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2 / Foundation Course - Second Year 1. Tree Summary as beautifully described the importance of tregs j, life will not be life without the trces. gy, nobody is worried about the trces. Nobody cver thought that one day there will be no whispering of Icaves, nobody thought that the pale death woyjy overtake green trees. Never would we be able to compensate the loss, No efforts of making an artificial tree will give us the real joy ang pleasure. Though we will be able to make a plastic tree which looks rea] but it will not be real. There will be no buds for us to admire and no amount of loving can stir our weary trces: Text Book Questions QJ. Answer the questions given below in one complete sentence cach; () What will be the result if the trees are not taken care of? ate gai at dere a Bt aT at a aT? Ans. If trees are not taken care of, life would no Jonger be worth living because there would be no trces. aly RR se eT a a Shr ra ae ce TT, ws (i) was does the poet mean by ‘whispering of leaves would go silent’? sated a Reenter aie ote qs th agéie’ & aan aed 2? Ans. By ‘whispering of leaves would go silent the poct means the trees would be lifeless and so no wind woul ass thr eke oe ‘Feerfen ae ter ge 7h edie’ aatenh ated wa fe te Fr vada @t ane ait 8 en eae a go ee. (iii) Where does the poet pile rubbish upon rubbish? : ae Fe SACK SH wa fey a deka Ba 2? ns. The poct piles rubbish on rubbish in th watast eae ke ic dusty landscape. , : rata earatta ates Haat & 2c ¥ aay fred ay aoa Bae! (1) Mow does the tree created by man look like? Ane. The tree created by ma sane ‘a y man looks artificial and lif trav & om tfaa te Baer acs os in ‘cles. TA re fa re phan ate fafa feraen 3 VALIP ory The poctess human life. She explains how agt Ans. and 5° aie wa (i) Ans. (vii) Ans. dispiritc 21 aret Q2. (i) Ans. human nobody will be 6 overtake pleas re but it w. amount » ar aoa fi Ser oft We weet eit oH wag ats §j English Language «an ‘ou think the tree is not stirred despite all efforts» 0 ‘ we arg Ye Forage Fai wei a pike al eto spe tree #8 Ot stirred despite all efforts because it is antiicial 4m has 80 life force in i a eee ge re 2 alts ae gm 8 ee stare ei ! e How do the trees sing? (gaa mae? ‘The trees sing when their leaves rustle. WS ga Hafele SA ad EE ta AT EI Explain the word ‘weary’ in the last stanza of the poem. cal afar anf iq a ug Hwee er aard’ a otel wreeT | Ans. The word ‘weary’ uscd in the last stanza means tired and dispirited, Wig really a transferred cpithet and refers to men. aaa aifera ate aT 4a A vee ee ‘Paar’ oar art eT GoM ait PRT dy ama tan We aatea faster 8 Sh ger at cam a slit see a 2. Answer the following questions in about hundred words: (i) Write the summary of the poem ‘Tree’, ‘A afam a ante fafa! Ans, The povtess has beautifully described the importance of trees in (i human life. She explains how life will not be life without the trees. But tbody is worried about the trces, Nobody ever thought that one day there will be no whi ing of Icaves, nobody thought that the pale death would Mertake green trees, Never would we be able to compensate the loss. ede of making an artificial tree will give us a real joy and Mg ce hough we will be able to make a plastic tree which looks real ing it be real. There will be no buds for us to admire and no “ving can stir our weary trees. Bama pe aah 3 aga age we ae tT A es Sonat agg 8 a, aa Re te we se) TR i gy noe at fea gat fied a weeeTaT a a STE TT (ROS gt afr & ware @ et aH aE of at gE A rma a at ao te ecg A TE eC Babe gy oO OTH Ra ara hg ar we &, aR ae aval ET | i 88 ese Bea GHA a ord alse a HT eB reer af omega 8, fag sie BHT TTT A eT Saray | Ware # lita (ii) How do you compare the ‘tree’ in the poet’s imagination with the oat eat aeet ete tT wat ea, Ans. — According to poct’s imagination there is noticeable differenes between tree and natural tree. A Tree is a tree which is cri cated by Man and does not get natural care. It can also be known as artificial tree which include nailed branches lean upon the wind and plastic leaves which is coloured. The natural tree is a tree whose leaves rustle in the wind which provides peace to the mind and body. Which is grown under natural arm, and gets natural care and love. The above explanation can casily compare a tree with a Natural tree in respect of poct’s imagination. ofa St eT & arqare gat sit wrepios gat A ears By ary sar} WH get ae gare Sh fee per ara SAN Tae aie fa wpa Peat ae fig Unt 8,38 airs ga ot ae Ged @ free atch etfs war H gerd aa an! faaat vfeat a om fen rar 21 we spies er ae gar 8 fraat ofvai ay mea seal @ st va ait wee a wife Set eS fee Bia aA te H Ger PA! ite Fare apie ar cae fire @ | HAT St TS waren B yar site wrepias ae Fae 3 aiae fan a aaa a (iii) What is the message of the poem in respect of natures conservation? wepha & ear & fare aefera ar ear Hea B27 The message of the poem in respect of nature’s conservation’ trees should not be cut down. Trees are the base of nature. It shouldl! taken care as a child because once a tree is cut it is hard to get it a Trees gives oxygen in return of carbon dio-oxide, which means indirect they give life. By distroying trees people are destroying lives. SIS BH Seer Spe ce & fee & fas gen AY are ae ME Ans, 3 Se art re | ar ada ag ares em we * Fee ater ated € St ace & faech 29 Sa gam | ge we x @ fect gear vera 8 1 5 hotse the correct option: Ww i : ho did not tell us what it would be like without tre Ans, 4. Ans, ti) 39 38 English Language ) 5 (a) The people (b) villagers, (c) Mother : (d) Poct > What is the purpose of piling rubbish? (a) to dispose it (b) lo create a tree (c) to burn it (d) to reeyele it 3, What does the poet wail in yain for? (a) fruits in man made tree (b) slow unfurling of buds (c) flowers in man made tree (d) real wood from man made tre 4, What gives colour to the ( in the poem ‘Tree’ (a) Season (b) Buds (o) local cnvironment (d) plastic leaves 5, Name the poet of ‘The Tree’ (a) Tina Campbell (b) Tina Morris (0 William Morris (d) Tina Chang 1,(a), 2(b), 3.(b), 4.(d), 5.(b) Vocabulary (i) Give antonyms of the words gi (i) Like, (ii) silent, (iii) vibrant, (iv) pale, (v) death, (vi) create, (vii) right, (viii) vain, (ix) loving, (x) stir, (xi) weary Words Antonyms (i) Like unlike (ii) silent communicative (ii) vibrant lifeless, (iv) pale colourful (v) death life (vi) create destroy (vii) right wrong « ) van humble IX) lor ali @) ene Hating be inactive untired with their meanings: (i) to spread (ii) to heap or load (iii) faint, feeble (iv) soft, hushed sound (v) incline or bend . (vi) futile Qi) Weary Mateh the words | 6. / Foundation Course - Second Year AT a a ey 7. Lean (vii) vigorous 8. Twigs. (viii) move, rouse 9, Vain (ix) quict, still 10. Unfurling (x) green shade 11. Stir (xi) young shoot of a plant Ans. (Liv), (2x), GB-vi), (4x), (Sil), (-i), (7+), (-xi), (vi, (10, (11-viii) (iii) Use the words given below in sentences of your own-. (1) imagine, (2) pile, (3) dusty, (7) create Ans. (1) Imagine @e7T #77) Ivis difficult to imagine (2) Pile @eer aa) A pile of books was ke (3) Dusty (ger #777) A tree can not (4) Nailed (em Nailed branch of a tree looks artificial, (5) Twigs (Jar a7 fee) The colour of twigs is green, (6) Unfurl (era, feta) He requested the minister to unfurl the fag. (7) Create (fffa ee) Schools create an environment of le: (4) nailed, (5) twigs, (6) unfurl, of a world without money, pt on the dining table. grow on a dusty land, arning, 2. Night of the Scorpion ~ Ni im Ezekiel Summary The story of the pocm begins with the un narrator who has been stun; heavily. A scorpion had cr conscious mother of the ig by a scorpion. It is a rainy day. It has rained ‘awled oyt beneath a the lady and disappeared somewhere in the rain. ick of rice. It had stung This news has spread like a wildfire in the whole of the village. lagers, despite the rain, begin gathering at the narrator’s house 10 express their sympathy. They begin chanting God's name in order (0 paralyse the scorpion, They wish to stop the movement of the invisible scorpion. They make frantic search with the light of the-Janterns. They: do The vill. enables r gat English Language / 7 have a belief that the poison will increase in the lady's Ultimately they fail to 0 pecause they : s the scorpion moves on and on. much a! pody get the s orpion. Finally they get refuge in praying God so relaxed. During this course they pass comments @ ys that it was the sin of the previous birth. Somce regard. Someone Say vs that it is lessening the next birth’s burden or sin. They also pray that the mother might balance the evil in this world with the good. Let the poison purify her body of desire and spirit of ambition. The peasants have encircled the lady who is lying on the ground ‘ous. They all wear a look (expression) of understanding on their more peasants have come. The lady is~ » that the pain may be nd expert views in this one the pain of uinconsci faces. Meanwhile more and groaning in pain. The narrator’ rationalist. He applics hi fin such foolish things. He is a father has no belie! of powder s own method. He prepares a mixture and some herbs and puts it on the bitten place of the lady’s body. He also little paraffin and puts a match to the bitten place. There arises Iso consulted who docs his own rites lo ong wail for twenty hours that the pain comes to her senses and thanks God pours a a flame of fire. A holy man is al control the poison. It is after a Jo subsides. All fecl relaxed. The lady for His benevolence not Lo let the scorpion bite her children. Text Book Questions below in one sentence each in your Qu. Answer the questions given own language: (i) Do you agree with the title of the poem? ay aire afar 2 winter & wera e ? it is an appropriate title recause the scorpion is the villain for the whole night. Bi, ae sae wii 8 Fhe PA fae fares ACTH TA TET | (ii) Who is the ‘I’ in the poem? afaan Hy at 8? Ans. The writer is ‘I’ in the sP pom. afaa # cae ‘A’ 21 (iii) How did the peas: i : peasants try to paralyse the evil one? Seah 3 ha Prey 3 are A teeeta ae Se Pa ea PRT? Ans. The. pedis : peasants recited the name of God i evil-doing scorpion. he name of God in order to paralyse the 8 / Foundation Course - Second Year TORI, SUT a aT Marl A ay HAY aa Fam aN itty Sie ay * (iv) Why does the poet refer to scorpion’s tail as diabotic? fe faa at yo at art ail area 8? The poet calls the ey \ cruelly attacks causing a fatal wound, ‘ Sit eae ah fo ah tar & we a ae we gy Wa RU Be Pra B ana art 8 | ©) How did the peasants search for the scorpion? Fri 3 fay a fea van det a tier at? Ans. The peasants, armed with candles and lanterns, looked for scorpion all over the place. cisieal 8 Sa grat 3 fay at uci wa ote gar () How did the villagers react to the mother’s agony? AT at ean wt anitut at aq sfafsrar eff 2 The villagers said that with o its poison in the mother’s body moved : 3B SH Gen we ae ae fe fray at ee ad eae Hi A ated SS SEH sal aU H aaa at \ a (vii) Why did the peasants say the name of ( ARS an eat aH ATH eH fare? Ans. The peasants sai the evil scorpion, Ans. ail diabolic because like a devil Ans, movement the scorpion made cordingly. sod a hundred times? id the name of God a hundred times to paralyse eT Ge Fave aia ae B fave wae ae fee a Fee (sili) Why did the villagers want the scorpion to sit still? HI fareay a ita ait eT are 2 Ans. The vi illagers wanted the scorpion to sit still that with every movement of the scorpion the F Mother's body. Tl Fay aH afore aia wer area | RRA AA a fs He an feet 8 et Hi & wate Hyg ae a [ (ix) What attempts were made by the holy man to tame the poison? SR WH Ge see a ita ae Bs fee eM Fee 2 Ans. The holy man performed certain religious rites to tame the poison in the woman's body through incantation. : Se ET SOU eC A refawe fere esargrar fa aE Fame frat | (x) What was the mother’s reaction to the scorpion’s bite? Sia a OT a foray & dar ae fate ere gen ord because they thought poison moved in the English La an wet rae : anked God that the scorpion jon th phe poet's mother in her rei YY ae on bet ‘al spared her children, pel ey aa 8 sak meer era Fea PFT, A BAT a aail a as a“ per he fO1LOWINE, questions rt summary of the pocm ‘Night of the Scorpion’? epiftiary’ aferat ar Giferra aie feafae | about the dark and rainy about hundred words: write a sho Ogee ame & the poom ‘Night of the Scorpion’ ANS: te cs Es . , + . ‘ht when the pool's mother was stung by a scorpion, Continuous rain nig! . ‘ i sin a poor village drove the scorpion to the poct’s house for for jen hours shelter. Ht stung, i iffer help. Allsorts of cures ather and a local holy man, The pain ge had suffered the severe pain cause gratitude to God that the scorpion stun} the poct’s mother, ‘The villagers pourcd into the house to are tried by them, the poct’s so-called sceplic, ses away only with time. d by the scorpion’s 2 her and not rationalist The mother, who ing expresses her si her beloved children. (ji) Write a short note on the superstitious beliefs of the villagers. i Weick af aiafrcarergel Arearanh WC wer eftcg Ie fee | ¢ of superstitious naturc. They heard by a scorpion. They began chanting God's name in order to paralyse the scorpion. They tried to search the They believed that the poison will as the scorpion moves on and on. Ans, The people of the village wer that the narrator's mother was stung, scorpion and stop its movement. increas in the lady's body as much 5 ade ci peer 3 | rr SR GAT HT TATE A HA PT are frm 8 &h ee arn BAU TT BETTS AT fe FHA SEC t Sec nr tare ee cA SNS TSS q Bk tne ee a ea we a {| (ii) 5 Show the different qualities in the poet’s are brough Z Mie hn the poem father and mother that The’ poet’ é ' © poct’s father is a sceptic and a rationalist. He was nen faced with reasonable my in| difficult ei nd applied logic rather be superstitious Y the poet's calle He tried every possible means, even harsh, to relieve #6) deeply religious aa the pain and suffering, The poet's moth. 1S & and even after hei devoted mother. She was full of love for her children 4 anything instead green? OF 20 long hours does not blame God for thanked him for sparing her children. Q3. Ans. ’ Foun ‘AtION Course - Second Year a Choose the ¢ i a "e s Correct option. \. What drove inside u () Steady rain (b) snake (c) noise (d) water The scorpion is referred as. (a) the evil one (b) poisonous one (c) dangerous (4) ill spirit 3. The ‘ir tongue: the ‘scorpion’ he house? S€ ‘clicked thei S’ expresses. Out the’ sting S’ sorrow for the mother 8’ failure to fj of the above The poem is about- (c) The Pcasant, (d) none ind the scorpion 4 A (a) Peasant’s concern for the suffering woman (b) Mother’s love for children (c) Endurance ofwoman (qd) Father's rationalist approach 5. What did the villagers do when they heard of the Scorpion Sting? . (a) They were indifferent (b) They visited the temple (c) They flocked to the poet’s house (d) They went in si © Scorpion 6. The peasants rms of flies’, (a) Metaphor (b) Simile (c) Personification (d) Alliteration 7. What assessment of the father’s character have you made by reading the poem? (a) He is detached and crucl(b) He is h (c) He is concerned but helpless (d) He is a holy man and very pious 8 A sceptic is a person who . ; (a) doubts everything (b) believes everything, (c) always thinks of God (d) removes curses 1.(a), 2.(a), 3.(b), 4.(b), 5(¢), 6.(a), 7.(b), 8.(a) Vocabulary- t an i) Give antonyms of the words given be low- i sce, (8 ° nigh Gi) parting, (iii) unreal, (iv) pain, (vy). peace, blessing, (vii) tame, (viii) lost, (ix) holy Words Antonyms (i) Night Day arsh but effective goat Ans. (iii) | Ans, English Language ) N (ii) Parting Arriving (iii) ‘Unreal Real (iv) Pain Relief (v) Peace Tension (vi) Blessing Abusing, (vii) Tame Wild (viii) Lost Find (ix) Holy Evil (ii)Use the words given below in sentences of your own- (1) Crawl, (2) diabolic, (3) s (4) ambition, (5) rationalist, (6) incantation, (7) purify, (8) sting (1) Crawl (9-89 wer) The scorpion crawls silently. (2). Diabolic i aed) People in hell are diabolic, (3) Spirit Gz) Man with positive spirits always win. (4) Ambition (erareia) High ambition leads to success. Rationalist (oe 4 favara waa) People working in police are rationalist. (6) Incantation (7) People in villages perform incantation, (1) Purity (ez ara) You must purify the tap water before drinking it. (8) sting (rea) A bee sting i Use tl very painful. he words in each of the following pz own to bring out Through irs in sentences of your the difference in meaning- e thorough Curse : course Rites 7 rights Holy wholly Sum - some Movement - moment q) Through (rR TRAD) Some people casily get through difficulties. Thorough (aftyofa) 12. Qi Ans. Q2 Ans. Q3 Ans. Q4 ed “ar at 7 Foundation Course ~ Second Year BA, aa : » field you are ing 5 Thorough knowledge of the ficld you are working in, Ams, necessary. (2) Curse ATF ea) ae Os People should not curse the nature. a Course OD ; ; The course book docs not include solutions. (3) Rites @O Son Q6 Rites of holy people can cure many discascs. a Rights (U4) ; . People in India are not aware of their fundamental Rights, Q7 (4) Holy cafaa) Bible is a holy Book. Ant Wholly India wholy is a cultural country. (5) Sum (31) os Sum is a mathematical instrument. An Some (2) _ Some people can never improve. (il (6) Movement (477) The sudden movement of the magician’s wrist could not Q noticed by the audience. a moment (27) : 7 He asked us to wait for a moment. of de 3. Idgah lo his ~ Premchand (Translated by Khushwant Sing! (), Exercises ch Answer the given questions in one or two sentences each: sw Why were the children excited? ric te ae were excited because it was the festival of Eid thi! pl y were all to go to Eidgah. In = was the concern of Ameena for Hamid? bt eet : concer Tegarding Hamid was that how could she ot How much money Hamid had? w Hamid had three picce. What did Mohan buy? > a gen eee ee at erat 20 Fe Ans. Mohsin bought a water-carricr toy doll. Its back was bent and it held the handle of the bag in onc hand. id thinking while buying the tongs? amid thought about how pleased his ongs and how she would shower Q.5 What was Ham Ans, While buying the tongs H granny would be on secing the lo him with thousand blessings. Q6 What happened when Hamid gave the tongs Ans. When Hamid gave the tongs to his grandmother she asked him that how much had he paid for them. Q7 Why did Hamid’s grandmother scold him when he gave the tongs to his grandmother? to her? Ans. Hamid’s grandmother scolded him when he gave the tongs to her because she had given him only three pice and he had not caten or drunk anything since morning but bought a pair of tongs. Q8 Why did the grandmother cry in the end? Ans. The grandmother cricd at the end because Hamid’s selflessness touched her heart. She was too full for words and could only thank God for her gencrous grandchild. (II) Answer the given questions in one hundred words each: Ql Describe the condition of Hamid in comparison with other kids? Ans. Hamid, the hero of the story is a small boy of 4-5 years who had lost his parents and lived with his old grandmother Amina. With no source of income they were very poor. Amina tried to fulfil their daily needs doing some needle work for others. Still Hamid was a happy child full of. love, compassion and hope because his Dadi had told him that very soon his parents would return home with lots of moncy, gifts and sweets for the village fair on Eid. Hamid had no new clothes and shoes like other children, Unlike his friends who had cnough moncy to spend on toys, sweets and rides. Hamid had only three pice. When other children enjoyed rides, wise Hamid dismissed this wastage of moncy for momentary pleasure. Hamid bought no toys as he thought them to be perishable items. Instead he saw a pair of tongs and recalling how, without tongs, Dadi burned her fingers making chapatics for him. Hamid spent all his moncy on buying the tongs. Although Hamid was ridiculed and teased by other boys for his us purchase, he convinced and silenced all his friends with his witty and intelligent arguments. The most poor and subducd boy 14 of the entire gre victori Q2 Ans. purchase, how his tongs tongs would not across shoulders lik a pair of cymbals, wil All in all his tongs were lik and storms without budging an inc and lawyers to its will. Q3 proc and kindness towards their cldi around them. The title ‘Idgah’ ts justified bes all valucs associ Ans. the needy. In the story Eidgah, Pre behind this fest childish temptation in order to mi i = Awa 7 Foundation Course ~ second Year AAW, cas oup returned home from the fair most triumphant ay, ‘ous like @ hero. ‘According to ‘Although Hamid’ he argues and are better than their pe! break if thrown on Hamid, what are the advantages of his tongs? Qs friends tease and ridicule him for his usele, silences all his friends by convincing them the as rishable toys. He told them that ky the ground, they could be carr ca gun, when wielded in hands they could be used (IN Id reduce all other toys to dug (i) ould weather wate, h one smack they cou! © a brave tiger. His Longs © : fh and bend water-carricrs, police mex Justify the title of the story ‘Idgah’ ‘The festival of Eid signifies sacrifice, gone mchand portrays the true meaning 4 through a 5 year old, Hamid. The boy sacrifices his 1 tigate his grandma's agonized cooking at children epitomise love, care rosity to friends and “In this story Premchand shows thy and notice all trivial things happe ing ausc the story tells in about tcd with this festival-love-Love between the Hamid and his grandmother, motherhood-the way Amina brings up her grandson with Jove, and affection, care-Amina cares for Hamid and vice-versé crifice-the young boy Hamid placed his grandmother's difficulty before is pleasures, Kindnes: “Hamid wanted that his grandmother should no burn her fingers any morc. (I) Ql Q2 Q3 Choose the correct options. What was good three miles away from the village? (a) The temple (b) Mosque (b) Ameena’s house - (d) Idgah . Ans. (b What can a child’s imagination do? (a) Turn an ant into elephant (b) Turn a sccd into plant (c) Turn a musterd seed into mountain (d) Turn a house into city ( What did Shammi buy? oe af tH a 20 784 Q4 (IV) (i) Ans. parcel. English Langu (a) Washer-woman (b) Water-man (c) Tongs (d) Policeman : Ans. (a) What did Hamid buy? yuna a coat ae @ Policeman Ans. (c) What, according to Mahmood will guard his house? (a) Washer-woman (b) Water-man (c) Tongs (d) Policeman Ans. (d) Vocabulary Use the expressions given below in sentences of your own: (a) To pick up (b) To have a look at (c) To glance at (something) (d) To come to terms ‘(c) To go on with (something) (To put aside (a) To Pick up- I will go to my fricnd’s a house to pick up the (b) To have a look at- 1 decided to have a look at the brochure that allows us to know about the various courses offered by the university. (c) To glance at- One glance at the hoarding confirmed that the model was Sudha reality. (d) To come to terms- Counsclling helped her come to terms with (c) To go on with- We requested the students to ignore the noise and go on with their studies. (f) To put de- The two friends decided to put aside their differences and continue playing together. (ii) Use the words given below in sentences of your own: (a) Uncharacteristic (b) deliberate (c) curious (d) manuscript (c) unsolicited (1) unorthodox (g) talent (h) doctrine (i) amiable Ans, (i) (a) (b) () (d) (c) (f) i) (h) (i) 0) Give (a) (b) (c) (d) (c) Collaboration liberate their advane He was cur for him, On Sund heart, No one Daid, The Principal Unorthodox Schools orgy talent, Because ion grateful batting Unknown bored natural Superhun clarity Modern inept c i Unpratetay Comprehe Known Uxeited Unnatur al Averape Obscurity: Ancient Surprised at R, any attent nize many a Was, ious to know what sury lay she finally h ‘sible akesh’s Uncharacte; and calculated mor tion to his uns objected wh teaching Methods, Vves:the £0 some cleme, nother pl ality and is hembers m We, eristic behavio, r, OPponents Wiped aq Prise his family had Plann ad her whole manuscript learn 5 licited advic, 7 nen the teacher Slarted Usi activities to help Students, identity thy, \Pposed ided to find an able Person; {mong team m Als Of the temple, lace to Worship, always Teady to help lakes the lask at hand at wa at 20 3e4 English Language / 4 (iv) Bring out the difference in between the followin : Words by constructing a sentence for each word: Nation Notion Felicity facility Startling Starting Virtuous Virtue Ans. Nation- India is a nation of warriors. Notion- The study disa proved of the notion that intelligence is decided by caste. Felicity- At the 200, we could see the felicity of the kid’s fa Facility- The school has its own bus facility. Startling- His complete transformation was startling for all who knew him. S. Starting- The car has been giving starting trouble for days now. Virtuous- She was the most honest and virtiious woman he had cver met, : Virtue- Patience and contentment are rare virlucs these days. 4. A Letter to God ~ G.L. Swanteh (Translated by Donald A. Yates) Exercises (1) Answer the given questions in one or two sentences each: Ql What did Lencho hope for? Ans. Lencho hoped for rain. Q2 Why did Lencho say ‘the raindrops are like new coins’? Ans. Lencho compared rain drops to new coins because now they would have a good harvest. and would be able to carn some moncy. Q3 Why did Lencho write a letter to God? Ans. — Lencho wrote a letter to God as God was his only hope and would help him out of his miscry. Q4 What were Lencho’s feelings when the hail stopped? Ans. When the hail stopped Lencho thought that a plague would have left bchind more than what the hail had. Q5 Why does the postmaster send money to Lencho? Q6 Ans. Q.1 and live unl they ATTA “ond Year on Course = See 18. / Foundatic . ead Lencho’s Hetter (0 God he realised tha, awa? paste rea Tare than just goodwill so he sey, \ somali fs mail be ae after getting the letter? : crooks! y from God Lencho showed not a slightes a Ans. When the post! Lencho needed money On getting the rep! eal dred word (i) Answer the given att What did Lencho writ In his letter to God, Lencho a and his f J pesos so that he coul aken this step out of his deep ods eyes are everywhere and Q4 tions in one hunt his first letter and why? isked for some monetary help from family would have to go hungry that 1d resow his field Q3 ns. od because he otherwise he ‘car, He asked for one hundres Lil the next crop. Lencho had t en taught that Gi faith in God and had bi everything, even what is in one’s deep conscience So Lencho Ictter was knew that God would sce that what he had written in his as absolutely true. Q3 “The post office employees are a bunch of crooks”. Wha Q2 Explain the act of goodness shown by the postmaster, Ans. — After seeing Lencho’s letter, the postmaster was deeply touched by the strong faith that Lencho had in God. He realised that Lencho Qo needed something more than just goodwill and sympathy. So he collected ced some of his own some money from his colleagues and also sac nds, whom he told that they were Q* ary. He also asked some of his fr obliged to give something for an act of charity, to contribute some money. It was still not enough and he was able to collect only 70 pesos which he ut in an envelope with a letter containing only a signature "GOD", The | does this line imply? Ans, “The post office employees are a bunch of crooks”- this comment was made by Lencho when he opened the envelope given to him by the postman and found that instead of the hundred pesos that he had asked God to send him, there were only 70 pesos. Such was Lencho’s confidence in God that he had been certain that God would end him the exact ine as more! But when he saw that il was 30 pesos short he became it i ba 2 ie been cheated and since God would never 49 bis‘ext fig hans the post office employees who had done it. Se i# Fhe asks God to send the remaining amount but not throws! 18 / Foundation Cours AAI Ans. When the postmaster read Lencho’s letter to God he realiseg tha 4 Lencho needed something more than just goodwill so he sof : vy to Lencho, Qo Wh a oe aan reaction after getting the letter? : Ans. On getting the reply from God Lencho showed not a Slightey surprise. (I) Answer the given qui Ql What did Lencho write in bh ns. In his letter to God, Lencho asked for some monetary help from dod because he otherwise he and his family would have to go hungry that year. He asked for one hundred pesos so that he could resow his field and live until the next crop. Lencho had taken this step out of his d ? faith in God and had been taught that God's cyes are everywhere and they see everything, even what is in one’s deep conscienc tions in one hundred words each: first letter and why? 9 Lencho knew that God would see that what he had written in his letter was absolutely true. Q2 Explain the act of goodness shown by the postmaster, Ans. After secing Lencho’s letter, the postmaster was deeply touched by the strong faith that Lencho had in God. He realised that Lencho needed something more than just goodwill and sympathy. So he collected Some money from his colleagues and also sacrificed some of his own salary. He also asked some of his friends, whom he told th: obliged to give something for an act of charity, al they were to contribute some money. Tt was still not enough and he was able to collect only 70 Pesos which he Put in an cnvelope with a letter containing only a signature GOD". Q3 “The post office employees are a bunch of crooks", What does this line imply? Ans. “The post office employves are a bunch of crooks”. this comment was made by Lencho when he opened the envelope given to him by the postman and found that instead of the hundred pesos that he had asked God to send him, there were only 70 pesos. Such was Lencho" confidence in God that he had been certain that God would send him the exact | amount, if not more! But when he saw that it Was 30 pesos short he became angry. He felt that he had been cheated and since God would never 0 it to him, it had to be the post office employees who had done it, So i® his next letter he asks God to send the remaining amount but not throug! mail because he thought that the post office employees were crooks! (i) Qi Q3 Q4 Q5 Q6 Q7 av) Qi Choose the correct opti ns: A letter to God was written by: (a) Ruskin Bond (c) G.L. Futentes The house stood on- (a) The crest of a low hill (c)A deep valley The crop that grew was- (a) wheat (b) corn Lencho’s profession was- (a) cattle rearing (c) brick making Lencho went out into the rain to- (a) enjoy himself (b) have the pleasure of fecling the rain on the body (c) collect rain water Lencho wrote a letter to- (a) God (b) The village master (c) The post master Lencho’s manner of posting the letter showed that- (a) He was truly a kind hearted and simple man (b) He was greedy (c) He needed education Vocubulary (b) Lokesh Abrol (b) The crest of a mountain (c) Barley (b) farming Give antonyms of the following words- (a) Meal (b) Corn (c) pleasure (d)_ kind (c) greedy (1) confidence (g) solitary (h) destroy (i) remained (j) protect (k) mail ()) woman a bunch of Ans. (c) Ans. (a) Ans. (b) Ans. (b) Ans. (b) Ans. (a) Ans. (a) 6 ‘Ans.’ (a) typhoon 03 20 / Foundation Course = 98°" (a) meal-hunger (b) corn : non-sentimental () pleasure-displeasre (d) kind-unkind (ce) greedy-content ({) confidence -doubt (2) solitary-together (h) destroy construct (i) remained-ceased (j) prote -attack (k) mail-converse (J) woman-man There are different names in different p storms, depending on their nature. Can you match the names it the box with their descriptions below, and fill in the blanks? (gale, whirlwind, cyclone, hurricane, tornado, typhoon) (a) A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circk arts of the world fo (b) An extremely strong wind : I (c) A violent tropical storm with very strong words : a (d) A violent storm whose centre is a cloud in the shape of a funnel (c) A violent storm with very strong winds. esp western Auantic Ocean .. () Avery strong wind that moves move very f movement and causcs a lot of damages Hy in the (in a spinning (b) gale (©) cyclone. *(d) whirlwind (c) hurricane (1) tornado Use the following words to make sentences. (a) Imagine (b) pile (c) twigs () unfurl » (@) create English Language / 21 ate a 20 FF Ans. [cannot imagine a life without trecs. The old disctionary was found under a pile of registers. (c) The old sofa lay dusty and unused. (d)_ The carpender nailed the wooden piece over the broken door. (c) The sound of breaking twigs warned me of the intruder. (f) The Guest of Honour unfurled the national flag. (g) Itis difficult to create and very casy to destroy. (a) (b) 5. God Sees the Truth, but Waits — Leo Tolstoy Exercises Answer the given questions in one sentence each: What dream Aksionov’s wife saw a night before he was travelling? ‘Aksionov’s wife had dreamt that when he took off his cap after returning from the town his hair was grey. Who did Aksionov meet in the dle of the journey? In the middle of the journcy Aksionov met a merchant from Ryazan. What were the charges Aksionov was accused of? Aksionov’s was accused of killing the merchant from Ryazan and robbing him of 20,000 rubles. How did the other prisoners treat Aksionov? The other prisoners respected Aksionov, called him ‘Saint’ and came to him whenever they needed any help of guidance. What do you think the writer tries to teach us? The writer, Leo Tolstoy, tries to tell us that justice delayed justice denied. Answer the given questions in one hundred words each: What Aksionov says to response to his wife and what does this | about his character? When Aksionov’s wile tricd to stop him from travelling because she had had a bad dream about him the previous night he laughed it off. He told her that actually she was afraid that he would go on a drinking spree at the fair. He promised to being some presents for her from the fair. This shows that Aksionov was young at heart, confident of himself and loved his wife and children very much. He was not afraid of any bad AN At AL QA) : : By econd Year 927 Foundation Course “ 5¢¢ anc in nature. He worked hard and lived wae per stitious i! omens and not sup honest life Q2 Discuss how murderet ye Makar is the Askionoy comes (0 realize Makar is the reg ynviets came to the prison. The oig 4 ssh gang, of €¢ : _ Ans, One days it fresh gang them, Among the new conviey ¢ 5 Di s sand started talking, to rs n ; w ; tall man in his sixtics from Vladimir named Makar Semyon hoy, wl k told that he was in 7 ean ee shou pe ae ay something, he had done about 2 ago. sion ee eaaerey nat Aksionoy merchants were rich but their father vz victed in Siberia like him, Upon hearing from the other prisoners why sionov had grown old. Aksionov wondered that perhaps Makar kn person who had killed the merchant. But Makar replied that the kille ust be the one who had the knife in his bag because iL was impossible ni for someone else to put the knife in his bag while it was under his head Ivan then was completely sure that Makar was the murderer who had Killed the merchant Q3 Justify the title of the story ‘God $ the Truth but Waites’. Ans. — The last two words of the title ‘God sees The truth but Waits’ are very important because in the story the truth comes out in the end but it is very late. The reader knows from the very beginning that Aksionov is innovent and when Makar enters the story it becomes clear that he is the real villain. Justice however comes the author tries to convey through the ue is however confusing. Whether Tolstoy wants us to have faith in God Q that he would eventually bring the truth to light and justice to even ~ euelon or is he being cynical and pointing out that often justice arrives too late? 7 3, 33 Choose the correct options: QI Where was Aksionoy going? (a) A village b) A marke! (c) Nizhny fair (b) A market (d) Vladimir + Q2 What did Aksionov's wife see? Ans. (C) ; Oana () A lucky sign oo a ae lig Police officer find to Kia bap? noel Ga GO Berti ieee Ee (a) Sei " other prisoners use Ans. ( ae to call Aksionoy? hat happened to Aksionoy ie is ean m més 4 wi en his order of releas 2 Se Ci . awa rs Qi Suse English Language / 23 (a) Hewas happy (co) He was dead Vocabulary Supply suitable prefixes to form the words: Ex. Place Misplace (a) Perfect (b) Natural {) Interesting (d) Common (e) Reasonable (1) Kindness (g) Possible (h) Stable (i) Comfortable @) Normal (a) Perfect-imperfect (b) Interesting-uninteresting (c) Res onable-unreasonable (d) Possible-impossible (e) Comfortable-uncomfortable () Natural-unnatural (g) Common-uncommon (h) Kindness-unkindness (i) Stable-Unstable (j) Normal-abnormal Use the following words in sentences of your own: Ans. (c) tive of the following (a) Harmony (b) glorious (c) revolution (d)_ enlightenment (c) cremation (funeral (g) isolation (h) invention (i) eliminate Gj) community (a) The singers were not singing in harmony. (b) India has a glorious past. (c) Scasons are caused due to revolution of the carth. (d) Enlightenment is the ultimate goal of all human life. (ce). All family members accompanied the grandfather's body to the cremation ground. Ra Q3 Q4 Ans, at GAT 20m second Year ation Course ~ / Foundation oe ae a mber of people attende rec aU (9 Alawe® ser! vice putin the isolation cell. ‘After the bra ‘i was wl the prisone! no i ns. 4 er of all inventio : a ae inated all his enemics 0 (g) g the throne he elimi (h) Necessity int (i) ‘After ascendin by one. All members hout of need. (k) He was putin t he following words: of his community got together to help him int he prison for violation of rules. Give synonyms of t (a) Dizaling (b) isolate (c) modern (d)_ intermediary (c) romantic (f) passion (g) enlighten (h) routine (i) generous (a) sparkling (b) confine (c)_ contemporary (d)_ mediator (c) loving (0) affection (g) acquaint (h) everyday (i) bei Malie'adiective lake adjectives from the following nouns. The first one has bel done for you Office-official Nation, politics, olent spirit, tradition, option, condition Office Nation i official Politics : national Spirit ; political Tradition shiriial Option . traditional Condition optional Conditional

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