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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime)
Relationship: Fushiguro Megumi/Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna
Character: Fushiguro Megumi, Sukuna | Ryoumen Sukuna, Gojo Satoru, Itadori
Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara, others - Character, Uraume (Jujutsu Kaisen),
Zenin Naoya
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Stripper/Exotic Dancer, Alternate Universe -
Normal Life, Exotic Dancer! Megumi, Yukuza Sukuna, Grinding, Sexual
Content, Song inspired-ish, Megumi can be considered a dominant
bottom, Drinking, Haha..gonna see how far I go with his, Megumi is
prone to panic attacks, bad thoughts of sexual assault that weren't
going to happen, I don't know what else to tag, Itadori Yuuji & Sukuna |
Ryoumen Sukuna are Siblings, Uraume is Sukuna's best friend and
also his reasoning, Homophobic Language, Zenin Naoya needs to get
Stats: Published: 2021-04-29 Updated: 2021-07-02 Chapters: 5/? Words:

by UnluckyGamerGirl13


He was only doing this for the money nothing more...right?


Hi, so I finally got this done and over with to the best of my abilities.

1.) This was beta-read by a friend so big thank you to them!

2.) Another friend of mine @Sukunyan also have an exotic dancer fic that is amazing so
check that out if you like this AU
MEANS THE WORLD TO ME! The idea was something that someone has said wasn't
worth the time so thank you for proving them wrong and letting me express myself.
4.) This is my first time writing themes like this one, I can rp it but it's awkward for me to
write it...weirdly, so please take it easy on me.
5.) I don't own JJK or the characters
6.) Please do not copy/steal my work and upload it on other platforms unless you ask and I
give your permission. I wack my brains for these stories and for someone to jump in and
claim them hurts my brain more.
7.) I made a playlist incase you wanna set the mood or just listen to songs that made me go,
"stripper Megumi."
--> Here it is:

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1

Megumi quietly made his way through the busy streets of Japan with a duffel bag by his side.

The nights were very lively. Megumi took notice of the groups of people laughing as they walked
towards a bar as the lights of the establishments illuminated them this late at night.

One particular ad reminded him of where he was supposed to be. He brought the duffel bag closer
as he continued down the street to one of the large establishments, Montero.

Montero was a well-known, popular, and highly established gentleman's club. It stood above the
rest because this club not only had the top dancers in the country, but that those dancers were a mix
of both females and males.

Anyone was welcomed, no matter the gender. You could see the main stage filled with both guys
and gals, admiring the dancers in their routine, and giving them their well-earned pay.

The only conditions of the club were that you respected the dancers, respected the rules set by the
club, and gave into your temptations.

Megumi had started working there as a dancer a little over two years ago. He needed a way to pay
for his expensive college tuition and the hospital bills that came in from his sister's treatment at the

Working here was the only opportunity that allowed him to pay for both and still have some
money left over to survive. Especially after he became one of the popular dancers among the
varied clientele.

It was a harsh start, but Megumi had put in the extra work to get to where he was now. He had the
bonus of his beautiful features and solemn expression no matter who was paying him attention.

Megumi entered through the back of the large establishment. Itadori Yuuji, one of the security
guards, let him in after only one knock. "Hey Fushiguro, you came earlier than usual." Yuuji
chirped, closing the door behind them as he guided his friend to the dressing rooms.

"Yeah, figured I'd have a head start to warm up," Megumi replied.

The two passed through the lobby, it was barely seven pm but the club was full and lively. Megumi
caught sight of Maki, in her freshly pressed uniform, making a round of drinks with ease.

He saw Panda, the preferred nickname he gave the crew member, making his rounds around the
floor making sure no one was being too rowdy or disturbing the dancers.

"Satoru-san mentioned today was going to be an interesting day for us. He mentioned rumors that
someone big might be stopping tonight, so we all gotta be ready." Itadori chirped as he rubbed the
back of his neck, "We've all been on edge since he mentioned it."

Megumi raised his brow as he turned his attention back to Yuuji. It wasn't unusual the club had big
stars coming in ever so often.

Each of them was given their private room, given a sparingly amount of alcohol, and the top
dancers to choose from.
If one of the dancers was lucky enough they'd be requested for a private session. They'd earn twice
the usual amount every time, given free drinks and meals, and allowed gloating rights for the rest
of the week.

Megumi hadn't been chosen by any of them. He thanked the gods above for that, he didn't want to
deal with any stuck-up pricks staring in judgment as he worked. At least of all give them a private

This though, was someone really important or dangerous if the entire club was on high alert, "How
big are we talking?"

"Big enough Satoru-san asked for the best to be reserved to the side, just in case," Yuuji responded
before stopping when they arrived at the dressing rooms.

"I'll be doing my rounds with Panda, good luck out there." Yuuji chirped offering his usual smile
before hurrying off.

Megumi smiled as he entered the dressing room. It was of course for all males, and all the dancers
that were assigned the shifts were currently out.

That left Megumi to change, doll himself up, and stretch for a bit before his shift began that night.

After putting his duffel bag with his other costumes, snacks, and his items he took out his makeup
bag and made his way to his vanity.

As usual, the dancers would come in and out of the locker room to take a quick bath, change into a
new outfit, or simply snack until their next shift or the end of their night.

Megumi paid no mind, he listened to his music as he carefully applied his eyeliner to emphasize his
eyes further before dabbing a bit of lipstick on his lips.

He slowly topped it off with some lip gloss to add to the look.

The door had opened for the hundredth time that night, but it was the sudden embrace and familiar,
"Fushiguro!" That snapped Megumi out of his trance and accidentally made him smear said
makeup on his cheek.

Megumi jolted immediately and stared directly at the pair of black glasses that covered the azure
eyes, "Satoru-san, don't you think it's dangerous to scare someone like that?" He asked annoyed as
he went to clean the smear up with his wipes.

Gojo brushed it off and simply moved to the side to lean against the vanity before him. He crossed
his arms as he spoke up again, "You were paid for by our special guest tonight."

Megumi froze and looked up, "But Satoru-" Gojo knew he shouldn't have even been offered in the
first place.

Not to mention, knowing it was a special guest, should have encouraged Gojo to choose someone
more...professional to complete the job with ease.

Gojo shook his head, "it's too late to back out now. I want you to wear your star outfit. Something
that emphasizes your body. I also want you to perform your most seductive routine, something to
truly distract them for the night and show them they made a good choice."

Gojo only had this type of advice to those that were dealing with high-class clients and or very
difficult to please clients.

Megumi simply nodded along as he spoke.

When Gojo deemed Megumi had enough of a pep talk he told him the room and time to be there
before he headed off.

"Hey, Fushiguro?" Gojo stopped as he held the door open for himself.

"What?" He huffed as he slowly stretched in front of his mirror. He was rather annoyed at the news
Gojo had just given him.

"Listen to what Nobara says and don't do anything stupid tonight." His voice had its usual
cheerfulness, but the sincerity was gone. With a wave of his hand, he left the locker room to allow
the other to get ready.

Megumi shivered and went to lean back against the back of his seat as his heart rate began picking
up. If Gojo was warning him this meant the client that chose him was not only important but

It wasn't unusual that members of Japan's crime syndicate came to places like these to discuss job
transactions or even relax, let off some steam. It's just their appearances were very rare and on top
of that, it was only the lower-status ones that came.

Those that pretended to be big shots but ended up being carried to the entrance by Panda with one
hand and kicked out.

They were simple thugs, nothing more, but even then Gojo had never given him that warning when
it came to dealing with them.

Megumi closed his eyes and concentrated on his breathing, the change of plans was sudden, but
Megumi knew to expect it. He tried to calm his nerves to the best of his abilities before he headed
out towards the VIP room.

Just by walking the main floor, Megumi could tell something was off.

Everyone seemed extremely shaken, the party atmosphere he was originally greeted with had
turned into more of that of a house of terror.

The dancers continued, as usual, trying their hardest to replace the mood with something better, but
even they were shaken up to the core it seemed.

Megumi lightly pinched at his wrist as he continued, walking the path that led to the furthermost
VIP lounge.

The dude must have been loaded to afford that one, it was pretty much a miniature apartment that
offered high security, a soundproof room with extra privacy, a small kitchen with refreshments, a
bedroom, and even a private bathroom with a hot tub.

There were two guards, outside of the ones the club offered, that stood at the entrance both in
pristine black suits that looked freshly worn with black buttoned-up shirts and dress shoes that
shined with the lights. A single golden pendant was clipped onto their coats.

Megumi couldn't get a closer look at it before Nobara rushed to him and quickly pulled him into
the backstage of the room.
Before he could speak she quickly cupped his cheeks and squished them together, "Megumi, I need
you to listen to me. For once in your life keep your smart comments to yourself, don't stare at the
man, and pretend you're having fun.”

She wasn't calm, to begin with, if Nobara was this worried then he did need to listen. He hadn't
planned to cause any trouble originally, just do his usual routine, act bored, and leave for the night,
but clearly, this wouldn't cut it today.

"If he buys you fifty drinks, drink them all, if he compliments you, thank him enough that your
throat goes dry if he asks to touch your ass then drop your pride and let him smack it or it'll be all
our funerals." She whispered harshly as she squished his cheeks even more and parted from him.

"Please, this is the only time I will ask this of you." She whispered once more before leaving him to
begin his routine for his client.

Megumi closed his eyes, took another deep breath, and patted his cheeks to center himself.

As soon as the curtain opened he seductively strolled to the center of his stage and grabbed hold of
the pole. He positioned himself facing away from the other and waited for the chosen song to

When it did, Megumi exhaled before he began his practiced routine. He chose something that
clearly showed off his body, something seductive to match the song he was performing to.

With every grind, landing, spin, and dip he moved to the sound of the music and further relaxed.

He slowly peeled his outfit as he performed to reveal the white lingerie that was under his devilish

The sheer top showed off his perked nipples while the bottom was designed to be modest yet allow
his assets to show off properly.

His body welcomed the adrenaline that came from performing for an unknown danger.

Near the ending of the song, Megumi had climbed up on the pole and slowly descended dipping
forward as he gripped the pole to blow a kiss at who his audience was.

That was when Megumi realized the danger he was in the second his ocean blue eyes met
burgundy ones.

It was no wonder everyone was terrified. The devil himself, Ryomen Sukuna, had walked into the
club looking for a poor sinner to entertain him.

You see, Ryomen Sukuna was a name that only those who wished for death mentioned or even
spoke of.

They hardly knew anything about the man except that he was the heir of the Ryomen clan, known
for his large involvement in the yakuza because of its weapon dealing, and secondly that anyone
who crossed Ryomen-san ended up dead the next day in the most horrible of ways.

They called him the devil, a man who makes deals with mortals, and in the end claims their souls
when they've fulfilled their purposes. A cold-blooded killer with no heart or mercy.

The devil came to paradise, and he found himself a fallen angel it seemed.
He stared at Megumi with such an intense glare, Megumi was surprised he didn't falter in his

By the end, he was slowly approaching the other and settling down beside him on the large love
seat, "It's an honor to have been chosen by such a powerful man." Megumi spoke softly, feigning
his innocence as he kept his gaze down.

The intense stare never faltered, even now Megumi could feel him looking at him, almost as if
analyzing him.

Megumi could hear as the other poured two drinks, one he nudged over to Megumi, "You can cut
whatever bullshit they have you playing." Sukuna growled faintly as he grabbed his glass and went
to drink the sake they had offered him.

Megumi tensed and bit the inside of his cheek before he spoke up once more, this time looking up
to meet Sukuna's gaze, "I don't know what you're talking about, Ryomen-sama."

Megumi's jaw was quickly cupped, his whole body forced upwards from its slouch position to
come face to face with the devil, "damn angel, you're starting to piss me off." He threatened lowly
their faces only inches away from each other.

Megumi's face of innocence quickly melted away to that of annoyance, "Okay, you want me to cut
the bullshit." Megumi smacked his hand away and quickly slipped into his lap.

He wrapped his arms around his neck and wrapped his legs around his hips as he glared, "I hate
you and your clan. You all believe you're holier than thou taking advantage of any poor soul in
need of help." He hissed as he grinded against him roughly.

If he was going to act out he was going to do it in a way that would still earn him money for the
night and most certainly not kill everyone at the club.

Megumi’s disgust was rooted in the memory of being approached by one of Sukuna's lackeys
before he was hired at Montero, he was drowning in debt from paying for his sister’s hospital bills
and his education, and the man offered a loan in exchange for...sexual services.

According to them, it was a much simpler exchange than what was offered to everyone else.

Instead, their offer only served to disgust Megumi, he turned down their offer coldly and vowed to
never sink low enough to depend on anyone but himself.

The corners of Sukuna's lips perked as he listened to his words, "That's it, that's what I wanted." He
whispered. Admiring the other as he worked both of them up with his movements.

Megumi released a hiss of disgust when he heard the purr in his voice.

When Sukuna tried to place his hands on his waist he smacked his hands away once again, "No,
your filthy hands are going nowhere near me." He snapped at him.

Megumi watched as his crimson pupils turned into slits because of his aggressiveness. Sukuna was
turned on even more and Megumi could feel it as his pants tightened around his arousal.

Megumi eased himself backward to grind against the other at a different angle as he moved his
hands down his front slowly, feeling every muscle under the burgundy button-up Sukuna wore.

"I bet all the money you steal goes into tailoring your outfits, right? Made with the finest clothes
Japan can offer. All while people can barely afford some decent clothes because they can hardly
pay back the loan they owe you."

He landed another harsh grind against the other and pushed himself upward, his hands snapping
back up from his abdomen to pin Sukuna to the couch.

He could feel every ripple of his abs when he did the sudden movement and pressed himself closer
to the other once more, not to mention the now noticeable stain that was growing on his pants.

Megumi’s arousal remained hidden by the fabric of his panties, but his face was heated from both
arousal and anger.

Megumi made sure to roll his hips, causing Sukuna to hiss and clench the cushion of the seat.

He shifted so that their lips were brushing, "people call you the devil, they worship the ground
your walk and at the same time shit their pants when you come along. Like you, I walk through
hell every day and deal with its bullshit. But you, you disgust me, nothing more than a filthy
sinner pretending to be king." Megumi whispered before he stood, parting to walk off to the
locker room once more because his time was up.

He didn't even spare a glance behind him.

Megumi gathered his clothes from his locker, showered, before changing and stepping over to his
vanity to gather his things for the night. His eyes widened faintly as he spotted the black velvet box
that had been settled at his vanity while he was away.

He hesitated before opening and seeing the gift.

Inside were: three large bundles of bills, more than what Megumi would usually earn in a week, a
note, with his name written in cursive and a familiar band for his finger that made his eyes widen,
even more, Megumi having been told by Gojo about it when he became an employee.

When one of the dancers was "claimed" they'd wear a ring to let the guests know they were not to
be touched or requested. Only the person that claimed them were allowed to have them. Megumi
had found it a ridiculous thing for a club to do, but it was beneficial.

Not only did they have a lifelong membership with top-paying customers, but the claimed dancer
would be spoiled rotten, "Think of it as a Sugar-Baby and Sugar-Daddy contract, he spoils you
with clothing, money, and accessories and you give him attention in return to thank him," Gojo
once told him.

Megumi sighed before going to open the note and read what was written, in red ink with quite
fancy handwriting the note read;

"I enjoyed your little show, tonight even if you did leave me hanging. We will be seeing much
more of each other, enjoy the first of many gifts to come." - RS

The man even dared to include his number on the bottom, Megumi shuddered at his new reality
and sighed as he closed the box to place it in his bag before heading off for the night.

Luckily, no one had been killed because of him, but the pit in Megumi's stomach made him feel as
disgusted knowing his hands were soiled for touching and now associating with Sukuna. Megumi
sighed shakily and clocked out for the night. It was going to be a long week for him if Sukuna was
coming back.
To Be Human
Chapter Summary

Six weeks had passed since Megumi's new position in the club was established.

Chapter Notes

Hi, so jk I'm gonna go as far as I can with this story as my imagination allows it.

Questions and suggestions guide my story, so honestly if you're curious about

something lemme know.

Holy crap tho! 115 kudos and 14 bookmarks, thank you guys so much!

Always gratitude to my beta-reader and look over my ground rules as always.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Six weeks had passed since Megumi's new position in the club was established.

He was forced to wear the ring every time he entered the establishment. It was an official warning
to anyone that if they touched Megumi, they were dead.

Which was why he couldn't entertain unless Sukuna requested him. He was still paid the usual, but
now it was to do nothing but wait for Sukuna to request his company.

Megumi, wanting to be useful, tried to do other tasks around the club, but in the end it ended up
backfiring on him.

No one wanted to be near him the second they saw the ring. The dancers even looked at him with
such pity it pissed him off.

Unlike the ones some of the other dancers wore, this one reeked of riches and death to come.

The other dancers wore simple silver bands that the club had made; one could and would easily
brush them off as fake rings and would ignore them to flirt with the dancers.

Some of them would allow it to happen, and by the end of the night said dancer would lose their
sponsor and Panda would more than escort both the dancer and their beaten companion out.

The decent ones would warn the ones who insisted on ignoring their claim and fight tooth and nail
to get away.

Megumi's ring was a golden band with a single red ruby in the center. Engraved along the sides
were the familiar markings that many top members of the Ryomen clan wore on their bodies and
In fact it was the main sigil for the Ryomen clan that was smacked in the center of the band and
held his ruby.

It frustrated the hell out of Megumi, but of course it was only for a few days.

Sukuna would request him three times the following three days to get the same treatment he had
given him when they first met.

Every time Sukuna would mock Megumi when he saw the ring on his finger.

Those nights Megumi would go home rich and felt disgusted, everytime.

For this week, it wasn't long before Sukuna called on him once more.

It was Friday night, Megumi had gone to classes for the majority of the day, finished his
assignments for the most part, and packed the clothing Satoru-san had told him to bring.

He had gotten a call early that evening that Sukuna was coming in and had reserved the room for
him once more.

The only thing that greatly confused Megumi was the outfit request. Apparently Sukuna had asked
him to forego any costume and instead come to him in his comfort wear.

Meaning sweatpants, simple shirt with a pair of boxers.

The atmosphere that evening both on his way to work and in the club was cold, tense. It felt much
worse than the time they found out Sukuna was paying a visit.

Nobara had approached him, she was solemn but seemed far more calm than the first time, "He
requested you for 8 hours." She alerted him.

Megumi suppressed the urge to roll his eyes, dealing with Sukuna for an hour was more than
enough of a pain in the ass; now he had to deal with Sukuna and his vulgar language for eight
hours, great.

He simply nodded to her and zipped his lips as he walked to his entrance to assure her he would
behave, for now.

The night routine was going as usual, Megumi was currently on Sukuna's lap grinding away
against the other hoping to get over with his performance sooner.

"No comments tonight, Ryomen-sam-" Megumi hadn't really been paying attention to the other,
too focused on his own thoughts.

When his eyes looked up at the crimson ones he saw a hint of humanity, a hint of sadness that
quickly dissipated when their eyes met.

Megumi was met with anger and a sharp smack to his rear, "What do I pay you for, to sit and
stare?" Sukuna hissed.

Megumi bit his lip, "you pay me to sit here and do a job your hand could easily accomplish."

Megumi swallowed his smart comment, "My apologies Ryomen-sama." He murmured and

Only two hours had passed, as usual, and Sukuna had pushed him off as he went into the bathroom
to change from his soiled bottoms.

Megumi was seething but calmed his breath to avoid snapping and costing the club lives. He
poured himself a glass of wine, that the room had stocked, and waited for his next commands.

His arousal had completely died down when Sukuna began roughing him up, so he didn't have to
worry about tending to himself.

The inside of his cheek began to sting with the wine, a small lesion began forming from how hard
he had bitten to hold back from snapping at Sukuna when he'd smack his rear or even dared hold
his hips to guide Megumi's movement.

Megumi looked up when the door had opened once more. Sukuna stepped out having freshly
showered and changed into a more...comfortable wear according to the man, a pair of loosened
dress pants with an open button up shirt.

The older man went to settle down on the bed and signaled for Megumi to do the same.

He spent a good minute staring at the tattoos that covered Sukuna's upper body. He had to distract
himself from his rapid pulse and dangerous thoughts that began forming in his mind.

"This is it Megumi, he's going to rape you."

"He's going to have his way with you and dispose of you like he does to all the bodies of those he

"You're fuck-"

Megumi hesitated greatly before he made his way over. While Sukuna laid down properly,
Megumi chose to sit up against the headboard and stare blankly into the abyss of the room.

He counted the seconds in his mind as they passed, until the snake attacked.

Sukuna had sat up and tried to bring Megumi down onto the bed, but he wasn't going to go without
a fight.

Megumi trashed and kicked, "Get off me!" He tried screaming to alert the security.

"Fushiguro, enough."

"Just lay down with me."

"Fushiguro just lay down.."


"Stop it this instant-"

"Megumi, enough!"

Sukuna snapped harshly, landing his fist against the pillow. Megumi froze, panting heavily as he
actually processed the words and the situation Sukuna had put him in.

The two stared at each other silently, Megumi saw the hint of humanity once more this time as
regret before it was shut out.
When his breath calmed, Sukuna shifted to lay behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist
hesitantly, "Go the fuck to sleep." He murmured, his voice sounding actually tired for once.

Megumi moved so that his back was to Sukuna as they performed what was called " cuddling ".
His body was tense as he counted the seconds once more until he was sure Sukuna was asleep.

Megumi laid there wondering about the situation he was in.

This was new, Sukuna usually had his way, mocked Megumi and riled him up even more, and
would dismiss him after a while.

This time Sukuna was silent, it took a while for the male to even get aroused to begin with, he was
quite tense, and seemed upset…especially when he yelled at the other.

Megumi lightly brushed the thought away and counted the minutes until he was free from his

Somewhere along the way Megumi ended up dozing off, he only realized it when he was awoken
by a gentle shaking.

"Y-Yuuji?" He whispered tiredly as he sat up slowly. Megumi quickly snapped his eyes open and
looked himself and his surroundings over.

He was still dressed, on the bed with a blanket placed over him, Sukuna was nowhere in sight but
in front of him was a concerned Yuuji holding another velvet box.

Megumi hesitated to open it and look inside. As usual there were bills of extra payment Sukuna
gave him, another note, and this time a pair of designer clothes that had been neatly folded at the

Megumi silently read the neatly written note;

There are things I can never tell you without risking your safety. When you get home make sure
you're secure. I apologize for tonight - RS

"A higher up of the Ryomen-clan was killed today," Yuuji whispered.

Megumi raised his head to look at him in questioning but Yuuji continued, "The grandfather that
raised Sukuna...and I."

His eyes widened as he heard, he was stupid enough not to see the connection right away. Sukuna
and Yuuji were almost identical.


"Please don't tell anyone, Sukuna worked hard so I could live a normal life away from the clan's
lifestyle." Yuuji explained settling the box down carefully.

Just the pleading in his eyes was enough to make Megumi's heart clench. He quietly crossed his
heart and nodded, "Your secret's with me, I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather."

Yuuji smiled faintly and patted his shoulder, "Thank you, Fushiguro." He whispered and went to
head for the door.

Yuuji stopped momentarily once more, "Sukuna isn't who people make him out to be, but if he
ever tries anything just hit him in the nuts." He said teasingly, trying to lighten the mood before
closing the door behind him.

Megumi sat there stunned at everything, today was supposed to be like every other day.

Instead, Megumi ended up finding out the devil had a bit of humanity in him after all.

Chapter End Notes

Did you guys like it? Please tell me what you did like and all. Where should the story
go? Lemme know.
In your eyes
Chapter Notes

Hi everyone!

Sorry for disappearing like that. I finally "graduated" and got my degree, so I'm free
for the summer until August + had some writers block.

Holy Shit guys! Really!? 169 kudos! I'm honored you guys love this story.

Now to the usual:

1.) Thanks once more to my beta-reader, they are amazing!
2.) Update in the playlist
3.) Repeat of the chores/outline I put on chapter 1 --> now to the story!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

I'm sorry

Sent at 00 hrs Saturday

Sukuna stared at the text from the unknown number.

It was 12 am, he had just finished some business and was heading home to rest up, but the glow of
the notification on his screen glared back at him.

He knew who it was from, Fushiguro Megumi, had apparently decided to use the number he gave
him to remind him of how he royally fucked up.

Sukuna felt even more guilty as flashes of Megumi's panic attack resurfaced.

Sukuna was used to fear, he knew how much this emotion was attached to his reputation and that
of his family.

It was the one thing that used to amuse Sukuna, seeing the face of fear on those who thought of
themselves as strong and powerful, almost pissing themselves at his feet.

After a while though, that amusement crippled and died.

Sukuna was surprisingly human; he had his own needs and wants and that fear often got in the way
of said things.

He couldn't even walk into a bar and talk to a random girl without the brave, superficial bitches,
trying to get into his pocket through his pants.

Heck, for men it was even worse they wouldn't even try; they'd simply find an excuse to get as far
away from him as possible.

But seeing Fushiguro Megumi fear him like that actually fucking hurt.

He was close to his own panic when Megumi didn't respond the first few times, and managed to
calm himself down in order to properly calm Megumi down.

Sukuna huffed and placed his phone off to the side as he went to search for his box of cigarettes.


Sukuna looked up from his search at Uraume, who was reaching back from the driver's seat to
hand him a single cigarette while they drove.

Sukuna thanked them silently and grabbed it, he lowered the window faintly as he lit the cigarette
and inhaled.

"Shall I book Fushiguro-san for tomorrow night, once again?" Uraume asked Sukuna as they
watched him exhale the smoke outside for the moment.

"Yes, and request he wear the outfit I purchased him. Let Satoru know Megumi won't be dancing
simply keeping company." He murmured in response, "I want you to also book us a private room
at that restaurant that opened nearby."

He was paying for every hour with him, he might as well get something on his bucket list crossed
out by being done superficially.

"May I be frank with you, Sukuna-sama?" Uraume spoke up once more, looking at him briefly
through the driver's mirror.

"Go ahead." He blew another cloud of smoke out.

Uraume was Sukuna's second in command per-say, the other being assigned to work as his advisor
and guard since both were children.

Although they weren't supposed to, Uraume had become one of Sukuna's closest friends.

It was with Uraume's aid that Sukuna managed to give Yuuji the life he wanted without the clan
being informed.

That's why Sukuna respected his opinions and often allowed him to speak and do things freely.

"You appear to care for him."

The statement caught Sukuna off guard, his eyes widened for a moment before he sighed and went
to crush the rest of the cigarette into the ashtray on the arm rest next to him.

"The first day you returned from the establishment you appeared...happy." Uraume explained.

"Would you believe me if I told you it was a shocking coincidence, because that's honestly what it
was." Sukuna responded looking out as the lights of the city reflected into the car.

"I'm so used to getting my ass kissed everywhere I go. It's annoying, tiring, and just boring at this
point. When I walked in there I knew it was going to be the same, and I looked at him and told him
to cut the crap and...he did." Sukuna laughed remembering the smaller male glaring at him as he

"He was the first person to actually get ballsy with me and tell me how much of a terrible person I

Sukuna sighed happily, "For once I felt relief, here was someone who wasn't afraid of me.
Someone who would look me in the eyes and talk all the crap they want. Someone who made me

Sukuna ran his hand down his face and groaned, "Fuck me," Sukuna whispered as his gaze trailed
off into the night.

His title spread fear, but it also brought along misfortune. The death of his grandfather being a
large example.

If someone were to catch wind that Sukuna was giving attention to a single dancer, not only would
his clan do everything possible to interfere but eventually Fushiguro would be in danger.

The clan wouldn't kill him, no. They'd most likely pay Megumi off to remain silent and keep as far
away from the Ryomen heir as possible while continuing to force Sukuna to marry someone else.

It was the enemy clans that would more than likely endanger Megumi. Even if Sukuna was paying
him just for a lap dance, they'd see him as a weakness and may even attempt and successfully kill
him to send a message.

"Uraume, did you do what I asked of you last night?" All his thoughts reminded him of what he
needed answered.

"Yes, while he was at work we installed cameras around the home, and I added his neighbor to the
patrol route. Your men were made aware to pay extra attention to any suspicious activity around
his home and neighborhood. His neighborhood is essentially under our protection from now on."
Uraume assured as he slowly pulled into the driveway of the large estate.

"And the second piece?'

Uraume couldn't help but allow the corners of their mouth to perk when they responded, "From the
investigation I have found that most of the money he earns is spent on two things. Funds to pay any
college fee as well as loans and a single hospital bill of a woman named Fushiguro Tsumiki."

Sukuna looked up to meet their gaze through the driver's mirror and raised his brow, "Fushiguro

"Yes, his step-sister." Uraume answered, they held back a chuckle when they noticed Sukuna's
tense state relax, but Sukuna noticed.

He playfully and lightly kicked the driver's seat, "Don't laugh at me, I was merely curious."

Uraume shook their head and went to unlock the door to the car, "I would not dare tease you
Ryomen-sama." They chuckled as they stepped out and went to hurry behind the other into the
estate to rest.

Megumi stared at himself in the mirror that afternoon.

He was wearing the outfit Sukuna had gifted him, although he never mentioned the size the man
surprisingly got something for him that fit.

It reeked of money of course, Megumi had to do a double take when he first felt the shirt vs when
he put it on. The material felt like a cloud and even held onto his body lightly.

For a second, Megumi was even worried he'd buy him a dress and heels and force him to pretend to
be a woman for his cruel amusement and arousal.

He even decided to wear the ring, at this point it had become a forced habit of his to wear it.

Mostly to avoid forgetting to put it back on, and because it wore off the attention of some women.

His phone vibrating for a second was what forced his attention away from his looks.

He quickly gathered his wallet, keys, and phone and went to walk out, locking his door behind

Gojo had been assigned to pick him up to drive him to the club where Sukuna would then be
picking him up.

"Looking good Fushiguro," Gojo cooed from the driver's seat.

Megumi rolled his eyes as he stepped into the vehicle and closed the door behind him.

Today was going to be a long day, and the last thing he wanted was to waste his energy on Gojo
before having to deal with a prissy Sukuna once more.

The drive to the club was surprisingly silent with only the radio filling the car.

It gave Megumi time to calm his rapid heartbeat, but most of all it allowed Megumi to reflect back
on what had happened that night.

Sukuna hadn’t requested him for a couple of days afterwards, Megumi knew it may have been due
to the recent death, but his mind decided to try and convince him otherwise.

Ultimately, his mind convinced him that Sukuna felt guilt over his panic attack and convinced him
into sending the text in hopes that the asshole would respond like nothing happened.

He, of course, was met with disappointment at the lack of response, and for some reason relieved
when Gojo had called him, the day before, to let him know Sukuna had requested his company
outside of the club, and to be ready by 1700 hrs.

Megumi ran his hand down his face and sighed as the car came to a stop in front of the club.

He had been in many situations where his nervousness was understandable: applying for this job,
dancing for the first time while the club was packed, dealing with his first private customer, but
now he sat in the car nervous about a simple...if one could even call it that.

He was so distracted he didn’t notice when his door was opened by an unfamiliar face, “Fushiguro-

Megumi jolted and snapped his attention to the person who spoke.

They had snow white hair with a single red streak that almost wrapped around the top of their head
with the most beautiful pink eyes that could almost compete with that of Sukuna’s.

Megumi couldn’t tell if they were a female or male, but they were a majestic sight.

Rather than the usual suits he had seen the Ryomen clan men wear, they wore a color combined
robe that hung comfortably from their body.

“I apologize, my name is Uraume and I’m here to take you to Ryomen-sama.” They tried to make
their voice sound comforting, but Megumi could hear the monotone seeping through.

Megumi could only nod his head as he slowly eased himself out of the car and followed the other
to a rather luxurious car that was hidden away in the large parking garage of the club.

They opened the back door and signaled for him to step in.

Megumi muttered a single, “Thanks,” before he hesitantly stepped in and went to get comfortable
as the door closed behind him, sealing his fate.

His gaze moved up from the floor to be met with a large puff of smoke that caused him to go into a
small coughing fit right away.

He didn’t have asthma, but a strong stretch of cigarettes was, at times, the cause of his migraines
and the smoke itself burned his nostrils.

“Shit, Fushiguro-”

“Ryomen-sama I told you to blow your smoke outside through the window. Had you listened he
would not have been pelted with smoke,” Uraume spoke up before they handed Sukuna something
for Megumi.

“Wasn’t my fault you let him in while I was in the middle of that,” Sukuna huffed and handed
Megumi a bottle of water for his cough.

“Sorry,” he murmured and went to lower the window more as he put out his cigarette.

Megumi drank the water slowly and allowed it to ease the burn sensation from the smoke.

He closed his eyes for a second before the moving of the car caused him to open them and actually
process the situation.

Unfortunately when he did, he was also met with Sukuna’s face of concern (?) and quickly looked
outside of the window to avoid it.

The car ride was silent, but this time there was a lack of music to fill the stretch.

Not to mention, Megumi could have sworn Sukuna spent 95% of the time staring at him.

It made Megumi somewhat uncomfortable he had no other option, but to try and fill it.

“You didn’t answer my text,” why was that the first thing out of his mouth? Megumi couldn't tell
you, but what he could tell you was that Sukuna was caught off guard by it.

Not only did Sukuna have to try and look like he wasn't staring when Megumi asked, but he had to
act as if the question hadn't been something that he wasn't expecting, "What?"

Megumi was sure he heard Uraume snort from the driver's seat.

"You never responded, I just wanted to know why?" Megumi

Sukuna leaned back in his seat, "Didn't know what to say. You shouldn't have been the one
apologizing, I took out my anger on you."

Megumi blinked in surprise as he stared at him.

He usually would have something else to say, but he remembered who was currently apologizing
to him and who he was talking to exactly.

That damn man was making him lower his guard.

He didn't like it one bit, but at the same time he wasn't expecting it.

When they arrived Uraume left the two by what appeared to be a secret entrance.

Sukuna knocked a pattern on the door and the two were immediately allowed in.

They passed unnoticed through a corridor into another set of rooms that were closed off.

When the two entered the room Sukuna had reserved, the door was quickly closed shut behind
them, giving them privacy.

Megumi immediately looked around, the restaurant was clearly high class.

The decorations as well as the architecture of the room allowed for it to look like the inside of an
old shrine.

When it came to ordering Sukuna gave him the option of ordering whatever he wanted.

"What about the whole menu?" Megumi suddenly chirped, trying to break Sukuna's confidence.

Sukuna merely looked him over and smugly responded, "Sure, but are you sure you can fit all of it
in your system?"

Megumi felt his cheeks burn. He simply gaped in surprise, but didn't respond.

Sukuna snickered at his response and went to pour himself and Megumi some of the wine they

Megumi got his glass and went to sip it to hide his blush.

Not only had Sukuna looked him over as if actually measuring how much food he could eat, but he
may have inflated Sukuna's ego even more with the confirmation of money.

The dinner overall was nice, Megumi hadn't ordered the whole menu but he got to try out new
foods he couldn't afford with his usual salary.

Megumi had one doubt the entire time that was quickly squashed as the time passed.

He thought Sukuna was treating him and then expected a reward, instead he was shocked when
Sukuna began asking questions about him, his life, and studies.

For example, Sukuna found out Fushiguro was studying to get a degree as a Veterinarian, his main
reason was his love of animals and his past experience with tending to wounded or mistreated

Sukuna could have sworn his heart was going to burst, Megumi looked quite adorable happily
speaking about what he loved.

Another thing he learned was that in his free time Fushiguro enjoyed reading.

He told Sukuna about some of the books he planned on trying to buy to increase his collection.
Although they were rare finds, Sukuna made a mental note to have Uraume look for them and
make some deals so he could gift them to Fushiguro next time they met up.

"Do you know how to dance?" Sukuna suddenly asked as he heard the light notes of one of the
songs playing overhead.

Megumi was faintly startled with his question.

He slowly processed his answer, "Not formally, no."

Sukuna startled him even more when he stood and held his hand out, "Let me teach you then."

This time Megumi gaped in surprise, he silently decided against denying him this.

With hesitance he placed his hand in his and allowed Sukuna to guide him to stand. Surely it
wouldn't be that bad right?

Megumi silently watched as Sukuna placed his hands where they should be.

One still settled in the palm of Sukuna's while the other was set on his arm, right over the bulging
muscle Megumi had barely had the chance to feel.

Sukuna's right hand was then settled on his hip to pull him close.

Sukuna allowed the other to look down as he guided his steps to the beat of the song.

"How do you know how to dance?" Megumi asked as he tried keeping up with every step and

"My family hosted parties ever so often, most were very formal. Every single-member of the
family was required to know how to so they could...seduce a potential partner through dance."
Sukuna explained.

Sukuna had always found the dance lessons idiotic and useless.

Not to mention the clan's reasoning was utter bullshit to him.

Yet, at the moment he was thankful to have learned.

He wouldn't have been able to do this if he hadn't.

Megumi looked up for a second, and in that second Sukuna had pulled him close so the two were
inches apart looking straight at each other as they continued the steps.

Megumi stumbled a couple of times, but Sukuna simply chuckled and hid his missteps with his
own movements as they continued to dance to the song.

When Megumi had accidentally tripped backwards over his feet, Sukuna caught him in a dip and
held him up.

It was as if they were frozen in that moment.

All Megumi could hear was his own heartbeat drumming loudly in his ears, he could smell
Sukuna's cologne and the faint scent of smoke, and he could see the endless pool of crimson
staring right at him.
Megumi felt safe, he felt...loved, felt warmth.

That was probably why his body reacted the way it did.

Megumi ended up lifting himself up and kissing Sukuna.

He truly didn't know why, and Sukuna didn't seem to question it as the kiss was returned.

Megumi snapped his eyes open once more as he felt his body being moved to standing upright.

Megumi suddenly parted from him and touched his lips.

The moment seemed to have been broken as Megumi could hear the music had seemingly ended
and now something else was playing.

Sukuna was now holding his hand at a distance, but looking at him with such concern and

The lights were brighter than they were before, and Megumi swore his lips were numb.

"Megumi?" Sukuna spoke up as he looked him over.

He snapped his eyes to him and shook his head faintly, "I'm fine. Thank you for the lesson." He
said softly, but Sukuna made no room to let go of his hand.

Sukuna nodded and went to check the new notification on his phone, "Come, Uraume should be
outside waiting for us." Sukuna didn't mention it's been there for about 10 minutes.

The food and silence had been paid for ahead of time, so all they had to do was step out into the

The second Fushiguro did so Uraume looked him over closely.

Those pink eyes looked at every nook and cranny of his body and clothing before shifting to sit

"You took a while, Ryomen-sama." Uraume chided lightly as Sukuna sat down, closed his door,
and got comfortable, "I've been waiting for almost thirty-minutes now."

Megumi tensed and responded before Sukuna did, "My apologies, I wanted to finish my meal
before we left. I begged Sukuna to stay a bit longer. I'm sorry if I made you wait, Uraume-san."

Uraume simply shook their head and drove off allowing the silence between the two to settle once

Megumi was relieved when they arrived at his house, his eyes were already closing and any second
later he was sure he'd fall asleep against Sukuna.

He didn't question how they knew where he lived, honestly too tired to deal with it.

Megumi simply stepped out and thanked both Sukuna and Uraume for the evening before heading
to his door.

A hand gently grasped his and pulled him back, "Fushiguro."

Megumi turned to face Sukuna and was met with a small peck placed on his lips before another
was placed on his knuckles, "Thank you, for tonight." He whispered.

Megumi stood there in silence looking at the other before he smiled faintly, "It Thank

His response seemed to relax Sukuna, the other offering a faint smile on return before returning to
his car, "Be seeing you soon, sweetheart."

Megumi could only wave faintly as the car drove off and he was left with the silence of the house
once more.

Megumi washed up and went to lay down for the night, he checked his phone when the screen lit

Sweet dreams

Sent at 21 hrs Saturday

Megumi smiled lightly once more before he turned off his phone and went to roll off to the side.

He fell asleep to the sound of his calm heartbeat, the feeling of soft lips against his, and the feeling
of warmth around him.

Chapter End Notes

If I'm being honest chapter 4 is currently a blank slate, so everyone lemme know what
you'd like to see.

Do ya'll want some drama? Maybe someone tries to harm Megumi while he was on
his way to work?

Some more fluff? Maybe another cuddle session where they discuss their history?

Lemme know!
My Ordinary Life
Chapter Notes ya'll doing? So here's chapter 4. I may have graduated but my mind
doesn't work on an entire chapter without help & ample breaks.

Happy pride month ya'll, please heed the warnings because Naoya is a lil a-hole here.

I'd like to thank my amazing Beta-reader once more! They're the honest best. I'd like to
also thank everyone that commented on the last chapter, you guys really helped
inspire this chapter as a whole so keep going!

Thirdly, 218 kudos, guys! Thank you so much! It means the world to me to know you
guys like my writing and are enjoying the story.

As always please remember chapter 1 chores and let's get on with it.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The weekend had gone by in a flash.

Saturday was the date which Megumi would forever cherish and Sunday was just Megumi reading
and recovering his energy.

Of course he spent most of it daydreaming about the kiss.

His lips still tingled whenever he remembered the moment and his heartbeat went wild.

The loud blast of the alarm ring-tone and vibrations woke Megumi at around 6 am Monday

After shutting down the alarm he took a moment to just lay there and enjoy the feeling of warmth
coming from the sunlight that peeked through his window.

His gaze trailed off to the side to look at the ring on his nightstand.

Megumi silently traced the patterns with his eyes and stopped at the jewel in the center.

The crimson was no match for Sukuna's eyes, in fact one could say his were deeper almost like
blood whereas the gem was a simple cherry.

Megumi listened to the birds chirping outside as he reflected upon his life at the moment.

He was close to graduating from the university, he only needed about two more semesters before
he could use his degree for a small job.

His sister, Tsumiki, was still in the hospital receiving all the treatment she could get to hopefully

His deadbeat father was still missing, assumed dead, and his step-mother was long dead.
He was alone. He had no other family beside Tsumiki.

The only other people he had were the staff members at the club.

He considered most of them close friends even if he only saw them in a working environment.

And now...Sukuna.

For a second Megumi tried to imagine Sukuna in a family.

He knew he was Yuuji's older brother, and the fact that he helped Yuuji secure a new life for
himself, but he didn't really know how Sukuna acted around his little brother.

He just knew Sukuna cared about the other enough to risk getting severely punished.

Not to mention their date only served to confirm his caring nature.

Megumi had expected the other to smugly go on about his money and fame.

Instead he was met with Sukuna's silence about his personal life and his further interest in

Megumi could hardly recall a moment when he talked about himself that much.

"How would Sukuna be as a husband?" His conscience suddenly asked him.

The thought had Megumi imagining Sukuna and his future (maybe even side) partner.

He imagined him spoiling the hell out of them.

Sukuna would maybe take them out to dance at the newest clubs or even parties, buy them dinner,
or simply waste his money on whatever caught their interest.

Maybe Sukuna would marry a gorgeous woman, with some large assets, who wanted nothing but
clothes and shoes from the best of the industry.

Maybe she'd wear the most seductive pieces for him in private and give him a show.

Or, if his clan and society permitted it, a handsome built man who would match his ruthlessness
and even wit.

Megumi imagined the two laughing joyfully after creating a bloodbath in an abandoned

For some reason his chest clenched faintly as he imagined Sukuna pulling the same stunt on them
as he did with him that night.

"Why the hell are you jealous, Megumi?"

Megumi shifted from his position and pulled his arm over his eyes as the sun decided to further
assert its dominance in the sky.

Megumi stopped imagining someone else in their place, and instead imagined himself.

He imagined Sukuna and him going out to parties, ever so often, and Sukuna dancing with him
once more.
The smell of cologne would forever be memorized by his nose.

He imagined them going out to the local bookshops on Saturdays, and spending most of their day
looking for books to read on Sunday and share with each other.

He imagined the private smile Sukuna shared with him being shared once more as they held up the
books they've found.

"You're such a fucking nerd Megumi, how do you even know if he likes to read?"

Megumi huffed as he shifted once again and allowed his imagination to wander further.

He knew Sukuna would still be a Yukuza even if the two married.

Megumi expected nothing else from Sukuna, he was the only heir left to the clan and had his
expectations, and he couldn't imagine Sukuna doing anything else with his reputation.

He imagined Sukuna coming home with injuries every once in a while, but he would be there to
tend to each and make sure his husband was okay as he could be.

At worse times maybe Sukuna would come home bloodied, but hardly hurt.

Maybe a deal went wrong, or someone double crossed him, maybe someone spoke about Megumi
wrong (he felt the need to be selfish and add that reason).

His imagination wandered to helping the other out of the bloodied clothes. Maybe even help with
washing the blood off his body in the shower.

Megumi shivered as he thought about how those abs would feel bare under his fingertips as the
water dripped down from them.

"Better yet, can you imagine how his coc-"

"Fuck!" Megumi shot up from his bed, flustered.

He could hear the pounding of his heart in his ears had grown louder and the heat of the fantasy
presenting itself on his ear tips.

He jolted even more as his second alarm went off.

Megumi groaned softly and turned it off before heading to the bathroom to start his usual Monday
routine before it became too late.

He was thankful he usually showered with cold water, at least this time it would actually serve to
cool his body down before waking him up.

Megumi's class schedule was as simple as one would expect.

He was taking a total of 4 classes that semester, as recommended by his advisor.

It gave him less stress to deal with and an open window to work as much as possible to pay for said

Not to mention it provided a window of opportunity for Megumi to process if anything were to
ever happen to Tsumiki or even himself.
His schedule went as such:

He wakes up at 6 in the morning so he can shower and fully wake up before having a proper

He'd leave for the bus around 7:30 am with his bus pass in hand and any notebooks he needed for
the lecture.

He had two classes back to back from 8:10 am till 9:50 and another from 10 am until 12 pm.

Afterwards he had about two hours to eat some lunch and get a head start on his work until 14:30
when his third class started and ended at 15:30.

His last class began at 15:40 and lasted until 16:40. By then Megumi would usually leave campus
and head back home.

That depended on whether he wanted to have a study session with other classmates, or simply
wanted a few minutes to finish his lunch and breath.

They were rare occasions but often Megumi found himself thankful to be distracted a bit before

If no opportunity arose, he'd end up ordering takeout on the bus ride back and work on his
homework until it arrived.

Which he would then eat as much as he could before he would usually shower and head to work.

The new work routine allowed him to actually finish his work early and enjoy his meal when it
arrived. It even allowed him to get distracted with a new TV series.

"This is the reason you get all those weird fantasies." His conscience scolded him as he watched a
scene play out in front of him.

Megumi sighed and looked off to the side at the time displayed on his discarded phone.

It was barely 1800 hrs, the club would barely be busy around this day and time, so it would allow
Megumi to actually relax and avoid much of the hassle of being bothered by the patrons.

Not to mention the ring would serve as another relic to ward off the patrons.

He could desperately use a drink and maybe even distract himself by helping out Nobara or some
of the other dancers.

Satoru often requested he help newbies adjust to the new environment or just help the regulars
practice a new move with less risk of getting hurt.

If nothing was available at least he could get in some practice in his assigned private room and
enjoy the wine.

He's going to need a refresher when Sukuna asks him to dance once again.

Maybe next time he'd show off in a more intimate outfit, something that he had saved for the
"right" occasion.

Megumi stood from the couch and slipped into his bathroom. He could use a quick shower to
freshen up before he headed off for some drinks.
He walked to the club, as usual, except this time his duffel bag was left at home and he wore the
simplest of clothes to avoid attracting attention.

For some reason he felt as if his attempt at appearing "normal" was a failure.

He could feel a cold stare on his back as he made his way through the busy streets.

As usual, Megumi entered the door that Yuuji frequented wanting to see the other to ask him a

Megumi was less than surprised when he found him sitting at the very dimly lit back of the bar, a
glass of water in hand, as he watched one of the girls dancing on stage.

Many patrons preferred to be up close and personal with the dancers. They ended up leaving the
back of the bar secluded and mostly empty.

Back there the lighting was hardly acceptable for the establishment, you would have to get so close
to a person to really see them, or in Yuuji's case, have them wear a glow stick badge around their
neck to stick out like a sore thumb.

The only hope you had, if someone decided to rob you, was the night vision camera the club
installed that was hidden by the bathroom entrances, but that one was usually always turned off or

Megumi continued to watch her and soon recognized her from the familiar lingerie she wore, she
was one of the newer dancers.

She was very shy, gentle, and quiet, but as she danced her routine and used her charms on the men
her usual personality was hidden away somewhere while her bold persona took over, it seemed.

Megumi settled down beside him and ordered a simple rum and coke. His plan was to relax for the
day and not get wasted in the first few minutes.

His voice caused Yuuji to immediately snap his attention to him and almost knock his drink over,
"F-Fushiguro, hey. Didn't see you there."

Yuuji was acting as if he had been caught red handed.

Megumi smiled lightly and shook his head, "Her name is Mirai." He simply responded as he
sipped from his glass.

Yuuji tilted his head before he ended up blushing faintly and rubbed the back of his head, "She
caught my attention the first night I saw her."

His eyes trailed back to Mirai as she swayed further with the music.

Megumi turned his attention to said dancer once more and tilted his head, "Hey, do you and your
brother have a type?"

Megumi suddenly had to ask, taking notice of her slim feminine frame like his, similar black hair
that was currently being held in a bun, pale skin, and had it not been for her fuschia eyes Megumi
would have thought he was staring at his female counterpart.

Yuuji shook his head, "Nah, we don't have a type."

Megumi crinked his brow and sipped his drink.

"Bullshit," Megumi thought as he focused his attention once more on Yuuji.

"I have another question for you," Megumi added, making Yuuji turn his full attention to him.

"Does your brother usually do things like this?" Megumi asked as he signaled the ring of claim on
his finger.

The seconds that passed in silence worried Megumi. He lightly picked at the ring as he waited.

"No, he's usually focused on work and the clan." Yuuji's soft voice spoke up after a while.

Megumi looked up hesitantly at the other, causing him to continue with his reassurance.

"Grandpa used to force him into small dates while we were growing up, but Sukuna really wasn't
interested. You're the first person, outside of the clan and all, I saw him actually show concern
for." Yuuji grinned as he watched Megumi's startled expression get tainted by his blush.

Megumi looked away as he heard his heartbeat loudly in his ears. He chugged the last of his drink
and sat up.

Yuuji chuckled as he saw and went to stand, "Take care of yourself Fushiguro, I'll be around if you
need me."

With a small pat on his back Yuuji made his way into the sea of spectacles, biting his tongue to
avoid turning back and telling Megumi more than he should.

Megumi slowly slouched once more as he lightly began playing with the ring on his finger.

The new information stunned him.

Their first impressions weren't the best, Megumi thought for sure Sukuna was the worst person in
the world.

He was sure Sukuna only thought of him as a doll to use that was more than happy to talk back to
its master, but then Megumi saw humanity in him.

After finding out what happened from Yuuji, he realized Sukuna was mourning like every other
human, and he was trying to distract himself from the pain he was dealing with.

Megumi had broken his mask when he showed his own concern.

Heck, Megumi was sure he shattered a large chunk of it when he caused himself to panic and
Sukuna had to calm him.

Then their date night, Megumi went in a bit too hopeful he had to admit but he wasn't

Sukuna seemed to naturally take off his mask when he was around someone he felt comfortable
with, that night it had actually surprised Megumi more than he let on.

Megumi knew Sukuna was a dangerous man to be with and even be seen around.

He knew the hands that held him while they danced were stained red, the ring he wore was
probably bought with dirty money, and that Sukuna's life involved violence and death.

But Megumi, for some reason, still wants to continue with whatever they have.
It could be a cruel game for Sukuna, just to get off thanks to his doll and avoid any strings

Megumi had no reason to be upset if it were, he had originally accepted his new role for the money

But what if that wasn't the case now?

What if it had started as a game and Sukuna had decided not to play after their first meeting?

He decided pretending wasn't going to be good enough and he wanted to actually see where their
connected fates went.

What if Sukuna was actually falling for him and Megumi was falling for Sukuna?

"Could he really fall in love with me?" Megumi whispered to himself as he lightly traced the
markings on the band.

"You look like you're plagued with many thoughts," a voice snapped Megumi out of his moment
and forced him to look up at the new voice.

The man who spoke settled beside Megumi and offered a smile, although Megumi could hardly see
it, it was as fake as the first impression he was trying to make.

He had sharp eyes that were trained hard onto Megumi's even in the darkness.

If he was able to see them and looked long enough Megumi could have noticed they look like those
of a feral cat.

His hair was as white as the snow with the black tips as a contrast.

If he were upside-down his hair would look as if it were ashes coming down onto the cold snow.

"Yeah, what's it to you?" Megumi finally asked.

The man snickered at his response, "my good sir, you just look like you need something to really
help you relax."

Megumi didn't doubt that, but he did doubt the other could see his expression with the lack of
proper lighting back here.

Megumi looked back down at the table but didn't deny it. How bad could a free drink be?

Of course, Megumi assumed he gave the signal for two drinks, but what he really couldn't see were
the looks the bartender and man shared in silent communication.

Within a few minutes the bartender handed them both their drinks and excused themselves from
the area.

"Now, what can I call you?" The man asked, turning back to the other with his drink in hand.

Megumi failed to see how close he leaned in to look at Megumi, when he shifted in his seat.

"Fushiguro." Megumi murmured as he lightly stirred his drink.

"Fushiguro, I believe I've heard that name before. You wouldn't happen to be Ryomen Sukuna's
new whore , would you?" The sweetness of the voice was laced with poison.

Megumi quickly looked up at the other, and tried to keep a poker face when he responded,
"Ryomen Sukuna can burn in hell for all I care." He murmured as he sipped his drink staring down
the other.

The man's fake smile slowly became a smirk, and he lifted his glass faintly, "Cheers to that." He
chirped before drinking.

The two set their glasses down on the table gently and allowed the silence of the moment to settle
before it was broken again.

"You know, when I heard rumors of the great Ryomen Sukuna coming down here I thought
nothing of it." The man murmured as he traced the lines of the marble counter.

"Every man deserves to get his dick wet when he needs it, and what better way to do it than find a
vulnerable doll who would do anything for the money."

Megumi stole another drink from his glass hoping to swallow the bile that was climbing up his
throat at the words.

"Then to my shock, I'm told the oh so powerful, oh so dangerous, oh so high and mighty Sukuna
was getting his dick wet by none other than a man." The man burst out into laughter gripping his
stomach, "Can you imagine my surprise?"

Megumi simply shook his head and kept his gaze away.

"At first I couldn't believe my ears. Sukuna, the man everyone fears, is nothing more than a filthy
homosexual. No wonder his clan tried so hard to get him married off at a young age." The man
continued sipping his drink smugly

Megumi tensed even more and shifted to drink once again.

"I sent my men to come investigate and tell me about his little boy-toy. They gave me a vague
description, and when I sent them here to find him they never could. Low and behold all I needed
to do was come down here myself and I found him."

Megumi finished the remainder of his drink and went to slowly push himself up and off the chair.

The man's leg immediately slipped between his own and pressed a leg to the counter, "Where are
you going? I thought we were having a wonderful conversation, Fushiguro Megumi."

Megumi offered a faint smile, "I'm sorry sir, but I remembered I promised a friend I'd help them
with the dancers tonight."

The man pouted and shrugged, "Oh well, I'm sure we will be seeing more of each other, soon."

He unpinned Megumi's leg and offered another fake smile, "Be very careful with that ring,
Fushiguro. You never know what can happen to you because of it."

Megumi hurried off in the general direction of the stages, never looking back at the man.

He was shaking, the room seemed to be spinning, and his heart was beating rapidly.

He couldn't count how many shoulders were bumped, how many people he probably pissed off as
he passed, or what turns he took.

All he knew was he found Yuuji, who simply asked him what was wrong before Megumi's sight
turned black.

Chapter End Notes

Thank you so much for reading!

If you guys need me to clarify anything let me know in the comments, and once again
I ask that you guys let me know what you wanna see. I have a start to the next chapter,
but I wanna have more to it.
Seeing Red
Chapter Notes

Hi, before you go throwing things at me it has been an extremely hot, stressful, and
lazy vacation for me. My brain is officially fried and finally getting some good sleep
and relaxation (still).

1.) Holy crap! Chapter 3 was 218 kudos and now we are at *checks quickly* 254! I'm
ever so grateful *bows* for every one of you for sticking around and loving my piece
of literature even if I suck at giving you a routine update.
2.) For today's chapter, I did not want to bother my usual Beta-reader because of guilt,
so if there is any confusion/mistypes/unclarity please let me know in the comments
and where (I will try to fix them)
3.) This chapter was fun, why? Have you ever tried to write a ticked-off Sukuna
without inserting murder right away?

Anyways, let's continue with the chapter and remember what I mentioned in chapter 1

See the end of the chapter for more notes

With quick hands, Yuuji caught Megumi, and carefully shifted him to lean against his shoulder.

He ducked Megumi's head into the curve of his neck as he wrapped his arm around his waist.

He thanked whatever God was out there that most of the people were too entranced with the new
dancer to notice Fushiguro's current state.

Not to mention the small percent that did notice seemed to have brushed it off as Megumi had
become too intoxicated to walk.

He carefully held the other up and guided him through the crowd to one of the nearby private

Whatever questioning gazes he was met with, mostly the other dancers who knew Fushiguro
hardly got wasted on a weekday, Yuuji simply smiled in reassurance and waved them off, "
Drunk." He'd say and continue on.

This wasn't the first time he had to play off a more serious matter.

Sukuna had put him through pretending everything was okay while his older brother was leaning
on him either drunk and vulnerable or with a bullet wound on his side.

He knew better than to panic until all the clues let him know it was worth the energy.

To begin with, Megumi's breath was tainted with that of alcohol, but it remained stable.

The other also didn't appear to have any injuries, so there wasn't an indication of a struggle or

Still, he would have to check the security footage and on top of all let Gojo know of the incident.
Satoru was in charge of the dancers, and if anything happened it was his responsibility to inform
the matrons (if they had bands) and punish the suspects.

Not to mention, he had to ask Megumi above all what had happened seconds after he left the bar.

The closer he got to the room the easier it was to catch the attention of Nobara, who rushed to open
one of the doors and help escort Megumi in.

Megumi was gently placed upon the bed, shoes taken off, and items placed aside before he was
immediately looked over by Nobara this time.

"What happened?" She hissed softly looking back as Yuuji fixed the lighting in the room.

"I don't know, I left him at the bar while I did my rounds and suddenly he was running towards me
and collapsed."

Nobara looked back at Megumi momentarily before she ran her hand through her hair, "Call
Satoru, let him know Fushiguro was most likely roofied." She murmured.


"Yes, roofied. You know, slipped a drug to be knocked out and.." Nobara stopped herself.

Yuuji clenched his fist as he mentally finished the sentence.

The last thing they both wanted to think about were the horrors Fushiguro would have been put
through if he hadn't been so lucky.

Yuuji could also imagine Sukuna's reaction to knowing Fushiguro was put through something like

"What matters is Fushiguro ran to you before the pill seemed to take effect," Nobara explained
before she stood and went to get water and move the garbage can close to the bed.

Yuuji nodded in agreement before he stepped off to the side to notify Satoru.

Luckily, the other answered right away and got straight to the point.

Yuuji explained the situation as Nobara had and allowed the other to process the information and

"Make sure Megumi stays put until he is conscious enough to leave. I'm going to finish up the
schedule with the dancers before I check the security camera and the logs for both the workers
and guests." His usual cheerful tone became serious within seconds.

"Got it. Uh, Satoru-sama. Shouldn't you also inform Sukuna?" Yuuji whispered as he paced.

It was protocol so he had to, right?

"No, the last thing the boss would want is for the club to be swamped by Sukuna's men and cause a
panic. I'll contact him when I have more information on the situation."

Yuuji bit his lip, "Got it. Keep us updated." He murmured before hanging up.

His phone wasn't returned to his pocket.

He peeked back at Fushiguro's curled form before going to pull up his messages and text a familiar
number, "Sorry Gojo, but he has to know." He murmured.

Uraume watched as the usual trio of the older Ryomen men made their way out of the large living
room area.

Uraume usually saw them come around Sukuna's " domain " as he calls it ever so often for
business or a game of poker.

Most days Sukuna is left alone in his house with Uraume to tend to him or keep him company as he
ran a business independent from his family.

With a faint bow to the trio, they excused themselves into the room, closing the heavy wooden
door behind them.

The room had been faintly illuminated by the chandlers that hung from the vast pale room.

Their eyes trailed to the black piano that sat off before noticing the opened bottle that had been
placed on the bar counter along with the several squeezed lemon shells beside it.

Uraume could hear the noise of the fire flickering in the fireplace before the noise of clinking glass
and ice guided them to who they were looking for.

"Sukuna-sama?" They made sure to keep their voice lighter, said as they noticed the man was
currently sprawled out on the large loveseat with a glass of Shochu in his hand as he nursed his

Sukuna sat up running a hand down his face before nodding in the direction of the table.

Uraume sighed as they noticed the sprawled out vanilla files with names written across the top in
cursive, potential wives.


"Again," Sukuna confirmed before drinking from his glass.

The clan was getting even more persistent that Sukuna marries and carries on the legacy fully
knowing the heir had little to no interest in any of the women they offered and even having heirs at
this point in time.

Uraume knew the other acted as straight as a bamboo plant but was actually as straight as the
mysterious trees that grew in the forest of Poland.

Meaning, any female spouse he was presented with to create an heir would simply be a weight for

Not to mention Sukuna was enjoying his current "courtship" with Fushiguro-san.

Uraume shook their head as they went to gather the files to burn, taking notice when Sukuna's
phone buzzed off to the side.

They turned for one second to feed the flames with said files but were immediately forced to turn
back at the sound of shattering glass.

Uraume paused in their hurry seeing the deadly expression on Sukuna as they allowed the glass
remains mixed with the liquid to fall carelessly on the floor and couch.

Something was very wrong.

Sukuna stood and brushed his hand off, ignoring the blood as it dripped down his cut hand, "Ready
a car, I need to go to Montero."

Uraume stood their ground, "After I tend to your wound."


"I don't care, if this is about Fushiguro the last thing he would want is you rushing to him injured
while he's injured." Uraume insisted, glaring their childhood friend down.

Sukuna looked like he desperately wanted to argue back, to state his power over the other, but he
swore to never do so.

Uraume watched as he unclenched his hand and signaled for them.

With swift legs, Uraume brought the first aid kit from the nearby bathroom and went to tend to the

They thanked whatever God up there that Sukuna had only stabbed himself with smaller fragments
of glass and could be wrapped with caution, not to mention nothing that desperately needed stitches
at the moment.

They were sure Sukuna would have stapled the wound himself just to leave as quickly as possible.

"What happened?" Uraume asked as they checked for any lingering shards of glass and disinfected
the cut.

Sukuna clenched his jaw before sighing faintly, "Yuuji texted me, it appears someone drugged
Megumi, but unsuccessfully did anything to him. The manager is looking through footage and logs
for information."

Uraume looked up for a moment as they paused, "Sukuna, you don't believe this could be a clan
attack do you?"

"I have a strong feeling it is, but I don't know whether it's my own trying to get their message
across or an enemy trying to wage a war. All I know is that if Fushiguro had gotten hurt, whoever
committed the crime would be paying a hefty price for the consequences." Sukuna growled faintly
as he met Uraume's gaze.

Uraume nodded in agreement as they finished tending to his hand before going to wrap it and head

It was going to be the bloodiest war Sukuna would ever wage on his own people and the other

They were thankful to be on Sukuna's list of allies rather than the opposing side.

The ride had been quick and silent, Sukuna having been in the back smoking his usual cigarette to
calm himself while poking at the wrap on his hand.
Uraume bit their lip from scolding Sukuna, but they understood the other needed a desperate
distraction before they accidentally shot someone.

Uraume had parked in the back of the building, instead of their usual place, as their little bird
instructed and watched as Sukuna put out his cigarette and went to calm himself down.

They allowed Sukuna to exit with the comment that they would come back when texted to pick
Sukuna up.

Yuuji had been the little bird and had been the one to allow Sukuna to enter through one of the
backdoors of the establishment.

He guided Sukuna away from potential prying eyes and into the room that Megumi was being
nursed in.

Nobara had been sitting on the edge, holding Megumi's hand in her as she rubbed his knuckles
when Sukuna entered followed by Yuuji.

She had to do a double-take before she quickly stood and bowed, "Ryomen-sam-"

"Nobara it's fine, come on let's leave those two." Yuuji cut her off as he went to guide her, closing
the door behind the two.

Nobara immediately smacked his arm, "Satoru said not to call him."

Yuuji winced faintly as he began walking back to his place, "I had to, Sukuna has me watching out
for his intended when he's not here."

That was the smaller explanation, with fewer expletives, romantic gestures, and gory details than
Sukuna gave him, he offered before leaving Nobara to process it.

Nobara stood there blinking before it suddenly hit her, "Intended!?"

Unfortunately, Itadori had already disappeared in the sea of people before she could demand an

Upon seeing Fushiguro resting peacefully on the bed still, he released the breath he had been

Yuuji had told him he hadn't been injured with the attempt, but Sukuna wasn't going to relax until
he for sure saw Megumi.

By the time the two left, Sukuna had replaced Nobara's place on the bed.

He exhaled as he Fushiguro's hand with his injured one, ignoring the sting of the pressure when he
moved his fingers to fully enclose his hand.

His gaze landed on the familiar ring as he rubbed his knuckles.

The timer had officially been set off and Sukuna only had so long to figure out who the hell did this
and when they would strike again.

He had to figure out a way of protecting Megumi without completely turning his life upside down,
least of all endangering him.
Sukuna could feel the headache returning slowly as he tried planning, hoping he had something
figured out before Fushiguro woke up.

He had been so distracted he failed to feel when Megumi shifted, it had been his faint groan that
snapped him to attention.

Fushiguro had fortunately woken up to only a dull ache at the back of his head and the faint dizzy

It felt as if he was still in a foggy dream.

Whoever was holding his hand had quickly caught him before he could tilt off the bed in his

He slowly blinked his eyes open gazing tiredly at the person holding him, "Kuna?" He whispered.

Before Sukuna could respond, Megumi leaned forward and pecked his lips in a chaste kiss.

Sukuna blinked in shock and only received Megumi's dazed gaze as an explanation for his actions.


"Shhh, no talking, just cuddles," Megumi whispered again and carelessly tossed himself into
Sukuna's lap before wrapping his arms around the other's neck.

Sukuna's state of shock had calmed to a state of surprise, but he made sure to cradle the other so he
wouldn't fall back.

The two stayed like that in silence for a while.

Who was Sukuna to deny Megumi a simple cuddle session when he himself wanted to do the same
with Megumi.

He took the chance to lay his head on top of his and inhaled the light scent of shampoo the other
had used.

His attention was once again caught when he felt Megumi shift his arms to settle them on his

Sukuna hadn't thought anything of it until he felt a pattern of touches, small gropes to be specific.

Sukuna had back his laughter as he allowed the other to continue until he seemingly realized he
wasn't dreaming, the faint squeak confirming Sukuna's theory.

He slowly shifted to look down and meet Megumi's now widened eyes, "Never took you for the
touchy kind, Megumi."

The tease had caused Megumi's cheeks to turn a bright red before everything seemed to come
crashing down on Megumi.

The other immediately teased but didn't move, Sukuna lightly ran his hand down his back to calm
him as much as possible.

"Tell me all you can remember, don't rush yourself to answer," Sukuna whispered as he shifted to
nuzzle Fushiguro's temple.
Fushiguro slowly shifted once more and pressed his ear to Sukuna's chest before he spoke up, his
voice was as shaky as he tried to breathe to the rhythm of Sukuna's heart, "A man, he came up to
me at the bar. I couldn't see him. He bought me a drink and started talking to me."

Megumi gripped his shirt as he felt Sukuna tense under him, "I was only trying to get a free drink."

He didn't know why he had the need to explain himself, but feeling Sukuna faintly relax once more
helped him do the same.

"We talked and he mentioned-" Megumi quickly shot up clenching Sukuna's shirt.

"What did he mention?"

"You, he-he knew about you coming here. About me-about us!" Megumi's breathing became more
erratic as he remembered.

Sukuna pressed his forehead to Megumi's gently, "Look at me and breathe with me."

Megumi took a minute before his eyes focused on the familiar pools of crimson and matched the
steady inhales and exhales the other provided him.

After a couple of minutes, Megumi was calmed, he placed his head on Sukuna's chest and closed
his eyes, "What now, Sukuna?"

Sukuna rocked him as he kissed the top of his head, "If I'm being honest, I don't know, but what I
do know is that I'm not allowing anyone to lay a finger on you again."

That was his vow, and he would kill himself if he broke it.

Sukuna looked down when his phone went off, Yuuji had texted to warn him that the club was
closing soon.

Sukuna sent a quick response to Uraume before he looked down again at Megumi, "Sweetheart?"

Megumi tilted his head to the side to look up at him.

"Come home with me, at least there I can personally protect you, keep you safe."

Megumi slowly sat up from his position and stared at the other silently.

For some reason he felt a warm feeling in his chest, one could say he was happy to know Sukuna
wasn't going to just abandon him when things were getting rough.

He was still doing this for money, right?

Sure Sukuna was keeping him comfortable, money-wise, even when he hardly called him to work,
but after the first two nights, Sukuna showed him a different person.

Someone Megumi legitimately wanted to know more about and wanted to get close to.

For now, Megumi pushed those thoughts aside, "But my college-"

"Your schedule won't change, I'll have Uraume pick you up and drive you there if needed. You'd be
living with me until I have this figured out," Until I know for sure you're safe.

Megumi hesitated, "I'll go with you under one condition."

"Name it."

"You assure me Tsumaki will be safe, if they didn't hesitate to come after me this soon they won't
hesitate to go after her," Megumi could care less about himself, he had accepted the risks of
working here ahead of time, but his sister was vulnerable.

"Done," Sukuna agreed with ease.

He had already had an undercover group of security to the hospital, it wouldn't be harder to add
more members to make sure she was fully secured.

Megumi nodded and went to slowly stand, instead he was met with Sukuna tightening his grip
around him and pulling him up as he stood.

Megumi blushed hard, gripping his shirt as he glared up at him, "I can walk, I don't feel drowsy

Sukuna kissed his forehead, "Not taking a chance, let me spoil you tonight." He teased lightly as he
gathered Megumi's belongings and went to walk out through the path Yuuji showed him.

Uraume had already been patiently waiting for the two in their previous spot.

"I'll arrange to get Fushiguro-san's clothes and personal items tomorrow morning. Is that suitable?"

Sukuna, who had settled in and kept Megumi in his lap, nodded before looking down at Megumi
for his response.

Megumi was still flustered as he shakily nodded in agreement before laying his head back against
Sukuna's chest.

Within the first few minutes of the ride, Megumi fell back asleep in his place.

He hadn't been awake to witness the soft gaze Sukuna gave him as he held him or the hesitance
Sukuna had in waking him as they arrived at the gates of the large estate.

Chapter End Notes

Okay! So Sukuna is pissed off, Megumi is now going to "live" with Sukuna for the
time being, Gojo is "investigating", and Tsumaki is mentioned again. Whew, what a

Ya'll your suggestions are always welcome, and I'm being honest I have no idea where
this story is going, so your suggestions on what you want guide the story.
--> if you want smut lemme know, I may not know how to write something but I'll try
--> I know you want drunk Megumi, and this chapter was a small taste of drowsy
Megumi, maybe next will have him drunk
--> You want specific fluff? I give you specific fluff. Any fluff just ask
--> You want angst? I can literally think of something in seconds, agonize over it, and
design the chapter.

Just suggest anything. Also! Your comments reassure me that you're enjoying this.
Not to mention, I love reading them. It makes me happy to know I've made you happy.
Also! If I ever got a Tumblr (thinking of making one) would you guys be interested in
maybe small ficlets/ideas from me or even just to drop by with comments?
--> I have a CuriousCat where you can send me

Heads Up: I have a big "party" coming on the 9th of this month and will be out of the
country on the 5th (Don't worry it is covid-approved/designed with all of us vaccinated
and making sure we are healthy).

So when I'm gone I will continue to try and update!

Thank you!

End Notes

If you made it this far, thank you so much! As usual please leave a comment, kudo,
bookmark, both, all, or one. Whatever you think I deserve.

This work is going to remain as a one-shot until I decide what to do with it. If someone
wants to co-author lemme know, if someone has ideas lemme know, anything about the
story just lemme know.

--> Another story coming inspired from the song, "Stacy's mom" with Sukufushi, so keep
and eye out for that one.

Please drop by the archive and comment to let the author know if you enjoyed their work!

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