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Vocabulary | FIRE) Read and listen to the Information, Notice each word or phrase in be and think about ts meaning, SAVING THE ENVIRONMENT IN GERMANY Germany has a history of caring about the environment, butt’ 2 county with alot ‘ofindustry that consumes enormous amaunts of coal When coal and other fossil fuels such as petioleum are burned, they send carbon into the ai, and carbon is / the main cause of climate change. n oder to ight ar polation and climate change, ‘Germans have cut back on the amount of coal they use. As part ofthis elot, they are ako using cleaner energy sources suchas Solar and wind power Innovative forms of technology, incuding enormous wind turbines and huge numbers o soar panel, are helping Germany reach is goal of having only 20 percent ‘ofits energy come from fssi fuels by the year 2050, The change has been ‘gradual—beginning i the 19705—and i hasnt been easy, Many environmental ‘ups 2s well as individual people in Germany have spent alot oftime and money on dean energy. ‘CHANGING LIVES IN INDIA. ‘Around 11 blion people worldwide live without elect, and about 25 percent of thase people lve in india. Solar energy—in the frm of small lights that get their power ram the sun—is now solving problems fr many of them. This innovative technology lets small businesses stay open at night, so peoplein India are earring mexe money. n action tothe postive economic impact, thea inside homes Is cleaner since people are nat burning wood or kerosene for ight. Solar powers also 2 ood alternative to expensive batetes that nead tobe replaced, With the help of innovative technology people in ual vilages can ve ror ike people in lage cies, eee (@ We cach word or phrase in blue rom exercise A nett ts defnton {(n) something that can be used instead of another thing (0) col petroleum antral ges (oc esting orhappering throughout the wos (2d ating tout one peson er ting (new aed ogra (o)a chemical element that coal and dsmond re made of (pvasal to reduce ntect (happening sont overtime (wusessomethiog up 1 3 5 6 2. 8 4 0 1 (© Work witha parne. Take the quiz. Then check your answers below. cniricat TuinKins (QUIZ: WHAT'S YOUR SOLAR-POWER 1.0.2 1. Which sytem consumes the most nergy in ost homes? acclecrniesb heatingandcoaag ooms < waterheating_erehigeration 2. Which energy source sens the most carbonint the ai? a.olipaoleum) b.coal Cnatwal gas dsl power 3. hich aerate to fos el produces the most power in the United States? auwind cgeathemal! dood 4. How much does the addition of solar equipment increase the value ofa home inthe United States? .$1000 b.$2900 «$7000 «.$17000 5. When was the innovative technology that makes solar panels workirwented? 8.19405 b.19505 ¢.19705 19808 tothe elated ohne et th cts @ Workin a rou. ics these questions, CRITICAL THINKING: 1 What ate some ways people can ct backon the amount of energy they use? 2. who doyouthikhaa more scant impact wen cores tos less ene or using aerate lms of ney dal people or gaups eg, compar: o governments spain 2. Germany wants 0 percent fs power to come fon imovaive technology sachs sO nan hues by they 050 Oo you Nk tat goal seater your Sarmy? oon Ps py ee ae ei sions A Listening a conversation about Technology BEFORE LISTENING (BREE read and tsten to information about an innovative sokton toa problem in Baltimore, USA BALTIMORE'S MR. TRASH WHEEL ‘with innovative technology we can solve old problems in new ways, One old problem was the trash fom the city of Baltimore, Maryland, that ended! up in the Jones Falls iver. The river flows into Baltimore's Inner Harbor—a popula tours, ‘destination —and from ther into the Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. Meet Mi. Trash Whee, a device that uses the motion of iver water and energy from solar panels to collect plastic bottles cigarette butts, carty-out food containers, and other garbage from the river. Baltimore' Inner Harbor is now a more attractive place for vistors, Hundreds of tons of trash have been removed fom the water sytem, and other communities ae thinking about bulding thet own tash whee cniricat Takin: Lookat the graphic low, Then match ech part of Mr Tash Wheel with sanction, eee ync 1, floating booms a. turn the wheel when the waters moving soy 2, rotating forks barect floating wash toward the orks 3, waterwheel {olectand hold the trash fom the conveyor belt 4, solar panels pick up tas from the water, put tan the conveyor bet 5, Dumpsters e-uses movement of her water to move the conveyor bt ory esr ees a th e _a whoo tus the conveyor bat. Backup solar mee cere ‘eves seedcanbe ‘oat he cet ‘ede bocungea FO twrstsinokinaos ‘et ei sr te ¢ Togs bch cn emer = WHILE LISTENING {© GIBB Listen tothe conversation Then answer the questions. Lisrenine Fon 1. What wokinds of energy des the wash whee use? 2. Which pat of Mc Tash Wheels vey ld ind of eho? 4. What ir of ne technology making people ike Mr. Tash Whee? {IRE Listen agin choose the comect word orphaset complete each sentence. ISTENING Fon ‘The (oy / boat takes away the Dumpsters when they are ful of wash Me Trash Wheel caches (50 /90) percent ofthe trash from the ver. (One kind o trash thats mentioneds soda / garbage) cans. People online suggested adding (eyes / eas) othe trash wheel ‘Several other communities (ae building / might bul) trash whee | AFTER LISTENING CRITICAL THINKING Synthesiing \When yousynthesize, you combine, or put together, infration from two or mare sources in order to understand atopic in anew way. This can also involve {combining new information with your own ideas and knowledge about atopic. ‘Synthesng can help you find a solution to a problem or thinkof new ways of doing or improving something worwiho partner Dscusths question Whatare vee Waysthelteret suedto CRITICAL THINKING Spear promt Tash Whee Useifomaton om ne convesatan andthe SYRTNSIZN STophiconpage 36 Wie your lease cat B Foam a group with another pairof students. Compare your answers fom exercise E. CRITICAL THINKING: ‘Then discuss this question: How could the Internet and other new kinds of technology _SYNTHESIZING be used to help Mi Trash Wheel have an even bigger Impact on the environment? Technotocy TOOAY AND TOMORROW 37

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