02 Task Performance 1

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Opportunity Description Recommendation

Conquering Supply Complexity of any system refers to the In overall performance, you can
Chain Complexity number and variety of elements it see improvements, improved
consists of connections between the customer service levels and
elements and the dynamics between reduced costs. Lead time/cycle
them. The elements of a company’s time reduction, reduced inventory,
supply chain are the products/services, improved forecast accuracy.
suppliers, customers, and the company’s Improved capacity utilization.
own network of operational nodes. Reduced time to market.
Wrangling Data The recent developments in information Organizations that are good at
technology have placed a great deal of using their data will win in driving
data at the hands of companies. Each big data opportunities and will
interaction, transaction and update that have the edge over their
takes place in any part of the supply chain competitors in managing their
generates data. supply chain.
Deploying Supply Data analytics is the essential to translate This capability can also be applied
Chain Analytics Big Data into value. Data analytics is the to supply chain management, but it
science of examining raw data to help is still very much at the infant stage
draw conclusions from this information. for many companies and will take
years to mature. Companies can
use advanced analytical and
mathematical techniques, such as
data visualization, simulation,
optimization, and statistical
analysis, to improve the company’s
performance and profitability.
Developing Supply It is no secret that companies with While it is easy to fill a role in
Chain Talent exceptional supply chain performance supply chain, such as a Buyer, it is
also achieve superior financial very difficult to find a professional
performance. who understands the supply chain,
which touches across almost every
aspect of the business.
Robots and Robots have long played a role in the improve the precision and mobility
automation supply chain, used to move goods and of industrial robots while aiding in
materials throughout a warehouse, safety, allowing for a new
during transport, and as part of the generation of robots (collaborative
fulfillment process. robots) that can work alongside
humans as opposed to being
cordoned off in a separate safety
Challenge Description Recommendation
Customer Service Customer service remains the Every customer has different needs. We
center of supply chain no longer live in a world of cookie-cutter
management. It is all about products and services. We live in an era of
providing the right quantity of consumer customization. With these
the right product, to the right advancements, good customer service
place and at the right time. depends on information. The companies
that excel in customer service are the ones
that embrace and invest in these new
Cost Control Rising energy/fuel and freight The answer isn't just technology, of course.
costs, a greater number of The key to improving cost control is
global customers, new business intelligence, and it's not
technology, increasing labor necessarily about data analytics. It's about
rates, new regulations, and using the information at your disposal to
rising commodity prices mean make the soundest possible judgments.
that operating costs are under More than anything else, improving cost
extreme control is about having a plan and
executing it properly. You carefully monitor
your original plan and adjust as needed,
which leads us to our next challenge and
Planning & Risk Changes in the market, like new These risks must be identified and
Management product launches, global quantified to control and mitigate them.
sourcing, political agendas, Creating a risk management plan for how
credit availability, and your company will handle and overcome
consumer demand, can give rise possible major disruptions to its supply
to major issues, and these chain will allow your operations to bounce
changes can come from almost back in no time.
any direction.
Supplier/Partner It's important to create, The importance of supplier/buyer
Relationship understand, and follow relationship is growing. You should aim to
Management mutually agreed-upon build a strong working relationship.
standards. This allows you to Communication and visibility are the key to
better understand current maintaining a healthy relationship between
performance, as well as buyer and supplier.
opportunities for improvement.
Talent It's becoming increasingly This tactic looks cost-effective on the front-
difficult to find qualified, end on paper, but the impact is large and
interested talent. Supply chain overarching, especially when it comes to
leaders need an extensive costs. Quality talent wins over quantity,
understanding of the key and you may have to pay above market
competencies and duties price to attract the talent that you need. It
needed for supply chain costs companies more, but it's worth it in
management roles. the long run.

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