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Graduation Work Modality: Research Project, presented prior to the

Obtaining the title of Engineer in Computer and Information Systems AREA:
RESEARCH LINE: Software Development

AUTHOR: Alexis Fabián Enríquez Valle

TUTOR: Ing. Hernán Fabricio Naranjo Ávalos, Mg.

Ambato - Ecuador

September – 2021
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As tutor of the Degree Work with the topic: FLOW WEB SYSTEM




INDUSTRIAL, developed under the modality of Research Project by the

Mr. Alexis Fabián Enríquez Valle, student of the Engineering Career at

Computer and Information Systems, of the Faculty of Systems Engineering,

Electronics and Industrial, from the Technical University of Ambato, I would like to indicate that

the student has been tutored throughout the development of the work until its conclusion,

in accordance with the provisions of Article 15 of the Regulations to obtain the Title of

Third Level, Degree from the Technical University of Ambato, and number 7.4 of the

respective instructions.

Ambato, September 2021.


Ing. Hernán Fabricio Naranjo Ávalos, Mg.


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This Research Project entitled : WEB SYSTEM OF FLOW OF




INDUSTRIAL is absolutely original, authentic and personal. By such virtue, the

content, legal and academic effects that arise from it are exclusively
responsibility of the author.

Ambato, September 2021.

Alexis Fabian Enriquez Valle

ce . 180472655-6

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As a peer reviewer of the Final Report of the Graduation Work presented

by Mr. Alexis Fabián Enríquez Valle, student of the Engineering Career at

Computer and Information Systems, of the Faculty of Systems Engineering,

Electronic and Industrial, under the Research Project Modality, entitled




SYSTEMS, ELECTRONICS AND INDUSTRIAL, we would like to inform you that the

work has been reviewed and qualified according to Article 17 of the Regulations for

obtain the Third Level Title, Degree from the Technical University of Ambato, and

to numeral 7.6 of the respective instructions. For the record of which we subscribe,

together with the President of the Court.

Ambato, September 2021.


Eng. Pilar Urrutia, Mg.


------------------------------------ --------------------------------------

Ing. Ph.D. Felix Fernandez, MSc. Ing. Ruben Nogales


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I authorize the Technical University of Ambato, to make use of this Work of

Title as a document available for reading, consultation and processes of

I assign the rights of my Degree Work in favor of the Technical University of

Ambato, for public dissemination purposes . In addition, I authorize its total or
partially within the regulations of the institution.

Ambato, September 2021.

,Alexis Fabian Enriquez Valle

EC. 180472544-6
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I dedicate this degree work

mainly to my wife and life partner Mirka
Martínez, who has been from the first moment
filling me with love, affection, support and strength to reach
until this important moment of my training
personal and professional.

To God for filling me with health, life and perseverance during

the course of my career.

Finally I want to dedicate this thesis to the engineer

Hernán Naranjo for guiding me in the realization of the
present degree work.

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I thank my wife Mirka Martínez who has

provided unconditional support for many years,
strength to carry on, inspiration and motivation
to get to where I am.

To God for providing health to my wife and filling

Bless my life with her.

To my teacher and tutor Hernán Naranjo for the

knowledge and experience that you have shared as
professional during the course of the career

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APPROVAL OF THE GUARDIAN............................................... .................................................ii

AUTHORSHIP .................................................. ................................................................ .........................iii

COURT APPROVAL ................................................................ .............................iv

COPYRIGHT............................................... ................................................................ ......v

DEDICATION ................................................ ................................................................ .................saw

GRATITUDE ................................................. ................................................................ .......vii

INDEX................................................. ................................................................ ........................... viii

TABLE INDEX ............................................... ................................................................ ..........xi INDEX OF

FIGURES..................................... ................................................................ ...................xiv

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................ ................................................................ ..xix

ABSTRACT.................................................. ................................................................ ..........................xx

CHAPTER I ................................................ ................................................................ ........................1

THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK................................................ ................................................................ ..............1

1.1. Research topic............................................... ................................................1 1.2. Investigative

background ................................................... ....................................1

1.2.1. Contextualization of the problem ................................................... .......................2
1.2.2. Delimitation................................................. ................................................................ .4

1.2.3. Justification................................................. ................................................................ ..4

1.3. Theoretical foundation ................................................ ..........................................5

1.3.1. Software Engineering ............................................... .....................................5 Web

1.3.2. Engineering ......... ................................................................ ......................................5 Web Engineering Methodology................................................... ..................6

1.3.3. Web development ................................................ ................................................7

1.3.4. Web application architecture..................................................... ..................7 Evolution of web applications. ................................................................ ...........7 Client/ server (C/S) architecture............................... ..................................8 Three-tier architecture..................................................... .............................9

1.3.5. Technologies for the development of web pages ................................................... ...10 Frameworks for the development of web applications ....................................11
1.3.6. Database Management Systems.......................................................... ................12 SQL Server................................................ ................................................12 MySQL.................................................. ................................................................ ...13 Oracle .................................................. ................................................................ .....14

1.3.7. Workflow..................................................... ................................................14

Machine Translated by Google Workflow Engine .NET............................................ ...............................fifteen

1.3.8. ISO 9001 standard ................................................ ............................................18 Management systems............................................... ......................................18 Document management.................................................. ...................................18

1.4. Goals................................................. ................................................................ ............19

1.4.1. General ................................................. ................................................................ .......19

1.4.2. Specific .................................................. ................................................................ .19

CHAPTER II............................................ ................................................................ .......................twenty

METHODOLOGY................................................. ................................................................ ..............twenty

2.1. Materials................................................. ................................................................ ...........twenty

2.2. Methods.................................................. ................................................................ ..............twenty

2.2.1. Agile methodology.................................................. ............................................20 Agile Manifesto... ................................................................ ......................................twenty Extreme Programming (XP)............................................... .........................twenty-one Phases of Extreme Programming (XP) ................................................ .........twenty-one KANBAN.................................................. ..................................................22 SCRUM.................................................. ................................................................ ..2. 3 Applied agile methodology................................................... ..................23 2.3. Research

modality..................................................... ..................................24

2.4. Level or type of investigation ................................................... ....................................24 2.5.

Population and sample ................................................ ................................................25

2.6. Data collection .................................................. ...................................26

2.7. Data processing and analysis..................................................... .............................26 2.8.

Development of the methodology................................................... ....................................28 CHAPTER

III............ ................................................................ ................................................................ ......29

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION............................................... ............................................29

3.1. Analysis and discussion of results............................................ ........................29

3.1.1. Results of the survey applied to administrative staff ..................................29
3.1.2. Results of the survey applied to students.................................................. 40 Analysis and
3.1.3. interpretation of survey results.....................................................46

3.2. Development of the proposal based on the methodology .................................... ....47

3.2.1. Phase 1. Exploration ................................................ .........................................47 Description of the processes of Pre-professional Practices. ..........................47 Modeling of pre-professional internship processes..................................49 Definition of web technology ................................................... .....................52 Description of the application architecture.................................. ...................53 Definition of XP roles ................................................ ................................54

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3.2.2. Phase 2. Planning................................................... ........................................55 User stories .................................................. ....................................55 Activities................................................. ..................................................94 User story rating................................................................... ..............107 Design ................................................. ................................................................ ..112 Sequence diagrams..................................................... ............................112

3.2.3. Phase 3. Iterations................................................... .........................................118 Delivery plan.................................................. .........................................118

3.2.4. Phase 4. Production ........................................ .........................................119 Iteration by deliveries ................................................ ................................119 Iteration No. 1................................................... ............................................119 Iteration No. 2............................................... ............................................128 Iteration No. 3................................................... ............................................132 Iteration No. 4................................................... ............................................141 Iteration No. 5............................................ ............................................152 Iteration No. 6................................................... ............................................159 Coding .................................................. ............................................161 Application architecture design................................................................... .....161

Integration and configuration of the workflow engine ..................................162 Configuring the SQL Membership Provider ................................................168 Administrative management................................................ .............................170 Creating formats using iTextSharp ..................................................175

3.2.5. Phase 5. Tests................................................... .........................................176

CHAPTER IV ................................................ ................................................................ .................195

CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................... ...................195

4.1. Conclusions.................................................. ................................................................ ....195

4.2. Recommendations................................................. ................................................195

BIBLIOGRAPHY ................................................. ................................................................ .............196

ANNEXES .................................................. ................................................................ .........................199

A.1. Student survey format................................................................... ................199

A.2. Survey format for administrative staff ...................................................201

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Table 1. Comparative chart XP, SCRUM and KANBAN..................................... ..................24

Table 2. Table of population and sample ............................ ................................................................ ..25
Table 3. Information Collection Table .................................................. ..................................26
Table 4. Disposition of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a process defined,
socialized and authorized by the Technical University of Ambato ..................................29
Table 5. Knowledge of the student on established norms to execute the process of pre-
professional practices.................................................. ................................................................ ............30
Table 6. Provision of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of an information system
for the automated management of its processes..................... ....................................31 Table
7. Level of satisfaction with the current system in compliance with established
guidelines for pre-professional internships ................................................ ....................31
Table 8. Level of organization of student practice documents...................................32 Table
9. Degree of investment of time for document management and organization of
students doing internships..................................... ................................................................ ............33
Table 10. Degree of relevance of automation in the management of practices as added
value to the actors in the process ...................... ................................................................ ......................34
Table 11. Optimization in the time of delivery and reception of pre-professional internship
documents..................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ...3
Table 12. Ease of the user in extracting data to generate reports on the practice process
eprofessionals .................................................. ..................................................36 Table 13
Investment of time for the extraction of data that is shown in the reports of the process of
pre-professional practices .................................... ..................................................37 Table 14
Degree of satisfaction of the current information system of the Pre-professional Practices
Unit..................................... ................................................................ ..................................38
Table 15. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a new system that
facilitates and improves its internal processes................................................... ....................................39
Table 16. Students' knowledge of the guidelines for pre-professional
internships ................................................................ ................................................................ ................40
Table 17. Degree of understanding of the guidelines for carrying out internships.....................41
Table 18. Students' knowledge of the existence of documents for carrying out pre-
professional internships..... ................................................................ ................................................42
Table 19. Difficulty in carrying out pre-professional internship procedures.....................43
Table 20. Degree of efficiency of the pre-professional internship process............ ......................44
Table 21. Degree of utility of the information system for the management of
practices...................45 Table 22. Student position on the implementation of a new
system of pre-professional
practices..................................................... ................................................................ ..................46
Table 23. Table of activities and processes of Pre-professional Practices (PPP) ..................47
Table 24. ASP Comparison Chart. NET, PHP and JSP .............................................. ............52
Table 25. SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle comparison chart ............................ ....................53
Table 26. Assignment of XP roles........................... ................................................................ ..................54
Table 27. User story model .................................. ................................................................ ....55
Table 28. User story 1: Database Design .................................. ..................55 Table 29. User
story 2. Topic: Creation of the form for student

registration .................. ................................................................ ................................................................ .......

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Table 33. User story 3. Topic: Creation of the form for company
registration..................................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ..........59
Table 34. User story 3.1: Saving the data of the company / institution ......................59 Table 35. History User
story 3.2: Modify company/institution data....................60 Table 36. User story 3.3: Delete company/institution
data..... .............60 Table 37. User story 4. Topic: Creation of the form for the registration of teaching
tutors..................... ................................................................ ................................................................ ............61
Table 38. User story 4.1: Saving the data of the tutor teacher ............................ .........62

Table 39. User story 4.2: Modify the data of the tutor teacher ....................................62
Table 40. User story 4.3: Delete the data of the tutor teacher.....................................63 Table 41. User story 5.
Topic: Creation of the form for the registration of institutional
tutors .................................... ................................................................ ....................................64
Table 42. User story 5.1: Save the data of the institutional tutor.....................................65 Table 43. User story
5.2: Modify the data of the institutional tutor ....................65
Table 44. User story 5.3: Delete the data of the institutional tutor ....................................66
Table 45. User story 6. Topic: Creation of Form F01 .................................... ...67 Table 46. User story 6.1: Specify
general data of Form F01 ......................67 Table 47. User story 6.2: Specify duration of practices of Format
F01 .........68 Table 48. User story 6.3: Specify activities of Format F01..................................... 69 Table 49. User
story 6.4: Generate planning file.....................................................69 Table 50 User story 7. Topic: Creation of the
F02 Format .................................. .71 Table 51. User story 7.1: Specify general data of Format F02.....................72
Table 52. User story 7.2: Specify activities of Format F02.. ..................72 Table 53. User story 7.3: Generate
follow-up report file..................... .......73 Table 54. User story 8. Topic: Creation of Format
F03 ................. ..................74 Table 55. User story 8.1: Specify general data of Format F03 ............ ......75 Table
56. User story 8.2: Specify background and summary of activities............75 Table 57. User story 8.3: Generate
student performance evaluation..... .......76 Table 58. User story 8.4: Specify attendance
control..................................... .......76 Table 59. User story 8.5: Generate institution report file.....................77
Table 60. User story 9 Topic: Creation of Format F04.....................................79 Table 61. User story 9.1: Specify
general data of Format F04.....................79 Table 62. User story 9.2: Generate student performance
evaluation..... ......80 Table 63. User story 9.3: Specify conclusions and recommendations.....................81 Table
64. User story 9.4: Generate a file from the self appraisal of the student .......81

Table 65. User story 10. Topic: Creation of Format F05 .................................... .83 Table 66. User story 10.1:
Specify general data of Format F05 .................83 Table 67. User story 10.2: Specify duration of practices of
Format F05 .. ......84 Table 68. User story 10.3: Specify activities of Format F05.............................84 Table 69.
User story 10.4 : Generate final report file...................................85 Table 70. User story 11. Topic : Creation of
the file of the internship culmination
trade................................................. ................................................................ ..................................................87
Table 71. User story 12. Topic: Creation of the form to generate the student's letter of
commitment.................................................. ................................................................ ..........88 Table 72.
User story 13. Topic: Creation Form for registering the student's pre-professional
internships.................................................. ................................................................ ....89 Table 73. User story
13.1: View student internship records..90 Table 74. User story 14. Topic: Creation of the form for the record of
completion of pre-professional internships..... ................................................................ ......................92 Table 75.
User story 14.1: Saving the data at the end of the practices..................... ..92

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Table 76. User story 15. Topic: Creation of reports..................................... .........93 Table
77. User story 16. Topic: Roles and security for entering the system............94 Table 78.
Activity 1: Conceptual design of the Base system data ..................................95 Table 79.
Activity 2: Construction of the architecture..................... .................................................95
Table 80. Activity 3: Student registration form ..................................................... ..95 Table
81. Activity 4: Validation of controls on the student registration form.....96 Table 82.
Activity 5: Company registration form............................... ..................................96 Table
83. Activity 6: Validation of controls of the company registration form...... .96 Table 84.
Activity 7: Form for the registration of teacher tutors.....................................97 Table 85
Activity 8: Validation of form controls d and registration of teaching

tutors ................................................... ................................................................ .........................................

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Table 117. Iteration No. 1 User Stories .................................................. ..................120

Table 118. Iteration No. 2 user stories .................. ................................................128
Table 119. Iteration No. 3 user stories ................................................... ..........................132
Table 120. Iteration No. 4 user stories .................................................. ..................142 Table
121. Iteration No. 5 user stories .................. ................................................152
Table 122. Iteration No. 6 User Stories .................................................. ..........................159
Table 123. Workflow Engine .NET components.................................................. .....................163
Table 124. Acceptance test model.................................................. ....................................176
Table 125. Acceptance test 1: Design of the Database of Data.....................................177
Table 126. Acceptance Test 2 : Save student data .............................................177 Table
127. Acceptance test 3: Modify the student data.....................................178 Table 128.
Acceptance test 4: Delete student data.. ..................................179 Table 129. Acceptance
test 5: Save the data of the company / institution .. ............179 Table 130. Acceptance test
6: Modify the data of the company / institution ............180 Table 131. Acceptance test 7:
Delete the data of the company / institution ..............181 Table 132. Acceptance test 8:
Save the teacher's data tutor..................................181 Table 133. Acceptance test 9: Modify
the data of the tutor professor..... ......................182 Table 134. Acceptance test 10: Eliminate
the data of the tutor teacher..................... ............183 Table 135. Acceptance test 11:
Saving the data of the institutional tutor.....................183 Table 136 Acceptance test 12:
Modify the data of the institutional tutor..................184 Table 137. Acceptance test 13:
Delete the data of the institutional tutor...... .............185 Table 138. Acceptance test 14:
Creation of Form F01..................................... .................185 Table 139. Acceptance test
15: Creation of Form F02..................... ......................186 Table 140. Acceptance test 16:
Creation of Form F03..................... .........................187 Table 141. Acceptance test 17:
Creation of Form F04............... ................................188 Table 142. Acceptance test 18:
Creation of Form F05.....................................188 Table 143. Test of acceptance 19:
Creation of the file of the official letter of completion of
internships.................................. ................................................................ ..................................189
Table 144. Acceptance test 20: Creation of the form to generate the student's letter
of commitment.................................................. ................................................................ .......190
Table 145. Acceptance test 21: Creation of the form for the student's pre-professional
internship registration .................................. ................................................................ ..................191
Table 146. Acceptance test 22: Creation of the form for the student's pre-professional
internship registration .................. ................................................................ ................................192
Table 147. Acceptance test 23: Report creation .. ................................................193 Table
148 Acceptance Test 24: Roles and Security for Login .............................193

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Fig. 1. Structure and operation of the .NET Workflow Engine....................................16 Fig. 2.

Description of the agile methodology process................................................... .............21 Fig.
3. Kanban wall............................ ................................................................ ...................................23
Fig. 4. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a process defined, socialized
and authorized by the Technical University of Ambato .....................................29 Fig. 5. Student
knowledge of the standards established to execute the pre-professional internship
process..................................................... ................................................................ ..................30
Fig. 6. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of an information system for the
automated management of its processes..................... ................................................................ ............31
Fig. 7. Level of satisfaction of the current system in compliance with established
guidelines for pre-professional practices .................................................... ..................32 Fig. 8.
Level of organization of the student practice documents .................. ......33 Fig. 9. Degree of
investment of time for document management and organization of students doing
internships..................................... ................................................................ ..................34 Fig.
10. Degree of relevance of automation in the management of practices as added value to
the actors in the process ......... ................................................................ ...................................35
Fig. 11. Optimization in the time of delivery and reception of documents of pre-
practices... ................................................................ ................................................................ .............36
Fig. 12. User-friendly data extraction to generate project reports Process of pre-professional
practices................................................... ................................................................ .....37 Fig.
13. Investment of time for the extraction of data that is shown in the reports of the process of
pre-professional practices ..................................... ................................................................ ............38
Fig. 14. Degree of satisfaction of the current information system of the Pre-professional Practices
Unit..................... ................................................................ ..................................................39
Fig. 15. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a new system that facilitates and
improves its internal processes..................................... ................................................................ ..40
Fig. 16. Students' knowledge of the guidelines for pre-professional
internships..................................... ................................................................ ...................... .............41
Fig. 17. Degree of understanding of the guidelines for carrying out practices .....................42
Fig 18. Students' knowledge of the existence of documents for pre-professional
internships..................................................... ................................................................ ..................43
Fig. 19. Difficulty in carrying out pre-professional internship procedures..................... ..43 Fig.
20. Degree of efficiency of the pre-professional internship process ..................................44 Fig.
21. Degree of usefulness of the information system for the management of internships..................45
Fig. 22. Position of the students on the implementation of a new system of pre-professional
internships... ................................................................ ................................................................ .............46
Fig. 23. Diagram of the first phase of the Pre-professional Practices process ..................50 Fig.
24 .sec diagram a phase of the Pre-professional Practices process.....................51 Fig. 25.
Architecture of the web application..................... ................................................................ ............54
Fig. 26. Preliminary design of the "Student Registration" interface ............................ .............58
Fig. 27. Preliminary design of the "Company Registry" interface ...................... ..................61
Fig. 28. Preliminary design of the interface "Registration of Tutor Teachers" .................. ............64
Fig. 29. Preliminary design of the "Registration of Institutional Tutors" interface.....................67
Fig 30. Preliminary design of the interface "Registration of Format F01". Section 1..................70
Fig. 31. Preliminary design of the "Format F01 Record" interface. Section 2..................71 Fig. 32. Preliminary des

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Fig. 33. Preliminary design of the "F02 Format Registration" interface. Section 1..................74
Fig. 34. Preliminary design of the "Format F02 Record" interface. Section 2..................74
Fig. 35. Preliminary design of the "Format F03 Record" interface. Section 1..................78
Fig. 36. Preliminary design of the "Format F03 Record" interface. Section 2..................78
Fig. 37. Preliminary design of the "Format F03 Record" interface. Section 3..................79
Fig. 38. Preliminary design of the "Format F04 Record" interface. Section 1..................82
Fig. 39. Preliminary design of the "Format F04 Record" interface. Section 2..................82
Fig. 40. Preliminary design of the "Format F04 Record" interface. Section 3..................83
Fig. 41. Preliminary design of the "F05 Format Registration" interface. Section 1..................86
Fig. 42. Preliminary design of the "F05 Format Registration" interface. Section 2..................86
Fig. 43. Preliminary design of the "Format F05 Record" interface. Section 3..................87
Fig. 44. Preliminary design of the interface "Official completion of internships"..................... ......88
Fig. 45. Preliminary design of the "Letter of Commitment"
interface..................................... ............89 Fig. 46. Preliminary design of the "Pre-
professional student practices" interface...............91 Fig. 47. Preliminary design of the
interface " Register of Pre-professional Practices" ...................91 Fig. 48. Preliminary design
of the interface "Culmination of Pre-professional Practices" ..................93 Fig. 49. Sequence
Diagram 1: Login ..................................................... ..............112 Fig. 50. Sequence Diagram
2: Student management .......................... ............................113 Fig. 51. Sequence Diagram
3: Business management............ .........................................113 Fig. 52. Sequence Diagram
4 : Management of teaching tutors .............................................114 Fig. 53 Sequence
Diagram cia 5: Management of institutional tutors ................................114 Fig. 54. Sequence
Diagram 6: Creation of a specific format ...................................115 Fig. 55. Sequence
Diagram 7: Creation of commitment letter. ..................................115 Fig. 56. Sequence
Diagram 8: Creation of agreement ...... ................................................116 Fig. 57. Diagram
of Sequence 9: Creation of requests.................................................. .....116 Fig. 58.
Sequence Diagram 10: Record of pre-professional practices.............................117 Fig. 59.
Sequence Diagram 11: Completion of pre-professional practices..................117 Fig. 60.
Sequence Diagram 12: Creation of reports..................... ....................................118 Fig. 61.
Entity-relationship diagram of the management of pre-professional practices. ....................121
Fig. 62. Entity-relationship diagram of practice document management..................... ......122
Fig. 63. General design of the application............................................ ......................................123
Fig. 64. Student registration form ... ................................................................ .......124 Fig.
65. Form to modify a student's record..................................... .............124 Fig. 66. Modal
window for confirmation message................................... .............................125 Fig. 67.
Table for student management........... ................................................................ ............125
Fig. 68. Modal window to confirm the deletion of a record..................................... ............126
Fig. 69. Warning message to validate form fields .................................. .......126 Fig. 70.
Form for the registration of companies / institutions .................................... ............127 Fig.
71. Form to modify the registration of a company................................... ............... ..127 Fig.
72. Table for the management of companies / institutions.................................. .................128
Fig. 73. Form for the registration of teaching tutors .................................. .....................................129
Fig. 74. Form to modify the registration of a tutor teacher..... ..................................129 Fig.
75. Table for the management of companies / institutions..... ................................................130
Fig.76 Form for the registration of business / institutional tutors.....................................130
Fig. 77. Modal window for list of companies / institutions ....... ..................................131 Fig.
78. Form to modify the registration of a business tutor... ............................131 Fig. 79. Table
for the management of business / institutional tutors ......... ......................132 Fig. 80. Table
for the management of pre-professional internship projects .................. ..........133 Fig. 81.
Torque section to specify general project data ...................................................133 Fig. 82. Section to specify

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Fig. 83. Section to specify project duration.................................................. .............134

Fig. 84. Section to specify the agreement with the company .......................... ......................134
Fig. 85. Modal window for list of students..................... ..........................................135 Fig.
86. Modal window for list of teaching tutors................................................... .......135 Fig.
87. Modal window for the list of business / institutional tutors.....................136 Fig. 88.
Table to finalize the internship project................................................... ............136 Fig. 89.
Closing confirmation modal window.................................. ..................................137 Fig.
90. Table for the management of completion of internships... ................................................138
Fig.91 Form to complete pre-professional practices .................................................. 13 8
Fig. 92. Modal window with list of students................................................. ..................139
Fig. 93. Table for the management of macro
agreements ............... ................................................139 Fig.94 Table for the management
of specific agreements.................................................. ............139 Fig. 95. Form to register
a macro agreement ............................ ................................140 Fig. 96. Form to register a
specific agreement .......... .........................................140 Fig. 97. Form to modify an
agreement macro .................................................. ......141 Fig. 98. Form to modify a
specific agreement ..................................... ..............141 Fig. 99. Table for managing
Format F01..................... ..........................................142 Fig. 100. Section for Specify the
planning objectives..................................... ............143 Fig. 101. Section to link
subjects................................... ..........................................143 Fig. 102. Section for specify
the weekly schedule of activities.....................................144 Fig. 103. Section to describe
the execution area..... ................................................................ .....144 Fig. 104. PDF file
generated from the planning ..................................... ............................145 Fig. 105. Modal
window to finish planning..................... .........................................145 Fig. 106. Table for
managing of Form F02..................................... ..................146 Fig. 107. Section to specify
the report preparation date .................................. .............146 Fig. 108. Section describing
activities carried out .................................. .............................147 Fig. 109. PDF file
generated from the follow-up report ......... .................. ......................147 Fig. 110. Modal
window to finish the follow-up report .................. ......................148 Fig. 111. Table for
managing Format F03..................... ................................................148 Fig. 112. Section to
describe the summary of activities ................................................ .......149 Fig. 113.
Institutional evaluation section.................................. ................................149 Fig. 114.
Hand assist control section...... ................................................................ ....150 Fig. 115.
Conclusions and recommendations section.................................. ....................150 Fig.
116. PDF file generated from the institutional report..................... ..................................151
Fig. 117. Modal window to finish the institutional report .................. ..................................151
Fig. 118. Table for managing Format F04.... ............................. ..................................152
Fig. 119. Student self-assessment section ....... ..................................................153 Fig.
120. Conclusions and recommendations section............................................ ..............153
Fig. 121. PDF file generated from the student report ............................ ........................154
Fig. 122. Modal window to finish the institutional report .................. ..........................154
Fig. 123. Table for managing Format F05............ ................................................................ ....155
Fig. 124. Section of activities completed by the student .................................... ..............155
Fig. 125. Work experience duration section.................................. ..................................156
Fig. 126. PDF file generated from the final
report...... ................................................................ .......156 Fig. 127. Modal window to
end the report................... ................................................157 Fig.128 Table for the
management of the completion document .................................................. ............157 Fig.
129. General student activities section .................................. ......................158 Fig. 130.
Word file generated from the internship completion letter..................... ............158 Fig. 131. Modal window

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Fig. 133. Table of projects in the execution phase.................................................. ..................160

Fig. 134. Table of completed projects..................... ................................................................ .......161
Fig. 135. Login page ..................................... ................................................................ ...161
Fig. 136. Application layers............................................ ................................................................ ..162
Fig. 137. WorkFlow Engine .NET SQL tables..................................... ............................164
Fig. 138. WorkFlow Engine .NET NuGet Packages..................... ................................................165
Fig. 139. Function to initialize Workflow Engine .NET............................................ ...165 Fig.
140. Initialization of JavaScript functions ..................................... ............................166 Fig.
141. Workflow scheme designer..................... ........ .........................................166 Fig. 141.
Workflow: Initialize formats of practices................................................ .......167 Fig. 141.
Function to instantiate workflow................................... .......................................167 Fig. 142.
SQL Membership Configuration Wizard Provider .................................168 Fig. 143. Database
configuration in SQLMembershipProvider... ..........................169 Fig. 144. ASP .NET
Membership tables............... ................................................................ .......170 Fig. 145. SQL
Membership Provider in web.config............................. .............................170 Fig. 146.
“Student” object with its properties ......... ................................................................ .171 Fig.
147. “INSERT” function of a student .................................... .....................................172 Fig.
148. “UPDATE” function of a student ......... ................... ......................................173 Fig.
149. “DELETE” function of a student ................................................................ ................173
Fig. 150. “SELECT” function of a student............................. ................................................174
Fig. 151. Function to upload file to the server................................................... ....................174
Fig. 152. Function to execute a Stored Procedure..................... .....................................175
Fig. 153. iTextSharp: Initialize a document.. ................................................................ ..............175
Fig. 154. iTextSharp: Add text to the file..................... ................................................176 Fig.
155. iTextSharp: Finish document................................................. ..........................176

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Currently, the management of university processes is carried out virtually,

even pre-professional internships are done online in various areas, so

the organization of delivery and reception of documents from the institutions, bet

by the use of ICT through various systems, as is the case of the present

investigation project.

In the Caribbean and Latin America, higher education institutions seek to expedite

processes to optimize the fulfillment of its objectives, through the evaluation

continuous and permanent development of each activity. The primary objective of the

IES is to train highly competitive professionals, therefore the internships

Pre-professionals are indispensable in the learning process.

This research project was proposed with the aim of developing a

computer system that allows the management of internship processes

pre-professionals regarding the delivery and receipt of documents from the Unit of

Link with society. The department is in charge of managing the procedures of

practices of the students and keep track of the process from its beginning to the end.
time of its completion.

The application is developed using ASP .NET technology in Visual Studio 2019. The

tool contains various libraries that allow the creation of web pages

dynamics. In addition, the integration of the Workflow Engine .NET engine is proposed in the

application to adequately manage the workflow of the documents of

practices in all its phases.

Keywords: Web system, workflow, ASP .NET, Workflow Engine,

pre professional practices.

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At present, the management of university processes is carried out virtually, even pre
professional practices are carried out online in various areas, for which the
organization of delivery and reception of documents from institutions, bet on the use
of ICT to through various systems, as is the case with this research project.

In the Caribbean and Latin America, higher education institutions seek to streamline
processes to optimize the fulfillment of their objectives, through continuous and
permanent evaluation of the development of each activity. The primary goal of
IES is to train highly competitive professionals, which is why pre-professional
practices are essential in the learning process.

This research project was proposed with the objective of developing a web system that
allows the management of pre-professional practices processes regarding the delivery
and receipt of documents. The department is in charge of managing the internship
procedures of the students and they keep a control of the process from its beginning to
the moment of its completion.

The application is developed with ASP .NET technology in Visual Studio 2019.
tool contains various libraries that allow the creation of dynamic web pages. In
addition, the integration of the Workflow Engine .NET in the application is proposed
to adequately manage the workflow of the practical documents in all its phases.

Keywords: web system, workflow, ASP .NET, Workflow Engine, pre-professional


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1.1. Research topic

Documentary workflow web system, for the organization in the delivery and

reception of documents of Pre-professional Practices in the Faculty of Engineering

in Systems, Electronics and Industrial.

1.2. Investigative Background

Pre-professional practices represent one of the most important aspects for

the development of the student in his technical-practical training, prior to his inclusion in

the workplace. It is precisely through the practices where each student

develops skills and applies the knowledge obtained during its integral development

The effective development of pre-professional practices is achieved with the collaboration both

of the student as well as of the teachers in charge of supervising said process. For

manage the internship process, it is necessary to keep an adequate control of the tasks

carried out by the unit or department in question.

Based on the literature and related research on practice management

pre-professionals, Macías Vanessa [1] carried out a study to measure the level of

satisfaction of students during the execution of practices. The work concluded that

77% of the students were very satisfied with their work as interns,

however, they denoted that there are shortcomings in the follow-up of practices due to

the lack of a guide to help them during their technical-practical development.

Process automation plays a very important role in the execution and

evaluation of tasks of pre-professional practices. This is evidenced in the work of

degree carried out by Morante Viviana [2], which reflects the design of a system

web based on the construction of a process model for the registration of

students, assignment of tutors and management of agreements in the internship area


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Morante's work aimed to optimize tasks, processes and resources in the area
Responsible for managing practices. Thanks to this, activities were streamlined in the
area and helped students carry out their activities smoothly.

In 2018, Crespín Jerry and Santos Juan Ricardo [3] in their degree work designed
and implemented a prototype called ROBOTCALL at the University of
Guayaquil, which consisted of an automatic call generator system for the
notification of registrations and management of pre-professional practices. This project
intended to improve the sending and receiving of relevant information to the student
through notifications made by the call generator system

Crespín and Santos concluded that the platform was well received by
students, improving by 60% the reception of vital information
importance, through the notifications that were sent to the cell phones of the

In the same way, Aguirre Galo [4] developed and implemented a web application for the
management of pre-professional practices at the Vicente Rocafuerte Technological Institute.

The main objective was to automate the tasks and processes in the department of
practices. This solution helped, in an organized and efficient way, all the management of
practices from your request to the completion of these. In addition, it facilitated
students and academic tutors in the organization and control of the tasks that must

Aguirre's proposal improved the exchange of information between stakeholders

involved in the process of pre-professional practices and above all established a
better organized structure of tasks, which allowed saving time in management
of work carried out in the department.

1.2.1. Contextualization of the problem

Currently, university processes focus on the constant search for

quality in education and its administrative management. According to Alban, Vizcaino
and Tinajero in their study: "Management by processes in Educational Institutions
Superior” [5], argue that process management plays an important role in the
search for university quality.

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Quality in Higher Education Institutions (IES) is achieved through a

adequate administration in the processes of teaching, scientific research and

pre professional practices. The organization and control of these processes allow

strengthen the work of institutions in the training of professionals [5].

In Latin America and the Caribbean, it was established that higher education institutions

will be able to meet their objectives, as long as there is maximum quality in all

their processes, so continuous and permanent evaluation are vital tools

importance to carry out its mission [5].

The main objective of HEIs is to train highly competitive professionals, which is why

Therefore, the role of pre-professional practices plays an essential role within the

student teaching process. In fact, Quispe and Hermenegildo [6]

affirm that the practices help students in the acquisition of characteristics

such as: operational learning, approach to professional spaces, initiation

the employment relationship, among others.

Another important aspect for quality improvement in HEIs is the use and

implementation of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), since

These play a fundamental role in learning processes both in education

basic and higher education. In addition, ICTs significantly improve

the administrative processes of the educational system [7].

In Ecuador, the automation of processes in HEIs is also an indicator for

provide quality services to students. To achieve this task, it is necessary to

various resources and technologies that optimize and improve the performance of said

processes. Therefore, the implementation of computer tools would facilitate

the management of processes in the educational field [8].

The implementation of new technological solutions in the universities of Ecuador

It has improved the performance of its administrative processes. In fact, at work

carried out by Tenecota [9], proposed the realization of a web system at the University

Machala technique, which improved the document management of the department of

pre professional practices.

Usually, administration in practices is done manually, which

leads to the loss of documentation or data on the practices that

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performed by the student are not performed properly. In studies conducted by

Arrobo and Ordóñez [10] indicate that most educational institutions do not carry

an adequate control of the information of the practical documents.

The Technical University of Ambato is no exception, currently it is evident that

along the value chain of the management of pre-professional practices, it is not possible to

have an efficient control of the process, since despite having defined in the manual of

processes their activities, these have not been optimally automated in the

current information system. This event directly affects the management of

the information of the Linking Unit, in the organization, delivery and reception

documents, so it is necessary to automate this process to improve the

user satisfaction.

1.2.2. Delimitation

Academic area: Software

Research line: Software Development

Research subline: Web applications

Spatial delimitation: This project will be developed in the Faculty of Engineering in

Systems, Electronics and Industrial of the Technical University of Ambato, and, in the

Unit of Pre-professional Practices.

Time limit: This investigation will be carried out during the 6 months

after the approval of the proposal by the Board of Directors of the

Faculty that constitutes from the month of April to September 2021.

1.2.3. Justification

The importance of this research lies in a topical issue, which involves

not only to the administrative staff but also to the student. The present investigation

will improve the processes in the organization for the delivery and reception of

documents of pre-professional practices. This project will be developed based on

to a workflow, which will allow the ideal structure of all

the tasks carried out in the department of pre-professional practices and thus

Better control of processes on established dates and times.

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The research is based on the design and development of a workflow web system

documentary that will benefit the administrative staff regarding the reception of

practice documents, to avoid delays in their respective tasks and also

It will favor the student through an effective management of their documents.

It is considered feasible, because the Faculty of Systems Engineering, Electronics and

Industrial Department of the Technical University of Ambato, has the technological resources

necessary. It is worth mentioning that there is also consent to access

to the information necessary to carry out this investigation.

This analysis is justified because the current situation of the learning process deserves

advances regarding technology, to prioritize the quality of the procedures that

are carried out under the responsibility of the administrative staff of the faculty and
the students.

Technical Feasibility: Promotes optimal development in carrying out procedures and

paperwork, within the Pre-professional Practices Unit.

Operational Feasibility: This project has the human resources

available and will be developed based on the processes carried out in the department,

will take advantage of the use of a workflow system that will streamline procedures,

in order to guarantee a more feasible control in the processes that are carried out with the

Economic Feasibility: The study will be financed by the


1.3. Theoretical foundation

1.3.1. Software Engineering

Software Engineering can be defined as the practical, systematic,

disciplined and quantifiable knowledge of scientific knowledge to carry out the analysis of the

user needs and obtain the required software and associated documentation

for its development, operation and maintenance in a profitable, reliable, certified manner

and that it operates on real machines [11].

1.3.2. web engineering

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The use of systematic, quantifiable and disciplined methods is assumed as

web engineering, which radically evolved the world of technology. This
term is based on the use and disposition of methodologies with fundamentals
scientists that allow the maintenance, development and application of systems based on
in high quality web architectures [12]. Web Engineering Methodology

The procedures of technological tools that are used in the development of

High capacity web applications allow efficiency in the progress, execution,
control and evaluation of said systems. These are intended for web development and
have the objective of ensuring that the tools are varied and satisfy the
needs of the users who use these applications [12].

The methodology of Web Engineering is an evolutionary procedure, which consists of

six stages, essential for the modification of an effective model for development
of web environments. The methodology for the development of web applications is based
in the following phases [12]:

• Formulation: In the initial phase, the goals of the system are defined, where

importance to user identification.

• Planning: This stage of the methodology consists of defining the cost

estimate of the project, in the same way possible threats are identified and
the tasks that will allow the progress of the project are detailed.

• Analysis: The analysis allows to establish the functional requirements and not
system functional.

• Engineering: It consists of establishing the architectural designs of the

project, as well as the structuring of the navigation and design of the
user interfaces.

• Generation of pages: At this point the design of the structure is consolidated.

of the system through tools that facilitate the development of
Web applications.

• Testing: After the development of the web system, comes the testing phase where
faults in its operation are identified.

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• Customer evaluation: In the final phase changes and modifications are made
based on the failures found in the testing phase, with the aim of
Ensure customer satisfaction according to requirements.

1.3.3. Web development

Web development focuses on planning, building, implementing, and

website maintenance. Additionally, this type of work implies the
projection of a system with an attractive design, fast operation and
performance, with which it is possible to create an adequate user experience.

Web Developers or Webmasters are the people in charge of ensuring that the
pages project these characteristics, and that although they can never see them
working directly, they are the ones that make it possible for everything to work in a
efficient [13].

1.3.4. Web application architecture Evolution of web applications.

Web technologies evolve every day, allowing developers to originate

to multiple experiences on the net. The web we know today is the result
of various efforts by an open community to determine various technologies (such as
CSS31, HTML52 , WebGL3 , among others) that allow the development of applications

compatible with existing browsers [14].

Web 1.0

Web 1.0 (1991-2003) is characterized by the use of text-based browsers

flat and is read-only, which is why it is considered the most
essential. The user is only limited to the content that the Webmaster (administrator) uploads

to the page, without interacting with the content [14].

Web 2.0

CSS3 (Cascade Style Sheets) is a language for graphic design of web pages.
HTML5 (HyperText Markup Language), universal language of the World Wide Web
WebGL (Web Graphics Library) set of libraries for rendering 3D graphics

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The term Web 2.0 refers to the compendium of websites that allow sharing
information, intended for collaboration and user-centered design. A website
2.0 is characterized by the content generated by the public of a virtual community. By
On the other hand, Web 2.0 differs from static websites because users
They are not only limited to observing the content, but also interact with the page [14].

Web 3.0

Web 3.0 describes the interaction of users and the use of the Internet by different
ways such as the transformation of the network into a database, a social movement
that allows creating content accessible by multiple non-browser4 applications , So
as well as artificial intelligence technologies such as Geospatial Web, web
semantics or 3D Web [14]. Client/server architecture (C/S)

The traditional client/server (C/S) architecture is also known as

two-tier architecture. It requires a user interface to be installed and
runs on a computer or workstation, and sends requests to the server for
perform complex operations [14].

Advantages of the two-tier architecture [14]:

• The development of applications based on this architecture allows a

efficient performance, however it is not the most suitable.

• Two-layer development tools consist of several

widely tested features.

• Two-tier solutions work in stable non-dynamic environments, but

they do not perform well in organizations with changing business rules.

• Prototyping software engineering techniques are used consistently.

simple and effective.

Disadvantages of the two-layer system [14]:

• Two-tier architectures require excessive version control and

demand distribution effort from the application when they are performed

4 Non browser is a reference to access the internet without writing addresses

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changes. This is because the logic app is on the server side.


• System security in a two-layer design is complex and requires the

frequent database administration; this is due to the number of

devices with direct access to said database.

• Client and database tools, used in two-tier designs.

Layers are constantly changing. Long-term dependence on any
tool can complicate future scaling or deployments. three-tier architecture

The three-layer architecture is a structure that introduces an intermediate layer in

the Client/Server model. Each layer is an individual process that works in

separate platforms. In this architecture a user interface is installed on the PC

the end user (the customer). The architecture used in the Web transforms the interface of
existing search (the Web browser), in the end user interface [14].

A traditional Web application will store the user data (first level), the
will send to the server that will execute a program (second and third level) and whose result

it will be formatted and presented to the user in the browser (first level again) [14].

The different layers are usually [14]:

• Layer 1: Application Client: Web Browser

• Layer 2: Application Server

• Layer 3: Data Server: database, SMTP5 server .

Advantages of the three-layer architecture [14]:

• They are more flexible than the two-layer design.

• The client interface is not required to understand or communicate with the

data receiver.

• The middle layer code can be reused by multiple

applications if it is designed in a modular format.

SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a protocol for transferring emails

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• Separation of roles into three layers makes it easier to replace or modify a

layer without affecting the remaining modules.

Disadvantages of Three Layer Architectures [14]:

• Layer 3 environments can increase network traffic and require

more load balancing or fault tolerance.

• Current browsers are not the same as each other.

• Standardization among different providers has been slow to develop.

1.3.5. Technologies for the development of web pages

The main programming languages most used in web development are [14]:


2.PHP _

3.JSP _


ASP. NET is the evolution of ASP and is characterized by the development of web pages

object oriented. In addition, it specializes in generating dynamic websites more

secure and compatible with most browsers. Thanks to the improvements of

ASP, the code becomes easier to reuse and debug. However, the consumption of

ASP .NET resources require large-capacity servers [15].


PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor) is an open source programming language

the oldest and is intended for the development of web pages in general, it is

characterized by the ease and similarity with structured programming languages

like C and Perl. Its learning curve is light, which allows Webmasters

create dynamic websites without the need to learn a whole bunch of new

functionalities [15].


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JSP (Java Server Pages) is a technology based on Java language and like PHP,

it is also intended for the development of dynamic websites. The engine used by JSP is

based on Java servlets6 , which helps to process information on the

from the client to the database. In the same way, the creation of web pages is done

similar way as in ASP and PHP [16]. Frameworks for web application development

A framework is a set of directories and files that make it easy to create

applications, which incorporate functionalities already tested and developed, in addition to

implemented in a given programming language.

There are several Frameworks that facilitate the design and structuring of various

applications, however, it is important to take into account the type of application that will be

to be developed, as well as the programming language that will be used for the

system coding. Acens Technologies [17] details a series of

Key recommendations when choosing a Framework:

• Knowledge of the team. - It is very important to make an evaluation of the

language that is consistent with the needs of the team in charge of developing

the application.

• Support. - An essential aspect to choose a Framework is the observation

continuous of new versions that are behind him. For this it is recommended

investigate if there is a community working on updates and avoid

work with Frameworks or abandoned projects.

• Learning curve. - It is advisable to decide for a Framework that

have a fast learning curve.

• Support for the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture. - The use

of design patterns is essential in a well-structured application,

Furthermore, the use of the MVC pattern is essential for most projects.

Some Frameworks offer MVC as an alternative, without forcing its use.

Servlets are java modules that allow processing requests on the server

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• Framework that takes security into consideration. - In the market

you can find a Framework with good features but that fail

security side.

Among the main Frameworks that exist in the market to develop

web applications are the following [17]:

• Ruby on Rails: It is a Framework that is based on the MVC style and is

oriented to the development of web applications.

• Codelgniter. Framework that is based on the lightweight and fast PHP language.

• Leaving. A Framework that uses a dynamic language such as Python, with the

ability to create very clean layouts.

• Zend Framework. It is an open source framework in PHP for the

development of web applications and web services with PHP 5.

• Symphony. Complete framework in PHP designed to optimize development

of web applications that is based on the Model View Controller pattern.

• Yii. Framework that uses PHP and is based on components.

• Struts. Support tool for the development of Web applications under the

MVC pattern and uses the Java EE (Java Enterprise Edition) platform.

• ASP.NET. It is a framework for developing web applications.

which is distributed and marketed by Microsoft.

1.3.6. Database Management Systems

Database Management Systems (DBMS) are administrative environments that

They are made up of programs that allow you to store, extract, modify and give access

to the information of a Database (DB) in a fast and structured way. Between

The main database engines found on the market are the

following [18]:

• SQL Server

• Oracle sqlserver

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The Relational Data Management System (RDBMS7 ) created by Microsoft appears

like Microsoft SQL Server. Its primary query language is Transact-SQL, a

application of the ANSI/ISO standard Structured Query Language (SQL) that

it is used by Microsoft and Sybase [19].

Microsoft SQL Server Features:

• Transaction support.

• Scalability, stability and security.

• Supports stored procedures.

• It also includes a powerful graphical administration environment, which allows the

use of DDL8 and DML9 commands graphically.

• It allows working in client-server mode, where the information and data are

hosted on the server and the terminals or network clients only access the

• In addition, it allows you to manage information from other data servers.

• Contains various editions such as: Enterprise, Standard, Business, Developer,

among others.

Microsoft SQL Server is Microsoft's alternative to other powerful systems

database managers such as Oracle, Sybase ASE, PostgreSQL or MySQL [19]. mysql

MySQL (My Structured Query Language) is a database management system

free code. It is characterized by its adaptation in various development environments and is

compatible with the most used programming languages such as PHP, Perl, Java,

among others. MySQL continually receives updates thanks to its free

distribution, making it one of the most widely used database engines

in web development [20].

MySQL Features:

RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) system for creating and managing databases
DDL (Data Definition Language) allows the creation, modification or deletion of objects from a
database 9
DML (Data Manipulation Language) allows the user to execute query or data manipulation tasks

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• Speed and ease of use in the configuration.

• Supports DDL and DML query languages.

• Supports large number of users connecting simultaneously to the


• It can be used on both Linux and Windows.

• Free and open source distribution. Oracle

Oracle is a relational database management system developed by Oracle

Corporation. It is characterized by being powerful, since the tool is designed to
work with large volumes of information on a single server. oracle integrates
various functions that allow you to handle various types of data and perform operations
mathematics facilitating performance [21].

Oracle Features

• It has an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical administration tool.

• High availability, scalability and performance for business activity.

• Complete security in data management.

• User management for the creation of roles and access controls.

• Multi platform.
1.3.7. workflow

A workflow (or workflow) is the automation of a business process (or

software), total or partial, in which documents, information or tasks are passed from
one entity to another for the purposes of processing, in accordance with a set of
rules established to obtain, or contribute to the objectives of the organization [22].

According to Pressman [14], workflows can be managed manually,

In addition, in practice they are organized in a computer system that provides a
computerized support for a procedural systematization [23].

Said systematization allows to improve the performance of the processes, to reduce the
costs and deadlines, minimize errors and ensure higher quality. The systems
that allow the automation of business processes are called Systems

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Workflow Managers and rely on the use of Information Technologies

Information [24].

A Workflow Management System (or simply Workflow System)

provides a systematization of business processes through the management of the
sequence of activities that compose them, assigning them to people or processes
computer scientists who will carry them out [22].

Workflow Systems define, create and manage the execution of workflows

through the use of software (execution engines), which are capable of interpreting the
definition of the process, interact with the participants and also allow executing
tools and applications [25].

Workflow Management Systems help manage business processes

ensuring that tasks are managed quickly, efficiently and systematically
[26]: Workflow Engine .NET

WorkflowEngine.NET is a tool that allows the incorporation of workflow

work (workflow) in the application. The engine facilitates the integration of workflows in
the form of a specific service (or web service). The advantages of using
WorkflowEngine.Net are:

• The engine integrates a process diagram designer in the web browser

• High performance.

• Easy integration of the workflow in the application.

• Allows changes to the process scheme in real time.

• Works with various database providers: MS SQL Server,

MongoDB, RavenDB.

WorkflowEngine.Net is perfect for controlling processes that require changes

constants, in addition its integration to the workspace is carried out with changes
minimum in the code. On the other hand, the motor facilitates the change of state of
documents as required by the application module. In Fig. 1. the
structure of the operation of the tool in a project [27].

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Fig. 1. Structure and operation of the .NET Workflow Engine [27]

The core of the tool supports the following basic functions for working with
workflow [27]:

• Creation of processes.
• Definition of the current status of each process.
• Integration of an accessible list of commands to the user.
• Command executor.
• Interpretation of commands.
• Version control of the process scheme.
• Location.

The process schema is presented as an XML that can be modified

manually or through the designer. In addition, the engine uses a processing of
two stages to work with the scheme [27]:

• Basic Schema: Uses basic processing methods that are stored

in the “WorkflowScheme” table.

• Process scheme: It is generated based on the processes that are defined in the
workflow group with the help of the “IWorkflowGenerator” interface.
The process group can be differentiated by the schema code and by the

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set of parameters that the methods require. This schema is stored

in the “WorkflowProcessScheme” table.

The path is specified by a set of “Activities” and “Transitions”. For

define the Activities, it is necessary to indicate the status of a document, which contains
a set of methods to be executed when the document reaches a
Activity. In Transition, possible transitions between Activities are indicated,
transition constraints and events that enable the execution of a transition [27].

According to the “Workflow Engine .Net” manual, it establishes a series of conditions

to define the activities [27]:

1. To run a route, the Activity must be set to “Initial” status.

Consequently, the system changes the process status of that Activity.

2. To set the status of the Activity, the system constantly calls

all Actions from the "Implementation" block ("Pre
ExecutionImplementation" in Pre-Execution mode).

3. Each Outgoing Transition requires a check for an automatic change.

To do this, the system uses the "Conditions" block to search for Transitions
with a type "Auto". If such a transition is possible, the system moves
the document to a linked Activity automatically. If a transition does not

it is possible, the document remains in the same Activity.

4. If an Activity is marked as "Final" or an Activity has no

Outgoing transitions, then the process changes its status to "Finished".

Otherwise, the process becomes "Idle".

5. At each stage, the available commands are defined on the basis of the
Current activity and conditions for restrictions on transitions

6. When executing a command (or using a trigger), the system checks the
Possibility to make a transition based on the block data
"Terms" according to a specific user. If a transition is
possible, the document moves on to the next activity.

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7. In case there are errors in the execution of a process, the document

changes its status to "Finished".

8. It is possible to change the status of the processes "Finished" or "Finished"

by calling the “SetState” method.

1.3.8. ISO 9001 standard

ISO 9001 is an international ISO standard developed by the Organization

International Standard for Standardization (ISO) that applies to Information Management Systems

Quality of public and private organizations, regardless of their size or

business activity. It is an excellent working method for improving the

quality of products and services, as well as customer satisfaction [28]. Management systems

Set of interrelated elements of an organization or that interact to

establish policies, objectives and processes to achieve these objectives.

The elements of the management system establish the structure of the organization, the

roles and responsibilities, planning, operation, policies, practices,

the rules, beliefs, goals, and processes to achieve those goals [28]. document management

Document management covers the entire life cycle of documents, that is,

the sequential and coherent treatment given to documents from the moment they are

produce or receive in the different units until the moment they are eliminated

or preserved, depending on their testimonial or historical value as a source for the

knowledge of the trajectory of the company [29].

For the implementation of a document management program it is necessary to have

some basic considerations, as Myriam Mejía [25] comments, can be summarized

these considerations into three types:

a) Administrative: they focus on the administration of the company, on aspects

such as transparency, the use of materials, and the efficiency of the


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b) Economic: refers to the evaluation of the savings generated by the management of

documents, by avoiding the preservation of unnecessary documents and the good

use of resources allocated for document management.

c) Diagnosis: it is understood as the search and identification of problems,

opportunities and objectives, as well as the analysis and evaluation of needs

information and program maintenance; in addition to plans

improvement and contingency plans [30].

1.4. Goals
1.4.1. General

Develop a document workflow web system for the organization in the

delivery and reception of documents of pre-professional practices, in the Faculty of

Systems, Electronic and Industrial Engineering.

1.4.2. specific

• Carry out a survey of processes that are carried out in the Unit of
Pre-professional Practices regarding document management.

• Model a workflow that encompasses the delivery and receipt processes.

of the documentation.

• Design a document management web system that integrates the workflow,

created for the delivery and reception of practice documents


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2.1. Materials

The research project is based on technical documents such as thesis,

scientific articles, books, magazines and works from the repositories of the University

Ambato technique. In the same way, the knowledge acquired throughout the course will be applied.

of the career, in addition, emphasis is placed on the theoretical framework on the management of

documents and workflows applied to process optimization.

2.2. methods

The present investigation has a quantitative and qualitative approach, it is quantitative

because measurement parameters will be used in the independent variable; besides

it is qualitative because it will make value judgments regarding the effectiveness in the delivery

and documentary reception of the Pre-professional Practices Unit.

2.2.1. agile methodology

The term agile appears as the precept of a group of experts in the area of

software development, with the aim of optimizing its creation process, the same

which is characterized by being rigid and with a lot of documentation. The starting point to

achieve this objective is the Agile Manifesto, which is a detailed document of everything

that implies the agile philosophy [31]. Agile Manifesto

Document that encompasses values and principles that differentiate software development

agile than a traditional one. The Agile Manifesto prioritizes:

• The individual and the development team interaction about the process and the

• Development of functional software above documentation.

• Collaboration with the client more than negotiating their contract.

• Client changes instead of following the established plan [31].

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Fig. 2. Description of the agile methodology process. [31]

According to the Magazine "Advances in Systems and Information Technology" [32] indicates that the main

agile methodologies for the development of a project are:

1) eXtreme Programming (XP)

3) SCRUM Extreme Programming (XP)

Extreme programming or eXtreme Programming (XP) is an agile methodology of

software engineering that differs from traditional methodologies because it puts
more emphasis on adaptability than predictability [33].

XP proponents view the requirement changes as an aspect

inevitable, natural and desirable of project development. They think the ability to
adapting to changing requirements at any point in the life of the project is a
more realistic approach, rather than trying to define all the requirements at the start
of the project and invest efforts later in controlling the changes [33]. Phases of Extreme Programming (XP)

exploration phase

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Defines the overall scope of the project. The client defines what he needs through the

writing "user stories". The programmers estimate the times of

development based on this information [33].

It should be clear that the estimates made in this phase are primary

(based on very high level data), and may vary when analyzed in detail in

each iteration. This phase lasts a couple of weeks, and the result is an overview

of the system, and an estimated total time [33].

planning phase

Planning is a short phase, where the client, the managers and the group

developers agree on the order in which user stories will be implemented and

also deliveries. This phase consists of several group planning meetings


iterations phase

This is the main phase in the XP development cycle. The functionalities are

developed in this phase, generating at the end of each one a functional deliverable that

implements the user stories assigned to the iteration [33].

The customer actively participates during this phase of the cycle. The iterations are also

used to measure the progress of the project. An iteration finished without errors is

a clear measure of progress [33].

Production phase

At the end of each iteration, functional and error-free modules are delivered, the customer

you may prefer not to put the system into production until you have the functionality

complete. In this phase, no further functional developments are carried out, but they can be

necessary adjustment tasks [33]. kanban

The Kanban methodology is characterized by the execution of tasks incrementally.

It uses visual techniques that allow observing the situation of each task and

represented on blackboards by means of small notes called post-its. work will

divided into parts and each one is detailed on post-it notes [33].

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The board, also known as the Kanban Wall (see Figure 3), can contain as many

columns as states in which each task is found [33].

Fig. 3. Kanban wall [33]. scrum

This methodology is characterized by the execution of tasks as blocks

Called “sprints”, each sprint has a cycle of approximately two to three weeks.

Each iteration has to provide a functional product delivery based on the

customer requirements [33].

During project execution, team members plan each period

delivery in the "sprint", the duration can vary between 15 to 30 days. At the end of

sprint delivers the product to the customer that includes an increase in

functionality that it had at the beginning of the previous sprint [33]. Agile methodology applied

Thanks to the advantages provided by agile methodologies, it is possible to save

time and resources in the development of a project. Consequently, the needs

of the system require the application of an agile methodology that allows

changes according to the needs of the user in the shortest possible time and that enables

delivering functional prototypes efficiently.

In order to select the most appropriate agile methodology, a table is made

comparison between the best known. The rating is from 1 to 4, where 4 is the value

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Table 1. Comparative chart XP, SCRUM and KANBAN

Source: Prepared by the author

Characteristics XP SCRUM KANBAN

Right size for the project 4 4 4
User involvement in the
4 3 3
Ease of development style 4 3 4

Ease of requirements changes 4 4 3

Risk mitigation during project 4 4 3

Degree of interaction between
4 4 2
team members
Total 24 22 19

According to the results of Table 1, the XP methodology is chosen due to the

advantages it offers for the development of the research project. It also allows

have direct communication with the user and respond to changes in requirements

during the preparation of the proposal.

23. Research modality

Bibliographic research

The research will be bibliographical because the use of

technical documents, theses in the computer area, magazines and articles for the preparation

of the theoretical framework on management systems and workflow.

Field research

The investigation will be field, therefore, information will be sought

corresponding to the processes in the delivery and reception of internship documents


2.4. Level or type of investigation

Exploratory investigation

The level of research that will be carried out in this work is of a

exploratory, therefore, will use the qualitative model to define concepts

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based on the criteria of various perspectives optimizing the application of the project


The proposal of a workflow system for document management is of scope

innovative, since there is no system of this nature to streamline processes in

document management of pre-professional practices in the Faculty of Engineering in

Systems, Electronics and Industrial.

Descriptive Research

The investigation will be descriptive because a detailed analysis of the causes will be applied.

that delay the processes related to document management, the

problem and also the solution to it. Quantitative observation will be used

to objectively collect the data to be presented as the basis of the analysis


explanatory research

The explanatory research model will be used to replicate studies on the

optimization in the delivery and reception processes of practice documents

pre-professionals, with the aim of increasing the conclusions of the study and improving
the results.

2.5. Population and sample

For this research project you will work with the administrative staff

in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit and also with a group of 60

students of the Faculty of Systems, Electronic and Industrial Engineering. fits

mention that the choice of the number of students was made based on a

random selection procedure. The following table describes the population that

will be considered for the investigation.

Table 2. Table of population and sample

Source: Prepared by the author

Population Frequency Percentage 1 2%

Supervisor of pre-professional practices 1 2%

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Coordinator of pre-professional practices of the 1 2%

Systems Engineering career
Computing and Informatics

Coordinator of pre-professional practices of the 1 2%

Electronic Engineering career

Coordinator of pre-professional practices of the 1 2%

Industrial Engineering career
Liaison Coordinator 1 2%

Seventh, eighth and ninth grade students 60 91%

Faculty of Systems, Electronic and Industrial

Total 66 100%

Given that none of the population to be investigated exceeds one hundred elements,
will work with the entire universe without the need to take samples

2.6. information collection

Table 3. Information Collection Chart

Source: Prepared by the author

Basic questions Explanation

1. What for? To achieve the objectives set out in the
2. Of what people or objects? Subjects: administrative and staff
3. On what aspects? Among the important aspects are: number of
documents sent and received, execution time
for the tasks and methods applied to generate
and preserve valuable documents.

4. Who, who? Researcher: Alexis Fabián Enríquez Valle

5. When? Academic period April – September 2021
6. Where? Faculty of Systems Engineering,
Electronic and Industrial
7. What collection techniques? Survey and Interview
8. With what? Questionnaire and Interview Guide
9. In what situation? Work days

2.7. Data processing and analysis

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The requirements will be collected and selected through an interview with the manager

of the Pre-professional Practices Unit, with the aim of determining the processes
and needs of the department regarding the management of documents and information of


In the same way, surveys will be carried out on the rest of the coordinators of the

department and students to later tabulate the data, with

the purpose of obtaining relevant information about the internship process that is

run in college.

A field study will be carried out based on the number of tasks to be carried out, number

of reports generated, amount of information stored, time used to

perform each task, amount of time to generate reports, etc.

The information processing will be carried out to analyze the performance in the
processes of documents sent and received, strategies and techniques to recover

information and methods applied to preserve valuable documents. On the other hand,
the guidelines and norms established by the Technical University of

Ambato to carry out pre-professional practices to complement the information

with the system requirements. For the processing of the data, the

following considerations:

• Critical review of the information collected.

• Tabulation of the collected data.

• The presentation of data can be done following the following


o Written representation
o Tabular representation

or graphical representation

In the same way, for the analysis of the results obtained, the following will be carried out:

• Analysis of statistical results, highlighting trends or relationships

fundamental according to the objectives.

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• Interpretation of the results with the support of the theoretical framework in the aspect


• Establishment of conclusions and recommendations.

2.8. Development of the methodology

Phase 1. Exploration

• Analysis of the general guidelines and processes that govern the Unit of

Pre-professional Practices for the delivery and reception of documents.

• Schematization of the workflow of document management processes.

• Analysis of the requirements of the luxury web system for documentary work.

• Description of the architecture of the layered web system.

Phase 2. Planning

• Survey of user stories and description of activities.

• Time estimate for each task

• Description of the system modules through sequence diagrams.

Phase 3. Iterations

• Establishment of the web system delivery plan.

Phase 4. Production

• Design of the topic base.

• Development of interfaces based on user requirements.

• Coding of the web workflow system.

Phase 5. Tests

• Evaluation of the document workflow web system through tests


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3.1. Analysis and discussion of results

3.1.1. Results of the survey applied to administrative staff

After applying the survey to the staff in charge of the Practices Unit

Pre-professionals proceeded to tabulate the results of each question, which were

show below:

Question no. 1: Is there a process defined, socialized and authorized by the

authorities of the Technical University of Ambato for the Internship Unit


Table 4. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a process

defined, socialized and authorized by the Technical University of Ambato

Source: Prepared by the author

Yeah 6 100%
No 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

Question no. 1




Fig. 4. Arrangement of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a process

defined, socialized and authorized by the Technical University of Ambato

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

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According to the results shown in Figure 4, 100% of the respondents

confirms that there is a socialized, formalized and authorized process to carry out

pre professional practices.

Question no. 2: To what extent do you consider that the students know and execute the

procedures established for the process of pre-professional practices?

Table 5. Student knowledge of established norms to execute the

pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Very little) 2 0 0%
0 0%
3 5 83.3%
4 1 16.7%
5 (Very high) 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

Question no. 2


0% 0% 0%
1 (Very little) 2 3 4 5 (Very high)

Fig. 5. Student knowledge of established norms to execute the

pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 5, 83.3% of respondents

considers that students have a medium level (value of 3) in knowledge about

rules for executing pre-professional practices. However, only 16.7% consider

that the knowledge of students is at a high level (value of 4).

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Question no. 3: Does the Pre-professional Practices Unit currently have a

information system for the automated management of your processes?

Table 6. Layout of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a system

of information for the automated management of your processes

Source: Prepared by the author

Yeah 6 83.3%
No 0 16.7%
TOTAL 6 100%

Question no. 3




Fig. 6. Arrangement of the Unit of Pre-professional Practices of a system of

information for the automated management of your processes

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 6, 83.3% of those surveyed

confirms that there is an information system that manages the processes of practices of

automated way. However, only 16.7% maintain that there is no such system of

Question no. 4: At what level of satisfaction do you consider that the current system

Does it meet the guidelines established for pre-professional internships?

Table 7. Level of satisfaction of the current system in compliance with

guidelines established to carry out pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

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1 (Unsatisfactory) 0 0%

2 0 0%
3 5 83.3%
4 0 0%
5 (Very satisfactory) 1 16.7%

TOTAL 6 100%

Question no. 4
100% 83.3%
0% 0% 0%
1 2 3 4 5 (Very
(Unsatisfactory) satisfactory)

Fig. 7. Level of satisfaction of the current system in compliance with guidelines

established to carry out pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 7, 83.3% of respondents

considers that the degree of satisfaction of the current system in compliance with the

norms established to carry out practices is at a medium level (value of

3). However, only 16.7% consider that the level of satisfaction is very high (value

of 5).

Question no. 5: On what scale do you consider that the practice documents of
students get along in an orderly manner?

Table 8. Level of organization of student practice documents

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Not tidy) 2 0 0%
0 0%
3 0 0%
4 6 100%

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5 (Very neat) 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

Question no. 5
0% 0% 0% 0%
1 2 3 4 5 (Very
(Unordered) neat)

Fig. 8. Level of organization of student practice documents

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 8, 100% of respondents

considers that the degree of organization of the practice practice documents

students is at a high level (value of 4).

Question no. 6: On what scale do you consider the investment of time for the management

and documentary organization of the students who carry out internships?

Table 9. Degree of investment of time for management and organization

documentary of students doing internships

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Short time) 2 0 0%
1 16.7%
3 2 33.3%
4 0 0%
5 (a long time) 3 50%
TOTAL 6 100%

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Question no. 6
60% fifty%

0% 0%
1 (Little 2 3 4 5 (a long
time) time)

Fig. 9. Degree of investment of time for the management and documentary organization of

students doing internships

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 9, 50% of respondents

considers that it takes a lot of time (value of 5) to manage and organize the

student practice papers. However, 33.33% consider that the

degree of time investment is at an intermediate level (value of 3), while

that only 16.7% affirm that it does not take them much time (value of 2) to manage and

documentary organization.

Question no. 7: On what scale would you consider that the automation of the management

of pre-professional practices would improve and provide added value to the actors of the


Table 10. Degree of relevance of automation in practice management

as added value to the actors of the process

Source: Prepared by the author


1 (Not relevant) 2 0 0%
0 0%
3 0 0%
4 1 16.7%
5 (Very relevant) 83.3%
TOTAL 56 100%

3. 4
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Question no. 7
100% 83.3%
0% 0% 0%
1 (Not 2 3 4 5 (Very
relevant) relevant)

Fig. 10. Degree of relevance of automation in the management of practices such as

added value to the actors in the process

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 10, 83.3% of respondents

considered highly relevant (value of 5) automation in the management of practices such as

a contribution to the added value of its processes. Similarly, 16.7%

The automation of management processes is also considered relevant (value of 4).

of pre-professional practices.

Question no. 8: At what scale do you consider the delivery time and

receipt of documents in the process of pre-professional practices?

Table 11. Optimization in the time of delivery and reception of documents of

pre professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Poor) 2 0 0%
1 16.7%
3 4 66.7%
4 0 0%
5 (Best) 1 16.7%
TOTAL 6 100%

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Question no. 8

80% 66.7%

16.7% 16.7%
0% 0%
1 (Poor) 2 3 4 5 (Best)

Fig. 11. Optimization in the time of delivery and reception of documents of

pre professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 11, 66.7% of respondents

considers that the time in the delivery and reception of internship documents

pre-professionals is carried out at an optimal average level (value of 3). On the other hand, the

16.7% consider that the time is a little deficient (value of 2), however, another

16.7% affirm that the delivery time and documentary reception is optimal (value of 5).

Question no. 9: On what scale do you consider that there is ease for the user in

the data extraction process that is shown in the reports of the extraction process

pre professional practices?

Table 12. Ease of the user in extracting data to generate reports

of the pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author


1 (Very complicated) 2 0 0%
3 50%
3 1 16.7%
4 2 33.3%
5 (Very easy) 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

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Question no. 9
60% fifty%

0% 0%
1 (Very 2 3 4 5 (Very easy)

Fig. 12. Ease of the user in the extraction of data to generate reports of the

pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 12, 50% of respondents

considers that it is a bit complicated (value of 2) for the user to extract data

to generate the reports of the internship process. In addition, 16.7% consider that

the degree of ease is at an intermediate level (value of 3), however, the

33.33% maintain that data extraction is easy (value of 5).

Question no. 10: On what scale do you consider the investment of time used for the

extraction of data shown in the reports of the practice process


Table 13. Time investment for data extraction shown in

the reports of the pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Short time) 2 16.7%
10 0%
3 4 66.7%
4 0 0%
5 (a long time) 16.7%
TOTAL 16 100%

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Question no. 10
80.0% 66.7%
16.7% 16.7%
20.0% 0% 0%
1 (Little 2 3 4 5 (a long
time) time)

Fig. 13. Time investment for data extraction shown in the

reports of the pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 13, 66.7% of respondents

argues that the degree of investment of time to generate the reports of the process of

practices is at an intermediate level (value 3). In addition, 16.7% consider

that it takes them a long time (value of 5) to extract the data to make the reports,

while another 16.7% affirm that it takes them little time (value of 1) to carry out said


Question no. 11: At what level of satisfaction do you rate the information system

of the Pre-professional Practices Unit?

Table 14. Degree of satisfaction of the current information system of the Unit

of Pre-professional Practices

Source: Prepared by the author

1 (Unsatisfactory) 2 0 0%
0 0%
3 5 83.3%
4 1 16.7%
5 (Very satisfactory) 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

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Question no. eleven

100% 83.3%
0% 0% 0%
1 2 3 4 5 (Very
(Unsatisfactory) satisfactory)

Fig. 14. Degree of satisfaction of the current information system of the Unit of

Pre professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 14, 83.7% of respondents

rates the current information system at an intermediate level of satisfaction (value

of 3). On the other hand, only 16.7% rate it at a satisfactory level (value of 4).

Question no. 12: Do you think it is necessary to implement a new system that facilitates

and improve the process of pre-professional practices?

Table 15. Layout of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a new

system that facilitates and improves your internal processes

Source: Prepared by the author

Yeah 6 100%
No 0 0%
TOTAL 6 100%

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Question no. 1




Fig. 15. Layout of the Pre-professional Practices Unit of a new system

that facilitates and improves your internal processes

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 15, 100% of the respondents

considers necessary the implementation of a new information system that

Manage and improve the pre-professional internship process.

3.1.2. Results of the survey applied to students

After applying the survey to students of the faculty, we proceeded to tabulate the

The results of each question, which are shown below:

Question no. 1: As a student, do you know what are the guidelines for

carry out pre-professional internships at the faculty?

Table 16. Students' knowledge of the guidelines for conducting

pre professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Yeah 37 62%
No 23 38%
TOTAL 60 100%

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Question no. 1



Fig. 16. Students' knowledge of the guidelines for conducting

pre professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 16, 62% of respondents

know the guidelines for pre-professional internships. However, 38%

maintains that they are unaware of said standards or guidelines.

Question no. 2: To what extent do you consider that the guidelines for carrying out internships

are they understandable?

Table 17. Degree of understanding of the guidelines for carrying out practices

Source: Prepared by the author


1 (Little understandable) 2 6 10%
8 13%
3 32 53.3%
4 13 21.7%
5 (Very understandable) 2%
TOTAL 1 60 100%

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Question no. 2
10% 13%
1 2 3 4 5 (Very
(Uncomprehensible) understandable)

Fig. 17. Degree of understanding of the guidelines for carrying out practices
Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 17, 53.3% of respondents

considers that the degree of understanding of the guidelines for carrying out practices is
It is at an intermediate level (value of 3). In addition, 10% and 13% consider
which is not very understandable (values of 1 and 2 respectively). However, 21.7%
consider it understandable (value of 4) and only 2% maintain that the guidelines are
very understandable (value of 5).

Question no. 3: Do you know what are the necessary documents to carry out
pre professional practices?

Table 18. Students' knowledge about the existence of documents

to carry out pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author
Yeah 44 73%
No 16 27%
TOTAL 60 100%

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Question no. 3

27% Yeah



Fig. 18. Students' knowledge about the existence of documents for

carry out pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 18, 73% of respondents have

knowledge about the documents that are used to carry out practices

pre-professionals However, 27% affirm that they do not know about said

Question no. 4: Have you ever had difficulties completing internship procedures?


Table 19. Difficulty in carrying out pre-professional practice procedures

Source: Prepared by the author

Yeah 39 65%
No twenty-one 35%
TOTAL 60 100%

Question no. 4

35% Yeah



Fig. 19. Difficulty in carrying out pre-professional internship procedures

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Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 19, 65% of respondents

They maintain that they have had difficulties when carrying out internship procedures

pre-professionals However, 35% affirm that they have not had problems to

carry out these procedures.

Question no. 5: At what level do you qualify the process of pre-professional practices of the


Table 20. Degree of efficiency of the pre-professional internship process

Source: Prepared by the author


1 (Very poor) 2 5%
39 15%
3 38 63.3%
4 9 15%
5 (Very efficient) 2%
TOTAL 1 60 100%

Question no. 5
80% 63.3%
fifteen% fifteen%
twenty% 5%
1 (Very 2 3 4 5 (Very
poor) efficient)

Fig. 20. Degree of efficiency of the process of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 20, 63.3% of respondents

considers that the degree of efficiency of the internship process is at a level

intermediate (value of 3). In addition, 5% and 15% consider that the process is very

poor (values of 1 and 2 respectively). However, another 15% consider it

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efficient (value of 4) and only 2% maintain that the process is very efficient (value of


Question no. 6: To what extent do you consider a system that makes it easier for

students to manage their practice documents?

Table 21. Degree of utility of the information system for the management of


Source: Prepared by the author


1 (Not very useful) 0 0%
2 0 0%
3 2 3.3%
4 twenty 33%
5 (Very useful) 38 63%
TOTAL 60 100%

Question no. 6


0% 0% 3.3%
1 (Not very useful) 2 3 4 5 (Very useful)

Fig. 21. Degree of utility of the information system for the management of practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 21, 63% of respondents

considers it very useful (value of 5). In addition, 33% also consider it useful and

relevant (value of 4). However, only 3.3% find it moderately useful

(value of 3).

Question no. 7: Do you think it is necessary to implement a new system that facilitates

and improve the process of pre-professional practices of the faculty?

Four. Five
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Table 22. Student position on the implementation of a new

system of pre-professional practices
Source: Prepared by the author
Yeah 60 100%
No 0 0%
TOTAL 60 100%

Question no. 7




Fig. 22. Student position on the implementation of a new system of

pre professional practices
Source: Prepared by the author

Analysis and interpretation

According to the results shown in Figure 22, 100% of respondents

consider necessary the implementation of a new information system for the
management of practice documents.

3.1.3. Analysis and interpretation of survey results

With the results obtained in the surveys applied to the administrative staff and
students, in the first instance, it can be seen that although there is a
formalized and socialized process to carry out pre-professional practices, most of them
of students are unaware of the established guidelines, or in turn, the

Most agree that these rules are not very understandable.

Secondly, the information system currently in use by the Unit for

Pre-professional Practices presents various failures in terms of information management
and documentary organization. Despite the fact that the total number of respondents affirm that the

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documents are kept in an orderly manner, most maintain that the time to

carrying out that task is very slow.

Another aspect to consider is the time of delivery and receipt of documents, where

administrative staff determined that it is not optimal. This can be evidenced

also in the survey applied to students, which allowed us to know that a large

Percentage affirms that there are difficulties when carrying out procedures.

Regarding the relevance of the proposal, the majority of respondents consider that

It is pertinent and necessary to implement a new information system that

facilitate and improve the process of management of pre-professional practices of the faculty,

because it would provide added value in the document management of the department.

3.2. Development of the proposal based on the methodology

3.2.1. Phase 1. Exploration Description of the processes of Pre-professional Practices

In accordance with article 53 of the Academic Regime Regulations, internships

pre-professionals are governed by a process based on the following


• Pre-professional practices are carried out throughout the degree through

plans, projects and programs dictated by the Technical University of Ambato.

• The internships are carried out in organizational, institutional,

business or others that are related to the professional field of the


• The Practices must be governed by a standardization of administrative processes.

that allow them to be carried out efficiently.

The following table describes the administrative processes involved in the

realization of Pre-professional Practices of Academic Training (PPPFA):

Table 23. Table of activities and processes of Pre-professional Practices (PPP)

Source: Prepared by the author

Activity Processes
Student Request 1. The Student who is legally enrolled submits an application (Annex
for 1) to the Information Secretary's email, which is addressed to
PPP the PPP Coordinator

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of the corresponding course. A copy of the identity card, registration

certificate with number of credits and all personal data is attached.

2. The request will be received by the Liaison Secretary through Quipux

and will later be assigned to the corresponding Tutor Teacher.

trades to 3. The Tutor Teacher and the Liaison Secretary prepare the Commitment
PPP Coordinator Letter (Annex 3) and, if necessary, the Agreement (Annex 4) with the
and the company where the PPP will be carried out.
4. The letters are made to the respective PPP Coordinator (Annex 5) and
to the company (Annex 6) requesting the internship for the student.

acceptance of 5. The Student delivers the document digitally to the company and forwards
PPP for the it to the Liaison Secretary already signed with the institution's data
company (Business Tutor and activities to be carried out).
and practice
PPP planning 6. The Liaison Secretary delivers to the mail of the
Student the Formats F01, F02, F03.
7. The Student fills out the F01 form corresponding to the
8. The Teaching Tutor complements the information in the student's
corresponding practice file -located in the PPP computer program of
the UTA- and together with the student (digitally) they enter the planning
of the new practice and the F01 of the system (Annex 7).

Certification of 9. The Student with the F01 sends the company by email and it returns it
the signed and sealed along with the other trades; later they are filed in the
PPP planning respective folder and with this you are ready to start your Practices.

Realization of 10. During the completion of the PPP, which must be carried out online, the
PPPs Student must fill out the F02 form. (Annex 8)

11. The Teaching Tutor has to communicate virtually with the company at
the beginning and at the end of the PPP, to verify its completion, he
must meet with the business tutor and ask him to fill out the visit sheet
12. At the end of the PPP, the Student must send by email the F02 (Annex
8), F03 (Annex 9) and the certificate of completion. (Annexes 12)

Generation of 13. Together with the Teaching Tutor, the Student enters the F02 into the
PPP implementation system and this generates a new F02 and F05, which must be signed
formats and sealed by the company later.

14. The Student in his account of the integrated system generates the form
F03 (Annex 9) and F04 (Annex 10) that must be stamped

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and sign in the company (virtual route) and be delivered to the

Liaison Secretary later and placed in your folder.

15. The 5 formats are gathered in the student's folder and the
Liaison Secretary reviews them to verify that they are complete.

PPP 16. If the Student has completed the 400 hours of PPP, the Liaison
Certification Secretary scans the documents to file them and performs the
completion official and together with the internship formats it is
sent to the Quipux of the President of the Academic Council
for approval.
17. The Academic Council sends Quipux by official letter to the
Board of Directors for certification.
18. The Board of Directors delivers the approval resolution to the
Student and a copy remains in the file folder. Modeling of pre-professional practice processes

Figures 3 and 4 detail the administrative processes based on the Regulation

of the Academic Regime corresponding to the development of Pre-professional Practices:

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Fig. 23. Diagram of the first phase of the Pre-professional Practices process
Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 24. Diagram of the second phase of the Pre-professional Practices process
Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google Definition of web technology

To determine the best technology for the development of web pages it is important

take into account various factors such as cost, ease of use, knowledge of the

personal, political, etc. The following table describes the characteristics of

the most common technologies for web development. The evaluation is from 1 to 4, where

4 is the highest value.

Table 24. ASP comparative chart. NET, PHP and JSP

Source: Prepared by the author

Characteristics ASP.NET PHP JSP

Cost 4 4

Multi platform 1 4 4

Speed in execution 3 4 3

language syntax 3 2 3

Database support 4 4 4

Flexibility 4 2 2

Security 4 4 4

Rapid application development 4 2 2

Supports multiple languages 4

Data monitoring 44 1 1

Support and documentation 3 3

code reuse 3 4 3

Total 4 41 2 36 3 36

According to the data in the table, it is decided to develop the system with the use of the

ASP.NET technology in the C# language thanks to the features offered by the

same to generate dynamic web pages. On the other hand, technology allows

work optimally on the selected architecture thanks to the integration of

different projects in the same solution.

In addition, the .NET Framework is made up of a wide variety of

controls that make it easy to program methods and events with little coding,

which allows the development of the modules in short times. ASP. net has

Sufficient documentation and support to implement various types of applications

such as web services, desktop applications, Cloud applications, among others.

The programming IDE that will be used will be Visual Studio, since it is a tool

that integrates various libraries and packages that facilitate the development of web pages. Of the

In the same way, the design of each form will be adjusted to the user's requirements.

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taking into account the guidelines of the Academic Regime Regulations for

carry out Pre-professional Practices.

To determine the best database engine it is important to take into consideration

aspects such as information availability, security and compatibility with the

web development tool. The following table describes the characteristics of

the most common database management systems. The evaluation is from 1 to 4, where

4 is the highest value.

Table 25. SQL Server, MySQL and Oracle comparison chart

Source: Prepared by the author

Characteristics SQL Server MySQL Oracle

Easy to use 3 4 3
Performance 4 3 4

Multi platform 1 4 4

Speed in query execution 4 3 4

Compatibility with web development tool 4 1 1

Flexibility 4 3 3

Security 4 2 4
Data monitoring 4 3 4

Support and documentation 4 3 4

Total 32 26 31

Based on the data presented in Table 25, the SQL Server engine will be used

because it has a powerful graphical environment that facilitates data management

and query handling. Unlike MySQL and Oracle, SQL Server has

Supported tools for working with the Visual Studio .NET framework.

Thanks to the security and control of the data that SQL offers, it will be used for the

management of the information of the practices carried out by each student.

Finally, a workflow scheme will be designed with the tool

WorkflowEngine.Net, which is compatible with the selected technology and facilitates

the management of the workflow for the management of the states of the documents, in addition to the

scheme generated by the engine will be integrated into the web system by means of controllers

and interfaces. Description of the application architecture

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The system is structured based on the Client/Server architecture, so it is applied

the 3-layer model where the user (client), from any browser, can

access the presentation layer of the system. Each layer communicates with the others

layers to provide greater flexibility in operation. the app does

requests to the database server through the Data layer and it returns the

information to later be displayed on the client's Frontend. The layer for

the management of the workflow will be in charge of sending requests to the database with

regarding the states of the documents.

Fig. 25. Architecture of the web application

Source: Prepared by the author Defining XP roles

The definition of roles allows effective organization among team members

with the client. Due to the nature of the research project, they will not be taken into account.

counts all the roles that are defined in the XP methodology.

Table 26. XP role assignment

Source: Prepared by the author

Member Role Description
Alexis Enríquez Programmer and In charge of planning, interface development
testers and system testing.
Ing. Hernán Coach and In charge of reviewing the system.
Naranjo Follow-up
Ing. Edison Customer Head of the Practices Unit
Jordán Labor and gives the description of the
requirements and operation of the system

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3.2.2. Phase 2. Planning user stories

To describe the functional requirements of the web system, stories of

user, which are described in natural language to facilitate understanding

of the user's needs. The user story model is detailed in the

Table 27.

Table 27. User story model

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: [Story identifier User: [Person providing the user] information]

Story name: [Title designated to the user story]

Business Priority: [Quantifier Development risk: [Business need quantifier:
High, impact in case of failure: High,
Middle-low] Middle-low]
Responsible programmer: [Person Assigned iteration: [Number of person
in charge of developing each iteration assigned to each user story] user]

Description: [Described in natural language about what each story should do]

Criteria of acceptance
[The necessary conditions for each user story to be executed are described]

User story collection

Table 28. User story 1: Database Design

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 1 User: Pre-professional Practices Unit Story name: Conceptual
design of the Database Priority in business: High Risk in
development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis Enríquez
Description: As personnel in Allocated iteration: 1
charge of the Pre-
Practices Unit , we want a system that carry out the document management of
practices and internships in all its phases To automate the processes and avoid delays in
the procedures, to be able to
follow up on the documents of each student of the faculty.

Criteria of acceptance

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Given that the system will manage the information of the pre-
professional practices process in
all its phases. When it is necessary to keep a record of
the documents, then design a database that includes the tables and fields that
allow the storage of the information corresponding to each format.

Table 29. User story 2. Topic: Creation of the registration form

of student

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 2 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Student management form Priority in business: High Risk in
development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 1
Enríquez Description: As secretary in charge of the Department of Links
Society I need
to enter the system To register students doing pre-professional internships.

Table 30. User story 2.1: Saving student data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 2.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Save student data Priority in business:
High Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: High
Alexis Enríquez Description: As Allocated iteration: 1
in charge of
the Liaison Department I need to enter student data such as: names,
surnames, email, telephone numbers, career, semester, parallel and approved credits
To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Student Registration" screen and fills in the form fields correctly

When you select the “Save” option

Then the system will process the information and save the student's record in the database

Acceptance Criterion 2:

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Since the user in his role as secretary enters the "Student Registration" screen and has not
filled out any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the respective

Table 31. User story 2.2: Modify student data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 2.2 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Modify student data

Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 1
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the students in a table and later modify their
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the option "Student registration"
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the student fields to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Student registration" screen and fills in
the fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the student's information in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, enters the option "Student registration" and leaves
the fields empty
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the respective

Table 32. User story 2.3: Delete student data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 2.3 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Delete student data

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Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 1
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the students in a table and
later delete their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Student Registration" screen
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

User story 2. Design:

Fig. 26. Preliminary design of the "Student Registration" interface

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Table 33. User story 3. Topic: Creation of the registration form

of companies
Source: Prepared by the author
user story
Number: 3 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Company management form Business priority:
High Risk in development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned
iteration: 1 Enríquez Description: As the secretary in charge of the
of Links with
the Society I need to enter the system To enter the data of the companies that have an
agreement with the Technical
University of Ambato.

Table 34. User story 3.1: Saving company / institution data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 3.1 User: Administrative staff
History name: Save the data of the company / institution Business
priority: High Risk in development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis
Assigned iteration: 1 Enríquez Description: As the secretary in charge
of the
Department I need to enter the company data as: name, activity, city
address, type of company (public or private), email, telephone and ruc To keep a record
of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Company Registration" screen and fills in the form fields
correctly When selecting the "Save" option

Then the system will process the information and save the company registration in the
database. Acceptance
Criterion 2: Given that the
user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company Registration" screen and does not
fill in any field of the form When you select the “Save”
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields.

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Table 35. User story 3.2: Modify company / institution data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 3.2 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Modify the data of the company / institution Business priority: High Risk
in development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration:
1 Enríquez Description: As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to
view the
information of the companies in a table and later modify their data

To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Company Registration" screen

When you select the "Edit" option in a table row

Then the system will enable the company fields to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company Registration" screen
and fills in the fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the company information in the database
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Company Registration" screen and
leaves the fields empty
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 36. User story 3.3: Delete company / institution data

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 3.3 User: Administrative staff
History name: Delete the data of the company / institution
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 1
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department

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I need to visualize the information of the companies in a table and later delete their data

To delete any unwanted records in the database

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company Registration" screen

When you select the “Delete” option in a table row

Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

User story 3. Design:

Fig. 27. Preliminary design of the "Company Registration" interface

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 37. User story 4. Topic: Creation of the registration form

of teacher tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 4 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Teacher tutor management form

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Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Enríquez Allocated iteration: 2

As the secretary in charge of the Department of Pre-professional Practices, I need to enter
the system to register the
information of the tutor teachers assigned to the students who carry out internships.

Table 38. User story 4.1: Saving the data of the tutor teacher

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 4.1 User: Administrative staff Story name: Save
the data of the tutor teacher Business priority: High Risk in
development: High Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 2

Enríquez Description: As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department I

need to
enter the
teacher's data tutor such as: names, surnames, ID, telephone, email and
career To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and fills in the form fields correctly

When you select the “Save” option

Then the system will process the information and save a company record in the database

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, is on the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and
has not filled out any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the respective

Table 39. User story 4.2: Modify the data of the tutor teacher

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 4.2 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Modify the data of the tutor teacher

Machine Translated by Google

Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 2
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the tutor teachers in a table and later modify
their data
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user accesses the screen "Registration of tutor teachers"
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the fields of the tutor teacher to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user enters the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and fills in the fields
(previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the information of the tutor teacher in the database

Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user accesses the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and has left the fields
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields.

Table 40. User story 4.3: Delete the data of the tutor teacher

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 4.3 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Delete the data of the tutor teacher

Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 2
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the tutor teachers in a table and later delete
their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the screen "Registration of tutor teachers"

Machine Translated by Google

When you select the “Delete” option in a table row

Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

User story 4. Design:

Fig. 28. Preliminary design of the interface "Registration of Tutor Teachers"

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 41. User story 5. Topic: Creation of the registration form

of institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

User Story
Number: 5 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Institutional tutor management form
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 2
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to enter the system

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To perform the data entry of the tutors belonging to the institutions that have an agreement
with the Technical University of Ambato.

Table 42. User story 5.1: Saving the data of the institutional tutor

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 5.1 User: Administrative staff
History name: Save the data of the institutional tutor Business
priority: High Responsible Developing Risk: High
programmer: Alexis Enríquez Allocated iteration: 2

As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department I need to enter
the data of the institutional tutor such as: names, surnames, ID, position, email and
telephone To take away a record
of the information processed in the database.
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user accesses the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen, fill out the form
fields correctly and select the company
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will process the information and save a company record in the
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the option "Registration of institutional tutors" and does not fill
in any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 43. User story 5.2: Modify the data of the institutional tutor

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 5.2 User: Administrative staff
History name: Modify the data of the institutional tutor
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 2
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the institutional tutors in a table and later modify their

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To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the fields of the institutional tutor to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen and fills in the
fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the information of the institutional tutor in the database

Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen and leaves the fields
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 44. User story 5.3: Delete the data of the institutional tutor

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 5.3 User: Administrative staff
History name: Delete the data of the institutional tutor
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 2
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to view the information of the institutional tutors in a table and later delete their data

To delete any unwanted records in the database

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

User story 5. Design:

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Fig. 29. Preliminary design of the "Registration of Institutional Tutors" interface

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 45. User story 6. Topic: Creation of Form F01

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 6 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Module for creating the F01 format corresponding to planning

Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to enter the system
To generate the file corresponding to the student's planning

Table 46. User story 6.1: Specify general data of Format F01

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

user story
Number: 6.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify general data of the F01 format Business priority:
High Risk in development: Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis
Assigned iteration: 4 Enríquez Description: As a supervisor tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-
professional practices I need to select the general data of the student, company, tutor
institutional and tutor teacher To keep a record of the information processed in
the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of Format F01" screen and selects the
student, the company, the institutional tutor and the teacher
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F01" screen and does not specify any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

Table 47. User story 6.2: Specify duration of practices of Form F01

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 6.2 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify duration of internships in F01 format Business priority:
High Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Assigned iteration: 4
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional internships I need to determine the duration of the student's
internship To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Format F01 Record" screen and specifies the start
date, end date and the number of hours planned
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:

Machine Translated by Google

Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F01" screen and does not specify any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

Table 48. User story 6.3: Specify activities of Format F01

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 6.3 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify activities of the F01 format Business priority:
High Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Assigned iteration: 4
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to record the activities carried out by the
student in a table To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the screen "Registration of Format F01" and
specifies the activities
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Format F01" screen and has not registered any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 49. User story 6.4: Generate planning file

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 6.4 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Generate schedule file
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High
Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the planning in pdf format
To save the document in the database

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Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F01" and fills
in all the required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F01 format.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Form F01" screen and does not fill in
any field of the form
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

User story 6. Design:

Fig. 30. Preliminary design of the "F01 Format Registration" interface. Section 1
Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 31. Preliminary design of the "F01 Format Registration" interface. Section 2

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 32. Preliminary design of the "F01 Format Registration" interface. Section 3

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 50. User story 7. Topic: Creation of Form F02

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 7 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Module for creating the F02 format corresponding to the monitoring
report of the tutor teacher
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Machine Translated by Google

Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4

As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to enter the system
To generate the file corresponding to the student's internship follow-up report

Table 51. User story 7.1: Specify general data of Format F02

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 7.1 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Specify general data of the F02 format Business priority: High Risk in
development: Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration:
1 Enríquez Description: As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-
practices I
need to select the data general of the student and the company To keep a record of the
information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of Form F02" screen and selects the student
and the company
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F02" screen and does not specify any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

Table 52. User story 7.2: Specify activities of Format F02

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 7.2 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Specify activities of the F02 format Business priority: High
Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Assigned iteration: 4
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional practices

Machine Translated by Google

I need to record the activities that the student performs in a table To keep track
of the information processed in the database.
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F02" and specifies
the activities
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of Format F02" screen and does not
register any activity
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

Table 53. User story 7.3: Generate trace report file

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 7.3 User: Administrative staff
Story Name: Generate Trace Report File
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium
Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the monitoring report in pdf format
To save the document in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F02" and fills in all the
required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format with the data
corresponding to the F02 format.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Format F02" screen and does not fill in any field of
the form
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will issue a field validation alert

User Story 7. Design:

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 33. Preliminary design of the "F02 Format Registration" interface. Section 1

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 34. Preliminary design of the "F02 Format Registration" interface. Section 2

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 54. User story 8. Topic: Creation of Form F03

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Module for creating the F03 format corresponding to the institution's
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High
Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices

Machine Translated by Google

I need to enter the system

To generate the file corresponding to the institution report

Table 55. User story 8.1: Specify general data of Format F03

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify general data of the F03 format Business priority:
High Risk in development: Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis
Assigned iteration: 4 Enríquez Description: As a supervisor tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-
professional practices I need to select the general data of the student and the company To
Keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of Format F03" screen and selects the
student and the company
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of Format F03" screen and has not specified
any field
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message

Table 56. User story 8.2: Specify background and summary of activities

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8.2 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify background and summary of activities Priority in
business: High Risk in development: Medium Responsible programmer:
Alexis Assigned iteration: 4 Enríquez Description: As a supervisor
tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-professional practices I need to specify the background and a summary of
the activities To Keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:

Machine Translated by Google

Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F03" and specifies
the background and summary of activities
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Format F03 Registration" screen and does not
specify any field
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 57. User story 8.3: Generate student performance evaluation

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8.3 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Generate student performance evaluation Business priority:
High Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Assigned iteration: 4
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to record the student's evaluation through
an evaluation table To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F03" and made the evaluation

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Format F03" screen and has not valued any scope

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 58. User story 8.4: Specify attendance control

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8.4 User: Administrative staff
History name: Save attendance control file

Machine Translated by Google

Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As a supervisory tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to register
the student's attendance control To keep a record of the
information processed in the database.
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the screen "Registration of Form F03" and uploads the
attendance control document
When you select the “Upload file” option
Then the system will process the document and store it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F03" screen and specifies the
conclusions and recommendations
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and store it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Form F03" screen and does not fill in any field of the
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 59. User story 8.5: Generate institution report file

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 8.5 User: Administrative staff
Story Name: Generate Institution Report File

Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 4
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the institution's report in pdf format
To save the document in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of Form F03" screen and fills in all the
required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"

Machine Translated by Google

Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F03 format.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Form F03" screen and does not fill in
any field of the form
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields

User story 8. Design:

Fig. 35. Preliminary design of the "F03 Format Registration" interface. Section 1
Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 36. Preliminary design of the "F03 Format Registration" interface. Section 2

Machine Translated by Google

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 37. Preliminary design of the "F03 Format Registration" interface. Section 3

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 60. User story 9. Topic: Creation of Form F04

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 9 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Module for creating the F04 format corresponding to the student's self-
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated Iteration: 5
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to enter the system
To generate the file corresponding to the student's self-assessment

Table 61. User story 9.1: Specify general data of Format F04

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 9.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify general data of the F04 format
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Machine Translated by Google

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated Iteration: 5

As a supervising tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to select
the general data of the student and the company To keep a record of the
information processed in the database.
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Format F04" screen and selects the student and
the company
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "F04 Format Registration" screen and does not
specify any field
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 62. User story 9.2: Generate student performance evaluation

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 9.2 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Generate student performance evaluation Business priority:
High Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Allocated iteration: 5
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to record the student's evaluation through
an evaluation table To keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F04" and made the evaluation

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F04" screen and has not valued any area

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

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Table 63. User story 9.3: Specify conclusions and recommendations

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 9.3 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Specify conclusions and recommendations Business priority: High Risk
in development: Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration:
5 Enríquez Description: As supervisory tutor in charge of monitoring
practices I need to record the conclusions and recommendations To keep a record of the
information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F04" and specifies
the conclusions and recommendations
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and store it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Form F04" screen and does not fill in any field
of the form
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 64. User story 9.4: Generate student self-assessment file

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 9.4 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Generate student self-assessment file

Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 5
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the self-assessment report in pdf format
To save the document in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:

Machine Translated by Google

Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F04" and fills
in all the required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F04 format.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Form F04" screen and has not filled in
any field of the form
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields

User story 9. Design:

Fig. 38. Preliminary design of the "F04 Format Registration" interface. Section 1
Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 39. Preliminary design of the "F04 Format Registration" interface. Section 2
Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 40. Preliminary design of the "F04 Format Registration" interface. Section 3

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 65. User story 10. Topic: Creation of Form F05

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 10 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Creation of Format F05 corresponding to the final report of the tutor teacher

Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated Iteration: 5
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to enter the system
To generate the file corresponding to the final report of the supervising teacher

Table 66. User story 10.1: Specify general data of Format F05

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 10.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Specify general data of Format F05 Business priority:
High Risk in development: Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis
Assigned iteration: 5 Enríquez Description: As a supervisor tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-
professional practices I need to select the general data of the student and the company To
Keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Machine Translated by Google

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of Form F05" screen and has selected the
student and the company
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F05" screen and does not specify any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 67. User story 10.2: Specify duration of practices of Format F05

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 10.2 User: Administrative staff Story name:
Specify duration of internships in F05 format Priority in business: High
Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Allocated Iteration: 5
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional internships I need to determine the duration of the student's
internships To carry out a Recording of the information processed in the
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Format F05 Registration" and specifies the
start date, end date and the number of hours completed
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F05" screen and does not specify any
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 68. User story 10.3: Specify activities of Format F05

Source: Prepared by the author

user story

Machine Translated by Google

Number: 10.3 User: Administrative staff Story name:

Specify activities of Format F05 Priority in business: High
Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As a Allocated Iteration: 5
tutor in charge
of monitoring pre-professional practices I need to record the activities carried out by the
student in a table To keep a Recording of the information processed in the
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F05" and specifies
the activities
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Registration of Format F05" screen and does not register any activity

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

Table 69. User story 10.4: Generate final report file

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 10.4 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Generate final report file

Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated Iteration: 5
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the final report in pdf format
To save the document in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of Form F05" screen and fills in all the
required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format with the data
corresponding to the F05 format.
Acceptance Criterion 2:

Machine Translated by Google

Since the user is on the "Registration of Form F05" screen and has not filled in
any field of the form
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields

User story 10. Design:

Fig. 41. Preliminary design of the "F05 Format Registration" interface. Section 1
Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 42. Preliminary design of the "F05 Format Registration" interface. Section 2
Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 43. Preliminary design of the "F05 Format Registration" interface. Section 3

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 70. User story 11. Topic: Creation of the file of the office of

culmination of practices

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 11 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Creation of the internship completion trade file
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 5
As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the student's internship completion letter
To save the document in the database
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user is on the "Oficio de Compleción" screen and fills in all the required fields

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Oficio de Compleción" screen and fills in all the required
When you select the “OK” option
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in docx format with the
data corresponding to the completion of the trade.
Acceptance Criterion 3:

Machine Translated by Google

Since the user enters the "Oficio de Compleción" screen and has not filled in any field of
the form
When you select the “OK” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

User story 11. Design:

Fig. 44. Preliminary design of the interface "Official completion of internships"

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 71. User story 12. Topic: Creation of the form to generate

the student's letter of commitment

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 12 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Module for creating the file corresponding to the Letter of Commitment Business
priority: High
Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As the Assigned iteration: 3
in charge of
the Liaison Department, I need to enter the system to generate a
document with the data
corresponding to the Letter of Commitment of the student using the template in
Annex 3.
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and fills in all the required fields

Machine Translated by Google

When you select the “Save Changes” option

Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and fills in all the required fields

When you select the “OK” option

Then the system will process the information and generate a file in docx format with the
data corresponding to annex 3
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and does not fill out any field of
the form
When you select the “OK” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

User story 12. Design:

Fig. 45. Preliminary design of the "Letter of Commitment" interface

Source: Prepared by the author

Table 72. User story 13. Topic: Creation of the form for the

record of student pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 13 User: Administrative staff

Machine Translated by Google

Story name: Student pre-professional internship registration form

Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 3
As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need to enter
the system to enter the data of
the pre-professional practices carried out by each student.

Table 73. User story 13.1: View student practice records

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 13.1 User: Administrative staff History name:
View student internship records Business priority: High Risk in development:
Medium Responsible programmer: Alexis Assigned iteration: 3 Enríquez
Description: As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department I need
to enter
the system To
view lab records using an Acceptance Criteria table

Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user has entered the system with the designated role
When you enter the "Student Pre-professional Practices" screen
Then the system will list all the practical projects of each student
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Student Pre-professional Practices" screen

When you select the "New record" option

Then the system will open a new screen called "Registration of Practices"
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user is on the "Internship Registration" screen and fills in all the requested
When you select the “OK” option
Then the system will process the information, save a new practice record in the database
and return to the initial screen.

User story 13. Design:

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 46. Preliminary design of the interface "Pre-professional Student Practices"

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 47. Preliminary design of the interface "Registration of Pre-professional Practices"

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Table 74. User story 14. Topic: Creation of the form for the

record of completion of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 14 User: Administrative staff
History name: Pre-professional internship completion registration form Business
priority: High
Responsible programmer: Developing Risk: Medium
Alexis Enríquez Description: As the Assigned iteration: 3
in charge of the
Liaison Department, I need to enter the system to enter the data
corresponding to the completion
of each student's internship.

Table 75. User story 14.1: Saving the data the culmination of practices

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 14.1 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Save the data from the completion of the internship Business
priority: High Responsible Developing Risk: Medium
programmer: Alexis Enríquez Description: Assigned iteration: 3
As the
secretary in
charge of the Liaison Department, I need to enter the completion data:
memorandum, date sent, resolution, student, company and resolution file To keep a
record of the information processed in the database.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the screen "Completion of Practices"
When you select the students
Then the system will only show on the screen those who have completed at least 240 hours
of practice
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Completion of Practices" screen and has filled out the form
fields correctly
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will process the information and save a company record in the database

Machine Translated by Google

Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, is on the screen
"Company registration" and you have not filled in any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields

User story 14. Design:

Fig. 48. Preliminary design of the interface "Completion of Internships


Source: Prepared by the author

Table 76. User story 15. Topic: Report creation

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 15 User: Administrative staff
Story name: Creation of reports of the process of pre-professional practices
Business priority: High Developing Risk: Medium
Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 6
As staff in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit
We need to enter the system
To generate reports that list students doing internships in the following phases:

Machine Translated by Google

• Started internships • In
the process of internships •
Finished internships
Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is in the Reports menu
When you select the different phases and press accept
Then the system will display the requested report on the screen.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user has generated a report on the screen
When you select the “Export” option
Then the system will process the action and generate the report in Excel and Word

Table 77. User story 16. Topic: Roles and security for entering the

Source: Prepared by the author

user story
Number: 16 User: Administrative staff
Name Story: Assignment of roles and security to the system
Business priority: High Developing Risk: High

Responsible programmer: Alexis Allocated iteration: 6

As personnel in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit, we need to enter
the system after verifying the username and password In order to manage and control
the delivery and reception processes of pre-professional practice documents.

Criteria of acceptance
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the authentication page
When you enter the username and password
Then the user will access the system with a specific role (Student or
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the authentication page
When you enter the wrong username and password
Then the system will display a warning about incorrect credentials. Activities

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The activities allow to describe in a sequential way the tasks to be carried out by each

user story. In addition, each task details the estimated time and difficulty that

entails the fulfillment of each requirement.

Table 78. Activity 1: Conceptual design of the system database

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 1 Story number: 1

Activity name: Conceptual design of the system database

Task type: Database Outlining Estimated points: 2

Start date: January 04, 2021 Completion date: January 05, 2021

Description: Model the conceptual schema of the database with the entities involved in the process
of pre-professional practices

Table 79. Activity 2: Construction of the architecture

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 2 Story number: 1

Activity name: Construction of the project architecture

Task Type: Backend Development Estimated points: 2
Start date: January 07, 2021 Completion date: January 08, 2021

Description: Development of projects with class libraries, modeling of layers

Table 80. Activity 3: Student registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 3 Story number: 2

Activity name: Student registration form

Task type: Frontend development and Estimated points: 3
back end
Start date: January 11, 2021 Description: Completion date: January 13, 2021

Construction of the form where the user can manage the data of the student who carries out pre-
professional practices. Implementation of a table with paging. Control to perform searches

Machine Translated by Google

Table 81. Activity 4: Validation of controls of the registration form of


Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 4 Story number: 2

Activity name: Validation of controls of the student registration form

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: January 14, 2021 Completion date: January 14, 2021

Description: Implement validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields
and avoid inconsistencies in the database.

Table 82. Activity 5: Company registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 5 Story number: 3

Activity name: Company registration form

Task type: Frontend development and Estimated points: 3
back end
Start date: January 15, 2021 Description: Completion date: January 17, 2021

Construction of the form where the user can manage the data of the companies that have an
agreement with the university. Implementation of company visualization table. Pagination and
information search

Table 83. Activity 6: Validation of controls of the registration form of


Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 6 Story number: 3

Activity name: Validation of controls of the registration form

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: January 18, 2021 Completion date: January 18, 2021

Description: Implement validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields
to avoid inconsistencies in the database.

Machine Translated by Google

Table 84. Activity 7: Form for the registration of teaching tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 7 Story Number: 4

Activity name: Form for the registration of teaching tutors Type of task: Frontend
and Backend development Start date: January Estimated points: 3
19, 2021
Description: Construction of the form Completion date: January 21, 2021

where the user can manage the data of teaching tutors who supervise pre-professional practices.

Implementation of a table to visualize tutor teachers. Pagination and information search

Table 85. Activity 8: Validation of controls on the registration form for teacher tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 8 Story Number: 4

Activity name: Validation of controls of the registration form of teaching tutors

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: January 22, 2021 Completion date: January 22, 2021

Description: Implement validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields
to avoid inconsistencies in the database.

Table 86. Activity 9: Form for the registration of institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 9 Story number: 5

Activity name: Form for the registration of institutional tutors

Task type: Frontend development and Estimated points: 3
back end
Start date: January 25, 2021 Completion date: January 27, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can manage the data of institutional tutors.
Implementation of a table that visualizes the tutors. Pagination and information search

Machine Translated by Google

Table 87. Activity 10: Validation of controls on the registration form for institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 10 Story number: 5

Activity name: Validation of controls on the registration form for institutional tutors

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: January 29, 2021 End date: January 29, 2021 Description: Implementation of validations

to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the

Table 88. Activity 11: Page for managing planning files

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 11 Story Number: 6

Activity name: Page for managing planning files

Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 5
and Backend
Start date: January 30, 2021 Completion date: February 03, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize the formats F01.

Table 89. Activity 12: Form to generate and register F01 formats

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 12 Story Number: 6

Activity name: Form to generate and register formats F01

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: February 04, 2021 End date: February 06, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the student's planning

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Table 90. Activity 13: Validation of controls of the F01 format registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 13 Story Number: 6

Activity name: Validation of formats registration form controls


Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: February 7, 2021 End date: February 7, 2021 Description: Implementation of validations

to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the

Table 91. Activity 14: Page for managing practice monitoring files

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 14 Story number: 7

Activity name: Page for the management of practice monitoring files

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3

Start date: February 8, 2021 End date: February 10, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize the F02 formats.

Table 92. Activity 15: Form to generate and register F02 formats

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 15 Story number: 7

Activity name: Form to generate and register F02 formats

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: February 11, 2021 End date: February 13, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the practice monitoring report

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Table 93. Activity 16: Validation of controls of the F02 format registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 16 Story number: 7

Activity name: Validation of formats registration form controls


Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: February 14, 2021 End date: February 14, 2021 Description: Implementation of

validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies
in the database.

Table 94. Activity 17: Page for file management of the institution report

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 17 Story Number: 8

Activity name: Page for file management of the institution's report

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3

Start date: February 15, 2021 End date: February 17, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize the formats F03.

Table 95. Activity 18: Form to generate and register F03 formats

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 18 Story Number: 8

Activity name: Form to generate and register formats F03

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: February 18, 2021 End date: February 20, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the institution's report

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Table 96. Activity 19: Validation of controls of the F03 format registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 19 Story Number: 8

Activity name: Validation of formats registration form controls


Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: February 21, 2021 End date: February 21, 2021 Description: Implementation of

validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies
in the database.

Table 97. Activity 20: Page for student self-assessment file management

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 20 Story number: 9

Activity name: Page for student self-assessment file management

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3

Start date: February 22, 2021 End date: February 24, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize the formats F04.

Table 98. Activity 21: Form to generate and register F04 formats

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 21 Story number: 9

Activity name: Form to generate and register F04 formats

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: February 25, 2021 End date: February 27, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the student's self-evaluation

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Table 99. Activity 22: Validation of controls of the F04 format registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 22 Story number: 9

Activity name: Validation of formats registration form controls


Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: February 28, 2021 End date: February 28, 2021 Description: Implementation of

validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies
in the database.

Table 100. Activity 23: Page for file management of the final report

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 23 Story number: 10

Activity name: Page for file management of the final report

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: March 1, 2021 End date: March 3, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize the formats F05.

Table 101. Activity 24: Form to generate and register F05 formats

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 24 Story number: 10

Activity name: Form to generate and register F05 formats

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 3
Start date: March 04, 2021 End date: March 06, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the final report of the tutor teacher

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Table 102. Activity 25: Validation of controls of the F05 format registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 25 Story number: 10

Activity name: Validation of formats registration form controls


Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: March 7, 2021 End date: March 7, 2021 Description: Implementation of validations to

control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the database.

Table 103. Activity 26: Page for the management of the files of the completion document

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 26 Story number: 11

Activity name: Page for the management of the files of the completion document
Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 3 and
Start date: March 8, 2021 End date: March 10, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage the files. Implementation of a table with pagination to
visualize completion trades.

Table 104. Activity 27: Form to generate and record the completion document

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 27 Story number: 11

Activity name: Form to generate and register the completion document

Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 2 and
Start date: March 11, 2021 End date: March 12, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the internship completion trade

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Table 105. Activity 28: Validation of controls of the registration form of the completion document

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 28 Story number: 11

Activity name: Validation of controls of the registration form of the completion trade

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: March 12, 2021 End date: March 12, 2021 Description: Implementation of validations

to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the

Table 106. Activity 29: Form for the creation of the file corresponding to the
Letter of Commitment

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 29 Story number: 12

Activity name: Form for the creation of the file corresponding to the
Letter of engagement
Task type: Development and Estimated points: 3
Start date: March 13, 2021 End date: March 15, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can generate the Commitment Letter from a

Table 107. Activity 30: Page for the management of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 30 Story number: 13

Activity name: Page for the management of pre-professional practices

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 2
Start date: March 16, 2021 End date: March 17, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage and delete practice records.

Implementation of a table to visualize the practices of the students.
Pagination and information search

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Table 108. Activity 31: Form to add new practice records

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 31 Story number: 13

Activity name: Form to add new internship records

Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 3 and
Start date: March 18, 2021 End date: March 20, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the registration of a new internship project

Table 109. Activity 32: Validation of controls on the registration form for pre-professional

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 32 Story number: 13

Activity name: Validation of controls of the registration form for pre-professional practices

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: March 21, 2021 End date: March 21, 2021 Description: Implementation of validations

to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the

Table 110. Activity 33: Page for the management of completion of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 33 Story number: 14

Activity name: Page for the management of completion of pre-professional practices

Task type: Frontend and Backend Estimated points: 2

Start date: March 22, 2021 End date: March 23, 2021

Description: Design of the interface to manage and delete practical completion records.
Implementation of a table to visualize students who completed at least 250 hours of internship

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Table 111. Activity 34: Form to add new internship completion records

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 34 Story number: 14

Activity name: Form to add new internship records

Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 2 and
Start date: March 24, 2021 End date: March 25, 2021

Description: Construction of the form where the user can fill in the fields corresponding to
the student's internship completion record

Table 112. Activity 35: Validation of controls on the registration form for pre-professional

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 35 Story number: 14

Activity name: Validation of controls of the registration form for pre-professional practices

Task type: Information validation Estimated points: 1

Start date: March 26, 2021 End date: March 26, 2021

Description: Implementation of validations to control the entry of empty or erroneous data in the
form fields to avoid inconsistencies in the database.

Table 113. Activity 36: Interface to generate reports

Source: Prepared by the author

Number: 36 Story number: 15

Activity name: Interface to generate reports

Task type: Frontend development Estimated points: 2 and
Start date: March 27, 2021 End date: March 28, 2021

Description: Design of the interface that allows the user to create reports by exporting the data to
Excel and Word.

Table 114. Activity 37: Security implementation in the system

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Number: 37 Story number: 16

Activity name: Security implementation in the system

Task type: Role and Security Estimated points: 3
Start date: March 29, 2021 End date: March 31, 2021

Description: Implement security and roles for login using the ASP .NET wizard User story rating

From the analysis of the requirements of the proposal through the stories

user, we proceed with the estimation of the development time of each module of the

system. For this, the following aspects will be taken into consideration:

• 1 estimated point equals 1 working day

• 1 work week equals 5 working days

• 1 working day equals 8 hours a day

Table 115 shows the time estimate for each user story:

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Table 115. Time estimation of user stories

Source: Prepared by the author

No. History of Tasks Estimated Points Weeks Days Hours

1 Database Design Conceptual design of the system database 2 0.4 2 16
Construction of the project architecture 2 0.4 2 16
2 Student registration Student Registration Form 3 0.6 3 24
Validation of student registration form controls 1 0.2 1 8

3 Company registration Business registration form 3 0.6 3 24

module 1 1 8
Validation of controls of the company registration form 0.2

4 Teacher tutor registration Form for the registration of educational tutors 3 0.6 3 24
module Validation of controls of the teacher tutor registration form
1 0.2 1 8

5 Registration module for Form for the registration of institutional tutors 3 0.6 3 24
Validation of controls of the registration form for institutional tutors
tutors 1 0.2 1 8

6 Module for the creation of Page for managing planning files 5 1 5 40

Format F01
corresponding to Form to generate and register F01 formats 3 0.6 3 24

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Validation of controls of the registration form F01 formats 1 0.2 1 8

7 Creation module Page for the management of practice monitoring files 3 0.6 3 24
of Form F02
Form to generate and register F02 formats 3 0.6 3 24
corresponding to the
Validation of controls of the registration form F02 formats 1 0.2 1 8
report of the tutor
8 Module for creating Form 3 3 24
Page for managing the institution's report files 0.6
F03 corresponding
Form to generate and register F03 formats 3 0.6 3 24
to the institution's

Validation of controls of the registration form F03 formats 1 0.2 1 8

9 Creation module Student self-assessment file management page

3 0.6 3 24
of Form F04
corresponding to the Form to generate and register F04 formats 3 0.6 3 24
self-assessment of the
Validation of controls of the registration form F04 formats 1 0.2 1 8

10 Final report file management page 3 0.6 3 24

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creation module
of Form F05 Form to generate and register F05 formats 3 0.6 3 24
corresponding to the
final report of the
tutor Validation of controls of the registration form F05 formats 1 0.2 1 8

11 Module for the creation of 3 3 24

Page for the management of the files of the completion document 0.6
the internship
completion Form to generate and register the completion document 2 0.4 2 16
trade file
Validation of controls of the registration form of the completion trade
1 0.2 1 8

12 Module for creating the

Form for the creation of the file corresponding to the Commitment Letter
corresponding to the 3 0.6 3 24
Letter of
13 Student pre-professional
Page for the management of pre-professional practices 2 0.4 2 16
registration module

Form to add new internship records 3 0.6 3 24

Validation of controls of the pre-professional practice registration form

1 0.2 1 8

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14 Module for registration Page for the management of completion of pre-professional practices 2 0.4 2 16
of completion of
Form to add new internship records 2 0.4 2 16
professional practices Validation of controls of the pre-professional practice registration form
1 0.2 1 8

15 Creation of
reports of the pre-
Interface to generate reports 2 0.4 2 16
internship process
16 Assignment of roles and
security to the Implementation of security in the system 3 0.6 3 24
Total 82 16.4 82 656

Machine Translated by Google Design sequence diagrams

To describe how each entity of the system interacts, diagrams are made.

of sequence, which are used to model the interaction between the objects that

make up a system. Below are the diagrams that describe

graphically the relationship and exchange of user messages between each instance
in a sequential way.


Fig. 49. Sequence Diagram 1: Login

Source: Prepared by the author

information management

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Fig. 50. Sequence Diagram 2: Student Management

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 51. Sequence Diagram 3: Business management

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 52. Sequence Diagram 4: Management of teaching tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 53. Sequence Diagram 5: Management of institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

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Creation of pre-professional practice documents

Fig. 54. Sequence Diagram 6: Creation of a specific format

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 55. Sequence Diagram 7: Creation of commitment letter

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 56. Sequence Diagram 8: Creation of agreement

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 57. Sequence Diagram 9: Creation of requests

Source: Prepared by the author
Register of pre-professional practices

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Fig. 58. Sequence Diagram 10: Register of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Completion of pre-professional practices

Fig. 59. Sequence Diagram 11: Completion of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

system reports

Fig. 60. Sequence Diagram 12: Report creation

Source: Prepared by the author

3.2.3. Phase 3. Iterations delivery plan

To carry out the activities assigned to each user story, we proceed to

make a schedule where the corresponding iterations and the

estimated time.

Table 116. Web system delivery plan

Source: Prepared by the author

assigned iteration
No. User Story Estimated time
Days Hours 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Design of the topic base 4 32X _

2 Student registration 4 32X _

registration module 4
3 32X _
Teacher tutor registration module
4 4 32 x

Registration module for

5 4 32 X
institutional tutors

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Module of creation of
6 Format F01 corresponding to 9 72 X
Module of creation of
Format F02 corresponding to the
7 7 56 X
monitoring report of the tutor
Module of creation of
8 Format F03 corresponding to the 7 56 X
institution's report
Module of creation of
Format F04 corresponding to the
9 7 56 x
student's self-evaluation

Module of creation of
Format F05 corresponding to the
10 7 56 X
teacher's final report
Module of creation of
eleven file of the office of 6 48 x
culmination of practices
Module for creating the file
12 corresponding to the 3 24 x
Letter of engagement
Student pre-professional
13 internship registration module 6 48 X

14 internship completion 5 40 x
registration module
Creation of reports of the
process of pre- 2 16 x
professional practices
Assignment of roles and
16 3 24 X
security to the system

3.2.4. Phase 4. Production Iteration by deliveries Iteration #1

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the

first delivery period.

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Table 117. Iteration #1 User Stories

Source: Prepared by the author

risk in
No. user story Priority

1 Database design high High

2 Student management module high High

3 Company management module high High

1. Database design

Figures 61 and 62 present the entity-relationship model of the database of the

system using the SQL SERVER 2014 engine. It is important to note that the

documents will be saved in the database as binary type records for

later recover them in the system.

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Fig. 61. Entity-relationship diagram of the management of pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 62. Entity-relationship diagram of practice document management

Source: Prepared by the author

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The system design is structured through a navigation menu located on the

left side of the screen. Each menu will redirect the user to the different
modules created in the application.

Fig. 63. General design of the application

Source: Prepared by the author

2. Student registration module

The module allows managing student information and is made up of two

sections: the first section consists of a form for entering data from a
new record and the second allows the user to view the information of all the
students using a pagination table. This table consists of a bar
search and the operations of updating and deleting records.

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Fig. 64. Student registration form

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 65. Form to modify a student's record

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 66. Modal window for confirmation message

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 67. Student management table

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 68. Modal window to confirm deletion of a record

Source: Prepared by the author

To perform the validation of the form fields, Ajax controls were implemented,
which display warning messages to the user.

Fig. 69. Warning message to validate form fields

Source: Prepared by the author

3. Company registration module

The module allows the management of information from companies that have an agreement with the

Technical University of Ambato. On the page you can perform the operations of
insert, read, update and delete data. Viewing records
it is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and search.

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Fig. 70. Form for registration of companies / institutions

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 71. Form to modify the registration of a company

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 72. Table for the management of companies / institutions

Source: Prepared by the author Iteration #2

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the

second delivery period.

Table 118. Iteration #2 User Stories

Source: Prepared by the author

risk in
No. user story Priority

4 Teacher tutor management module high High

5 Institutional tutor management module high High

4. Teacher tutor registration module

The module allows the management of information of the tutor teachers who supervise

students' pre-professional practices. On the page you can perform the

insert, read, update and delete data operations. The

Record display is done by means of a table that has the options of

pagination and search

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Fig. 73. Form for the registration of teaching tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 74. Form to modify the registration of a tutor teacher

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 75. Table for the management of companies / institutions

Source: Prepared by the author

5. Registration module for business / institutional tutors

The module allows the management of information of the tutors who are in charge of

Supervise the student's internship within the company or institution. In the page

insert, read, update, and delete operations can be performed

data. The display of records is done by means of a table that has the

pagination and search options.

Fig. 76. Form for the registration of business / institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 77. Modal window for list of companies / institutions

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 78. Form to modify the registration of a business tutor

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 79. Table for the management of business / institutional tutors

Source: Prepared by the author Iteration #3

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the

third delivery period.

Table 119. Iteration #3 User Stories

Source: Prepared by the author

No. user story Priority

6 Pre-professional internship management module of the

high High

7 Pre-professional internship completion management module

high High

8 File management module corresponding to the

high High
Letter of engagement

6. Student pre-professional internship management module

The module allows the management of information on the practices carried out by the

students. On the page you can perform the operations insert, read,

update and deletion of data. The visualization of registers is done by means of

of a table that has the pagination and lookup options.

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Fig. 80. Table for the management of pre-professional internship projects

Source: Prepared by the author

The page allows the creation of a new project of pre-professional practices

where different controls are displayed for the entry of general information of the

project, duration, actors and data of the agreement.

Fig. 81. Section to specify general project data

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 82. Section to specify data of project stakeholders

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 83. Section to specify project duration

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 84. Section to specify the agreement with the company

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 85. Modal window for student list

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 86. Modal window for list of teaching tutors

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 87. Modal window for the list of business / institutional tutors
Source: Prepared by the author

To finish the project of pre-professional practices, the system has a

module that allows to visualize the states of the documents by means of a table.
The page includes the "finish" option in each record, which displays a window
modal to confirm the closure of the process.

Fig. 88. Table to finish the practical project

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 89. Closing confirmation modal window

Source: Prepared by the author

7. Management module for completion of pre-professional practices of the


The module allows registering the completion of the student's internship. On the page you

can perform insert, read, update, and delete operations

data. The display of records is done by means of a table that has the
pagination and search options.

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Fig. 90. Table for the management of completion of practices

Source: Prepared by the author

To generate a new record, the page will redirect the user to a form to

record the data corresponding to the completion of pre-professional practices of the

student. The form integrates different controls for the entry of information

general of the student and the evidence in PDF of the resolution.

Fig. 91. Form to complete pre-professional practices

Source: Prepared by the author

In accordance with the regulations of the academic system, students who have
completed at least 240 hours of pre-professional practices may take the

their culmination. To comply with the clause, the page lists only the
students who meet the condition.

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Fig. 92. Modal window with list of students

Source: Prepared by the author

8. File management module corresponding to the Letter of Commitment

The module allows the management of macro-institutional and specific agreements of

companies with the Technical University of Ambato. On the page you can perform the

insert, read, update and delete data operations. The

Record display is done by means of a table that has the options of

pagination and search

Fig. 93. Table for managing macro agreements

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 94. Table for the management of specific agreements

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

The page allows you to record the data corresponding to the agreements of the
university. The form integrates different controls for the entry of information
overview of the agreement and evidence in PDF.

Fig. 95. Form to register a macro agreement

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 96. Form to register a specific agreement

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 97. Form to modify a macro agreement

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 98. Form to modify a specific agreement

Source: Prepared by the author

The letter of commitment is a document that supports the completion of internships

pre-professionals of a student in a company where there is no agreement
established by the university. In case this document is required, the system
has the option of automatically generating a file in “.docx” format and
Subsequently upload the signed evidence of the same in the registration of the project of
pre professional practices. Iteration #4

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the
fourth delivery period.

Machine Translated by Google

Table 120. Iteration No. 4 user stories

Source: Prepared by the author

No. user story Priority

9 Management module of Format F01 corresponding to planning

high High

10 Management module of Format F02 corresponding to the

high High
monitoring report of the tutor teacher
11 Corresponding Format F03 management module
high High
to the institution's report

9. Management module of Format 01: Planning

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the planning of the

student. The page will allow you to carry out the management, deletion and

completion of the report. In the same way, the pdf format can be generated based on

a template established by the Pre-professional Practices Unit. The visualization

of records is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and


Fig. 99. Table for managing Format F01

Source: Prepared by the author

To manage the report, the page will redirect the user to a form to

register the data corresponding to the objectives of the labor practice, subjects

related, schedule of activities and execution area.

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Fig. 100. Section to specify the planning objectives

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 101. Section to link subjects

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 102. Section to specify the weekly schedule of activities

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 103. Section to describe execution area

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in pdf with the help of the tool
“itextSharp”, which brings the information from the database.

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Fig. 104. PDF file generated from the planning

Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence
in pdf of the signed planning.

Fig. 105. Modal window to finish planning

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

10. Management module of Format 02: Monitoring Report

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the report of

follow-up of the teacher tutor of work practices. The page will allow
report management and completion options. In the same way, you can generate the
pdf format based on a template established by the Practices Unit
Pre-professionals. The display of records is done by means of a table that
It has the pagination and search options.

Fig. 106. Table for managing Format F02

Source: Prepared by the author

To manage the report, the page will redirect the user to a form to
record the data corresponding to the date of preparation of the report and the
activities developed during the labor practice.

Fig. 107. Section to specify the report preparation date

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 108. Section describing activities carried out

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in pdf with the help of the tool
“itextSharp”, which fetches the trace report information from the database

Fig. 109. PDF file generated from the follow-up report

Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence
in pdf of the signed follow-up report.

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 110. Modal window to finish the monitoring report

Source: Prepared by the author

11. Management module of Format 03: Report of the Institution

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the report of the

institution. The page will allow you to carry out the management and completion options of the

report. In the same way, the pdf format can be generated based on a template

established by the Pre-professional Practices Unit. Viewing records

it is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and search.

Fig. 111. Table for managing Format F03

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

To manage the report, the page will redirect the user to a form to
record the data corresponding to the summary of activities, evaluation
institution, attendance control, conclusions and recommendations.

Fig. 112. Section to describe the summary of activities

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 113. Institutional evaluation section

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 114. Manual assistance control section

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 115. Conclusions and recommendations section

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in pdf with the help of the tool
"itextSharp", which brings the information of the institutional evaluation from the database

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Fig. 116. PDF file generated from the institutional report

Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence
in pdf of the institution's report.

Fig. 117. Modal window to finish the institutional report

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google Iteration #5

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the

fifth delivery period.

Table 121. Iteration #5 User Stories

Source: Prepared by the author

No. user story Priority

12 Corresponding Format F04 management module

high High
to student self-assessment

13 Management module of Form F05 corresponding to the final report

high High
of the tutor teacher

14 File management module for the internship completion

high High

12. Management module of Format 04: Student Self-Assessment

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the self-assessment of the

student. The page will allow you to carry out the management and completion options of the

report. In the same way, the pdf format can be generated based on a template

established by the Pre-professional Practices Unit. Viewing records

it is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and search.

Fig. 118. Table for managing Format F04

Source: Prepared by the author

To manage the report, the page will redirect the user to a form to

record the data corresponding to the institutional evaluation, conclusions and


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Fig. 119. Student self-assessment section

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 120. Conclusions and recommendations section

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in pdf with the help of the tool
“itextSharp”, which brings the student self-assessment information from the database
of data.

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 121. PDF file generated from the student report

Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence
in pdf of the student's self-evaluation.

Fig. 122. Modal window to finish the institutional report

Source: Prepared by the author

13. Management module of Format 05: Final Report

Machine Translated by Google

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the final report of

labor practices. The page will allow you to carry out the management and completion options

Of the report. In the same way, the pdf format can be generated based on a template

established by the Pre-professional Practices Unit. Viewing records

it is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and search.

Fig. 123. Table for managing Format F05

Source: Prepared by the author

To manage the report, the page will redirect the user to a form to

record the data corresponding to the activities carried out and the duration of the

labor practices.

Fig. 124. Section of activities completed by the student

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 125. Work experience duration section

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in pdf with the help of the tool
“itextSharp”, which brings the final report information from the database.

Fig. 126. PDF file generated from the final report

Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence
in pdf of the final report.

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 127. Modal window to finish the report

Source: Prepared by the author

14. Management module of the trade completion of internships

The module allows the management of information corresponding to the official completion

of practices. The page will allow you to carry out the management and completion options of the

job. In the same way, it will be possible to generate the format in word based on a template

established by the Pre-professional Practices Unit. Viewing records

it is done by means of a table that has the options of pagination and search.

Fig. 128. Table for the management of the completion document

Source: Prepared by the author

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To manage the trade, the page will redirect the user to a form to

record the data corresponding to the general activities carried out during the
the practices.

Fig. 129. General student activities section

Source: Prepared by the author

The format is automatically generated in Word by replacing different strings

text based on the data saved in the system.

Fig. 130. Word file generated from the internship completion letter

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Source: Prepared by the author

To finalize the report, the page will launch a modal window to upload the evidence

in pdf of the internship completion letter.

Fig. 131. Modal window to finish the internship completion trade

Source: Prepared by the author Iteration #6

The following table describes the user stories that must be met in the

sixth delivery period.

Table 122. Iteration #6 User Stories

Source: Prepared by the author

No. user story Priority

15 Creation of reports of the pre-professional internship

high Half
16 Assignment of roles and security to the system high High

15. Creation of reports of the pre-professional internship process

The report generation module allows the visualization of the projects of

pre-professional practices in its three phases: Waiting, running and completed. Each

page loads the information by academic periods and the data is displayed by

Machine Translated by Google

middle of a table with paging and lookup operations. In the same way,
the user has the option of exporting the information to Excel and Word.

Fig. 132. Table of projects on hold

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 133. Table of projects in the execution phase

Source: Prepared by the author

Machine Translated by Google

Fig. 134. Table of completed projects

Source: Prepared by the author

16. Assignment of roles and security to the system

For the assignment of roles and security, a native tool of Visual is used.
Studio called "ASP.NET Membership", which allows validating and storing the
user information. The tool creates the tables and stored procedures
needed to manage and verify user credentials.

Once the ASP.NET security provider is configured, we proceed to create the

system login form.

Fig. 135. Login page

Source: Prepared by the author Coding Application architecture design

The application is programmed in layers based on the client-server model. He

The goal is to decouple the presentation layer, business logic, and data layer to
facilitate maintenance and avoid work overload between each level. In the
The following figure shows the layers that make up the system.

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Fig. 136. Layers of the application

Source: Prepared by the author

• The presentation layer (System_Workflow) contains the web forms

for the registration of students, companies, tutors, teachers, among others, the

which are designed in a user-friendly way. In the same way

contains a master page that defines the overall layout of the system and the
forms associated with it.

• The business layer (Sistema_Workflow_Business) contains the classes that

They will handle the operations of inserting, adding, deleting, among others. Besides,

it connects only with the data access layer.

• The data layer (System_Workflow_Data) contains methods that allow

access the information from the database and then send it to the layer of


• The entity layer (System_Workflow_Entities) contains the classes that

They will represent the objects and serve to be a transport of information

which are obtained from the database tables.

• The workflow engine layer (WorkflowLibrary) contains the libraries and classes

necessary for the operation of the Workflow Engine .NET. Workflow engine integration and configuration

The Workflow Engine is a software tool that provides workflow functionality.

work to an application. In addition, it is made up of two libraries, one of them based

in .NET Framework / .NET Core and the other in JavaScript. the first library

provides functionality for process management and execution, while the

second introduces a process designer powered by HTML5. workflow

Engine is designed to easily integrate workflow into applications


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The engine works with a series of components that allow the administration
of a workflow in the system. The following table describes the
essential components for its operation:

Table 123. Workflow Engine .NET components

Source: Prepared by the author
Component Description
Workflow Runtime It is an object that integrates the necessary methods
for document management.
WFE Designer It is a JavaScript object that runs on a web page and
allows the execution of the workflow schema designer.

WFE Runtime This object allows you to create a process, retrieve a

list of commands, execute commands, set a process
state, etc. It also provides an API for the workflow
Workflow tables A set of database tables. It is required for workflow
IWorkflowRuleProvider Interface that provides security integration and allows you
to call available authorization methods or write new
ones. Rules represent the functions that are called at
a particular time.

To configure the workflow engine, you need to run the script

“CreatePersistenceObjects.sql”, this file and other resources found in the
following link: https://workflowengine.io/downloads/net/

Once the script is executed in the database, the tables will be created automatically
and stored procedures needed to store and execute the workflows.

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Fig. 137. WorkFlow Engine .NET SQL tables

Source: Prepared by the author

to. Workflow Runtime Initialization

The first step is to create a class library that contains the interfaces and
methods necessary for the operation of the engine. In the system, a
project called “WorkflowLibrary”, which integrates the NuGet packages that are
required for the WorkFlow Engine .NET to function.

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Fig. 138. WorkFlow Engine .NET NuGet Packages

Source: Prepared by the author

The second step is the creation of the “WorkflowInit.cs” class in the project. The file
with has the methods that allow the “Workflow Runtime” object to be initialized. In the
The following figure describes the function to instantiate the object.

Fig. 139. Function to initialize Workflow Engine .NET

Source: Prepared by the author

b. Workflow Designer

In the presentation layer it is necessary to reference the project "Workflow Library"

to access the methods that allow the execution of the designer. In the same way
installation of the respective Workflow Engine NuGet packages is required
.NET. Once the libraries are installed, you must create a web form and instantiate the
designer using a JavaScript function. The following figure shows the lines of
code to initialize the operations and functions of the workflow scheme.

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Fig. 140. Initialization of JavaScript functions

Source: Prepared by the author

When executing the form, the layout schema designer will be displayed in the browser.
workflow. The interface will show the necessary options to create a

Fig. 141. Workflow scheme designer

Source: Prepared by the author

c. Workflow design

Once the designer has been executed, we proceed to specify the activities that will be
will execute throughout the workflow. The scheme allows the creation of commands,
time parameters, conditionals and activities that enable the correct
scheme operation. The following figure shows an example of a
workflow that allows the initialization of the document states of the
formats of pre-professional practices.

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Fig. 142. Workflow: Initialize practice formats

Source: Prepared by the author

To use the workflow in the system, it is necessary to create a workflow instance.

work through the clause "CreateInstance" which requires two parameters of
input that are: “nombreEsquema” and “idProceso”.

Fig. 143. Function to instantiate workflow

Source: Prepared by the author

Once the flow is instantiated, the object will allow working with the schema saved in
the database and integrate it into the forms where the use of the workflow is required.

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In the case that it is required to work with the commands, it is necessary to execute the method

“GetAvailableCommands”, which retrieves the list of available commands along with

the parameters to be passed along with the command. This object supports the

serialization in both JSON and XML format, allowing it to be retrieved

easily and use them on the server side. SQL Membership Provider Configuration

To configure the ASP .NET security provider in your application, you need

run the SQL Membership Provider installation wizard using the command

“aspnet_regsql” at the Visual Studio command prompt.

Fig. 144. SQL Membership Provider Configuration Wizard

Source: Prepared by the author

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The only information the wizard needs is a connection string to the database.
data with which to work. In this case, the database is being used

Fig. 145. Database configuration in SQLMembershipProvider

Source: Prepared by the author

At the end of the configuration, you will see new tables created in the database
of "System_Practices" that will manage the credentials and roles of the users.
These table names start with the prefix “aspnet_”. Similarly, it
will create new stored procedures in the database with the prefix

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Fig. 146. ASP .NET Membership tables

Source: Prepared by the author

To enable the SQL Membership Provider in the application, it is required to specify the
security provider in the system configuration file.

Fig. 147. SQL Membership Provider in web.config

Source: Prepared by the author

Once the security provider is configured in the system, proceed with the
construction of interfaces that allow user management through the
components called “Login”, which are pre-installed
in Visual Studio and make it easy to authenticate the user to the system. Administrative management

The information of students, tutor teachers, business tutors, companies and

practice documents is managed in the data access layer through the
DML operations that are: selection, insertion, update and deletion. Each
method receives as a parameter the entity associated with each table in the database.

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Entities are classes that contain properties that store information

from the presentation layer.

Fig. 148. “Student” object with its properties

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 149. “INSERT” function of a student

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 150. "UPDATE" function of a student

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 151. “DELETE” function of a student

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 152. “SELECT” function of a student

Source: Prepared by the author

The forms that require the upload of documents to the database, are used
an Ajax control called “AsyncFileUpload”, this control allows you to select a
system file and later store it as a bit array.

Fig. 153. Function to upload file to the server

Source: Prepared by the author

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The data that is recovered in the tables is obtained by means of procedures

stored. These functions retrieve the information using a query

"SELECT" from the table where its subsequent visualization in the system is required.

Fig. 154. Function to execute a Stored Procedure

Source: Prepared by the author Creating the formats using iTextSharp

iTextSharp libraries allow you to automatically generate PDF files from

based on the information stored in the database. These packages allow

design PDFs through the "PdfWriter" class, it integrates functions to

add paragraphs, tables, and images to the file. Similarly, classes of

iTextSharp enable custom handling of fonts such as: arial, times new
roman, helvetica, among others.

Fig. 155. iTextSharp: Initialize a document

Source: Prepared by the author

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Fig. 156. iTextSharp: Add text to file

Source: Prepared by the author

Fig. 157. iTextSharp: Finish document

Source: Prepared by the author

The final result is reflected in an automatically generated PDF document, as

as shown in figure 126.

3.2.5. Phase 5. Tests

In this phase, the requirements acceptance tests are carried out.

described in the user stories. For this, black box tests are performed.
which verify the functionality and characteristics of the system. The test pattern
acceptance is detailed in Table 124.

Table 124. Acceptance test model

Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: [Trial number of User story: [Acceptance number]
user story]
Story Name: [User Story Title]
Description: [Described in natural language about what each story should do]

Execution conditions: [Describes the preconditions that must be met to

execute the user story]

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Input / Execution steps: [Description of the steps that the user performs to carry out the user
Expected result: [Description of the expected result based on the acceptance criteria of the user
Test evaluation: [Final test result]

Table 125. Acceptance test 1: Database design

Source: Prepared by the author

acceptance test
Number: 1 User story: 1
Story Name: Database Design

As personnel in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit, we want a system
that carries out the document management of practices and internships in all its phases To
automate the processes and
avoid delays in the procedures, to be able to follow up on the documents of each student faculty.

Execution conditions: Be part of the administrative staff Input / Execution

steps: None Expected result: Since the system
will manage the information
of the pre-professional internship process in all its phases When it is necessary to
keep a record of the documents Then
design a database that includes the tables and fields that allow the
information corresponding to each format to be stored.

Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 126. Acceptance test 2: Save student data

Source: Prepared by the author

Acceptance Test User
Number: 2 Story: 2.1
Story name: Save student data

As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need to enter the
student's data such as: names, surnames, email, telephone numbers, career, semester,
parallel and approved credits To keep a record of the information processed in the
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative staff Entry /
Execution steps:

The user enters the student registration module and selects the "New registration" option.

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Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Student Registration" screen and fills in the form
fields correctly
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will process the information and save the student's record in the
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user in his role as secretary enters the "Student Registration" screen
and has not filled out any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 127. Acceptance test 3: Modify student data

Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 3 User Story: 2.2
Story name: Modify student data

As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the students in a table and
later modify their data
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the student registration module
and selects the "Edit" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the option "Student registration"
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the student fields to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Student registration"
screen and fills in the fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the student's information in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, enters the option "Student
registration" and leaves the fields empty

Machine Translated by Google

When you select the "Modify" option

Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 128. Acceptance test 4: Delete student data

Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 4 User Story: 2.3
Story Name: Student Management Form
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the students in a table and
later delete their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the student registration module
and selects the "Delete" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Student Registration" screen
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 129. Acceptance test 5: Save company data /


Source: Prepared by the author

Acceptance Test
Number: 5 User Story: 3.1
History name: Save the data of the company / institution
As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department I need
to enter the company data such as: name, activity, city address, type of
company (public or private), email, telephone and ruc To keep a
record of the information processed in the database.
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
staff Entry /
Execution steps: The user enters the company registration module and
selects the "New registration" option.

Machine Translated by Google

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Given that the user enters the "Company Registration" screen and fills in the
form fields correctly When selecting the
"Save" option
Then the system will process the information and save the company registration in
the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company
Registration" screen and does not fill in any field of
the form When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields.
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 130. Acceptance test 6: Modify company data /


Source: Prepared by the author

Acceptance Test
Number: 6 User Story: 3.2
History name: Modify the data of the company / institution
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the companies in a table and later modify
their data
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Input / Execution steps: The user enters the business registration module
and selects the "Edit" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Company Registration"
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the company fields to correct any information

Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company
Registration" screen and fills in the fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the company information in the database
Acceptance Criterion 3:

Machine Translated by Google

Since the user, in his role as secretary, enters the "Company Registration"
screen and leaves the fields empty
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 131. Acceptance test 7: Delete company data /


Source: Prepared by the author

Acceptance Test
Number: 7 User Story: 3.3
History name: Delete the data of the company / institution
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the companies in a table and later delete
their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Input / Execution steps: The user enters the business registration module
and selects the "Delete" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user, in his role as secretary, accesses the "Company Registration"
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 132. Acceptance test 8: Save the data of the tutor teacher
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 8 User Story: 4.1
Story name: Save the data of the tutor teacher
As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need
to enter the data of the tutor teacher such as: names, surnames, ID, telephone,
email and career To
keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Machine Translated by Google

Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative

Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the tutor teacher registration
module and selects the "New registration" option.
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and fills in the
form fields correctly
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will process the information and save a company record
in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, is on the "Registration of tutor
teachers" screen and has not filled out any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 133. Acceptance test 9: Modify the data of the tutor teacher
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 9 User Story: 4.2
Story name: Modify the data of the tutor teacher
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the tutor teachers in a table and
later modify their data
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the tutor teacher registration
module and selects the "Edit" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user accesses the screen "Registration of tutor teachers"
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the fields of the tutor teacher to correct any
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user enters the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and fills in the
fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option

Machine Translated by Google

Then the system will update the information of the tutor teacher in the database

Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user accesses the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and has
left the fields empty
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields.
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 134. Acceptance test 10: Eliminate the data of the tutor teacher
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 10 User Story: 4.3
Story name: Delete the data of the tutor teacher
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the tutor teachers in a table and
later delete their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the tutor teacher registration
module and selects the "Delete" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the screen "Registration of tutor teachers"
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 135. Acceptance test 11: Saving the data of the institutional tutor
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 11 User Story: 5.1
History name: Save the data of the institutional tutor

As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need
to enter the data of the institutional tutor such as: names, surnames, ID,
position, email and telephone
to keep a record of the information processed in the database.

Machine Translated by Google

Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative

Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the business tutor registration
module and selects the "New registration" option.
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user is on the "Registration of tutor teachers" screen and fills in the
form fields correctly
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will process the information and save a company record
in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, is on the "Registration of tutor
teachers" screen and has not filled out any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 136. Acceptance test 12: Modify the data of the institutional tutor
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 12 User Story: 5.2
History name: Modify the data of the institutional tutor
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to visualize the information of the institutional tutors in a table and later
modify their data
To correct erroneous information and update the fields in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the business tutor registration
module and selects the "Edit" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen
When you select the "Edit" option in a table row
Then the system will enable the fields of the institutional tutor to correct any
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen
and fills in the fields (previously enabled) correctly
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will update the information of the institutional tutor in the database
of data

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Acceptance Criterion 3:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen and leaves
the fields empty
When you select the "Modify" option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate
the respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 137. Acceptance test 13: Delete the data of the institutional tutor
Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance Test
Number: 13 User Story: 5.3
History name: Delete the data of the institutional tutor
As secretary in charge of the Liaison Department
I need to view the information of the institutional tutors in a table and later
delete their data
To delete any unwanted records in the database
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the business tutor registration
module and selects the "Delete" option in a table record
Expected result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Registration of institutional tutors" screen
When you select the “Delete” option in a table row
Then the system will issue a confirmation message to delete the selected record.

Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 138. Acceptance test 14: Creation of Form F01

Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 14 User Story: 6
Story name: Creation of Format F01

As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to enter the system
To generate the file corresponding to the student's planning
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
staff and create a new internship project
Entry / Execution Steps: The user enters the registration module of form
01 and selects the option "Manage report", subsequently

Machine Translated by Google

select “Generate document” once you have filled out all the required fields.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Format F01 Registration" screen and selects
the student, the company, the institutional tutor and the teacher
When selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is in the "Registration of Format F01" screen and does not
specify any field When
selecting the option "Save changes"
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message. Acceptance
Criterion 3: Given that
the user enters the "Format F01 Registration" screen and fills in all the
required fields when
selecting the "Generate document" option
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F01 format
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 139. Acceptance test 15: Creation of Form F02

Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 15 User Story: 7
Story name: Creation of Format F02
As a supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices I need
to enter the system To
generate the file corresponding to the student's internship monitoring report
conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative staff and
finish the planning report Entry / Execution steps: The
user enters the registration module of form 02 and selects the option
"Manage report", then selects "Generate document" once all the
mandatory fields have been filled out.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Since the user accesses the "Format F02 Registration" screen and selects the
student and the company
When selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database

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Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Format F02" screen and does not
specify any field
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Format F02" and fills
in all the required fields
When you select the option "Generate document"
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F02 format.
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 140. Acceptance test 16: Creation of Form F03

Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance test
Number: 16 User story: 8 Story name: Creation of Format
F03 Description: As a supervisor tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-professional practices I need to enter the system To generate
the file corresponding to the
institution's report Execution conditions: Enter the system with the
role of administrative staff and finalize the planning report Entry /
Execution steps: The user enters the registration
module of form 03 and selects the "Manage report" option, then selects
"Generate document" once they have filled out all the required fields.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Format F03 Registration" screen and selects
the student and the company When
selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the “F03 Format Registration” screen and has not
specified any field When
selecting the “Save changes” option
Then the system will issue a field validation warning message. Acceptance
Criterion 3: Given that
the user accesses the "Format F03 Registration" screen and fills in all the
required fields when
selecting the "Generate document" option

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Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F03 format.
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 141. Acceptance test 17: Creation of Form F04

Source: Prepared by the author
Acceptance test
Number: 17 User story: 9 Story name: Creation of Format
F04 Description: As a supervisor tutor in
charge of
monitoring pre-professional practices I need to enter the system To generate
the file corresponding to the
student's self-evaluation Execution conditions: Enter the system with the
role of administrative staff and finalize the planning report Input /
Execution steps: The user enters the registration
module of form 04 and selects the "Manage report" option, then selects
"Generate document" once they have filled out all the required fields.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Given that the user is on the "Registration of Form F04" screen and selects
the student and the company When
selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the screen "Registration of Format F04" and
does not specify any field
When selecting the option "Save changes"
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user enters the screen "Registration of Form F04" and fills in
all the required fields When
selecting the option "Generate document ”
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F04 format
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 142. Acceptance test 18: Creation of Form F05

Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test

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Number: 18 User Story: 10

Story name: Creation of Format F05

As a supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices I need
to enter the system to
generate the file corresponding to the final report of the supervising teacher
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
staff and finalize the planning report Entry / Steps of
Execution: The user enters the registration module of form 05 and selects
the "Manage report" option, then selects "Generate document" once all
the mandatory fields have been filled out.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Since the user enters the "Format F05 Registration" screen and has selected
the student and the company When
selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is in the “F05 Format Registration” screen and does not
specify any field When
selecting the “Save changes” option
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields.
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user accesses the screen "Registration of Form F05" and fills
in all the required fields
When selecting the option "Generate document ”
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in pdf format
with the data corresponding to the F05 format
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 143. Acceptance test 19: Creation of the official document file
culmination of practices
Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 19 User Story: 11

Story name: Creation of the internship completion trade file

As supervisor tutor in charge of monitoring pre-professional practices
I need to generate the student's internship completion letter
To save the document in the database

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Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative

Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the internship completion trade
registration module and selects the "Manage report" option, then selects
"Generate document" once all the mandatory fields have been filled out.

Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Given that the user is on the "Completion Letter" screen and fills in all the
required fields when
selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user accesses the "Oficio de Compleción" screen and fills in all
the required fields
when selecting the "Accept" option
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in docx format
with the data corresponding to the completion letter
Acceptance criteria 3:
Given that the user enters the "Completion Letter" screen and has not filled
in any field of the form When selecting
the "OK" option
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields Test
evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 144. Acceptance test 20: Creation of the form to generate the
student commitment letter
Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 20 User Story: 12

Story name: Creation of the form to generate the student's letter of commitment

As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need
to enter the system to
generate a document with the data corresponding to the student's Letter
of Commitment using the template in Annex 3.
Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative
staff and generate the internship project Entry /
Execution steps: The user enters the commitment letter registration module
and selects the "New registration" option, then

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select “Generate document” once you have filled out all the required fields.

Expected Result:
Acceptance Criterion 1:
Given that the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and fills in all the
required fields When
selecting the "Save changes" option
Then the system will process the information and save it in the database.
Acceptance Criterion 2:
Given that the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and fills in all the
required fields. When
selecting the "Accept" option
Then the system will process the information and generate a file in docx format
with the data corresponding to Annex 3
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user is on the "Letter of Commitment" screen and does not fill
in any field of the form When
selecting the option "Accept"
Then the system will issue an alert on the screen with a warning message to
validate the respective fields Test
evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 145. Acceptance test 21: Creation of the form for the registration of
student pre-professional internships
Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 21 User story: 13

Story name: Creation of the form for the student's pre-professional

internship registration
As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need
to enter the system to enter
the data of the pre-professional internships carried out by each student.

Execution conditions: Enter the system with the role of administrative

Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the internship project registration
module and selects the "New registration" option.
Expected result:
Acceptance criteria 1:
Given that the user has entered the system with the designated role
When entering the "Pre-professional student practices" screen
Then the system will list all the practical projects of each student

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Acceptance Criterion 2:
Since the user is on the "Student Pre-professional Practices" screen

When you select the "New record" option

Then the system will open a new screen called "Registration of Practices"
Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user is on the "Internship Registration" screen and fills in all the
requested fields
When you select the “Save Changes” option
Then the system will process the information, save a new practice record in
the database and return to the initial screen.
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 146. Acceptance test 22: Creation of the form for the registration of
student pre-professional internships
Source: Prepared by the author
acceptance test
Number: 22 User Story: 14

Story name: Creation of the form for the registration of completion of pre-
professional internships
As the secretary in charge of the Liaison Department, I need
to enter the system to enter
the data corresponding to the completion of each student's internship.

Execution conditions:
• Enter the system with the role of administrative staff. •
Closing the internship project in the execution phase. •
Upload the evidence of the signed documents in pdf.
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the internship completion
registration module and selects the "New registration" option.
Expected result:
Acceptance criterion 1:
Given that the user accesses the "Completion of Practices" screen
When selecting the students Then
the system will only show on the screen those who have completed at least
240 hours of internship
Acceptance criteria 2:
Given that the user is on the "Completion of Internship" screen and has filled
out the form fields correctly When you select the “Save”
Then the system will process the information and save a company record
in the database

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Acceptance Criterion 3:
Given that the user, in his role as secretary, is on the screen
"Company registration" and you have not filled in any field of the form
When you select the “Save” option
Then the system will issue an alert on screen with a warning message to validate the
respective fields
Test evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 147. Acceptance test 23: Report creation

Source: Prepared by the author

acceptance test
Number: 23 User Story: 15

Story Name: Reporting

As staff in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit
We need to enter the system
To generate reports that list students doing internships in the following phases: • Started
internships • In the
process of internships •
Finished internships

Execution conditions:
• Enter the system with the role of administrative staff.
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the reports module and exports the data to
Word and Excel Expected result:
Acceptance criteria 1:
Given that the user is in the
Reports menu When selecting the different phases and pressing
accept Then the The system will display the requested report
on the screen Acceptance Criterion 2: Given that the user has
generated a report on the
screen When selecting the "Export" option

Then the system will process the action and generate the report in Excel and Word Test
evaluation: Satisfactory

Table 148. Acceptance test 24: Roles and security for entering the

Source: Prepared by the author

acceptance test
Number: 24 User Story: 16

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Story name: Roles and security for entering the system

As personnel in charge of the Pre-professional Practices Unit, we
need to enter the system after verifying the username and password
In order to manage and control the delivery and reception processes
of pre-professional practice documents.
Execution conditions:
• Install the ASP .NET security provider •
Configure the provider and assign roles to users. •
Implement the interface to manage users.
Entry / Execution steps: The user enters the reporting module and
export the data to Word and
Excel Expected
result: Acceptance
criteria 1: Given that the user is in the authentication page
When he enters the username and
password Then the user will access to the system with a specific role
(Student or Administrative)
Acceptance Criterion
2: Since the user is in the authentication page When he
enters the wrong username and password Then the
system will pop up a warning prompt about incorrect credentials Test

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4.1. conclusions

• Surveys carried out on students and administrative staff,

evidenced that the process of pre-professional practices that are carried out
in the department is not efficient, because there are drawbacks at the moment
to carry out procedures. In addition, the information system that exists in the
department does not meet current needs. Even though the total of
respondents affirm that the documents are kept in an orderly manner, the
Most maintain that the time to carry out this task is very slow.
• Thanks to the components offered by Workflow Engine .NET, it is possible to
generate a workflow that is easily integrated into the application and thus
way to optimize the processes of delivery and reception of documents. The
tool facilitates the flow of documents through each phase of the
project of pre-professional practices from its beginning until the moment of
close it.

• The ASP .NET technology that Visual Studio integrates allows the creation of
web pages and dynamic forms without using as much code. One of the
The most significant aspects of this technology is the compatibility with
tools like Ajax Control Toolkit and workflow engines. All
These advantages allow the creation of a solid and functional project.
4.2. recommendations

• For future projects, it is recommended to create a separate server

that manage the documents of pre-professional practices and in this way
speed up the database workload.

• It is recommended to use design patterns and MVC programming in

future projects since it allows the scaling of applications and facilitates the
maintenance in case of errors.

• To facilitate the maintenance of the workflow, it is recommended to create a

separate project where only the necessary libraries are integrated for its
operation, in addition, it is recommended to use a separate server for
that manages the workflow processes.

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A.1. Student survey format

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A.2. Survey format for administrative staff

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