Bulat-Ag, Lauren Mae S. Cbmec 2 Week 10-12

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This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or your

scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit Requirement.

WEEK NO. 10-12

CBMEC 2: Total Quality Management/ MRS. JOVYNA A.

Name: Lauren Mae S. Bulat-ag
Year: 3rd Year
Course: BSBA MM
Date Submitted: 11-26-22

ACTIVITY: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the Activity or
Activities have different parts.

Week 10

Activities (Formative)

Title: Amazing Notes

Things to do:

1.  Discuss at least three (3) TQM Planning Tools and Techniques.

Just in Time (JIT)- the Toyota Motor Corporation developed and employs the manufacturing
concept, which emphasizes producing only what is required, when it is required, and in the quantity
required. To put it another way, this idea means to avoid material wastage and excessive production
in order to cut down on inventory costs. Besides, JIT idea let the company producers to diminish
above costs yet guaranteeing that parts or materials are accessible to make.

Zero Quality Control (ZQC)- It manages the ZQC frameworks center around controlling cycles so
that the interaction wouldn't deliver abandons regardless of whether human mistake was brought into
the interaction. In the previous discussion, this strategy was described using the Poka Yoke System,
which demonstrates how defects caused by human error result in customer dissatisfaction. Thus, this
framework asks the organization to perceive that all machines and individuals will commit errors, with
this comprehension, it can assist the business with executing mistake sealing gadgets in the
sequential construction system to nullify the probability of imperfect tasks.

Total Productive Maintenance (TPM)- is a method for preserving and improving the integrity of a
company's production and quality systems by utilizing employees, processes, machines, and
equipment that add business value. This approach utilizes the abilities of all representatives and
looks to integrate support into the ordinary presentation of an office.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
2.  Which of the three planning tools and techniques you choose is the best for a
manufacturing of cars? Why?

Due to the fact that Dr. Shingo Shigeo and Taichi Ohno of Toyota Motor Corporation, which is now
a renowned automotive manufacturer worldwide, originated and developed the Just in Time (JIT)
manufacturing concept, it is the best of the three planning tools and techniques for manufacturing
automobiles. This is evidenced by the efficacy and credibility of this manufacturing concept, which
focuses on avoiding waste caused by overproduction, material delays, and excess inventory. With
the appropriate quantity of inventory in accordance with requirements, the company prevents
production waste and an increase in failure costs. Manufacturers can save money on overhead costs
by using the just-in-time inventory model, which also ensures that products can always be made with
the right parts. Each client can be better off thus and the expense of carrying on with work is
diminished at the same time. Businesses run the risk of overspending on production, which can
damage revenues if inventories are not properly converted into cash. Due to this there are a great
deal of things to ponder in the business other than making items and offering types of assistance to
clients. There are numerous branches, and each decision has a cause and effect. Because there
were a lot of things to think about, the JIT concept focuses on making the right number of car parts
and producing a high-quality finished product to cut costs and increase capital turnover.

Week 11

Activities (Formative)

Title:  Class Review

Things to do:

I -  Write the letter of the most appropriate answer.

1. The leadership for implementing TQM has remain with : Answer: C

a). Consultant             b). All employees

c). CEO                    d). None of the above

2. PDSA cycle includes : Answer: A

a). Act                    b). Check

c). Cost                   d). All of the above

3. TQM methodologies include: Answer: A

a). JIT                    b). DOE

c). QFD                    d). All of the above

4. The long-term objective of the organization is contained in : Answer: A

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
a). Vision                 b). CEO

c). Quality Policy         d). None of the above

5. The statement is the vision of the CEO about where the organization should be in the long run.

Answer: B

a). Mission                b). Vision

c). Quality Policy         d). None of the above

II -   Essay
1.  Assuming you have your own business, what would be your vision, mission and goals?

If I would own a clothing business, my VMG would be like these:


To strive to be a responsible corporate citizen in the society as well as a caring and well-managed
organization for my business partners, customers, and employees.


 To lead, innovate, improve, and offer global customers the best products and services at the
best prices.
 To make a difference through the branding and remain ahead of fashion trends, shifts in the
market, and the most recent technology.
 To improve the standard of living for the customers, partners, and employees.


 To achieve brand recognition

 To give the best value of products and services to every customers

2. Explain the planning phase of TQM.

The prerequisite for TQM's planning phase is an organization's goal of achieving TQM for long-
term success.The planning phase of TQM prepares and suggests the actions to be taken for TQM's
implementation after the pros and cons analysis.It is the most important phase of TQM because
employees must identify issues and questions that need to be addressed.Employees are expected to
conduct necessary research and gather pertinent data in order to assist them in locating solutions to
all of the issues.After that, significant actions are taken in the planning phase by management to set
goals, devise a strategy to make the goal easier to achieve, and establish a measurement system.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
Week 12

 Activities (Formative)

Title:  Essay Writing

Things to do:                              

1. Visit the website: www.stfrancis.edu/ba/ghkickul/stuwebs/btopics/works/tqmxerox.htm

2. Read the case study entitled “TQM in the Xerox Corporation”.

3. Answer the following given questions.

a. What are the important/relevant topics that you have learned in the case study?

 The significance of quality in the production of every product.

 The threat posed by rivals ought to be taken seriously in order to establish a competitive

 The implementation of TQM following significant losses and poor market performance at Xerox

b. Can you give an overview or a summary of the case study?

In the United States, the Xerox corporation began operations in 1906.It has produced its first plain
paper copier after 50 years. By the turn of the 21st century, their profit had increased by 20%
annually as a result. The stock prices of a publicly traded company soar. However, shortly thereafter,
the growth of its business plummeted. The company's stock price dropped from $70 to $5, resulting
in a 30 billion USD loss in market value (Xerox, 2004). Execution of TQM at Xerox started as a
response to the negative market execution.In the 1980s, the company lost about 65% of its market
share and was on the verge of becoming obsolete.In order to regain market dominance, it needed to
alter its strategies.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity. Titus 2:7
WEEK NO. 10- This worksheet consists of two pages that you can use for your answers or
your scribbles. Indicate the Titles of the Activity, Assessment, or Unit
12 Requirement.

CBMEC 2:Total Quality Management/ MRS. JOVYNA A.

Name: Lauren Mae S. Bulat-ag
Year: 3rd Year
Course: BSBA MM
Date Submitted: 11-26-22

ASSESSMENT: Write your answers on this space. Divide and identify correctly if the
Assessment or Assessments have different parts.

Week 10

Assessment (Summative)

Title: Essay Writing

Things to do:

1. Please answer the following given questions.

a. It was mentioned in the topic that Dr. Shingo Shigeo and Taichi Ohno of Toyota Motors who
contributed the JIT manufacturing concept from 1949-1975, what can you say about the
manufacturing process of Toyota Motors now and how does it affects their sales?

Toyota Motors used the JIT manufacturing method for their manufacturing process, which results in
increased sales and production efficiency. With the JIT method, they efficiently used their marketing
and distribution efforts. As parts are used up, new stock is delivered at the right time and in the right
quantity to prevent production from being halted or slowed down. Toyota has been able to increase
sales and reduce failure costs thanks to the process's efficiency.

b. If you are a manager of a company experiencing the decrease in sales and most of the
employees are not doing their job well, what Planning tools or strategies you prefer to use in
order to solve the problem. Why?

The best option is the Pareto chart because it shows information to show how important different
problems or causes of problems are in relation to one another.This is especially useful in this
instance, when the business is in danger of failing due to declining sales.As a result, it may be of
assistance to the supervisor in determining the issue and the foundations upon which they can
prevent further harm.Because issues are like parasites that can be disastrous if not addressed
immediately, large corporations employ consultants and assign managers to each station in order to
identify issues and prevent their spread.Consequently, the Pareto chart can show how the company's
actions and decisions relate to the current issues and offer management advice.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7
Week 11

Assessment (Summative)

Title:  Essay Writing

Things to do:

1. Please answer the following given questions:

a. Discuss the four phases of PDSA used for TQM Implementation.

Deming altered the four-phase PDSA cycle for process improvement. The four phases Plan, Do,
Study, and Act that contain the cycle. The definition of the success metrics or measures that
determine the plan's success and a well-thought-out strategy to put the plan into action are part of the
Planning phase of the PDSA cycle, which begins with the identification of a goal or objective. The
next step is the Do phase, where the actions are tried out on a small scale and the product or
service's manufacturing process is tweaked to get the results you want. The pilot implementation
results are measured and analyzed in the study phase to see if an actual improvement has occurred.
The improved procedure must be continuously monitored during the trial period. Performance data
ought to be gathered frequently. The improvement team ought to conduct an analysis of the data
during the study phase. The cycle is revised once more during this phase, and new procedures are
issued. It tends to improve the plan and repeat the cycle if there are any gaps during the act phase,
where it standardizes the procedure that met or exceeded the goal.

b. Differentiate between Vision and Mission Statement.   Give two (2) companies as an
example with their vision and mission statement.

Vision proclamation alludes to the vision of the Chief about where the association ought to be
over the long haul.The organization's vision is its long-term objective of what the organization should
be capable of in the future.To put it another way, it explains in detail where the organization wants to
go.On the other hand, the organization's mission is outlined in its Mission statement.It outlines the
company's business, goals, and strategies for achieving them.

Example of vision and mission statement:


Mission: To served great tasting food, bringing the joy of eating to everyone.

Vision: Jollibee foundation envisions that every Filipino can access the basic community services
and live a life by dignity, purpose and active participation in nation building.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7

Mission: Happiness for All

Our president, Akio Toyoda, has gone on record to say that our business should move beyond
manufacturing vehicles to producing “Happiness for All”. In the automobile industry, technologies
such as electrification and connected, automated driving are making significant progress. Toyota
remains committed to making ever-better cars. Just as important, we are developing mobility
solutions to help everyone enjoy their lives. In these ways we are doing our part to create an
improved society for the next 100 years and beyond.

Vision: Creating Mobility for All

In a diverse and uncertain world, Toyota strives to raise the quality and availability of mobility. We
wish to create new possibilities for all humankind and support a sustainable relationship with our

Week 12

Assessment (Summative)

Title: Written Case Analysis

Things to do:

 1. Write your case analysis (Xerox Corporation)by following the case format given below:

Written Case Analysis

A. Title

TQM in Xerox Corporation A case Analysis

B. Objectives

 To learn how the Xerox Corporation copes with the erratic forces in the business environment.
 To learn how TQM affects the growth of the Xerox corporation's profits and production.
 Determine the Xerox Corporation's rapid decline in profitability following its market peak.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7
C. Overview of the Case Study
In the United States, the Xerox corporation began operations in 1906.It has produced its first plain
paper copier after 50 years. By the turn of the 21st century, their profit had increased by 20%
annually as a result. The stock prices of a publicly traded company soar. However, shortly thereafter,
the growth of its business plummeted. The company's stock price dropped from $70 to $5, resulting
in a 30 billion USD loss in market value (Xerox, 2004). Execution of TQM at Xerox started as a
response to the negative market execution.In the 1980s, the company lost about 65% of its market
share and was on the verge of becoming obsolete.In order to regain market dominance, it needed to
alter its strategies.
D. Statement of the Problem

How would the market, the environment, and the company all benefit from TQM implementation?

D. Alternative Courses of Action

 In order for the company to adjust its production to meet the standards of its customers, it needs
to be aware of the changes in the environment.

 In order for the company to reap the full benefits of TQM, it must embrace the essential features
and principles that support its implementation.

 The company should make products that work well and last a long time.

E. Conclusion

One of the reasons Xerox has been successful for several decades is because it has implemented
TQM. Simultaneously, occurrences of organization lackluster showing toward the finish of the
twentieth century show that TQM is just worthwhile when it likewise guarantees that the firm
remaining parts nimble to changing business climate conditions. After examining the changes
brought about by TQM implementation, the Xerox corporation is making progress toward becoming a
service-oriented business. Many of its successful strategies were built on manufacturing as their
foundation. Nonetheless, the organization's administration situated methodology is paying off in light
of the fact that it demands representative strengthening and uses quality control benchmarks.

F. Recommendations
The Xerox business should continue to look for high-quality products because they will benefit from
products that work well, can please customers, and can build a long-term relationship with them.
Additionally, quality should take precedence during manufacturing rather than being minimized in
order to achieve lower costs and prices, as doing so impedes profit growth.

Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7
Show yourself in all respects to be a model of good works, and in your teaching show integrity, dignity.
Titus 2:7

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