saving the lives of Jake and Ethan. Kara’s 
dad tells Kara that Dougie Evans has given Uncle Tom his job back with a pay rise. 
Kara’s dad asks Kara to go out with him as he has got a surprise for her. At the 
door, they meet Dougie Evans who was holding a huge bunch of flowers. Dougie 
Evans informs Kara and her dad that he had brought the bouquet for Aunt Bev 
and the baby. Dougie Evans tells Kara and her dad that Jake says a white dolphin 
saved his life. He also thanks Kara for saving Jake’s life and o ers a job to Jim but 
Jim refuses his o er by saying that he already has a job lined up. Dougie Evans 
seems struggling with his thoughts and then announces that he has also signed 
the petition to stop dredging and he is looking at new ways to save dolphins. Kara 
is taken aback by the idea that Dougie Evans has changed his mind and is going 
to sign the petition to stop dredging in the reef; she feels victorious. Kara’s dad 
tells her that he had been accepted for a boat building course and this seems 
like a pleasant surprise to Kara. When they reach the harbour, Kara tries to look 
for the Angel as the idea of Angel being alone haunts her and she wonders how 
Angel will be able to manage alone. Kara’s dad gives Kara another surprise by 
telling her that he has got a new home, a caravan. The door of the caravan opens 
and Felix, Mr and Mrs Andersen, Carl, Greg and Sam are sitting around a table 
which is set for lunch. Kara and her dad take a walk and sit along the harbour 
where Kara’s dad tells her that if her mum was there she would have been so 
proud of Kara. He also tells Kara that she had done what her mother could not 
do. Kara accepts in front of her dad that her mother will not come back now and 
accepts the reality of her mother’s death. Kara sees a pod of dolphins cruising 
through the sea. She sees Angel leaping from the center somersaulting and 
slapping water with her tail. Kara feels chosen somehow and now she is sure that 
Angel will never be alone. The fast blue ocean was waiting for Angel and it was the 
beginning of Kara and Angel’s new life together.  

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