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Class: VIII 2022-23 DATE:

I. Choose the correct option.

1. Which of the following gas is mainly responsible for greenhouse effect?

(a) Carbon monoxide (b) nitrogen (c) carbon dioxide (d) oxygen

2. ________ is the brightest celestial object in the night sky.

(a) Pole star (b) Sirius star (c) sun (d) moon

3. All other stars in the sky appear to move around

(a) Sun (b) pole star (c) moon (d) constellations

4. Image of an object persist in eye for _____________ of a second.

(a) 1/4 (b) 1/16 (c) 1/20 (d) 1/100

5. Accumulation of charges leads to:

(a) Lightning (b) Storming (c) Thundering (d) none of these

6. Electroscope can be used to:

(a) detect or measure charge only
(b) Detect charge only
(c) Detect, measure and know the nature of charge
(d) none of the above

II. Read the following two statements carefully and choose the correct option:

Assertion- An image formed by a mirror the left of the object appears on the right and the right appears
on left.
Reason- This is happened because of parallel inversion.

1. Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
2. Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
3. Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
4. Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

Assertion- Electrical charged can be transferred from a charged object to another through a metal
Reason- Metal is a bad conductor of electricity.

1. Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is correct explanation for assertion.
2. Assertion and reason both are correct statement and reason is not correct explanation for assertion.
3. Assertion is correct statement but reason is wrong statement.
4. Assertion is wrong statement but reason is correct statement.

III. Short type answer question (I):

1. What is earthing? What is the application of earthing?

2. How does electric discharge occur in clouds?
3. What is lightning conductor? Where is it fixed?
4. What is an earthquake? How is it caused?
5. What are fault zones? Name the fault zones in India.
6. What are seismic waves? How are these waves recorded?
7. What are constellations? Name any two constellations.
8. Even though stars are stationary, why do they appear to move from east to west?
9. Name any two air pollutants.
10. Write three effects of global warming.
11. Differentiate between regular and diffused reflection.
12. State the laws of reflection.

IV. Short type answer question (II):

1. List five safety measures one must take during the lighting.
2. What are the phases of moon? Draw diagram to make your point of view clear.
3. Label the given structure of human eye

4. If we look at our daily routine, it will be observed that we use many chemicals which pollute water
bodies. But all these chemicals have become inseparable part of our daily life like detergents,
toothpastes, soaps, shampoos, dish wash liquids and bars, disinfectants, etc. If this sewage from our
house is discharged in water bodies untreated causes havoc.

a) What is water pollution?

b) What are the major pollutants of sewage from houses?
c) Do you think we can do something in our end to reduce pollution from household?


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