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Read and write your own reflection about the sermon written by Jonathan Edwards.

There are few things in life as frightening as when an angry God is looking down upon you.
One of the most terrifying aspects of this relationship is that there is no escaping it. There is no
hiding from the fact that God hates sin and that we can do nothing to avoid his wrath. This is
particularly unnerving because we tend to believe that God loves us and has our best interests
at heart. However, the Bible makes it clear that this is not the case. As it is written in the book of
Romans 3:23 “Everyone has sinned and is far away from God’s saving presence” Humans
were born with sins, and individuals are surrounded by the evildoer and temptations of sins. The
sermon preached by Jonathan Edwards on July 8, 1741, at Enfield entitled " Sinners in the
Hands of an Angry God” became a great awakening up until now for it is a powerful sermon
that illustrates how sin separates us from God. Jonathan Edwards emphasized how difficult the
wrath of God is for sinners, how they are open for destruction, and how hard they will toast and
burn in a pit of hell where everlasting suffering will be experienced.

According to Jonathan Edwards “The strongest have no power to resist him, nor can any
deliver out of his hands” at this sentence, it is clear that Jonathan wants to point out to the
listeners of the preacher that time that no one can get away from the power of God, no one can
beat him for He is a powerful God. He did sacrifice his own life to pay for our sin through the
cross, and He will never forsake His children whether it is old, middle age, or youth to stand and
enjoy the sin of the world. God can cast wicked men to hell easily for evildoers deserve to be
cast into hell. God is a jealous God, He is a pure God and deserves to worship, He deserves
faithfulness and truthfulness, and purity. He is a righteous God and a Merciful God to the person
who deserves His mercy. He hates and condemned the evildoers and those who committed
wrongdoing. Sin can cause a lot of misery and can give trouble to every person and their soul, it
will destroy and can corrupt a person’s mind and heart with wrongdoing. The Devil sees a sinner
as prey, they are with them and guiding them with their sins like temptation and crimes. Devils
are greedy so as well the wrongdoer for Devil portrayed as a father of sinners and not the
righteous and mighty God. As written in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy 32:35 “Their
foot slid in due time” and as stated in the book of Ecclesiastes 3:11 “There is time for
everything” that is why sinners are not in hell for the judgment is not yet to come. Hell is a
place where they can suffer eternally and cannot escape. A place where a foolish home. But
God can save people from sin if they want to be saved then they must come and have faith in
God for He is a Sovereign God, but in order to be saved they must serve Him for as it was
written in John 3:18 “He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not
is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten
Son of God”. We are all prone to destruction and wrongdoing because we live in a tempting
place surrounded by sinful things of evil. The wrath of God is terrifying, it is like a stream of
waters that never stops and will make a person suffer with His vengeance. He will never help a
sinner from a fiery pit, it is the only way for them to feel the vengeance of God, a person will be
destroyed and burned in a raging fire of hell and He will never listen to your cry anymore
instead, God will mock and laugh at the sinners in hell.
For the conclusion of this reflection paper, I observed that John Edwards was straight to the
point and used vivid words in his sermon to the hearers in the church. The purpose of this
sermon is to awaken the soul of Christianity that hell is real. He wants to open the mind of
people to how dangerous the sin and wrath of God is and they must watch their actions while
the time has not yet come for judgment. People must turn to God and they will be granted
salvation. He used a frightened verse, a verse where Jonathan shares with people how and
what will happen to the wrath of God, what place evildoers deserve to be in, and how much
suffering they will experience in the raging fire of hell if they do not believe and serve the Lord of
God. This sermon is widely recognized up until today for it became a topic of religious form and
literature. Jonathan Edwards reminds us that we are a sinner and we deserve the punishment,
but God takes it from the cross, but then some people take it for granted and enjoy their sins.
This is a frightening sermon to help listeners, believers, and nonbelievers that a hell is a torture
place for sinners and it is a place where wrongdoers feel the wrath of the King of all kings and a
Mighty and Sovereign Lord.

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