(Week 11) Technical Standards & Min Req, MT Educ

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1. There shall be an adequate and effective system of recording
TECHNICAL STANDARDS AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS requests and reports of all specimens submitted and
I. STAFFING examined.
1. The Clinical Laboratory shall be managed by a licensed 2. There shall be provisions for filing, storage and accession of
physician certified by the Philippine Board of Pathology. all reports.
2. Shall employ qualified and adequately train personnel. Work 3. All laboratory records shall be kept on file for at
assignment shall be consistent with the qualification of the least__________.
concerned personnel. IX. LABORATORY FEES
3. There shall be staff development and appropriate continuing 1. The rates shall be within the range of the usual fees prevailing
education program available at all levels of organization to at the time and the particular place
upgrade the knowledge, attitudes and skills of staff. 2. Professional services rendered to the patient in the
II. PHYSICAL FACILITIES performance of special procedures or examinations shall be
1. The clinical laboratory shall be well–ventilated, adequately charged separately and not included in the laboratory fee/s
lighted, clean and safe. Sections of the Clinical Laboratory
2. The working space shall be sufficient to accommodate its TEST FUNCTION
activities and allow for smooth and coordinated work flow. FBS. HbA1c Diagnosis of diabetes
3. There shall be an adequate water supply. Trigylcerides, Total Cholesterol, Lipid Profile
4. The working space for all categories of clinical laboratories HDL and LDL
shall have at least the following measurements: ALT, AST, TP, Albumin Liver Function Test
CATEGORY SPACE IN SG. BUA, BUN, Creatinine Kidney Function test
Others Electrolytes, Clinical
Primary 10 enzymology
Secondary 20
Tertiary 60  Clinical Chemistry – Testing of blood and other body fluids to
quantify essential soluble chemicals
III. EQUIPMENT/INSTRUMENTS - Blood and urine are the two most common body fluids
1. There shall be provisions for sufficient number and types of subjected for analyses in this section
appropriate equipment/instruments in order to undertake all the
 Microbiology – Bacteriology, parasitology, mycology, virology
activities and laboratory examinations. This equipment shall
- - Specimen submitted: blood and other body fluids, stool,
comply with safety requirements.
tissues, and swabs
2. For other laboratory examinations being performed, the
- Automated instruments are available such as those used for
appropriate equipment necessary for performing such
blood culture and antimicrobial susceptibility testing
procedures shall be made available.
 Hematology and Coagulation Studies
- Specimen submitted: blood and other body fluids (CSF,
 All categories of clinical laboratories shall provide adequate and
pleural fluid, etc.)
appropriate glassware, reagents and supplies necessary to
- Automated hematology analyzers are currently available in
undertake the required services.
the market.
- Bone marrow examination using automated analyzers is
 There shall be provisions for adequate and efficient disposal of
also conducted in this section
waste following guidelines of the Department of Health and the
local government.  Clinical Microscopy – Specimen submitted: stool, urine and
1. Internal Quality - Control Program Two major areas:
a. There shall be a documented, continuous competency  1st: macroscopic examination (determination of
assessment program for all laboratory personnel. color, transparency, specific gravity and pH level),
b. The program shall provide appropriate and standard microscopic examination (detection of the presence of
laboratory methods, reagents & supplies and equipment. abnormal cells and/or parasites and to quantify red
c. There shall be a program for the proper maintenance and cells and WBC and other chemicals found in urine).
monitoring of all equipment.  2nd: examination of stool or routine fecalysis
d. The program shall provide for the use of quality control  Blood Bank/ Immunohematology - Considered to be most
reference materials. critical in the clinical laboratory
2. External Quality Control Program - Blood typing and compatibility testing are two main
 All clinical laboratories shall participate in an External Quality activities performed
Assurance Program given by designated National Reference - Blood Donation Activities à donor recruitment and
Laboratories and/or other recognized reference laboratories. screening, bleeding of donor and post donation
 A satisfactory performance rating given by a National  Immunology and Serology
Reference Laboratory shall be one of the criteria for the renewal - Analysis of serum antibodies in certain infectious agents
of license. (primarily viral agents) are performed in this section
 Any refusal to participate in an External Quality Assurance  Histopathology/Cytology
Program given by the designated National Reference - Tissue processing, cutting into sections, staining and
Laboratories shall be one of the bases for suspension/revocation preparation for microscopic examination by pathologist
of the license of the laboratory
1. All laboratory reports on various examinations of specimens shall
bear the name of the registered medical technologists and the
Pathologist and duly signed by both.
2. No person in the clinical laboratory shall issue a report, orally or
in writing, whole or portions, thereof without a directive from the
Pathologist or his authorized associate to the requesting physician
or his authorized representative except in emergency cases when Laboratory Testing Cycle
the results may be released as authorized by the Pathologist.


 Explicitly state outcomes (knowledge, skills) the learners/
students have to achieve and learn through the use of planned
instructional process
 Consists of planned process of measurement, assessment and
evaluation to gauge student learning
 Designed for students’


 CHED- the government agency under the office of the President
of the Philippines that covers institutions of higher education both
for public and private. Under CHED is the Technical Committee
for Medical technology Education
 Technical Committee for Medical technology Education-
composed of leading academicians and practitioners responsible
for assisting the Commission in setting standards among
institutions offering Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/
Medical Laboratory Science program and in monitoring and
evaluating such institutions.
 BSMT/BSMLS- consists of general education and professionals
courses that students are expected to complete within the first
Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratory
three years. fourth year-
 It is organized, systematic, well planned, and regularly done with
the results properly documented and consistently viewed.  CHED memorandum order (CMO) No. 13 series of 2017-
Two major components: contains the goals, program outcomes, performance indicators and
the minimum course offerings of the BSMT/ BSMLS program.
Internal Quality Assurance External Quality Assurance
Prescribed minimum number of units per course:
System System
 One unit of lecture is equivalent to one hour of class meeting
- Day-to-day activities that are - A system for checking
every week;
undertaken in order to control performance among clinical
 3- unit lecture course renders 3 hours of class meeting per week
factors or variables that may laboratories and is facilitated
 One unit of laboratory is equivalent to three hours of class
affect test results. by designated external
meeting every week.
 Note: in the MT/MLS curriculum, the policy of taking
- NRL is the DOH designated
prerequisites for some courses is followed.

 National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI)- Hematology
and Coagulation
 Research Institute of Tropical Medicine (RITM)- Microbiology
(identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing) and
Parasitology (identification of ova and quantitation of malaria)
 Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP)- Clinical Chemistry (for
testing 10 analytes, namely glucose, creatinine, total protein, PROFESSIONAL COURSES
albumin, blood urea nitrogen, uric acid cholesterol, sodium,  PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE 1- its
potassium, and chloride.) emphasis is on the curriculum, practice of the profession, clinical
 East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC)- Drugs of Abuse laboratories, continuing professional education, biosafety
(methamphetamine and cannabinoids) practices and waste management
 San Lazaro Hospital STD-AIDS Cooperative Center Laboratory  PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL LABORATORY SCIENCE 2-
(SACCL)- infectious immunology hepatitis B surface antigen clinical laboratory assistance encompasses the concepts and
(HBsAg), Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Hepatitis C principles of the different assays performed in clinical laboratory.
emphasize the promotion of community, public, and
environmental health and the immersion and interaction of
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY/ CLINICAL students with people in the community.
LABORATORY SCIENCE EDUCATION  CYTOGENETICS- focused on the study of the concepts and
DEFINITION OF CURRICULUM principles of heredity and inheritance which include genetic
 GLOSARRY OF EDUCATIONAL REFORMS- refers to the phenomena, sex determination, and genetic defects rooted in
knowledge and skills students are expected to learn, which inheritance, among others.
include the learning standards or learning objectives they are  HUMAN HISTOLOGY- deals with the study of the fundamentals
expected to meet and other methods used to evaluate student of cells, tissues and organs with emphasis on microscopic
learning. structures, characteristics, differences, and functions.
 Refers to the means and materials with which the students interact  HISTOPATHOLOGIC TECHNIQUES with CYTOLOGY-
for the purpose of achieving identified educational outcomes. covers basic concepts and principles of disease processes,
 JOHN DEWEY- it is the continuous reconstruction, moving etiology, and the development of anatomic, microscopic changes
from the child’s present experience out into that represented by brought about by the disease process.
the organized bodies of truth that we call studies… the various  CLINICAL BACTERIOLOGY- emphasis on the collection of
studies… are themselves experience- they are that of the race. specimen and the isolation and identification of bacteria. It also
 INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION- refers to the covers antimicrobials susceptibility testing and development of
planned interaction of students with instructional content, resistance to antimicrobial substance
materials, resources and processes for evaluating the attainment of  CLINICAL PARASITOLOGY- it emphasis on the
educational objectives. pathophysiology, epidemiology, life cycle , prevention and
 Is systematic and organized control and the identification of ova and/or adult worms and other
forms seen in specimens submitted for diagnostic purposes.

 IMMUNOHEMATOLOGY AND BLOOD BANK- tackles the  Medical Technology Licensure Examination- given twice a year,
concepts of inheritance, characterization, and laboratory on the months of March and August
identification of red cell antigens and their corresponding
antibodies. It also covers the application of theses antigens and/or
antibodies in transfusion medicine and transfusion reaction work-
 MYCOLOGY AND VIROLOGY- deals with the study of fungi
and viruses as agents of diseases with emphasis on epidemiology,
laboratory identification and characterization, and prevention and
laboratory management which are planning, organizing, staffing, EXAMINATION:
directing and controlling as applied in clinical laboratory setting.  Receive a general weighted average of 75%
 MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY LAWS and BIOETHICS –  Have no rating below 50% in any major courses,
encompasses various laws, administrative orders and other  Pass in at least 60% of the courses computed according to their
approved legal documents related to the practice of Medical relative weights.
Technology/ Medical Laboratory Science in the Philippines.  AGE RESTRICTION
- Bioethics-study of ethics as applied to health and health  FAILURE TO PASS THE LICENSURE EXAMINATION
care delivery and to human life in general  A GENERAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE OF 70-74%PROGRAM
 HEMATOLOGY 1- emphasis on the formation, metabolism of GOALS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES
cells , laboratory assays, correlation with pathologic conditions  state the knowledge, skills, values and ethics that graduates of
and special hematology evaluation the program should demonstrate.
 HEMATOLOGY 2- deals with the concepts and principles of  result in competent and skillful professionals who are ready to
hemostasis, and abnormalities involving red blood cells (RBC), skillfully perform the tasks of the profession
white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. Its emphasis is on The program outcomes of the BSMT/BSMLS degree expects students
Laboratory identification of blood cell abnormalities, quantitative to:
measurement of coagulation factors, and disease correlation. 1. Demonstrate knowledge and technical skills needed to
 CLINICAL MICROSCOPY- focuses on the study of urine and correctly perform laboratory testing and ensure reliability of
other body fluids. It includes discussion of their formation, the result
laboratory analyses, disease processes, and clinical correlation of  Knowledge- comprise of facts, information, and concepts
laboratory results. acquired through experience and education
 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 1- encompasses the concepts and  Technical skills- relate to the psychomotor domain of
principles of physiologically active soluble substances and waste learning
materials present in body fluids, particularly in the blood. It also 2. Be endowed with the professional attitude and values
includes formation, laboratory analyses, reference values and enabling them to work with their colleagues and other
clinical correlation with pathologic conditions. members of the health care delivery system. - deals with his
 CLINICAL CHEMISTRY 2- deals with concepts and principles or her motivation to further improve himself or herself, how
of physiologically active soluble substances and waste materials she/he reacts to criticism, rejection and praise;
present in body fluids, particularly in the blood. 3. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills
 SEMINARS 1 and 2- deals with the current laboratory analyses when confronted with situations, problems and conflicts in
used in the practice of medical technology. the practice of their profession
 MOLECULAR BIOLOGY and DIAGNOSTICS- deals with the  Critical thinking- is the ability of an individual to
nucleic acids and protein molecule interaction within the cell to objectively and systematically analyze, without bias, facts
promote proper growth, cell division, and development. and information to come up with reasonable decisions and
 RESEARCH COURSES to guide behavior.
 RESEARCH 1- deals with the basic concepts and principles of  Problem solving- detailed analysis of the problem at hand
research as applied in Medical Technology/ Clinical Laboratory by focusing on present facts and information before
Science making a decision.
 Decision making- entails one’s ability to gather and
 RESEARCH 2- covers the methodology of the research, writing
synthesize facts , information and opinions about the
the research paper in format prescribed by the institution and
problem at hand.
international research agencies for possible publication, and
4. Actively participate in self- directed life long learning
presentation of the finished and completed research in the formal
activities to be updated with the current trends in the
- MT/MLS practice involves a state of constant learning and
 Aims to apply the theoretical aspects of the profession into
re learning to efficiently carry out the responsibilities and
accountabilities of being a medical technology professional
 Students are assigned to CHED - accredited clinical
- Take part in training programs, workshops, and even enroll
laboratories affiliated with their academic institution on a 6
in graduate programs related to the profession
month or one-year rotation
5. Actively participate in research and community-oriented
 Intern is required to render 32 hours of duty per week not
exceeding a total of 1,664 hours in a year.
 Research- is a systematic and organized study of materials
 The academic institution is required to conduct an orientation
to come up with new conclusions or to establish facts. It
to prospective interns regarding the policies and guidelines on
involves experimentation and gathering and analyzing
internship training
data to solve a problem or reach conclusion.
6. Be endowed with leadership skills - a leader is someone who has
excellent communication skills, motivates and inspires others and
tasked to administer licensure examinations to different
is not afraid to develop others who may end up better than him or
proffesionals her.
 PROFESSIONAL REGULATORY BOARD (PRB)- tasked to 7. Demonstrate collaboration, teamwork, integrity, and respect
prepare the written licensure examinations for graduates qualified when working in a multicultural environment
to take the examination.

 Collaboration- working together with multiple individuals and 7. Diagnostic product specialist
finding a common ground to work toward achieving a set goal. 8. Public health practitioner
 Teamwork- working with people you disagree with but coming 9. Health care leader
to terms with such disagreements by sharing a common goal. PRACTICE IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS:
ASSESSMENT  Molecular biology
 involves a planned, systematic and organized way of testing,  Public health and Epidemiology
measuring, collecting and obtaining necessary information to gain  Veterinary Laboratory Science
feedback on students’ progress.  Food and Industrial Microbiology
1. Provides feedback on the progress of students  Forensic Science
2. Identifies flaws and deficiencies in the psychomotor skills,
 Nuclear Medicine/ Science
theoretical knowledge and conceptual skills of the student
 Health Facility Administration and Management
3. Diagnostic tool to determine the capabilities of students
4. Serves as a motivation to further improve a student’s skills  Quality Management
5. Provides information on students’ response to a particular
learning strategy Board of Medical Technology
6. Provides information to the teacher if there is a need to improve Code of Ethics
teaching and learning strategies As I enter into the practice of Medical Technology, I shall accept the
7. It determines the demonstratable changes in the attitude and responsibilities inherent to being a professional; I shall uphold the law
behavior of students and shall not engage in illegal work or cooperate with anyone so
8. Determines whether learning has taken place engaged; I shall avoid associating or being identified with any
TYPES OF ASSESSMENT: enterprise of questionable character;
 Formative Assessment- a planned process in which assessment
elicit evidence of students’ status is used by a teacher to adjust
I shall work and act in a strict spirit of fairness to employer, clients,
their ongoing instructional procedures or by students to adjust
their current learning tactics contractors, employees and in a spirit of personal helpfulness and
 Summative Assessment- this is done at the end of instruction, fraternity toward other members of the profession;
grading period, or comprehensive examination. Information I shall use only honorable means of competition for professional
gathered from this type of assessment can be used to know how employment or services and shall refrain form unfairly injuring, directly
well each student learned the tasks or how well the students or indirectly, the professional reputation, projects or business of a
attained the learning outcomes. fellow medical technologist; I shall accept employment from more than
 Diagnostic Assessment- this is used to gauge what students one employer only when there in no conflict of interest;
already know and do not know about the topic at hand.
1. Teacher- made written tests - written tests include quizzes, long I shall perform professional work in a manner that merits full
exams, term exams, and comprehensive exams. confidence and trust carried out with absolute reliability, accuracy,
2. Reflection papers - it requires the ability to put ideas, facts and fairness and honesty; I shall review the professional work of
opinions in writing in an organized, direct and understandable other medical technologists, when requested, fairly and in confidence
manner. whether they are subordinates or employees, authors of proposals for
3. Portfolios - a tool for assessing student’s mastery of skills grants or contracts, authors of technical papers or other publications or
through a collection of outputs that show their progress at the
involved in litigation;
end of the course program
4. Performance tasks - measures the attainment of psychomotor I shall advance the profession by exchanging general information and
skills necessary for the correct performance of practical experience with fellow medical technologists and other professionals
procedures In the laboratory. and by contributing to the work of professional organizations;
5. Oral examinations and presentations assessment tools that
gauge competency through oral communication skills I shall restrict my praises, criticisms, views and opinions within
6. Rubrics - evaluates the work of students based on a particular
constructive limits and shall not use the knowledge I know for selfish
ends; I shall treat any information I acquired about individuals in
the course of my work as strictly confidential, and may be divulged
only to authorized persons or entities or
with consent of the individual when necessary;
I shall report any infractions of these principles of professional conduct
to the authorities responsible of enforcement of applicable laws or
regulations, or to the Ethics Committee of the Philippine Association of
Medical Technologists as may be appropriate.
To these principles, I hereby subscribe and pledge to conduct myself at
all times in a manner befitting the dignity of my profession.


1. Medical Technologist/clinical laboratory scientist in a hospital-
based or non-hospital-based clinical laboratory
2. Histotechnologist in an anatomical laboratory
3. Researcher/ research scientist
4. Member of the academe
5. Perfusionist
6. Molecular scientist

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