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Geade :VIII 2022-23 Date of submission :________

CH :2,4,5,6,8

Choose the correct options

1.Mushrooms belong to
a)algae b)virus c) fungi d)none of these
2)Spirogyra is
a)an algae b)a fungi c)a protozoa d)a bacteria
3)All metals are solids except
a)sodium b)calcium c)mercury d)hydrogen
4)Non-metals are generally
a)liquids b)gases c)solids &gases d)all of these
5)The purest form of carbon is
a)coal b)charcoal c)coke d)all of these
6)Water is a
a)natural substance b)man-made substance c)both of these d)none of these
7)CNG & LPG are the examples of
a)solid fuels b)liquid fuels c)gaseous fuels d)they are not fuels
8)Burning of charcoal in a closed room will produce
a)carbon dioxide b)nitrogen dioxide c) carbon monoxide d)all of these
9)The control unit of cell is
a)nucleus b)cell wall c)cytoplasm d)all of these
10)Cell was discovered by
a)Robert Brown b)Robert Hooke c)John Mendal d)Charles Darwin

Answer in very short

1)Mention three different shapes of cells in human body.
2)What is nuclear membrane?
3)Write the names of some uncomfortable substance.
4)What are the essential requirements for producing fire?
5)What substance is used for road surfacing these days?
6)Write full form of CNG.
7)What is the effect of sulphurous acid on blue litmus?
8)What happens when sodium reacts with water?
9)What are microorganisms?
10)Write the names of some diseases caused by virus.

Case study:
Q1. Whenever you fall ill the doctor may give you some antibiotic tablets, capsules or
injections such as of penicillin. The source of these medicines is microorganisms. These
medicines kill or stop the growth of the disease-causing microorganisms. Such medicines are
called antibiotics. These days a number of antibiotics are being produced from bacteria and
fungi. Streptomycin, tetracycline and erythromycin are some of the commonly known
antibiotics which are made from fungi and bacteria. The antibiotics are manufactured by
growing specific microorganisms and are used to cure a variety of diseases.
a) Which scientist discovered the penicillin?
b) Define antibiotics and give their uses.
c) Name some of the diseases that can be prevented by taking vaccination.
d) Give two commercial use of microorganism.

Q2. The cell in a living organism is the basic structural unit. Cell Membrane: The basic
components of a cell are cell membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus. The cytoplasm and nucleus
are enclosed within the cell membrane, also called the plasma membrane. The membrane
separates cells from one another and also the cell from the surrounding medium. The plasma
membrane is porous and allows the movement of substances or materials both inward and
outward. The boundary of the onion cell is the cell membrane covered by another thick
covering called the cell wall.
a) Why do only plants cells have cell wall?
b) Explain some of the characteristics of plasma membrane.
c) List two differences between plant cell and animal cell.
d) Which organelle is responsible for heredity?

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