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Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

NATM unneling In Soft R
Tunneling ock In San Diego: Integrating
Design And Construction
Dave Ragland, P.E. John Hawley, PE Esther Casson
Metropolitan Transit Hatch Mott MacDonald Mott MacDonald
Development Board Pleasanton, CA Croydon, UK
San Diego, CA

ABSTRACT funding, with the remaining 20% from state sales tax
The New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) was The underground section below the San Diego State
formulated almost 40 years ago but is still a matter of University (SDSU) campus shown in Figure 1 will be the
controversy and misunderstanding, with disagreements even first underground section of the San Diego system, with a
amongst its practitioners as to its definition. NATM is often construction contract valued at $85 million. Hatch Mott
presented to owners as a solution to subsurface construction MacDonald (HMM) was responsible for the design and
problems, but without a full explanation of its limitations, or preparation of contract documents for the tunnel elements
the appropriate contractual and construction management of the alignment as specialist tunneling consultant to URS/
provisions that are necessary for its success. BRW the prime consultant and, as this paper describes,
The 11 km (7-mile) extension of the Mission Valley East provided engineering support during construction.
Light Rail Line includes a tunnel connection through the The original concept for the SDSU segment was for
heart of San Diego State University. The west approach twin 1,150-meter (3,800-foot) tunnels excavated using a tunnel
consists of a twin-track New Austrian Tunneling Method boring machine and lined with precast concrete segments
(NATM) tunnel connecting a cut-and-cover box section to installed behind the cutter head. Changes to the alignment
the underground station. Construction started in July 2001. to reduce the impact on University buildings substantially
The NATM tunneling excavation and primary liner reduced the length of the tunnel section to 330 m (1,080 ft).
installation commenced at the beginning of May 2002 and The remainder of the loop through the campus, including
was completed in December 2002. the SDSU station itself, was constructed in cut-and-cover.
The paper explains NATM and its implications from the The ground conditions and the reduced mined tunnel
practical perspective of an owner building a rail transit line length, much of which lies above the water table, supported
in a difficult setting, in this case a congested and very busy the use of the sequential excavation methods and support
university campus. It presents the original design, the techniques commonly known as the New Austrian Tunneling
contractor’s proposed revisions to the excavation sequence, Method (NATM). This approach allowed a switch from twin
re-design analysis, the role of the designer’s representative single-track bores to a single bore twin-track configuration,
on site, and the results of construction monitoring. The allowing a station configuration that better suited the existing
monitoring results are compared with the values obtained vehicles and saving cost. However, the tunneling method
from the design analysis, taking account of the encountered selected had implications for construction management and
ground conditions, and drawing parallels and conclusions the role of designer during construction to ensure no risk to
that will benefit future projects. successful completion.


The San Diego Metropolitan Transit Development
Board’s (MTDB’s) Mission Valley East project is an 11-km The New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) was first
(7-mile), four station extension to the existing Blue Line, propounded by the Austrian Professors Rabcewicz and
connecting to the Orange Line at Grossmont Station. The Müller in the 1950’s, and was published in articles in English
estimated construction value is around $360 million including in the 1960’s and 70’s (1, 2). Its most obvious feature is that
right-of-way purchase and revenue vehicles, of which the initial ground support is applied early to control deformations
Federal Transit Administration is providing 80% of the and prevent loosening around the advancing tunnel heading

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

Figure1. Alignment under San Diego State University.

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

and, where necessary, the exposed face. This seeks to • Because of the need to control ground relaxation
preserve as much of the inherent strength of the ground as and the potential need to vary the support,
possible. Combined with a stress-efficient tunnel geometry, shotcrete is almost always used as part of the initial
this leads to a less massive and rigid support system, usually support, either plain, mesh-reinforced or fiber-
using shotcrete in conjunction with rockbolts, mesh or fiber reinforced. Lattice girders are often used to provide
reinforcement, and/or lattice girders. Although shotcrete is some early support (for safety rather than structural
not the only means of complying with NATM principles, the reasons), sometimes in conjunction with wire mesh,
development of shotcrete technology, in particular and enforce an accurate tunnel profile. Where
mechanized equipment for rapid application, has strongly applicable, rockbolts or dowels are used to improve
promoted and expanded use of the NATM in tunnels. ground behavior and promote composite action.
Many tunnelers dislike the term NATM, saying it is • NATM is often applied to larger tunnels where
neither new, Austrian, or a “method”. What is clear is that considerations of practicality and face stability force
tunnel design is not a deterministic process and therefore a staged excavation. Each stage of the excavation
reference ground conditions are used to assess support sequence has to be designed, and to control ground
requirements, and observations are necessary to ensure relaxation it is often important to “close the ring”
compatibility of the support system and ground behavior. on a stable tunnel shape within a certain time or
For this reason, the NATM is fundamentally an prescribed distance from the face. For shallow
“Observational Method” referred to elsewhere as the tunnels in high risk urban areas, the control of
“Sequential Excavation Method” (SEM) (by SoundTransit surface settlements is paramount and the selected
in Seattle) and the “Sprayed Concrete Lining” (SCL) method multiple heading arrangement can strongly
(by the Health and Safety Executive in the U.K.). Concerns influence performance.
have been expressed (3) about some of the sweeping claims
made about the superiority of NATM over all other tunneling
• In order to deal with a range of anticipated ground
methods. Such arguments detract from experience which has conditions and behaviors, the design usually
shown that NATM principles applied properly during includes a number of different excavation and
construction offer real benefits in terms of cost, schedule support sequences together with guidance as to
and safety. their application. In addition, supplemental support
The essence of the NATM is that it takes account of the measures are designed, to be available in case of
ground properties and ground/structure interaction in the need.
design and construction of the tunnel. Allowing for Tunnel Design
composite action better reflects actual behavior during
excavation compared to the more traditional method of The NATM tunnel begins at Scripps Terrace, where it
calculating loads and then applying the loads to structural connects with the cut and cover section. From Scripps
design of liner. As depicted by the plot of ground load against Terrace, the 330 m (1,080 ft) long tunnel sweeps a curve
radial deformation at the tunnel extrados shown in Figure 2, beneath the southwestern corner of the University Campus
loosely based on the Fenner-Pacher curve (4), some relaxation and finishes at its connection into a piled wall of the new
is inevitable and controlled relaxation is desirable. As the underground station. The tunnel is driven uphill at a constant
support deforms, the stresses in the ground redistribute so grade of 4.2%, but due to the steep slopes on the campus,
the ground is partially self-supporting and loads on the ground cover varies considerably. Although the tunnel
support are reduced (point A). Inevitably, too much alignment was modified when the construction method was
deformation allows loosening and weakening of the ground changed to reduce the risk of tunneling to the University,
and increasing loads on the support system leading to the the zone of influence of the tunnel still encompasses a number
possibility of collapse. of surface structures.
The NATM approach to tunneling has a number of The dynamic envelope requirements for the trolley, the
consequences: mechanical and electrical space requirements and the
• Evaluating the ground properties is an essential emergency walkway envelopes were used to develop the
part of the design. Ground mass properties cannot 11.24 m (36 ft-10 in.) wide and 8.84 m (29 ft-0 in.) high
be derived accurately from relatively small samples excavated profile of the tunnel, as shown in Figure 3.
and can vary, so monitoring during construction is
needed to verify, and if necessary adjust, the design.

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

Figure 2. Plot of Ground Load against Lining Yield (based on Fenner–Pacher Curve).

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Figure 3. Tunnel Cross Section.

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The tunnel is constructed entirely within Stadium The three excavation support types are shown in Figure
Conglomerate, a massive gravel and cobble conglomerate 5. The lining comprised a 50 mm (2 in.) initial shotcrete sealing
with variable levels of weak cementation. These ground layer, 2 layers of wire mesh, a lattice girder for profile control,
conditions, and a water table that is largely below the tunnel and two layers of shotcrete to complete the 300 mm (12 in.)
crown as shown in Figure 4, favor the use of the NATM. thick primary lining. The face was supported with 50mm (2
Although extensive information was available on the in.) of shotcrete. The design permitted, using the results of
geological setting of San Diego State University Campus, the monitoring, adjustments to the sequences to be made
there was limited experience of tunneling on the Stadium based on actual behavior.
Conglomerate formation and it was therefore essential to • Excavation Sequence 1 (split top heading and invert)
consider the worst credible ground conditions in the design. was the ‘standard’ sequence for the tunnel and
Recent academic research has shown that it is important to could be modified to a full top heading excavation,
consider the stiffness of the ground at very small strains subject to agreement of the Engineer, should ground
when predicting ground movements and ground loads on conditions encountered during construction be
tunnels. A comparison of the geophysical survey results better than those used for design.
and plate bearing tests confirmed that the stiffness of the • Excavation Sequence 2 (side gallery and
Stadium Conglomerate was significantly higher at small enlargement) was for use where the water table is
strains than at large strains. A hyperbolic stress-strain above the crown of the tunnel which could locally
constitutive model for the ground was calibrated against the promote fast raveling or flowing behavior of the
plate bearing tests and then used in the numerical analyses poorly graded sand-dominated matrix layers.
for the design. Piezometers suggested the presence of
perched and/or transient groundwater over more than 50%
• Excavation Sequence 3 (twin side gallery and central
of the tunnel length. pillar) was for ground cover of less than 6 m
Numerical methods of analysis (FLAC Version 3.4) were (20 ft) and where the tunnel passes beneath key
used to model different excavation sequences and predict utilities.
the performance of the tunnel lining in terms of the stresses Care was taken in the geometrical layout of the
and deformations. For each excavation sequence, the surface excavation sequences to minimize difficulties with transition
settlement trough, peak settlement and associated volume between the sequences. It was recognized that local ground
loss were assessed. Three sections along the route were conditions, such as poorly graded sand layers or lenses
chosen for analysis to represent the full range of ground could influence the stability of the face, and a range of
conditions that could be encountered during construction: additional support measures such as temporary face support,
sloping ground near the portal; typical ground cover; and spiling and canopy tubes, probe drilling and infill shotcrete
minimum ground cover with sensitive utilities near the station. were all specified in the design.
Various options for excavation and support sequences were Although the volume loss was calculated to be less
investigated. than 0.1% in the FLAC Analysis, reflecting the stiffness and
Three excavation and support types were chosen, strength of the Stadium Conglomerate formation, a higher
designed in detail and specified for sections of the alignment volume loss of 0.5% was adopted for assessing the effects
based on: of settlement on structures to take account of variations in
construction practice and ground behavior. Structures in
• Variations in the ground cover above the tunnel the zone of influence included the Women’s Gym, the
crown Bleachers at Cox Arena and the Tennis Courts. Close to the
• Level of the groundwater station, where tunnel cover reduced below 8 m (25 ft), the
• Expected stand-up time and other ground tunnel passed beneath a number of utilities including
parameters electricity, fiber-optic and telephone cables; steam pipes and
• Location of surface structures and utilities chilled water pipes.
• Estimated volume losses and predicted settlements The design recommended that sensitive utilities be
relocated or protected and this was carried out as part of an
• Space requirements for typical equipment used in advanced utilities contract. Even with the conservative
NATM construction assumption of 0.5% volume loss, the analysis concluded
• Interface connection details at both ends of the that risk of damage to the structures was negligible or slight.

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Figure 4. Geological Profile.

Figure 5. Excavation Sequences - Original Design.

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Therefore, no other positive damage mitigation measures be implemented to determine whether further measures were
were proposed. Condition surveys were carried out before required. Limit levels represented the serviceability limit state
construction commenced and a monitoring system was of the primary lining, and if exceeded the decision on
developed to ensure early detection of any unexpected implementation of contingency measures would be made in
movement. conjunction with a review of rates of convergence, for which
The arrangement of monitoring instrumentation was expected values were also provided.
designed to monitor surface settlements, subsurface ground The contract required the contractor to prepare and
movements and convergence of primary lining. Settlement submit an action plan such that implementation of
pins were spaced at 25 m (80 ft) above the center of the contingency or remedial measures could be carried out
tunnel, with a reduced spacing of 5 m (16 ft) in the low cover expeditiously during construction should response levels
section. Five monitoring arrays were specified perpendicular be reached or exceeded. The action plan included the
to the tunnel axis, comprising settlement pins and combined organization of staff responsible for making key decisions
borehole extensometers and inclinometers. These were during tunneling; the basis for the implementation of
concentrated at locations identified as being critical in terms additional support measures, emergency procedures and
of risk – notably at the Scripps Terrace portal and at the possible contingency measures; and the means of recording
approach to the station box where there was reduced ground and implementing decisions made regarding the excavation
cover. Convergence monitoring in the tunnel was carried and support sequence.
out with arrays of pins at intervals of 5, 10 or 25 m (16, 33 or There was also a detailed contingency plan with the
80 ft), as appropriate. The frequency of measurement varied names of personnel responsible for implementing emergency
according to the proximity of the tunnel face, with an measures, the emergency procedures to be undertaken in
increased frequency when the tunnel was closest. the event of ground loss or instability of heading, and
measures to be taken to protect SDSU structures in the event
DESIGNER’S ROLE DURING that surface settlements might impact SDSU campus facilities
CONSTRUCTION and buildings.
Site meetings were specified to be held daily between
Understanding the risks related to the ground the Contractor, Engineer and the Engineer’s Design
conditions, and how they influence the approach to design Representative to review face logging and interpretation of
and the method of construction, are fundamental issues for the geological and hydrogeological conditions; monitoring
the tunnel designer. These are translated into designs which instrumentation data and trends including surface settlement,
are usually quite specific in terms of the construction ground deformations and in-tunnel lining deformations;
sequencing and level of support. The NATM, as an possible modifications to the support type or excavation
observational method, requires design decisions to be made sequence and requirement for additional support measures;
during construction in order to optimize the original design and anticipated work, associated procedures and support
to suit the prevailing ground conditions. This is not a methods to be employed by the Contractor over the next 24
“design-as-you-go” approach since the original design is hours. These meetings were to be continued at least until
analyzed and detailed in full before the start of construction. the installation of the primary lining was complete.
Without continuous representation on site, it is not possible A memorandum of understanding was jointly developed
for the designer to make design decisions in a timely fashion, by the Owner (MTDB), Construction Manager (Washington
or in some cases at all. The designer cannot take responsibility Group), Design Lead Consultant (URS/BRW) and Tunnel
for the design as it is adjusted or interpreted by the decisions Designer (HMM) establishing roles and responsibilities
of others. The importance of the designers’ role in the during the construction of the NATM tunnel, and included
construction of tunnels of this type is underscored by the the following ten points:
well-publicized failures at Dulles Airport and at London’s 1. Tunnel designer reviewed and approved the action
Heathrow Airport (5) where the lack of involvement by the plan required under the contract to be prepared by
designers in construction were seen as major contributing the contractor.
factors. 2. Contractor provided monitoring equipment and
The specifications included trigger levels and limit levels submitted required readings from the monitoring
for lining convergence for each support type. Trigger levels equipment to the construction manager. These
were the expected deformations, and if they were exceeded a readings were provided in an electronic format in
review of ground conditions and lining performance was to accordance with the contract requirements.

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

3. Construction manager reviewed contractor The first group of design changes were due to additional
readings for conformance with action plan and working restrictions at the portal that were agreed with the
contract requirements. The level of independent University after notice to proceed, and are not discussed in
readings by the construction manager was adjusted this paper. The second group of design changes were
based on the quality of contractor readings but requested by the contractor to facilitate and improve
was not to be less than once per week or as agreed excavation progress, and mitigate delays arising from the
with the tunnel designer to verify values and trends. portal changes. The third group were design decisions made
4. Construction manager provided inspectors to during construction to optimize the original design according
observe the work and to report visually detectable to the prevailing ground conditions.
tunnel deformations. In the second category of design changes, the principal
5. Construction manager transmitted monitoring change came from a suggestion by the contractor that the
readings in an electronic format and inspectors’ top heading should be constructed first, all the way from the
daily reports to the tunnel designer. portal to the station, with the bench and invert constructed
6. Tunnel designer reviewed and interpreted data. later. The contractor believed that this option would offer
7. Tunnel designer reviewed and approved changes faster rates of progress and other logistical advantages. The
to different excavation sequences or selection of redesign for this option was completed by HMM before the
additional support measures within the criteria start of works, and the revised excavation sequences are
established in the contractor’s action plan. If ground shown in Figure 6.
conditions or monitoring results indicated that a In terms of the third category – design changes during
change to the plan or further measures not included construction – these were related either to the choice of
in the contract were necessary, the tunnel designer excavation sequence (from the three sequences specified in
would review and approve the contractors the design) or minor modification to support and excavation.
proposals or provide required actions to the As expected, the actual lengths of each excavation sequence
construction manager. differed from the design as detailed in Table 1. In general the
8. Construction manager issued direction to the ground encountered was both more stable and drier than
contractor per the tunnel designer’s instructions. the site investigation had indicated. This permitted the
(If instructions resulted in a change to the contract majority of the tunnel to be constructed in a sequence with
price, construction manager would inform MTDB a full face top heading excavation (the modified Excavation
prior to giving direction to the contractor). Sequence 1). Also Excavation Sequence 2 was adopted
9. Construction manager and tunnel designer jointly instead of Excavation Sequence 3 for the low cover section,
kept MTDB informed of any action to be taken that taking account of the drier and more stable ground, and the
resulted in a deviation from the contractor’s fact that the sensitive utilities had been relocated or
approved action plan. protected.
10. The tunnel designer’s representative was based in Minor modifications were made to the sequence in which
the construction manager’s field office and the support was applied to suit the contractor’s preferred
provided a weekly report to the construction way of working. However, the completed support was as
manager, MTDB and any other parties as required. designed.
Maximizing the benefit of this role for the project The Daily Review Meetings were held as specified every
depended on how the tunnel designer’s representative day, after an inspection of the tunnel. Problems were
integrated with the construction management team. The aim discussed and solutions developed in a collaborative
was to work as a “single team” in order to deal with atmosphere. At the end of the brief meeting the “Excavation
construction needs in a responsive and expeditious manner & Support Sheet” as shown in Figure 7 for the next section
and allow the experience and judgment of the tunnel designer of work was agreed by all parties and issued. Minutes of the
to be available on a daily basis. The daily review process meetings were taken, and signed by all present.
facilitated this in a positive way. The Excavation & Support Sheet acted as an excellent
control and communication tool, defining the manner of
CONSTRUCTION AND MONITORING excavation and the support measures in clear and simple
terms, and was distributed to the contractor’s key staff (such
After bid and award of the contract, a number of design as shift engineer and walking boss) and the construction
changes were made, which fell into three main categories.

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

Figure 6. Excavation Sequences – Revised Design.

Table 1. Percentage of tunnel constructed in each Excavation Sequence.

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Figure 7. Excavation & Support Sheet.

Track 4 - Technical Forums I Structures

supervision team. Changes could be communicated quickly ENDNOTES

and unambiguously by this means. Where necessary,
extracts from drawings or photographs were appended to 1.Rabcewicz L.v.: “The new Austrian tunneling method”
the Excavation & Support Sheet. Water Power, part 1 November 1964 pp. 511-515, Part 2
Major changes – such as the use of Excavation (January 1965) pp. 19-24
Sequence 2 in place of Sequence 3 - were discussed in more 2.Rabcewicz L.v. and Golser J.: “Principles dimensioning the
formal meetings at which senior staff from all parties was support system for the new Austrian tunneling method”
present. Water Power (March 1973) pp. 88-93
In terms of the performance of the tunnel lining, the 3.Muir Wood A.: “New Tunneling Methods” Letter to Water
monitoring results for lining convergence were all within the Power (June 1973)
specified trigger limits. No problems were encountered with 4.Pacher F.: “The development of the New Austrian Tunneling
surface settlement, with the actual average volume loss being Method and the main features in design work and
0.1% in line with the calculations. construction” 16th Symposium on Rock Mechanics
(Minneapolis, 1975) pp. 223-232
CONCLUSIONS 5.HSE “Safety of New Austrian Tunnelling Method (NATM)
Tunnels”, Health & Safety Executive (HMSO, Norwich,
NATM, whether or not referred to as such, has become 1996)
the standard approach for constructing larger tunnels in
weak ground in cases where the use of a tunnel shield or
tunnel boring machine is inappropriate or uneconomic. For
the Mission Valley East tunnel under San Diego State
University it allowed the twin tracks to be accommodated in
a single, non-circular (and hence more efficient) cross
section, and provided excellent control of ground movements
to protect the university buildings adjacent to the alignment.
The low mobilization costs, compared with using a tunneling
shield, suited the short length of the tunnel.
Having the designer represented on site during tunnel
excavation and initial support facilitated the speedy resolution
of design issues arising from construction constraints at the
portal, review and response to submittals, and adjustments
to construction sequences to better suit the contractor’s
chosen working methods. This was particularly important in
order to mitigate potential delays arising from working
constraints imposed by the university beyond those
envisaged and included in the contract. The designer’s
presence during construction was a factor in overcoming
these delays. The approach to managing NATM
construction and the allocation of responsibilities developed
for this Mission Valley East tunnel under San Diego State
University can serve as a model for future projects.


Special thanks are due to Siegfried Fassmann, P.E.,

project manager for the prime consultant URS/BRW, for
facilitating the design, supporting HMM’s role during
construction, and contributing to this paper.


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