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~PER 1]).17107 (BAlCH: 2004) J
Time: 3 Houri j1yfqxivnum ["'larks.. 75
[ Nole.' Attempt any jive questions/rom PartB. Pa!'!A is complllsor.;-:-- J
Q,l Explain in brief. (\)x2.5=15)
(a) What do you mean by Micro, Mini, Mainframe and Super computer?
(b) Explain about system software and application software.
(c) List the differences between high level language'and low level language.
(d) What do you mean by l's compliment and 2'5 compliment? Explain with example.
(e) What are MICR, OCR & OMR?
(f) What do you understand by GUITHow is it diffe~ent from text user interface?

Q.2 (a) List "10" differences between SASD & DASD. (8)
(b) Discuss the various functions of O.S in de~ail. (7)

Q.3 (a) Describethe different generation of computers in detail.' (5)

(b) Describe the different generation of computer language in ddail. (5)
(c) Describe the various components of a computer using its block diagram and also (5)
explain the functions of different unit of computer.

Q.4 (a) Perform the following operation using"BinaryArithmetic Operation, (10)

(i) 4x3
(ii) 4-3
(iv) 100%20

(b) Convert the following numbers into hexadecimaJ (5)

(i) (10010.01010)2
(ii) (1276)8
(iii)(746) 10
. "

Q.5 (a) Explain the differences among VGA, SVGA and XGA. (7)
(b) .Discussabout plotter and printer in detail. (5)
(d) What do you understand about Bar Code Reader? How Bar Codes DIecreated? (3)

Q.6 (a) Explain any 6" commands for Directory manipulation with the help of examples. (7)
(b) List "7" differences between LAN, MAN & WAN. (8)

Q.7 (a) What is transmission mode? Discuss about the various transmission modes (8)
in detail.
(b) What do you mean by Topology? Discuss the various topologies used for (7)
computer network.

Q.8 Write short notes (au v four) (4x3.75)

(a) Sytlchronous & Asynchronou~ Transmission
(b) Magnetic Tape & Optical disk
" (c) Fixed point and floating point number.
(d) Comper Application
(e) MS-Word
(f) MS-Excel

EXI'J.rA !f" ' \..L..,./
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Je w?ite yaur l}.xam Roil No.)


Paper Code: BBA107 . Subject: Computer Fundamentaisl

Paper Jd: 17107 Batch: (20D1~2003) I

Time: 3 Hours PiJaxim,um Marks :75

I Note: Attempt anyfive questions. ]
Q1 (a) What is the difference betwsen mini and micro-computers?'Discuss the features of both, (5)
(b) Hardware and software of a computer system are like two sides of a coin. Discuss. (5)
(c) List out the main functions of the CPU in a computer system. (5)
02 (a) Differentiate between data and information, Which is more useful to the people and why? (4)
(b) Why were first and second generation computers more difficult and costlier to produce
commercially than the computers of subsequent generations? Explain both the
generations in detail (first and second). .' (6)
(c) What is the difference between fixed point and floating point representation of numbers?
~xplairiwith the help of an example. (5)

03 (a) Convert the following numbers from one system to another as defined below:- (4x3=12)
(i) 2CD(16) = ( )(2) .

(ii) 3CA(16) = ( )(10)

(iii) 132.84(10) =( )(2)
(iv) 1.1011(2) = ( )(10)
(b) Whatis the difference between primary and secondary storage? (3)

04 (a) Define the term 'byte', What is the difference betWeena bit and a byte? (3)
(b) Perform the following subtraction using 2's complement representation for negative
numbers. (6)
. (i) 11010-1101
(ii) 1753-8640
(c) In the context of magnetic tape storage, what is blocking factor? How is blocking factor
generally decided? (6)

Q5 (a) What is the difference between sequential and direct access storage devices? Explain
. with the help of an example.' .' . (5)
(b) A disk pack consists .of 6 disk plates, Each plate has 400 tracks and ~hereqre 50 sectors
per track, If 512 byte~ can be stored per sector, calculate the total nu'mbE;rsof bytes that
can be stored in this pack, . .. . (5)
(c) Explain the <;fifferencebetween volatile and non-volatile memory, Give an example of
each type of memory. (5)

06 (a) How do you perform the following tasks in a Disk Operating System? (10)
(i) View the contents of a directory.
(ii) Change from one directory t9 another.
(Hi) Change from one drive to another.
(iv) Rename files. . ..
(v) Delete files. .
(b) What is a.Wild Card? .E;xplainwith the help of an example. (2)
(c) What are "config.sys"ahd "autoe!<ec.bat"files? What are their characteristics? (3)
Q7 (a) How do you keep track of the disk space available on your computer? Give the names of
the commands in DOS used to do the above task, (4)
(b) What is a word-processing package? List out some of the key features supported by
modern word-processing packages, (8)
(c) What is a spreadsheet package? List out some of its typical uses. (3)

08 Write short notes on any three of the following:- . (5x3=15)

(a) V,sual O,splay Unit (VDU)
(b) CD-ROM' ;,:

(c) Types of softWare'

(d) Firmware
(e) Light pen, mouse and joysticks

(Please write you;' Exam Roll No.) ~~am Roll No. ~..



Paper Id-17107
Code: BBA107' Batch:Funoamenta/l
Subject: Computer
, (2005-2007)
Time: 3 Hours MaximumMarks:75
I . . Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.1which is compulsory. '1

01 (a) Discuss the fifth generation of computers. (3x5=15)

(b) Write a detailed note on instruction cycle.
(c) Convert decimal 278 to binary and octal.
(d) Can multiprocessing and multiprogramming be part of the same system?
Give reasonsfor your answer.
(e) Identifythe basic elementsof a communicationsystem and the purposeof
each. '

02 (a)"Discuss the basic organization of a computer system and explain the

functions of various units ofa computer system. (8)
(b) List out the various applications of computers. (7)

03 (a) When a computer language is called' machine dependent? What is the

main disadvantag'e of such a language? , (5)
(b) What is an assembly language? What are its advantages oyer machine
language? (5)
(c) What is a compiler? Why is it required? A compu~er supports five high-
level languages. How many compilers wiil this computer have? (5)

04 (a) Convert the decimal numbers in binary and perform the arithmetic
operations- (i) 52-18 (ii) -32-24 (iii) 12x15 (6)
(b) Explain why an OCR device cannot be successfully used for handwriting
recognition.'" .' (4)
(c) Explain the 'printing mechanism of dot-matrix printers. (5)

05 (a) What is ROM? Why is it known as primary memory? How it helps in

, booting? . .'. (6)
,',:(b) Explain,how read/writeoperationis carriedout in an opticaldisk. (5)
(c) The sector size of a disk should not be too large or too small. Explain
'why? ' (4)

06 (a) What is an operating system? Explain the role of the operating system as
a resource manager of a computer system. (5)
(b) Cali mu~tiprocessing and multiprogramming be part of the same system?
Give reasons for your answer. (5)
(c) Differentiate between sequential access and random access files. (5)
07 (a) How is directory created in windows operating system? (2)
(b) What do you understand by character and paragraph format? (4)
(c) What is the difference between formulas and functions? Show the steps
involved in inserting functions while using a spreadsheet. (5)
(d) Explain the Autosum feature with the help' of an example. (4)
'. "
08 (a) List down the advantages and disadvantages of optical fibre. (4)
(b) Explain the working of an Ethernet LAN. .' (5)
(c) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ring and Star topologies? (6)

~ f-xam Roll No. """""""""""
(Please writeyour Exam Roll !vo.)


Paper Code: BBA 107 Subject: Computer Fundamentals
Paper Id: 17107 (Batch: 2001-2003)
18107 (Batch: 2003-2004)
Time: 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75
[ Note: Attempt any five que.stions. ]

01 (a) List out and explain some of the important characteristics of a computer. (7)
(b) What is the difference between RAM and ROM? How are these memories addressed? (5)
(c) Why was it not possible to take a program written for one computer and run it on some
other computer in the first and second generation of computers? (3)

02 (a) Draw a block diagram to illustrate the basic components of a computer system. Also,
explainthe functionsof the variousunits. (10)
(b) Defineand distinguishbetweenapplicationsoftwareand systemsoftware. (5)

03 (a) What is the value of the base for decimal, hexadecimal binary and octal number systems?
(b) Convert the following numbers from one system to another as defined below:- (8)
(i) 2AC(16) = ( )(8)
(ii) 111.01(2)=( )(10)
(iii) FAB(16) = ( )(10)
(Iv) 247(10) = ( )(2)
(c) What are the impact and Non-impact printers? (3)

04 (a) Perform the following subtraction using 1's or 2's complement scheme:- (4)
(i) 1010100-1010000
(b) What do you understand by secondary storage? Why are disks and tapes called
secondary storage devices? Can they be called primary storage devices? Why or 'why
~ (~
(c) Why do you think does a hard disk have a higher storage capacity and a 'faster access
time than a floppy disk? ' . . (3)
(d) Give one use or application each of light pen and a joystick. (2)

05 (a) Explain the functions of operating system. . (5)

(b) Explain the following terms in context of DOS:- (10)
(i) Batch files
(ii) Chksdsk
(iii) Redirecting commands
(iv) Pipes

06 (a) What is a cell in a spreadsheet? How is a single cell identified? How is a range of cells
identified? (5)
(b) Differentiate between left-and right-justified text,' (2)
(c) What is a style sheet in a word processing application? How is it useful? (5)
(d) What are the internal and external commands of DOS? (3)

07 (a) What are the most common types of network technologies? Explain. (5)
(b) Explain how data is stored in magnetic disk? (5)
(c) What is a super computer? Explain its range of applications. (5)

08 Write short notes on any three of the following:- (5x3=15)

(a) Sequential and direct access storage devices
(b) Alphanumeric character codes
(c) Computer types-Analog, Digital and Hybrid
(d) Use of wild cards in DOS
(e) Visual Display Unit (VDU)


(Pleasewriteyour Exam Roll No.) Exam Roll No. 1.9..J..u Lt t

Paper Code: BBA 107 Subject: Computer Fundamentals
Paper Id-17107_-
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks :75
c= . Note: Attempt all questions with internal choice as indicated. l
~Ql ~- ..(,ii)What "'.-=
do ,you mean by the term software? Explain- the difference
between compiler and interpreter.
(b) Divide (100001)2 by (110)2 using binary division method.
(c) What is the difference between ROM, PROM and EPROM?
(d) Explain simple batch system.
(e) Write main features of optical fiber. (5x3=15)

.Q2 (a) What is computer? Discuss block diagram of a computer and explain
the functions of various units of computer system. (8)
(b) Classify the computer on the basis of processing speed and storage
units. (7)
(a) Do the following conversions. (3x2.5=7.5)
(i) (225)8=()2 (ii) (2CD)!6=()2 (iii) (1100101101)2=()1O
(b) Perform the following arithmetic operations (use complement method
wherever required). (3x2.5=7.5)
(i) (1100)2*(1010)2 (ii) (10111011)2-(110011)2 (iii}.....

Q3 (a) Discuss any five input devices. (7.5)

(b) Discuss any five output devices. (7.5)
OR .

(a) Discuss primary and secondary memory in the computer system. (7.5)
(b) Define secondary storage devices. What is the need .of.such devices?
Discuss any two such devices. . (7.5).'

Q4 (a) What is an operating system? Explain the functions of operating

system. (7.5)
(b) Explain the difference between multiprogramming and
multiprocessing operating systems. (7.5)
Write the syntax of the following commands with example:- (10x1.5=15)
(i) DIR (ii) COpy (iii) COpy CON (iv) RE-N """""""' (v}DEL-~--
(vi)MD (vii) RD (viii) TREE (ix) VOL (x) SCANDISK

Q5 (a) What do you mean by networking? Discuss the three major types of
networks. ' (7.5)
(b) What are the various modes
of transmission? (7.5)
(a) What is the difference between workbook and worksheet? (5)
(b) Write the steps to create mail merge. (10)

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