(Signed) 2021 Team Ventura Contract-R5-08172019

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This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video

Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.


Name: Mahmoud tawfik________________ Today’s Date: _07/07/2021__ Age: ___23_____ Date of Birth:

Instagram Name: @toofit98 Height: __180cm_______ Current Weight: ___97kg______ Desired Weight: __90kg______

Occupation: ________student____________________ Hours worked per week: ____30+_____

Email: mahmoudtawfik@aucegypt.edu

Injuries / Health Issues: _______________None_______________________________ Ethnicity:

Marital Status: Married Single Children: Yes No QTY: ________ Do you have supportive loved ones/peers: Yes No

Do you smoke? Yes No Do you drink? Yes No Do you stress? Yes No EXPLAIN: _____very high anxiety when im
ignored or when I commit and someone doesn’t do their simple part_________

Food Allergies: Yes No LIST: ____________________Favorite Cheat Meal: __McDonalds BIG mac____________ Hobbies:

Home Address: ______________villa 95 rehab city____________________CITY___cairo_____________STATE__Egypt__________

Cell No: +201111917265

When I stress out, I ___workout________________________. Someone or something that makes you HAPPY: _________study or
go to my mom_______________

List your Competition history: Year(s), contest name(s), and placings: State ‘never competed,’ if you never competed. __________

___Mrolypmpia amateur korea 2018 (5th)

Mrolympia amateur china 2019 (0) ________________________________________________________________ Goal(s):
_______IFBB PRO CARD_________________________

Athletic Background (ie. Pop Warner, AAU Basketball, College Football, Pro Baseball etc.):

Former: Team(s): _______none________________ Trainer(s): _______________________ Coach(es): _____Kash


Ideal Start date: ____07/07/2021___________ (Typically 4 week turn-around time) End/Target/Contest Date:

Contest Name: ________Mrolympia amateur Egypt 2021_____________________________________ Website:


Division: Men’s Physique ( ) Classic Physique ( ) Bodybuilding ( ) Bikini ( ) Figure ( ) Other: _________________________

List Proteins you cannot eat and indicate why not: ________________________________________________________________

List Carbohydrates you cannot eat and indicate why not: ___________________________________________________________

List Vegetables you cannot eat and indicate why not: ______________________________________________________________

Mark the following cardio machines you prefer to use:

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 1
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.

Treadmill ( ) Elliptical ( ) Upright Bike ( ) Recumbent Bike ( ) Revolving Stairs ( ) Stairmaster ( )

Do you currently lift weights/perform strength training exercises? Yes No

How many minutes per day ___75_____ How many days a week? __6______ For how many years? ____7_____

Do you currently perform cardiovascular exercise? Yes No

How many minutes per day? ___30_____ How many days a week? ___7_____ For how many years? __4_______

Which cardio do you prefer? Steady ( ) HIIT ( ) Cardio Kickboxing ( ) Spin Class ( ) Track Workouts ( ) Other __________

I was in the best shape of my life at age __now____ when I went to the gym ___6__ times a week. I incorporated strength training
into my gym workout routines ___6___ times a week. I also performed ___30_____ minutes of cardio ___1___ times a day
___7 ___ times a week as well.

List the supplements (OTC and GEAR [If applicable]) that worked best for you and tell me about your experience with them (Dosages,
length on them, effects etc.):

_Currently on (coming out of a bridge):

600mg EQ/ 600mg Test C/ 300mg primo/300mg masterone/4iu GH ED

__________________________making solid gains again while lean after the bridge and the long ester water is back
Best cutting cycle before a show: Deca phenyl 400mg/Test P 600mg / anavar tablets280mg/winny tablets 350mg/tren last month


Sample: Daily Schedule/Routine: Your daily schedule/routine (DO NOT LEAVE BLANK and WRITE LEGIBLY):

630 am – Fasted Cardio __________11am- fasted cardio_________

730 am – Meal 1 ___________12pm- meal 1___________________

830 am – Work __________1pm beach and tan______________________

10 am – Meal 2 __________3pm meal 2____________________

230 pm – Break – Meal 3 ___________5pm workout____________________

5 pm – Off of work / Homework with kids – Meal 4 __________7pm meal 3_______________________

6 pm – Gym – Weights & Cardio __________10pm meal 4_______________________

8 pm – Meal 5 __________12am meal 5_________________________

10 pm – In bed ___________2am meal6 + sleep___________________

Sample: Meals Your Meals (DO NOT LEAVE BLANK and WRITE LEGIBLY):

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 2
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of

Meal 1: 4 Egg whites + 2 Whole eggs + ½ cup Oatmeal __Meal 1:___PROTEIN:

30 grams of protein from Hydro Whey (
OPTIMUM) , or any quality Protein
CARBS: 1 Cup Old Fashioned oats,
1 banana,

7 oz white fish
6 oz cooked jasmine rice
Meal 2: Protein Shake

Meal 3: 5 oz. Chicken + 6 oz. Sweet Potato + 1 cup Broccoli __________MEAL THREE-
7 egg whites, 1 yolk ,
5 oz white potato ___________

7 oz Sirloin ,
Next day have
7 oz chicken breast
5 oz cooked jasmine rice
3-5 oz green veggies, any of the following ;
brocolli, green beans, aspargus, spinach

Meal 5:_7
oz white fish,
Meal 5: ETC. 3 oz asparagus

Meal 6: I only eat five meals. MEAL SIX-

7 Egg Whites,
1 yolk ______________________________

Additional Meals and times: ____________________________________________________________________________________

When I get hungry, I snack on (If nothing put nothing): ______________________________________________________________

I struggle with dieting because: _______________i start to stress when I don’t get feedback on time and feel my body needs a new
plan __________________Favorite IFBB PRO/Sports Athlete: ____Andre Ferguson________________

I consider myself: an ectomorph ( ) a mesomorph ( ) an endomorph ( )

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 3
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.

I work best with coaches that: Are honest and straight forward ( ) Use positive reinforcement ( ) Do their thing and I will adapt ( )

Body part(s) I feel need the most improvement: ________Chest must grow for perfect physique 80% of my fat concentrated around
glutes making me upper body look 8 weeks out and lower body and core doesn’t even lift ( solution started hammering legs heavy
again after recovered injury and doing glutes and core ED)___________________________________________________________

Styles of dieting that you tried in the past: Keto ( ) Carb Cycling ( ) IIFYM ( ) Intermittent Fasting Other ( ) ________________

I agree to send Omar Ventura photos, weekly or bi-monthly, so he can view my progress: Yes No

I agree and promise not to share any of the information I obtain from Omar Ventura with any persons: Yes _ No ______

How did you hear about me? ________instagram__________________________ Referred


Signature: ____________________________________________ Date you signed this form:



Program Type: (“I” refers to you as the client.)
Lean Down Non-Contest/I want to be healthier and look hotter! I want to lean down for # weeks.
Build/Off Season Program. I want to build for # weeks.
Contest Prep/I am prepping to WIN on stage! I want to prep for # 16 (depends on turnover) weeks.

Ideal Start date: (Currently there is a 4-week turn-around time) __ 07/07/2021 ____

Target Date/Contest Date/Contract End Date: _______31/10/2021______________ This is the termination date of our
contract. (If you want to do another prep after this date you will have to sign up all over again.)

TOTAL Number of weeks I will be on the Program: 16 weeks (“I” refers to you as the
client.) Divide TOTAL number of weeks by 4 weeks = the number of months you will be on my program.
Number of months I will be on the Program: 4 months

Multiply the number of months by monthly rate of $ 400 U.S. Dollars = Total Price.

Total Price is : $ 1600___________USD First Payment: Amount $__600_______ USD Balance Due $____1000______

If the balance is not paid in full fill out the portion below:

I agree to pay monthly payments:

I, Mahmoud ahmed tawfik agree to pay the

monthly fee of: $ _ 400 USD_ ,
Type your name above.

by the __start____ of each month for a duration of ____4_____ months.

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 4
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of

Enter number of months of commitment

I agree to pay a Late Fee of $15 if I am more than 3 days late on my scheduled payment date each 4 week pay
period. When I send you the first portion of your plan I will let you know which date to send in your payments by.


I acknowledge and agree that this Contract is not transferable or assignable. I acknowledge that payment is required for
the program made by Omar Ventura. I agree to pay in advance for the program. I understand this money is not
refundable. I understand this contract and the terms it presents is for the purchase of a program for an agreed upon
time frame up until a target date both Omar Ventura and I agreed on. That target date is ________________. After this
date, the program will be terminated. I acknowledge that this specific contract, release of liability, consent, and
agreement is continuously valid indefinitely. I understand that I must email Omar Ventura at
teamventura33@gmail.com my ‘status check’ and my current photos once a week until my target date. No refund will
be granted to me if I do not complete this program. I understand Omar Ventura has the right and the authority to
terminate the program at any time, with no refund, if I do not follow the program or fail to conduct myself in an
appropriate manner. By checking this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am legally bound by its
07/07/2021 PRICING AND PAYMENT Continued from previous page.


I understand that I will not receive a refund for not completing this program and I may not change my target date. It is
my responsibility to complete this program, not Omar Ventura’s.

I understand that this program will begin and end promptly as scheduled. I acknowledge that any delays to the start of a
scheduled phase change will not be a cause of extend provided service beyond the remainder of the scheduled time. I
will not expect Omar Ventura to extend my program. I understand that if I do not submit my ‘status check’ to Omar
Ventura for three weeks in a row, he may terminate my program and I do not get a refund. I understand that if I miss
submitting five weekly ‘status checks’ total, to Omar Ventura, he may terminate my program and I do not get a refund.
By checking this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am legally bound by its content.



By signing this document, I attest, acknowledge, and understand all the terms of this contract and agree that I am
legally bound by all content checked off, initialed and signed above:

______mahmoud ahmed Tawfik _______________________________ _____07/07/2021_______________

Print Full Name Signature Date

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 5
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.


The health, fitness and nutritional information I offer is designed for educational and resource purposes only. This information is not
a substitute for, nor a replacement of, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or questions
about your health, you should consult with a physician or other health-care professional.

Please consult your physician or other health care professional before starting my or any other fitness or nutrition programs to
determine if they are right for your needs. Do not start a fitness and/or nutrition program if your physician or health care provider
advises against it.

Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional as a result of
information you have obtained from me.
I am not a certified nutritionist nor am I a registered dietitian. The nutrition recommendations given in my program should serve as
an outline for what I believe is appropriate for you based on the information you give me, my knowledge, and my personal

The results, if any, from exercise and/or nutrition programs may vary from person-to-person. Further, engaging in any exercise,
fitness or nutrition program involves risks of injury. If you choose to follow any of my fitness programs or nutrition
recommendations, you acknowledge this and agree not to hold me, Omar Ventura, responsible for any injuries or damages you may
incur. I disclaim all liability for loss, injury or damages in conjunction with any content provided in my programs. The use of any
information provided from me or any of my programs is solely at your own risk.

By signing this disclaimer I, __________________________, acknowledge I read and fully understand the contents of this disclaimer.

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 6
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of


Print your Full Name:

Date Signed:

Terms of Agreement

Mahmoud ahmed tawfik

Full Name:

villa 95 rheab city cairo egypt

Street Address, City, State and Zip


Cell Phone:

I hereby agree to accept and be legally bound by this Contract. By checking this document, I attest, contract,
acknowledge, and agree that I am legally bound by its content.


Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 7
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.

RELEASE OF LIABILITY (Please Read Carefully)

I have enrolled in a program of strenuous physical activity including, but not limited to walking, running, boxing, yoga,
aqua aerobics, massage therapy, weight lifting, bicycling, in-line skating and the use of various conditioning and exercise
equipment and facilities designed, offered, recommended, and/or supervised by Omar Ventura. I hereby affirm that I
am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any disability that would prevent or limit my participation in this
program. In consideration of my participation in the program, I for myself, my employees, heirs, assigns, agents, officers,
directors, shareholders and co-workers hereby release Omar Ventura its employees, heirs, assigns, agents, officers,
directors, and shareholders, from any and all claims, demands or causes of action arising from my participation in the
program. I fully understand that I may suffer injury as a result of my participation in the program and I hereby release
Omar Ventura from any and all liability now or in the future, including but not limited to medical expenses, lost wages,
pain and suffering, that may occur by reason of heart attacks, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints,
heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries, and any other illness, soreness, or injury, however caused, whether
occurring during or after my participation in the program, regardless of fault. I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree
that I am legally bound by its content.


Photo / Video / Posing Contract

Omar Ventura will get full acknowledgement for my posing and or posing style from this day forward (On any and every social media
app or site I am on).

By signing this contract, I ___________ Mahmoud tawfik _________________,

Insert your name

- Conform to keeping all information (emails, texts, videos, photos, and images), going to and coming from Omar Ventura, is to
remain confidential.

If proof of any and all information mentioned above, along with conversations screen captured, posted and or forwarded to another
person is proven, I may be fined up to but not limited to $15,000 in a court of law for leaking information and may possibly cause
damages to Omar Ventura’s business.

- Understand that all information given to me from Omar Ventura is "Confidential Information." This means any information or
material which is proprietary to Omar Ventura, whether or not owned or developed by Omar Ventura, which is not generally
known other than by Omar Ventura, and which I may obtain through any direct or indirect contact with Omar Ventura.

- Accedes that Omar Ventura does not issue refunds, guarantees wins, or placings.

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 8
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of

- Agrees to hold the "Confidential Information" in confidence and will not disclose the confidential information to any person or
entity without the prior written consent of Omar Ventura.

- Grants Omar Ventura permission to use my photos and my videos for professional reuse (not and never for
inappropriate/illegal/sexual content and will never photo shop or photo edit the photos and videos).

By signing this document, I attest, contract, acknowledge, and agree that I am legally bound by all content
stated directly above on this contract:

________ Mahmoud tawfik _____ _____________________________________ _____07/07/2021____

Print Full Name Signature Date

1847 Criminal Copyright Infringement—17 U.S.C. § 506(a) and 18 U.S.C. § 2319

The principal criminal statute protecting copyrighted works is 17 U.S.C. § 506(a), which provides that "[a]ny person who infringes a
copyright willfully and for purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain" shall be punished as provided in 18 U.S.C. §
2319. Section 2319 provides, in pertinent part, that a 5-year felony shall apply if the offense "consists of the reproduction or
distribution, during any 180-day period, of at least 10 copies or phonorecords, of 1 or more copyrighted works, with a retail value of
more than $2,500." 18 U.S.C. § 2319(b)(1).
The 1992 amendments to section 2319 have made it possible to pursue felony level sanctions for violations relating to all types of
copyrighted works, including computer software and other works written, stored or transmitted in a digital format, if the other
elements of the statute are satisfied. Felony penalties only attach to violations of a victim's rights of reproduction or distribution in
the quantity stated. A misdemeanor shall apply if the defendant does not meet the numerical and monetary thresholds, or if the
defendant is involved in the infringement of the other rights bestowed upon the copyright holder, including the right to prepare
derivative works, or the right to publicly perform a copyrighted work.

There are four essential elements to a charge of criminal copyright infringement. In order to sustain a conviction under section
506(a), the government must demonstrate: (1) that a valid copyright; (2) was infringed by the defendant; (3) willfully; and (4) for
purposes of commercial advantage or private financial gain. Attempts to infringe are prohibited to the same extent as the completed
act. Conspiracies to violate the Act can be prosecuted under 18 U.S.C. § 371. A minority of courts also require that the government
prove the absence of a first sale, and refer to this as a fifth element of a section 506(a) offense. However, the majority position is
that the absence of a first sale is an affirmative defense. Thus, the government does not need to allege it in the indictment or to
present initially evidence to negate the defense.

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 9
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of Liability.

Refund Policy: Because my plan is directly a result of my experience in the fitness and competition industry and is my original
over years work and years of extensive trial and error, I have a no refund policy. All sales of my workout programs are final.

Legal Disclosure: The programs I provide are Semi-Custom. This means, the program created for you, was created by me, following a
template I created that suggests: cardiovascular exercise, resistance training workouts and exercises, meal options, and phase
change dates on a calendar according to your goal and target date.


Waiver of Liability
This agreement releases Team Ventura Consulting and Omar Ventura from all liability relating to injuries and or death that may
occur while going through a program for my physical transformation and or my contest prep. By signing this agreement, I agree to
hold Team Ventura Consulting and Omar Ventura entirely free from any liability, including financial responsibility for injuries
incurred and or death, regardless of whether injuries or death are caused by negligence.
I also acknowledge the risks involved in weight lifting, cardiovascular exercise, and low calorie diets. These include but are not
limited to:
Excessively overloading your muscles during a workout session can lead to muscle soreness. Overtraining can cause both physical
and mental health symptoms. According to the American Council on Exercise, overtraining can cause moodiness, sleeplessness,
fatigue and chronic muscle pain. It also increases your likelihood of contracting infections as overtraining effects your immune
systems performance. Common weightlifting injuries include muscle strains and bone fractures. Overdosing on high intensity
exercise may actually increase the risk of death from a heart attack or stroke in those with existing heart disease, suggests German
research published online in the journal Heart.
Long cardio workout sessions can cause more harm than good, leading to the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which when
produced excessively may contribute to a catabolic state, in which your tissues break down, as well as chronic disease. Too much
cardio raises cardiac risk by seven-fold, and can lead to heart muscle scarring, and increased blood levels of cardiac enzymes, which
are markers for heart injury.

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 10
This contract includes the Team Ventura: Assessment Form, Pricing & Payment Document, Disclaimer, Photo/ Video Contract, Terms of Agreement, and Waiver of

GALLSTONES: According to the National Institutes of Health’s Weight Control Information Network, adhering to a low-calorie diet,
especially a very low-calorie diet, carries the risk of gallstones. Gallstones, which are tiny, obstructive stones in the gall bladder, are
common in obese women; however, the risk increases during rapid weight loss. The cholesterol that forms in the gall bladder may
impede the organ’s ability to flush out bile. Gallstones may produce pain in the abdomen, between the shoulder blades, and behind
the right shoulder. HEART DISEASE: Rapid weight loss through a low-calorie or very low-calorie diet can also affect the heart,
according to Dr. James F. Balch, author of “Prescription for Nutritional Healing.” Because rapid weight loss raises cholesterol levels in
the body, the veins and arteries may become blocked, forcing the heart to work harder than necessary to pump blood. This risk of
heart disease may be as great as the risk of heart disease from obesity, notes Dr. Balch. OTHER SIDE EFFECTS: Low calorie diets may
also produce other side effects, according to the Diet Channel website. Dieters may experience nausea, constipation, diarrhea and
fatigue. These side effects tend to diminish over time. RAPID WEIGHT RE-GAIN: Although a low-calorie or very low-calorie diet can
facilitate weight loss, it is typically not sustainable. According to Dr. Balch, people who stray from these diets after losing weight
typically gain back the lost pounds quickly. This is because these diets may cause changes in the thyroid gland, slowing the body’s
metabolism. This not only facilitates rapid weight re-gain, it makes it more difficult for people to take the weight off again.
I am doing this program entirely at my own risk. I swear that I am participating voluntarily, and that all risks have been made clear to
me. I agree that I am voluntarily participating in this program and I assume all risks of injury, illness, or death. Any recommendation
for changes in diet including the use of food supplements, weight reduction and/or bodybuilding enhancement products are entirely
my responsibility and I understand that I should consult a physician prior to using them. Additionally, I do not have any conditions
that will increase my likelihood of experiencing injuries or death while engaging in this activity or program. I acknowledge that you
have carefully read this “waiver of liability” and fully understand that it is a release of liability. I expressly agree to release and
discharge Team Ventura Consulting and Omar Ventura from any and all claims or causes of action and I agree to voluntarily give up
or waive any right that I may otherwise have to bring a legal action against Team Ventura Consulting and Omar Ventura for personal
injury and or death. To the extent that statute or case law does not prohibit releases for negligence, this release is also for
negligence. If any portion of this release from liability shall be deemed by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, then the
remainder of this release from liability shall remain in full force and effect and the offending provision or provisions severed here
from. Furthermore, I understand that Omar Ventura’s services are non-refundable and nontransferable. By signing this release, I
acknowledge that I understand its content and that this release cannot be modified orally.
By signing below I forfeit all right to bring a suit against Team Ventura Consulting and Omar Ventura for any reason. I will also make
every effort to obey safety precautions as listed in writing or as explained to me verbally.

I, _________ Mahmoud tawfik ____, fully understand and agree to the above terms.

Participant – Print Name: _______ Mahmoud tawfik _____________________

Participant – Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ________________________

Copyright 2021 by Omar Ventura. 70 West Hedding St. San Jose Ca. 95110. Make sure you complete all pages of this contract. 11

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