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Grade 11
Development Team of the Module

Author: Dr. Michele M. Rocela

Reviewer: Dr. John G. Nepomuceno

Management Team:

Gemma G. Cortez, Ed.D., CID - Chief

Leylanie V. Adao, EPS - LR

SDO Dasmariñas City

Schools Division Superintendent: Celedonio B. Balderas, Jr.
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent: Bernadette T. Luna

Guide in Using Learner’s Module

For the Parents/Guardian

This module is designed to assist you as the learning facilitator at home. It
provides you with activities and lesson information that the learners need
to accomplish in a distance learning modality.

For the Learner

This module is designed to guide you in your independent learning
activities at your own pace and time. This also aims to help you acquire
the competencies required by the Department of Education at the comfort
of your home.

You are expected to answer all activities on separate sheets of paper and submit
the outputs to your respective teachers on the time and date agreed upon
Hello, dear learners! Welcome to our class. I am glad to have you
as my students in this course: Practical Research 1 or PR1.

Are you ready to BEGIN your journey with this module? Well, it’s
time to TAKE STEPS to your quest for KNOWLEDGE.


ENGAGE with Module 1

Here are some reminders as you use this Self-Learning Module:

 Read and understand the lessons.
 Follow the directions in every exercises.
 You need to answer the Pre-Test before moving on to the
Learning Module Proper.
 Observe honesty in answering the tests and exercises and in
checking your answers.
 Try to finish a given activity before proceeding to the next.

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) serves as a self-learning material to guide
you in understanding the target competencies expected in the curriculum. The PR1
is an applied subject and you can find the MELCs for PR1 on pages 566-568 of the
MELCs 2020 published by the Department of Education (DepEd). A soft copy of the
PR1 MELC is included in this Module and can be found in the Appendices Part of
this module. This SLM for PR1 is composed of eight (8) Modules. To give you an
overview, here is the Table of Contents of the PR1 Self-Learning Module.


Module I Nature of Inquiry A. What is 9
and Research Research?

B. Importance of 10

C. Ethics of 10

D. Different Kinds 11
of Researches

E. Examples of 15
Module II Qualitative A. Characteristics
Research and Its of Qualitative
Importance in Daily Research
B. Parts of a

C. Examples of

D. How to Choose
a Topic and Writes
Research Title

Module III Identifying the A. Writing the

Inquiry and Stating Introduction;

the Problem Theoretical
Framework and
Framework of the

B. Formulating

C. Indicating the
Scope and
delimitations of the

D. Citing the
benefits and
significance of the

E. Presentation of
the Statement of
the Problem for
Critique and
Module IV Learning from A. Selects and
Others and cites related
Reviewing the literature and
Literature studies

B. Citation using
the APA Format

C. Writes coherent
related literature
and studies

D. Presents
Chapter 2 of the
students’ chosen
research or study
Module V Understanding A. Choose
Data and Ways to appropriate

Systematically Qualitative
Collect Data Research Design

B. Presents
Methodology or the
Chapter 3 of their
Module VI Finding Answers A. Collects Data
Through Data Through
Collection Observation and

B. Doing the
Survey Using the
Google Forms

Module VII Analyzing the A. Infers and

Meaning of the explain the Data
Data and Drawing relevant to the
Conclusions study

B. Writes the
Chapter V of the
Module VIII Reporting and A. Draws
Sharing the conclusions from
Findings the chosen

B. Formulates
based on the
findings and
conclusions of the
qualitative research

C. Techniques in
Listing References

D. Presentation of
the Full Paper

CONTENT DESCRIPTION: In Module 1, we will discuss the nature of
inquiry and research. Here, we will define and know the meaning of research, the
importance of research, ethics of research, different kinds of research and examples
of research.

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of: (1)

the importance of research in daily life; (2) the characteristics, processes, and ethics
of research; (3) quantitative and qualitative research and (4) the kinds of research
across fields.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner will be able to use appropriate

kinds of research in making decisions.


CS_RS11- IIIa-1

shares research experiences and knowledge

CS_RS11- IIIa-2

explains the importance of research in daily life

CS_RS11- IIIa-3

describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of research

CS_RS11- IIIa-4

differentiates quantitative from qualitative research

CS_RS11- IIIa-5

provide examples of research in areas of interest


Read the following items carefully. Encircle the letter that

corresponds your answer.

1. In gathering data, a researcher invited 10 – 15 people to a meeting and engages

them in a discussion about the problem being studied. Which method of qualitative
research was used?
A) in-depth interview
B) focus group discussion
C) open-ended survey
D) oral history

2. The study of Mr. San Juan on teaching styles of college instructors was
conducted again by Mr. Castro using a different school. What characteristic of
research was shown?
A) empirical
B) logical
C) critical
D) replicability

3. Which is the next step after the researcher has chosen a topic for study?
A) gather relevant literature design

B) define the research problem and conclusion

C) choose a research
D) write the summary

4. If you want to know whether speed in reading affects the understanding of the
material, what kind of research should you conduct?
A) descriptive
B) correlational
C) action research
D) explanatory

5. Which research ethics honor copyrights and give proper acknowledgement or

credit for all contributions to research?
A) Respect for Intellectual Property

B) Responsible Publishing
C) Social Responsibility
D) Confidentiality

Before you proceed to the lesson proper,

CHECK your answers using the key to corrections
found at the last page of this module.
Thank you for your PATIENCE and HONESTY.


Activity 1.1. Using the Acronym RESEARCH, think of word/s to

explain what is research for you?

R ___________________
S ___________________
E ___________________
A ___________________
R ___________________
C ___________________
H ___________________

Activity 1.2. In five sentences write your definition of research.

Research is _______________________________________

What is Research? Research is conducted to evaluate the validity of a
hypothesis or an interpretive framework; to assemble a body of substantive
knowledge and findings for sharing them in appropriate manners; and to generate
questions for further inquiries (retrieved from
research, last October 1, 2020).

Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge and/or the use of

existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate new concepts,
methodologies and understandings (retrieved last October 1, 2020 from
tion/dest_definition_of_research). This could include synthesis and analysis of
previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative outcomes (ibid).

It is therefore simplified as the systematic search for pertinent information on

a specific topic or problem (Rocela, 2017).

Here are some research quotes that will inspire you to finish your project and
tasks. These are retrieved last September 28, 2020 from ).

1. "The more important reason is that the research itself provides an important
long-run perspective on the issues that we face on a day-to-day basis. " -Ben
2. "Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." -Wernher
von Braun
3. "Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose. " -
Zora Neale Hurston
4. "In much of society, research means to investigate something you do not
know or understand. " -Neil Armstrong
5. "I believe in innovation and that the way you get innovation is you fund
research and you learn the basic facts. " -Bill Gates
6. "Research is creating new knowledge." -Neil Armstrong
7. "Research is about engaging in a conversation with a brand." -Matthew

The Importance of Research

The primary goal of research is to explore and gain an understanding

of human behavior and social life, and thereby gain a greater control over
them (Rocela,, 2017). Likewise, to satisfy one’s curiosity, a person

should pursue a research activity in seeking additional or new knowledge and
providing useful information in the form of verifiable data (ibid). Research is
one way of delivering one’s self from the burden of doubts and skepticism
(ibid). Research has become a way of life. Research is very important.

Ethics of Research

Conducting research requires responsibility and a sense of value.

Researchers must abide and be committed to the highest standards of
integrity in doing research. Ethical research must always be employed.
Knowing answers for the societal problems is not just enough if the
researchers will not consider the respondents and society.

In doing research, all researchers must abide with the Intellectual

Property Rights or the IPR. What are these IPRs? Intellectual property rights
are the rights given to persons over the creations of their minds (retrieved
from last October 3,
2020). They usually give the creator an exclusive right over the use of his/her
creation for a certain period of time (ibid). The IPRs are customarily divided
into tow main areas: Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and Industrial
Property Rights.

Copyrights are the rights of authors of literary and artistic works (such
as books and other writings, musical compositions, paintings, sculpture,
computer programs and films) are protected by copyright, for a minimum
period of 50 years after the death of the author (retrieved from last October 3,
2020). Also protected through copyright and related (sometimes referred to
as “neighboring”) rights are the rights of performers (e.g. actors, singers and
musicians), producers of phonograms (sound recordings) and broadcasting
organizations (ibid). The main social purpose of protection of copyright and
related rights is to encourage and reward creative work (ibid).

Industrial Property Rights can be characterized as the protection of

distinctive signs, in particular trademarks (which distinguish the goods or
services of one undertaking from those of other undertakings) and
geographical indications- which identify a good as originating in a place where
a given characteristic of the good is essentially attributable to its geographical
origin (retrieved last October 3, 2020 from The protection of
such distinctive signs aims to stimulate and ensure fair competition and to
protect consumers, by enabling them to make informed choices between
various goods and services (ibid). The protection may last indefinitely,
provided the sign in question continues to be distinctive (ibid). Moreover,

other types of industrial property are protected primarily to stimulate
innovation, design and the creation of technology. In this category fall
inventions (protected by patents), industrial designs and trade secrets (ibid).

Here in our country, Philippines we have this Republic Act No. 8293
otherwise known as “An Act Prescribing the Intellectual Property Code and
Establishing the Intellectual Property Office, providing for its powers and
functions and for other Purposes” (retrieved last October 2, 2020 from With this
existing law, we should be reminded that we need to protect our own talents
and skills as we also value and protect other peoples’ intellectual property

Aside from adhering to the Intellectual Property Rights, the researchers

must also protect their sources of information more so if the researchers will
employ or use the minors or children as their subject of research. They should
seek the permission from the parents of these minors who will be subjected
be respondents of every research.

Likewise, the researchers should know what format they are going to
use before they start writing their research. Like if they will follow the
American Psychological Association or the APA Style or Format in
referencing. We usually adapt the APA Format and the most recent is the
APA Style 7th Edition.

Different Kinds of Research

A. According to Application of Research Methods

1. Pure Research - it is also called “basic research” or “fundamental

research” that aims to discover basic truth and principles intended to add to
the body of scientific knowledge.

2. Applied Research - it involves seeking new applications of scientific

knowledge to the solution of a problem.

B. Based on Purpose of the Research

1. Descriptive Research - define or give a verbal portrayal or picture of

a person, thing, event, group, situation.
2. Correlational Research - shows relationships or connectedness of
two factors, circumstances, or agents called variables that affect the research.

3. Explanatory Research – elaborates or explains not just the reasons

behind the relationship of two factors, but also the ways by which such
relationship exists.

4. Exploratory research- to find out how reasonable or possible it is to
conduct a research study on a certain topic.

5. Action Research - It is a decision-oriented research involving the

application of the steps of scientific method in response to immediate need to
improve existing practices.

C. According to Venue

1. Library Research - research done in the library where answer to

specific questions or problems of the study are available.

2. Field Research - research is conducted in a natural setting where

no changes are made in the environment.

3. Laboratory Research - research is conducted in artificial or

controlled conditions by isolating the study in rigorously specified and
operationalized area.

D. According to Type of Data

1. Quantitative Research - research that utilizes numerical method of

measuring or ascertaining the variable. It uses an objective method of
measuring the variable and data are treated using statistical tools.

2. Qualitative Research - research that do not utilize numerical data

but instead data are presented through elaborate word descriptions of what is
observed. Interpretation and analysis rely on the researcher’s personal
judgement and critical analysis of the event, condition, or behaviour observed
under investigations. This is usually utilized with case studies.

E. According to Procedure and Techniques

1. Historical Research - research which is the accumulation of facts in

relation to a particular time sequence to determine whether or what certain
events in history happened.

2. Descriptive Research – it includes all studies that purport to present

facts concerning the nature and status of anything. It is concerned with
condition of relationships that exist, practices that prevail, beliefs and
processes that are going-on, felt influences and developing trends.

3. Experimental Method- it is a problem-solving approach of research

that describes what will be when certain variables are carefully controlled or
manipulated. It is the technique of discovering information by means of


Point of
Qualitative Quantitative
focus of research process, understanding, meaning quantity (how much, how many)
Philosophical phenomenology, symbolic,
positivism, empiricism, realism
perspectives interactionism, constructivism
understanding, description,
prediction, control, description,
Purpose interpretation, discovery,
confirmation, hypothesis testing
hypothesis generation
design characteristics flexible, evolving, emergent predetermined, structures
small, non-random, purposeful,
Sample large, random, representative
Data Less in-depth but more breadth
More in-depth information on a
of information across a large
few cases
number of cases
researcher as primary
instrument, observations, focus
groups, in-depth interviews, and researcher is outside, scales,
data collection reviews of documents for types tests, surveys, questionnaires
of themes Fixed response options
Unstructured or semi-structured
response options
inductive, constant comparative,
primary mode of analysis interpretive deductive, statistical test
no statistical test
largely depends on the
largely depends on skill and rigor
Validity measurement device or
of the researcher
instrument used
More subjective: describes a
problem or condition from the More objective: provides
point of view of those observed effects (interpreted by
experiencing it researchers) of a program on a
problem or condition

lighter on the planning end and

heavier on the planning phase
time expenditure heavier during the analysis
and lighter on the analysis phase


Activity 1.3. SPELL IT. Arrange the jumbled letters to determine the
kinds of Research.


B] NIOTCA Answer : A_T_O_
C] DIELAPP Answer : A_P_I_D

Activity 1.4. MAKE UP YOUR MIND

Learners you may watch the video clip entitled “The Turtle and the Rabbit:
New Version”. Identify a situation in the film when research was used to find solution
to a problem and explain the type of research used.

Based on the film, here are the guide questions to help you analyze the video
clip. 1). What are the different situations found in the video that uses research
2). What type of research was found in the video and how is it related to the
mentioned scenario?
ANSWERS: ___________________________________________________

Great job! Thank you for your responses.

Your learning experience has just started.
We hope you are ready to EXPLORE more!


Activity 1.5. IF I KNOW IT, I CAN APPLY IT

Applying what you have learned, create your own or compose a meaningful
shout-out expressing your appreciation about the different kinds of research.


Examples of Research:

The following researches were conducted by your teacher as well as my

former students from my previous school. Most of the sample researches here were
presented in the local, national, and even international conferences. Hope by
presenting you these conducted researches will motivate you to come -up with your
own topic for research and soon will be able also to present your own research.

In the following researches, you will notice that we have different kinds of
researches here. We have pure or basic, descriptive, correlational, action,
quantitative, qualitative, and even historical research. After seeing the research
titles, you will soon be able to identify what kind of research is being done in the
given samples. I only have here six samples of research done by me and my former
students. If you want to read the full paper, you may visit the Google Classroom of
the Dr. Mich Rocela and you may want to subscribe to my You Tube Channel as
well. The link is at the reference part of this module.

Examples of Different Kinds of Research

How was your learning experience so far?
I hope that you had a great journey.


A. Look carefully at the pictures on the previous pages. Read the titles of
each research presented. Please identify the kind of research being presented by
each picture.

Answer: 1. __________________________________

2. __________________________________

3. ___________________________________

4. ___________________________________

5. ___________________________________

6. ___________________________________

B. Can you think of you own topic for research? Or a possible research title
perhaps? Why don’t you try to write your own title for your own research? Write
down your thoughts on these.


Determine the type of research for the given topic.
1. The Effects of single-parent families on children’s education.
Answer: ________________________________________

2. Satisfaction of Senior Citizens on PhilHealth claims.

Answer: ________________________________________

3. The experience of LGBT students in senior high school.

Answer: ________________________________________

4. The preference of students in wearing school uniforms.

Answer: ________________________________________

5. The relationship between age and academic performance.

Answer: ________________________________________

Check your answers using the key to corrections found at the last
page of this module to know how well you made it. Thank you for your


1. B
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A








Happy face with two thumbs-up if you got three to

five (3-5) in the post test.

Sad face if you got two and below in the post test.


•, retrieved last October 1,

application/dest_definition_of_research, retrieved last October 1, 2020.
•, retrieved last September 28,
•, retrieved last
October 3, 2020
•, retrieved
last October 2, 2020
• - Dr. Mich
Rocela YouTube Channel
• DepEd MELCs 2020

• Rocela, The Basics of Research: A Primer. Mutya Publishing. Malabon

City, Philippines. 2017.

• Prieto, Nelia G. Practical Research 1 for Senior High School –

Quantitive. Manila: LoriMar Publishing

• Shamoo A and Resnik D. 2015.Responsible Conduct of Research, 3rd ed.

(New York: Oxford University Press).

You are now ready to take a lift on to the next
part of your journey.

CONGRATULATIONS! You may now proceed to the

2nd module.


CONTENT DESCRIPTION: In Module 2, we will discuss what is Qualitative

Research and its Importance in Daily Life. We will tackle the characteristics of
Qualitative Research; Parts of a Qualitative Research; Examples of Qualitative
Research, and How to Choose a Topic and lastly, you will try to write a tentative
qualitative research title for your own study.

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of: (1).

the value of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, uses, strengths, and
weaknesses; (2). the importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry; and
(3) the range of research topics.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner will be able to: (1) decide on

suitable qualitative research in different areas of interest, and (2) formulate clearly
statement of research problem.


CS_RS11- IIIb-1

describes characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, and kinds of

qualitative research

CS_RS11- IIIb-2

Illustrates the importance of qualitative research across fields


designs a research project related to daily life


writes a research title


Read the following items carefully. Shade the YES if the statement is
correct and NO if the statement is incorrect.

1. Findings in qualitative research are easily generalizable.

2. Data in qualitative research are analyzed by looking for themes or
3. In qualitative research, validity and reliability of data can easily be
4. Qualitative research works with numerical data and relies on statistical
5. Qualitative research is usually conducted in a laboratory or controlled

Before you proceed to the lesson proper,

CHECK your answers using the key to corrections
found at the last page of this module.
Thank you for your PATIENCE and HONESTY.

Activity 2.1. FILL ME UP

The diagram below will help you understand what Qualitative Research
is. You just complete the diagram by choosing the word/s or phrase/es inside the
table that you can associate with Qualitative Research.


Non-numerical Statistical Micro-level In-depth Analysis of

data treatment questioning themes
Large sample More Objective Text-based Number-based Small sample
size size


A. Characteristics of a Qualitative Research

Qualitative research is based on the disciplines of social sciences like

psychology, sociology, and anthropology (retrieved last October 7, 2020 from It is a type of
social science research that collects and works with non-numerical data. Moreover,
qualitative research seeks to interpret meaning from these data that help us
understand social life through the study of targeted populations or places. In Social
Sciences, it typically focused on the micro-level of social interaction that composes
everyday life. Qualitative research produces a descriptive data that the researcher
must then interpret using rigorous and systematic methods of transcribing, coding,
and analysis of trends and themes. The researchers need to capture accurate, in-
depth insights and factual data.

Qualitative research is not only about “what” people think but also “why” they
think so (retrieved from
methods/ last October 7, 2020). Look at the example here, when qualitative
research was conducted to improve the sales of a certain store. A convenience
store is looking to improve its female patronage. A systematic observation concludes
that the number of men visiting this store are more. One good method to determine
why women were not visiting the store is to conduct an in-depth interview of potential
customers in the category. In that sense, the store owner will know the reason/s why
there were only few female customers visiting the store. Therefore, the qualitative
research methods allow for in-depth and further probing and questioning of
respondents based on their responses, where the interviewer/researcher also tries to
understand their motivation and feelings. Understanding how your audience takes
decisions can help derive conclusions in market research.

Qualitative research appealed to the Social scientists because it allows the

research to investigate the meanings that people attribute to their behavior, actions,
and interactions with others. It is designed to reveal the meaning of the action or
outcomes that are typically measured by quantitative research. Moreover, qualitative
research investigates meanings, interpretations, symbols, and the processes and
relations of social life.

If you do not have any questions, you may now answer Activity 2.2.

Activity 2.2. EXPRESS IT. In five sentences write your definition

of Qualitative Research.

Qualitative Research is ______________________________


I am sure you are now excited to continue your quest for knowledge. Do not
worry because I am here to guide you through the next lessons. The next lessons
will further enrich your knowledge about Qualitative Research.

B. Parts of a Qualitative Research

Copyright Page
Title Page
Certification and Approval Sheet
Certification of Originality
Table of Contents
List of Tables (if there is any)
List of Figures (if there is any)
List of Graphs/ or Charts (if there is any)
List of Acronyms
In the Preliminaries part of the Qualitative Research, you will see the copy
right page, title page, certification and approval sheet, acknowledgements,
certification of originality, abstract, table of contents, list of tables, figures, graphs,
and charts if any and list of acronyms.

Chapter 1 – The Problem and Its
Statement of the Problem
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Significance of the Study
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Definition of Terms
For Chapter 1 or the problem and its background, you will have your
introduction, statement of the problem, theoretical and conceptual frameworks,
significance, scope and limitations of the study and definition of terms.

Chapter 2 – Review of Literature and
Thematic Arrangement of Literature and
Studies shall be followed
Synthesis of the Reviewed Literature and
For Chapter 2 or the review of related literature and studies, only the thematic
arrangement of literature and studies shall be followed. Then a synthesis of the
reviewed literature and studies will be written here.

Chapter 3 – Methodology
Research Design
Sources of Data: Informant/s’ Profile or
may also include the Description of the
Research Locale
Ethical Considerations
For Chapter 3 or the methodology, the research design will be discussed
here. Likewise, the sources of data like the informant/s profile and the profile of the
research locale are also included under Chapter 3. Moreover, ethical considerations
must also be part of this chapter.

Chapter 4 – Results and Discussion
Only the main topics per problem shall
appear as headings.

The number of sub-headings shall be

consistent with the number of sub-

problems posted in Chapter 1.
For Chapter 4 or the part where you write your results and discussion, only
the main topics per problem shall appear as headings. The number of sub-headings
shall be consistent with the number of sub-problems in your Chapter 1.

Chapter 5 – Summary of Findings,
Conclusions, and Recommendations
Summary of Findings
For Chapter 5 is the part where you can find the summary of the findings,
conclusions, and recommendations.

APA Latest Edition
For the references part, you will follow the APA latest edition. As of the
present date, we have the 7th edition of the APA. This will be further discussed in
Module 4 of our PR1 Course.

Transcription (if applicable)
Certification of Editing
Pictures and or any other Means of
Verification/s 0r MOVs
Work Plan (Gantt Chart)
Summary of the Expenses (Gantt Chart)
Researcher/s Profile (a paragraph
consisting of 100-150 words)
The last part of the Qualitative research is the Appendices part where you
include all the correspondences, transcription, certification of editing, pictures or any
other means of verification, work plan and summary of the estimate expenses and
the researcher/s profile are all included.

Activity 2.3. THINK IT OVER. Among the different parts of

qualitative research, what do you think is the most difficult thing to do or
to accomplish? Why? Be brief and concise in your answers.

How are you doing? I do hope you are still eager to continue with your
knowledge quest. In the following topic, you will find a list of some of the published
and presented qualitative research of your teacher, and some of my former students
from my former school.

C. Examples of Qualitative Research

The qualitative research listed in the table were presented in the local,
national, and international conferences. Hopefully, at the end of the semester you
will also be able to write your own research and published it as well. If you want to
read the full paper, you may visit the Google Classroom of the Dr. Mich Rocela and
you may want to subscribe to my You Tube Channel as well. The link is at the
reference part of this module.

Qualitative Research

Activity 2.4. MAKE A LIST. Look again at the Table of Qualitative

Research above, list down the main topic and the social relevance of
each given qualitative research.

Through this activity you will be able to deepen your knowledge of the things
that you have learned from the previous topics and activities about qualitative

Research No. Main Topic Social


Great job! Thank you for your responses.

I hope you are ready to explore more.

D. How to Choose a Topic

The first and most important part of any research is choosing a topic.
In deciding for a topic for your qualitative research, you must consider the
following five W: The WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN and WHERE. Usually, the
topic and sample selection are based on the researcher's area of interest.
The researcher may focus on personal experiences. For example, a nurse
may select a qualitative topic that explores and compares the perspectives of
the patient and the doctor in accessing and providing health care within a
hospital setting.

How do you get a topic? Of course, you need to be aware of what is
happening around you by talking to people, reading the newspapers, watching
televisions, surfing the net and other activities that might help you broaden your
knowledge of the topic that interests you.

By reading more related literature and studies, you will be able to identify the
research gap that could be the topic of your research. Then, you need to write down
your thoughts and ideas so that later, you will be able to organize your thoughts and
start writing your research questions.

You will always ask why, and if that topic that you choose is with social
relevance. The factors to be considered in choosing the topic are interest; familiarity;
ability to be objective (if the topic is controversial) and the time available for the
research to be finished is limited. There are so many potential topics around you.
All you need to do is to be aware, be informed and be empowered by having your
own research.

More examples of Qualitative Research Topics: Gender related issues in the

workplace; Differences in couples with kids versus couples with no kids; Body image
and food and how they affect people; How taste in music helps define personality;
How people dealt with change; and how people make new friends. Do take note that
a viable problem must not have ethical or moral considerations. If the research
would put respondents or informants in a bad light, the study should not be
conducted anymore.

Activity 2.5. IF I KNOW IT, I CAN APPLY IT. Can you now think of you own
topic for your qualitative research? What is the Tentative Title of your study? Why
is it beneficial to the society?




Read the following items carefully. Shade TRUE if the statement is

correct and FALSE if the statement is incorrect.

1. Qualitative research is usually conducted in a laboratory or controlled

2. Qualitative research works with numerical data and relies on statistical
3. In qualitative research, validity and reliability of data can easily be
4. Data in qualitative research are analyzed by looking for themes or
5. Findings in qualitative research are easily generalizable.

Check your answers using the key to corrections found at the
last page of this module to know how well you made it. Thank you
for your Honesty.


1. B
2. A
3. B
4. B
5. B


ACTIVITY 2.1 FILL ME UP (in any order)


Happy face with two thumbs-up if you got three to
five (3-5) in the post test.

Sad face if you got two and below in the post test.


•, retrieved last October 7,

•, retrieved last
October 7, 2020.
• https://www.rds-
Qualitative-Research-Proposal.pdf/ Dr.Carol Rivas RDS London Queen Mary
University of London, retrieved last November 4, 2020.
• - Dr. Mich
Rocela YouTube Channel
• DepEd MELCs 2020

• Rocela, The Basics of Research: A Primer. Mutya Publishing. Malabon

City, Philippines. 2017.

You are now ready to take a lift on to the next

part of your journey.

CONGRATULATIONS! You may now proceed to the

3rd module of this course.


CONTENT DESCRIPTION: In Module 3, this is about Identifying the Inquiry

and Stating the Problem. We will discuss how to write the Introduction, the
Theoretical Framework, and the Conceptual Framework. Likewise, here in Module 3,
you will also know how to formulate research questions, determine the scope and
limitations of the research, cite the significance of the study, and present your
Statement of the Problem for Critique and Approval.

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of: (1).

the range of research topics in inquiry; (2). the value research in interest; and (3) the
specificity and feasibility of the problem posed.

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner will be able to formulate clearly

statement of research problem.



provides the justifications/reasons for conducting the research


states research question


indicates scope and delimitation of research


cites benefits and beneficiaries of research


presents written statement of the problem


Let us try this first before we go to the discussion proper. After you finish
answering the pre-test, you may look at the answers at the end of this module.

Identify the part of research where the given information is stated or

placed. Write the Letter of the correct answer.

A. Introduction C. Scope and Delimitation

B. Statement of the Problem D. Significance of the Study

1. It sets the boundaries and parameters of the problem on inquiry.

2. It also states the specific questions or sub-problems of the study.
3. It identifies the sectors or stakeholders that will benefit from the study.
4. It describes the contributions your study will make and who will be benefited.
5. It states the general problem or the subject or area to be investigated by the
6. It presents what is already known about the topic and if there is still a gap of
7. It provides background information about the study and ends with the purpose
of the study.
8. It gives the reader an idea on what is being studied.

9. It includes practically all the information and data which are authoritative and
relevant to the topic of the study.
10. It summarizes present forms of knowledge on a specific subject or provides a
quick overview of current studies.


A. Writing the Introduction; Theoretical Framework and Conceptual

Framework of the Research
When you conduct a study and write your research, one of the difficult parts is
how to write your introduction. The introduction should give information as to what
the study is all about. It should introduce the reader to the thesis topic. The
introduction should present the scope and coverage of the study. It should show the
existence of an unsatisfactory condition, a felt problem that needs a solution. The
introduction is key to put the research study into perspective or context. It should be
linked to the statement of the problem.
You also include as part of the introduction, a background of the study. You
may begin this section by setting the context for the problem through a historical
background of the problem. In this part of the research, you need to provide
information on how the problem arose and evolved.
Here is an example of how The Introduction of a research is written. This is a
research conducted by my former students from Amadeo National High School year
2019. Likewise, this research was also presented in the National Research
Conference for Senior High School Students sponsored by the St. Louis University in
Tuguegarao, Cagayan last March 2019.
Title: Evaluation of Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) for Corregidor
Day Care Center in Poblacion, City of General Trias, Cavite
Proponents: Sheine Riz Deza D. Bawar; Clarence C. Bay; Diana Rose D.
Raza and Mire Cresnel B. Pereña
Adviser: Dr. Michele M. Rocela
Introduction: Child nutrition in the Philippines has steadily improved over the
last decade according to the Department of Health (2018), but the number of
underweight children five years and below remains prevalent at about 20%.
Moreover, United Nations Children’s Fund data shows that under-nutrition affects
more than four million Filipino children, resulting in physical and mental ability
challenges. Local government units, NGOs, and private institutions have recognized
these challenges and mobilized to combat chronic hunger and malnutrition in the
hope of building a brighter future for the country’s young.
CALABARZON (Region IV-A) is one of the 17 regions in the Philippines
located in the southwestern part of the island of Luzon and has a total land area of
16,560 square kilometers. It is the second most densely populated region in the
country, principally because it is the closest region to Metro Manila. Because of its

proximity to Manila and the industrial and economic opportunities that exist there,
CALABARZON is experiencing rapid urbanization. It has a total population of 14 414
774 as of 2015 (Male = 7 221 488, Female = 7 193 286, 0-14 years = 4 327 032, 15-
64 years = 9 476 053, 65 years and over = 611 689). According to FNRI-DOST NNS,
malnourished children in CALABARZON (Region IV-A) have a prevalence of 19% in
underweight, 27.7% in stunting, 7.6% in wasting and 5% in overweight (2015).
The City of General Trias registered a total population of 107,691 in 2000.
From 66,837 in 1995, it increased by around 61.12% over a 5-year period. The
present annual growth rate is 10% as compared to the past census year, with only
4.80% indicating that it has more than doubled in five (5) years. The population is
distributed in its thirty-three (33) barangays and is considered to be 5.52 % of the
total provincial population of 2,063,161. It ranks 7th as to population size compared
to the three (3) cities and nineteen (19) municipalities comprising the province. The
increasing growth rate is brought about by heavy in-migration due to expanding
industrial activities and the booming residential and commercial subdivisions due to
rapid urban development.
In this study, an attempt has been made to uncover the associated
Underweight and Severely Underweight Day Care children by evaluating the
Supplemental Feeding Program (SFP) for Corregidor Day Care Center in Poblacion,
City of General Trias, Cavite
In response to the malnutrition problem and to help achieve the Millennium
Development Goal 1 (MDG 1), of eradicating poverty and hunger, DSWD, in
partnership with local government units (LGUs), implemented the feeding program,
Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) in year 2011. The feeding program aims to
improve and sustain the nutritional status of target children-beneficiaries and
improve knowledge, attitude and practices of children, parents and caregivers
through intensified nutrition and health education. It basically provides hot meals for
120 days to children enrolled in LGU-run Child Development Centers (formerly
known as Day Care Centers) and Supervised Neighborhood Play. Under the
program, DSWD was able to download a total of P242, 759, 227. 14 million to qualify
partner LGUs in 2017. At present, DSWD implements the regular Supplementary
Feeding Program in all LGUs across the country to ensure that day care children are
able to consume nutritious food.

Supplementary Feeding Program (SFP) is the provision of food in addition to
the regular meals to children currently enrolled in the Day Care Centers as part of
the DSWD’s contribution to the Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
program of the government. Food supplementation is in the form of hot meals being
served during break/snack time in the morning session or during break/snack time in
the afternoon session to children in Day Care Centers (DCCs), and Supervised
Neighborhood Play (SNP). The feeding program is being managed by the parents
based on a prepared meal cycle using available indigenous food supplies. Children
beneficiaries are weighed at the start of the feeding period and three months
thereafter. After the completion of 120 feeding days, the improvement and
sustenance in the nutritional status of the beneficiaries will be determined.

In school year 2018-2019 in Corregidor Day Care Center, there are a total of
twenty-eight (28) enrolled children in the first session. Corregidor Day Care Center is
where most of the enrolled children is severely underweight and underweight—
wherein it has four underweight children and one of them is under Severe
Underweight. While the rest of the class is normal in weight.

Theoretical Framework

This section should present the different theories, models, paradigms, perspectives

related to the variables, problem statement and hypothesis of the present study.

The researcher/s should test, confirm, validate, or verify the cited theories in other

situations or attempt to formulate a new theory which will be their contribution to

their field of specialization. The theoretical framework is very important because this

serves as the anchor or blueprint of the research. In the absence of a theoretical

framework, we can also use the Legal Framework as the basis of our research.

Theoretical frameworks in research strengthen research in three important

ways: it forms a frame of reference; it provides a general model for analysis of

events and it guide reflective decision making (Hoy & Tarter, 2002). Theory gives

practitioners the analytical tools and a frame of reference needed to sharpen and

focus their analyses of the issues and problems at hand.

Here is an example of a Theoretical Framework. This one is from my own

research done year 2015. This research applied the Systems and Neo-Liberalism

Perspectives. Based on the social systems model, an institution is a system of

social interaction; it is an organized whole comprising of interacting personalities

bound together in an organic relationship (Waller, 1932).

In this sense, the local government unit such as the Cavite Province is an

institution wherein when it started adopting the export-oriented industrialization and

had several special economic zones (SEZs) established in the different areas of the

province, these SEZs would have interacted with other personalities or entities in

the province such as the local entrepreneurs, residents of the province, the LGU

itself and the national government as well.

There must be a healthy interaction among these actors or stakeholders to

determine whether the program or project and a shift in the economic policy from

import-oriented to an export-oriented industrialization can be considered successful.

In applying the social systems model, establishing SEZs was a neo-liberalist

perspective. When the Philippines decided to adopt the export-oriented

industrialization strategy through establishing several export-processing zones, it

opened the State to the global as well as to the international arena. By adopting this

EOI strategy, the Philippine government did follow and apply the neo-liberal

perspective. The Philippines adopted the EOI strategy, the province of Cavite

followed suit.

Cavite SEZs (Export-
Oriented Industrialization

SEZ Locators are SEZ Locators are

highly integrated with Operating almost in
the Local Economy Isolation

SEZs Firms’ Integration with the

Local Economy Indicators (Treanor,
2008 and Baissac, 2004)

A. Equity Participation and

Production Arrangements
• Alliances and Joint
• Sub-Contracting
Agreements with the
Local Firms
• Tie-Up with the Local
Suppliers Network
B. Local Content of the Final
C. Nature/Type of Industries
of the SEZs
D. Employment Generation

Figure 1

Theoretical Framework (as adapted from Treanor, 2008)

Based on the discussion above, the systems and neo-liberalism perspectives

were the appropriate paradigms to explain the extent of Cavite SEZs locators’

linkage with the local economy as well as how the local firms responded to the

establishment of special economic zones in their area.

Please take note that when you include a Theoretical Framework, you should

also explain why that specific theory is used in your own research.

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework should be anchored on the theoretical framework.

The conceptual and theoretical frameworks should be consistent and related. A
paradigm of the study showing a diagram representation of the conceptual
framework should be included in this section. It should depict in a more vivid way
what the conceptual framework wants to convey. The details of the variables to be
observed in the current study, the concepts defined, the operationalization of the
variable-concepts, and the scheme of measuring the variables should be well-
explained. I suggest, the use of the INPUT-PROCESS-OUTPUT or the IPO is best
in making your Conceptual Framework. Here is an example of a conceptual
framework. I also used here my own research conducted year 2015. There must
also be an explanation on why or how that framework is going to be utilized when
you write your conceptual framework as an integral part of your research. In this
example, my research is about the Special Economic Zones integration with the
Local Economy, so here it is. Notice how I relate the theoretical framework with that
of the conceptual framework.
The prime objective of this research is to examine and analyze whether the

locators inside the special economic zones in the province of Cavite are highly

integrated with the local economy. By looking at this area, there could be an

extensive evaluation if the province was able to maximize the benefits or

opportunities that these economic zones provide to the LGU.

Likewise, the result of the research provided some recommendations on the

areas or provisions in the Republic Act No. 8748 that might be revised or amended

thus, improving the current law on SEZs in the Philippines.

In evaluating if the locators inside the special economic zones (SEZs) in

Cavite province are highly integrated with the local economy, this research used the

Evaluation Models Using the Systems Theory.


Findings can
contribute to the field
A. SEZ Locators and Assessment of the
of development
Local Entrepreneurs Factors and Problems
policies. Researcher
Profile thru:
may propose
measures that will
B. LGU’s Record on 1. Survey enhance or
the province’s SEZs Questionnaire strengthen the
integration of SEZs
with the local
C. PEZA’s Record and 2. Documentary economy, likewise,
Data about the SEZs Analysis propose revisions or
amendment in RA
No. 8748; develop
D. RA No. 7916 as 3. Interviews Technical Package
amended by RA No.
4. Observation


Figure 2

Conceptual Framework of the Study

That is how I did my conceptual framework. Using the IPO model could give
the readers a very good look at the flow of the research process.

B. Formulating Research Questions

The problem should be stated both in general and in specific terms. The general
statement of the problem is usually a reiteration of the title of the study. It should
capture the dependent and independent variables, the audience to which the
problem is significant, and the setting.
The problem should be stated in the infinitive to such as examine, analyze,
determine, measure, assess, evaluate, or find out. Specific questions should be
stated using the guide question words: “How,” “Will,” “What,” “Is there,” etc.
Here is an example of Statement of the Problem. This qualitative research was
conducted by my former students from Amadeo National High School SY 2018-
2019. Likewise, this research was also an entry to the RACE Competition on the
same year.
Title: The Coping Mechanisms of Persons with Disabilities: Personal
Experiences of Physically Impaired Senior High School Students of
Amadeo National High School
Proponents: Joey Angelo B. Bawag
Cjhaye Ron B. Costa
Janmilson P. Dinglasan
Lance Gabriel A. Garcia
Adviser: Dr. Michele M. Rocela

Statement of the Problem: This study aims to determine the coping

mechanisms and personal experiences of physically impaired Senior High School

students at Amadeo National High School.

Specifically, it aims to answer the following questions:

1) Are there instances when the physically impaired Senior High School students

have experiences of being bullied?

2) How does their physical impairment affect their socialization with others?

Notice that there are only two sub-questions since this research is done by

the Grade 11 Senior High School Students. But if it is for college research, having

three (3) to four (4) sub-problems will do. The safe way is to have a minimum of four

(4) sub-problems when formulating your research questions.

C. Indicating the Scope and Delimitations of the Research

This section briefly explains the boundaries or coverage of the study in terms

of the subjects, the study area, the research instrument, the time frame, the

population or universe, and the issues to which the study is focused. It should also

define the constraints or weaknesses which are not within the candidate’s control

and hence are not covered by the study.

This part of the research is very helpful to the researcher/s since in this

section, the researcher/s will be able to say the reasons why they were not able to

get all the interviewees, or why they only got that amount of data. In relation to the

previous example of study done by my former students, here is their Scope of the

Study: The researchers interviewed a total of five (5) students who are currently

enrolled in Senior High School namely: Informant A (TVL Sison); Informant B (TVL-

Sison); Informant C (STEM Favila); Informant D (TVL Daza); and Informant E

(HUMMS Dela Rama). The personal experiences of the physically impaired students

were also determined. The conversation mainly focused on their condition and the

ways on how they dealt with it. The important roles of their family and friends in

supporting them on their everyday life as a student. The interviews were conducted

at Amadeo National High School by-pass Rd, Brgy 1, Amadeo, Cavite. There is one

informant who declined for the interview.

In identifying your interviewees, as a researcher/s you need to ask them if

they are willing to participate with the study and if you could include their names in

the study. In this research, the interviewees all agreed to have their names cited.

However, for this module I opted to hide their names and just use the word

INFORMANT in identifying them.

D. Citing the Benefits and Significance of the Research

This part of the Research defines the research study’s contribution to the

academic field, to society, to a profession, to the community, or to a particular

population. It must show who are the individuals, groups, or communities who may

benefit on account of the study. It also explains why the study is unique and the

benefits of its completion. Here is an example of how to write the significance of the

study. Let us take the previous research as an example here.

Example: Significance of the study

The study will be useful not only to physically impaired students but also for

other physically- impaired persons in understanding their situation, social life, and

coping mechanisms. This research will give them idea on how physically impaired

persons handle their condition.

In addition, it will help the family members to be more aware of the student’s

condition. It will determine the challenges they are facing at school that reflect on

their everyday life and the financial burden associated with health, education, and

social services.

Moreover, the community will also benefit in the study because it will provide

new information about the present condition of physically impaired students. The

research should be an eye-opener to the people especially to the locals so they can

give the attention needed by the disabled persons concerning their social lives. The

school itself, Amadeo National High School, will gain information about the true

picture of physically impaired senior high school students and may come up with an

awareness program to help them.

Furthermore, the study can be a basis for future research. It will strengthen

their knowledge about the situation of some physically impaired students. The future

researcher/s may replicate the study.

Definition of Terms

Another part of any research that should be included is the Definition of

Terms. This section should include important or key terms that should be
substantially and clearly defined according to how they are used in the study to
facilitate understanding of the problem and avoid ambiguous meaning to terms which
can be otherwise interpreted in different ways. The researcher should only define
what is necessary; include only the terms, words, or phrases which have special or
unique meanings in the study.

Terms may be defined operationally, that is, based on observable characteristics

and how they are used in the study; or, conceptually, that is, based on definitions
taken from encyclopedias, books, magazines and newspaper articles, dictionaries,
and other publications. Definitions taken from publications should be acknowledged.

Definition should be as brief, clear, and unequivocal as possible. The terms

defined should be arranged in alphabetical order and acronyms should always be
spelled out fully, especially if it is not commonly known or if used for the first time.


If you do not have any questions, you may now answer Activity 2.1.
Formulate your research questions.

Statement of the Problem:






E. Presentation of the Statement of the Problem for Critique and

How are you doing? I do hope you are still eager to continue with your quest
for knowledge. In this part of the module, since you were able to come up with
research questions, this time, you may develop those research questions and be
ready to present the Statement of the Problem to your teacher for critique and

Activity 2.2. Start your Journey towards Research. You may fill-up the table
for the necessary parts of the research so that when you write you research in
paragraph format; you will be guided by this table.
Theoretical Framework
Conceptual Framework
Statement of the Problem
Scope and Limitations of the Study
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms

Activity 2.3. Do the Essay.

You may now write your Chapter 1 in paragraph format, 1.5 spacing, Arial font
size 12 using a separate bond papers, computerized and to be submitted to your
teacher for critique and approval.
The rubrics for this activity will be provided by your teacher.
The teacher may schedule you for a virtual oral presentation if necessary and
or just ask you to submit a written output. The submission will be determined by
your teacher depending on what modality you are in MDL or ODL. Happy writing.

Let us just have a review of what you have learned in this module.

Identify the part of research where the given information is stated or
placed. Write the Letter of the correct answer.

A. Introduction C. Scope and Delimitation

B. Statement of the Problem D. Significance of the Study

1. It sets the boundaries and parameters of the problem on inquiry.

2. It also states the specific questions or sub-problems of the study.

3. It identifies the sectors or stakeholders that will benefit from the study.

4. It describes the contributions your study will make and who will benefit from
the research.

5. It states the general problem or the subject or area to be investigated by

the research.

6. It presents what is already known about the topic and if there is still a gap
of knowledge.

7. It provides background information about the study and ends with the
purpose of the study.

8. It gives the reader an idea on what is being studied.

9. It includes practically all the information and data which are authoritative
and relevant to the topic of the study.

10. It summarizes present forms of knowledge on a specific subject or

provides a quick overview of current studies.

Check your answers using the key to corrections found at the last page of this
module to know how well you made it. Thank you for your Honesty.

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. A

1. C
2. B
3. D
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. A

Happy face with two thumbs-up if you got SEVEN to
TEN (7-10) in the post test.

Sad face if you got SIX and below in the post test.


• - Dr. Mich

Rocela YouTube Channel
• DepEd MELCs 2020

• Rocela, The Basics of Research: A Primer. Mutya Publishing. Malabon

City, Philippines. 2017.

You are now ready to take a lift on to the next

part of your journey.

CONGRATULATIONS! You may now proceed to the

4th module of this course.

CONTENT DESCRIPTION: In Module 4, this is about Learning from Others
and Reviewing the Literature. We will discuss here how to select and cite related
literature and studies. Likewise, we will also tackle how to do the citation using the
latest APA format. In this module, you will know how to write coherent related
literature and studies. Lastly, you will present your Chapter 2 based on your chosen
research or study

CONTENT STANDARDS: The learner demonstrates understanding of: (1).

the criteria in selecting, citing, and synthesizing related literature, and (2). ethical
standards in writing related literature

PERFORMANCE STANDARDS: The learner will be able to: 1. select, cite,

and synthesize properly related literature 2. use sources according to ethical
standards 3. present written review of related literature.



selects relevant literature


cites related literature using standard style


synthesizes information from relevant literature


writes coherent review of literature


follows ethical standards in writing related literature


presents written review of literature


Let us try this first before we go to the discussion proper. After you finish
answering the pre-test, you may look at the answers at the end of this module. This
Pre-test is retrieved last February 14, 2021 from


Write TRUE if you agree with the statement, and FALSE if you disagree.

1. Related Literature composed of opinions to which the present study is related.

2. Literature is an oral or written record of man's significant experiences that are

artistically conveyed in a prosaic manner.

3. Review of Related Literature is a man's written or spoken knowledge of the world.

4. Related Literature helps the reader in searching for or selecting a better research
problem or topic.

5. The RRL helps the researcher understands his/her topic or research better.

6. The RRL ensures that there will be a duplication of other studies.

7. The RRL provides the conceptual or theoretical framework of the unplanned


8. The RRL gives the researcher a feeling of belongingness.

9. The RRL provides information about research methods used.

10. The RRL provides findings and conclusions of present investigation.

A. Selects and Cites Related Literature and Studies

The review of the related literature and studies is one of the components of a
research process. The candidate needs to review the write-ups, readings, and
studies related to the present study for the following reasons:
(1) To determine what has already been done that relates to the
candidate’s problem. This knowledge not only avoids unintentional duplication, but it
also provides the understandings and insights necessary for the development of a
logical framework into which the problem fits. In other word, the review tells the
candidate what has been done and what needs to be done. Studies that have been
done will provide the rationale for you research hypothesis; indications of what needs
to be done will form the basis for the justification for your study.
(2). To find out research strategies and specific procedures and
measuring instruments that have and have not been found to be productive in
investigating the problem. This information will help the candidate to avoid other
researchers’ mistakes and to profit from their experiences. It may suggest
approaches and procedures previously not considered.

(3) To facilitate interpretation of the results of the candidate’s study. The

results can be discussed in terms of whether they agree with, and support, previous
findings or not; if the results contradict previous findings, differences between your
study and the others can be described, providing a rationale for the discrepancy. If
the findings are consistent with other findings, the report should include suggestions
for the next step; if they are not consistent, the report should include suggestions for
studies that will resolve the conflict.
The major sources of related readings are laws and department directives
such as circulars, order, and memoranda, which are related to the present study.
These laws and department directives serve as legal bases for the paradigm of the
study. This also presents the study as having direct or indirect implications to the
government thrusts.

Related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which
the present study is related. These materials are usually printed and found in books,
encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other
Related studies are studies, inquiries, or investigations already conducted to
which the present study is related or has some bearing or similarity. They are
usually unpublished materials such as manuscripts, theses, and dissertations.

Ten Things to Remember when Writing Chapter 2 of your research:

1. The thematic arrangement of literature and studies shall be followed.

2. The synthesis of the reviewed literature and studies must also be included in this
3. Use the past tense to describe the procedure of a study that has already been
conducted and to describe the results of a completed study.
4. Use the present tense to discuss the meanings and implications of the results of
the study and to present conclusions.
5. Discuss only the major findings, ideas, generalizations, principles, or conclusions
in related materials relevant to the problem under investigation.
6. Avoid excessive use of quotations.
7. Explain how the study being reviewed relates to the present study and identify
similarities and differences with the present study.
8. The researcher must emphasize that in spite of similar studies, the present study
is still necessary to find out if the findings of the studies in other places are also true
in the locale of the present study.
9. The researcher should point out that there is a need to continue with the present
study to affirm or negate the findings of other inquiries about the same research
problems so that generalizations or principles may be formulated. These
generalizations and principles would be the contributions of the present study,
together with the other studies to the fund of knowledge.
10. Use the latest APA version when citing the works of other authors and
researchers. As of to date, we have the 7th APA version.
B. Citation Using the APA Latest Edition

The 7th Edition is the latest version of the APA Publication Manual, which was
released last October 2019.
General APA Guidelines:
The research should be typed and double-spaced on standard-sized paper
(8.5" x 11"), with 1" margins on all sides. Include a page header (also known as the
“running head”) at the top of every page. For a professional paper, this includes your
paper title and the page number. For a student paper, this only includes the page
number. To create a page header/running head, insert page numbers flush right.
Then type "TITLE OF YOUR PAPER" in the header flush left using all capital letters.
The running head is a shortened version of your paper's title and cannot exceed 50
characters including spacing and punctuation.
Regarding the font style and size, the APA Publication Manual requires that
the chosen font be accessible, legible, and readable to all readers and that it be used
consistently throughout the paper. Typically, it is safe to use the ARIAL Font Style
and font size 12. You may also use 12-point Calibri, and 12-point Times New
Roman. You may ask your teacher what specific font style and size you will use in
your research.

C. Writes coherent related literature and studies

You may now do Activity 4.1 where you will gather 30 to 50 related literature
and studies. Thematic arrangement of literature and studies shall be followed.
Then, a synthesis of the related literature and studies must also be included in the

APA 7th edition does not require the maximum number of related literature
and studies. The number of related literature and studies must be sufficient and
substantial enough to provide ample background on the area of study.

Likewise, your knowledge facilitator may provide you of the minimum number
of related literature and studies that must be included in your research.

If you have no more questions, you may now proceed to Activity 4.1 and
prepare your related literature and studies,

Activity 4.1
You may now start getting all the related literature and studies for your
research. You may have 30 to 50 of these. The more related literature and
studies, the better.



Activity 4.2

D. Presents Chapter 2 of the Student’s chosen research or study

The student may just upload/submit their Chapter 2 through Google

Classroom or via email.

Check your answers using the key to corrections found at the last page of this
module to know how well you made it. Thank you for your Honesty.


Happy face with two thumbs-up if you got SEVEN to
TEN (7-10) in the post test.

Sad face if you got SIX and below in the post test.


• - Dr. Mich

Rocela YouTube Channel
• DepEd MELCs 2020

• Rocela, The Basics of Research: A Primer. Mutya Publishing. Malabon

City, Philippines. 2017.



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part of your journey.

CONGRATULATIONS! You may now proceed to the

5th module of this course.


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