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What is LOVE?

I first met Dean at the church, he’s one of my church mates and I find
attractive since he’s good at playing drums and he’s also funny. To be honest I
have a crush on him but I can’t say anything since he’s much older than me,
so whenever I see him, I always have to pretend like there’s nothing going on.
HERA: Pa I’m gonna head out first since I have to do something in my school
works. (But I honestly, I’m just shy to around where dean is)
DAD: Okay I’m just going to wait for your mom, she’s talking with our pastor.
I head out first since the Misa is done and I can’t stay there long since
Dean is also in there.
While I’m walking, I bump into someone. I stare at his face and he look
like Dean just younger.
HERA: I’m sorry
SEAN: its fine… wait do you know where’s the church here? I think I’m lost
HERA: It’s just over there (I smiled at him; he looks cute)
SEAN: Oh, fuck HAHA I think I’m stupid, anyways thanks
HERA: Welcome? HAHA
He then leaves me, but I was still in shock of what just happen. Did I
just meet Dean’s brother?
After that day every Sunday Sean also attends in our church and he’s
always quiet waiting for his brother, He’s like a CCTV that always watch Dean
while talking to his Friends. One time I got the chance to talk to him since my
parents didn’t attend the Misa.
HERA: We meet again, not meet again I mean we got the chance to talk again.
By the way I’m Hera Lee.
SEAN: I’m Sean, Dean’s Brother
HERA: Yeah, I notice, can I ask something?
SEAN: Yeah, sure go ahead
HERA: why did you suddenly attend here?
SEAN: it’s just my mother wants me to be with Dean’s side 24/7 (He’s making
a joke)
HERA: Oh really? (I giggled)
SEAN: Kidding HAHA Dean wants me to attend in church since I’m always in
the house even in weekends, so he invites me here. I’m not really okay with it
but my mom insists and threatens me to removed my phone if I wouldn’t come
with Dean. So yeah, that’s why I’m here
HERA: Wow I think they just want you to go out and have some fun
Dean suddenly appears from behind.
DEAN: What’s happening here? You know each other? *gasp* It’s a miracle!
SEAN: Dude don’t over react I just happen to ask her where’s the church you’re
telling me to go but you didn’t even tell me where
DEAN: Did I not tell you? I thought I did since you came after all, well then (He
then face me) thanks for guiding my brother
He smiled at me and I feel like my heart is going to explode cause its
beating like crazy.
HERA: It’s… uhm fine…
What the fuck was that HERA! It’s the first time he talks to you and that’s
all you’re going to say?
DEAN: okay good so Sean let’s go we need to go
SEAN: Oh yeah okay… See you next time Hera (he smiled at me)
HERA: Like wise
Why do I feel like I want to know more about Sean? Do I like him? Wait!
No way I already have a crush on Dean. But why?
Next day I was at my school hanging out with my friends while the class
haven’t start yet. My professor came in and someone followed him entered the
room, then I notice that someone was SEAN! What the fuck?!
SKYLAR: Woah I wonder who he is?
HERA: I think I know…
SKYLAR: really? How?
PROFESSOR: Good morning class may I introduce to you your new classmate
Sean. Introduce yourself Sean
SEAN: Hi I’m Sean Coleman and uhm I’m new here nice to meet you guys
PROFESSOR: Okay now take your seat.
Sean was walking towards me since behind me was the empty seat. He
then notices me and wave at me.
SEAN: Hey we meet again… Classmate
HERA: Yeah Hi
Seriously? Him being my classmate? What the fuck was happening first
He’s Deans brother then now he’s my classmate?
Our class just ended, me and sky went to go the cafeteria to fetch some
tasty Tonkatsu.
SKYLAR: so how did you know Mr. Coleman? *teasingly*
HERA: Please give me a brake
SKYLAR: Oh come on just tell me it makes me curious even more! Tell me! Tell
HERA: Okay fine fine. You know that I have a crush on someone at my
churchmate right?
SKYLAR: Yeah, Dean Coleman
HERA: exactly Dean Coleman has a brother and that’s Mr. Coleman
SKYLAR: wait so you mean Mr. Coleman is the brother of the love of your life?
What’s the problem with that?
HERA: it’s just I feel uncomfortable with anyone involve to Dean I don’t know I
just feel it, plus I think there’s something I feel when I’m close with him but I
don’t have any idea
SKYLAR: Girl I think your just confused since you can’t be with Dean you feel
like you have a chance with Mr. Coleman, and I think it’s not that hard to fall
for him since he’s Deans brother, he has something you like in Dean.
HERA: Maybe I don’t know ugh!
SKYLAR: ops fix yourself Mr. Coleman is here
HERA: Fuck is he really? Where?
Sean walks towards us.
HERA: don’t tell you’re going to ask me where’s the cafeteria? *giggles*
Skylar was just looking at us like there’s something going on
SKYLAR: Okay I’m gonna go…
HERA: wait aren’t you coming with me?
SEAN: It’s fine I’m just greeting you since I can’t talk to you earlier
HERA: Oh… you’re not going to Cafeteria?
SEAN: Nope actually I’m gonna go to Class 7
HERA: Ah Why?
SEAN: My Girlfriend is looking for me, she wants to go with me
HERA: Owh okay
SEAN: okay bye see you around *smile*
I hope not
HERA: Yeah
Sean then leaves us to go to his GF
SKYLAR: Girlfriend
HERA: Girlfriend… So maybe the universe is giving me a sign to draw the line
SKYLAR: funny, you’re just starting to get close and now you need to draw the
line HAHA. I think you should go back to the big brother and leave Mr.
Coleman HAHAHA
HERA: Owh you’re entertained?
SKYLAR: Fuck yeah you have no Idea HAHAHAHA
After the class break, I leave Sky to go to toilet since I have to pee. I
reach to the toilet door and when open it I saw Sean making out with some girl.
Maybe it’s his girlfriend. I slowly walk back not wanting to bother them but
when I reach the door knob, the door reek. They stop kissing and look at me.
HERA: uhm… hey… I’m sorry I’m gonna go…
I hurried to go out but Sean caught my arms then drag me inside the
HERA: Dude! What the Fuck!?
SEAN: where are you going?
HERA: uhm leave? Since I don’t want to bother whatever the fuck you’re doing
in schools toilet
SEAN: Look please don’t tell anyone about this
HERA: okay fine I’m not like that
SEAN: you sure?
HERA: yeah, fucking sure
He then brought his face closer to mine and peck a kiss in my lips. The
fuck!? Did Sean just kiss me? KISS ME?!
HERA: Dude what the fuck was that?
SEAN: a thank you kiss?
HERA: what’s that for? Are you fucking playing with me?
SEAN: why you didn’t like it? Yvonne said I’m a good kisser
SEAN: okay I’m sorry I didn’t know you wouldn’t like it, and fyi she’s not my
girlfriend I don’t have any Girlfriend
HERA: Wait she’s not your girlfriend?
HERA: then who are you talking about earlier?
SEAN: That’s just an excuse
Sean starts to walk closer to me while I was walking backward trying to
avoid whatever the fuck he’s doing
SEAN: Yvonne you can go now I’m gonna contact you later. (He said it while
still looking at me)
YVONNE: Yeah, sure whatever
HERA: Wait! Sean what are you doing?
SEAN: I think I want you
The bell suddenly rings and it’s time for the next class. Thankfully for
that I have a reason to get the fuck out.
HERA: oops! the bell ring we need to go so calm your dicks out and stop
fantasizing that there’s going to happen between YOU AND ME like what
happen to you and Yvonne, cause I’m not like that and most important I like
someone else.
I then leave Sean inside the toilet and head out to our classroom where I
see Sky waiting for me.
SKYLAR: what took you so long? I thought you just need to pee. *gasp* Did you
HERA: what? No there’s just something I’ve seen on my way out
Sean enters the classroom; he’s looking at me while walking towards his
seat but I avoid his look and focus on the window
The class ended and we went home. I went to my room and take a bath
since I’m so tired writing and reporting and shit we always do in school. I got
out in the bathroom with my bathrobe and towel in my hair, laying down on
my bed casually use my phone.
Sweet and Sour
Hey you still up?
Mr. Boobies
Yeah, I just got home from school. What you doing?
Theo was my Online Friend, I met him at Facebook and we know all
about each other, so technically he knows about Sean and Dean.
Sweet and Sour
Nothing just laying down in bed, I just got out from the bathroom
Mr. Boobies
Well, I’m totally naked, I just got rid of my clothes
So, how’s your day?
Sweet and Sour
It’s fucked up
Mr. Boobies
Why? What happened?
Sweet and Sour
I’ll tell you what happen, Mr. Coleman Dean’s brother became my new classmate
and guess what I happen to see him making out with someone in the toilet, and
when I try to leave as he sees me, he kissed me
Mr. Boobies
Sweet and Sour
Yeah dude I know, I thought he’s kind and you know like his brother Dean. But
no, he’s a complete opposite
I guess now I know that I don’t like him and I’m still into Dean even though I
can’t tell him…
Mr. Boobies
Look why do you need to be involved between them, why can’t you just like
someone who will like you too genuinely?
Sweet and Sour
Yeah, like there’s someone out there you like me like how I like Dean

Why did Theo just seen me? It’s very unlike him…
Theo’s POV
Hera always focus on Dean even though Dean don’t give a fuck on her,
why would he when doesn’t even know what Hera feels about him. To be
honest I envy him ever since I learned that I have a feelings for her. But I am
far away from her so there’s no way I could tell her that I like her.
THEO: Why does Hera always focus on Dean, when will she realize that there’s
someone who’s already give a fuck about her and likes her so much? I mean I
always take care of her and listen to every thing she wants to say and yet she
still doesn’t have any clue? Stupid girl
My sister suddenly enters my room
THEO’S SISTER: Hey mom’s looking for you
THEO: Fuck! Hey learn to knock
THEO’S SISTER: Why are you so startled? Are you watching porn?
THEO: No, you idiot, I’m butt naked now get out
THEO’S SISTER: Geez okay fine sorry, just come down, okay?
THEO: Okay
Hera’s POV
I wonder what happened to Theo?
LUNA: Hera! Come on let’s eat!
Luna’s Home… Luna is my auntie but she’s just few older than me and
were like best friend so I don’t treat her like my auntie. Ever since I was an
elementary student, we were close like I always want to go hang out with her or
like tell her anything that happened to me. But that was when I was a child,
when I became a high school student, we don’t hang out that much since we
both became busy, but at home we still have bonding together since we’re
roommates, but eventually the gap between us grew and we feel like we’re not
that close like we used to when I was a child. I learn how to be alone and keep
my thoughts to myself because whenever I told her anything about it, it felt like
she doesn’t care so the gap grew more than I expected.
HERA: Coming!
LUNA: There you are, why haven’t you dressed? You’re still in your robe?
HERA: Oh yeah, I forgot, let it go, there’s no one in here with us anyway.
LUNA: Urgh! You’re always like this, can’t you just be normal and dressed up
like a normal girl?
HERA: Why do I have to be like everyone else when I want to be like this! You
know what forget it you won’t understand since all you care is what you think
you never cared for what I feel! BULLSHIT!
LUNA: What the! Hera! Come back here!
I just ignore her. Urgh! She’s always like that, telling me what to do just
to please her and she always ignored what I feel. But when I ignored her
feelings, she loses her shit together and always make me the bad guy. I’m sick
of this shit.
I wonder if Theo is still up?

Sweet and Sour

Hey uhm you still up?
9:30 pm


Mr. Boobies
Yeah slr
What happened?
Sweet and Sour
You really know me hehe
It’s just Luna, we had an argument… I just think I need to go far from her
I feel like whenever she’s around me I feel irritated
Mr. Boobies
Maybe you guys just had a misunderstanding
You two should talk
Sweet and Sour
Nah I think I don’t like that Idea maybe not now
Anyways thanks for replying, I’m gonna go sleep I still have presentation
tomorrow… Bye Nightnight
Mr. Boobies
Okay sleepwell, nightnight
Next day I was walking to school when I saw Sean walking in front of me.
Oh, shit I forgot about him. I think he sees me cause he’s walking towards me
SEAN: Hey uhm I just wanna say sorry for what I did yesterday. I was a total
ass and I regret it; I should have treated you like that… please forgive me.
I stop walking and look at him… he looks sincere
HERA: Okay fine I will let you go this time but if it happens again, I will tell
NOT just your brother but everyone I know especially your mom
SEAN: I promise I was kind a drunk that time so I acted like a total dick. Don’t
worry I will avoid you so you won’t feel uncomfortable I promise.
Just like Sean told me whole day Sean ignores me like he never sees me,
but its fine to me since I feel uncomfortable when he’s around.
I was preparing for our MAPEH presentation and since I’m the leader I
need to do well so that if my member fail, I still have a chance to have a good
grade for the presentation.
HERA: You guys sure that your presentation is done?
MEMBERS: Yeah, we’re sure!
The presentation starts and since we’re the last one who will present, we
still have time to get ourselves ready. After the 5 groups finished, it’s our turn
I was reporting when my eyes suddenly land on Sean, he was listening to
me closely, and I feel like was being distracted by that so I try to look at our
professor to gain some focus. After a minute, we were done at our presentation
and I think our professor was kind a pleased by it.
SKYLAR: I thought you’ve never felt nervous but clearly you are?
HERA: it’s not that I’m nervous for my presentation, I just happened to see
Sean and I fucked up there.
SKYLAR: Why I thought you clearly over him and you’re sure that you didn’t
like him
HERA: I don’t know…
Our school day ended and Sean ignored me like he said but for me its
fine, it’s for the better for both of us.
LUNA: Hey how’s school?
HERA: its fine I guess since our presentation is over
LUNA: Nice you wanna go out and eat?
HERA: Yeah sure
I change my uniform to something comfortable. As we were walking, I
saw in the corner of my eyes was Dean, he’s talking to somebody. I look up
then I notice its Samantha, the pretty girl in our church who’s around his age.
Wonder why are they together?
LUNA: hey let’s go!
HERA: oh… yeah coming
We stop at some café; we ordered some espresso and some chocolate
LUNA: So about yesterday, I’m sorry if I over step. I’m just exhausted.
HERA: Yeah, I understand, I’m sorry too.
LUNA: So, we’re good?
HERA: you bet HAHA… Hey uhm do you think Dean and Sam are thing?
LUNA: Dean and Sam? Hmm… maybe I notice that Dean is always around Sam
even in church, where Sam sits, he’s always beside or behind her. So, there’s a
HERA: I didn’t notice…
LUNA: Really? But you’re always watching Dean… yet you didn’t notice?
HERA: Yah! I don’t always watch Dean… You’re over acting
LUNA: But seriously I think they are item
Wow that sucks, my long-time crush is now taken.
After that dinner we head home early since I still have class tomorrow.
My alarm rang, and when I look at my phone… IT’S ALREADY 6AM? WHAT
late I don’t have any time to have a bath, I just brush my teeth then left the
house. While I was running, I bump into someone.
HERA: I’m sorry I didn’t notice you I was in a hurry… I’m really sorry
I was about to left when he suddenly calls my name.
DEAN: Hera?
HERA: Dean?
DEAN: Yeah, you’re heading to your school?
HERA: Yeah, I’m pretty late like I said… bye
DEAN: wait let me give you a ride, my bike is over there
HERA: No, you don’t have to I’m just gonna run for it
DEAN: Nah! I wouldn’t mind beside I think running would make you late even
more, you and my brother goes to same school so I know the way
HERA: Okay fine let’s just hurry my prof would kill me
I ride into Dean’s bike and he drove like the bike is going to fly. As we
ride through his bike, I’ve been wanting to ask him about Sam.
HERA: hey umm… I heard there’s something going on with you and Sam? Is it
DEAN: Oh yeah you didn’t know? It’s been a month since she said yes to me,
isn’t it cool? I’ve been courting her since we were like you age, and it’s cool she
said she likes me too
HERA: Oh really? That’s great… Congrats then…
I don’t know what to say, I just fucking learned that my long-time crush
is in love with someone who’s perfect for him. Now really fucking feeling it…
that it’s impossible for him to like me too.
DEAN: Hey you, okay?
Of course, not you idiot
HERA: Yeah… just… my nose is itchy that’s all
Thank God we arrive at the school, I can’t stay beside him since I feel like
my tears would burst out
HERA: Thanks for the ride, and umm… Congrats again… bye…
I left him not wanting to waste time since I’m late and I feel fucking
heartbreak every time I see him
SKY: Hey you, you okay? What’s wrong?
HERA: Dude Dean’s in a relationship
CLASSMATE: Hey sky what your mouth!
SKY: Fuck sorry! Wait Really?
HERA: He said it’s been a month since Sam said Yes to him… you know I
should be happy for them, they’re perfect for each other and what I’m
fantasizing is bullshit you know? (Sky nodding to what I said) but still I feel
SKY: Look here babe I know it hurts since he’s your long-time crush but I
think it’s time to stop kidding yourself and face the reality that you can’t be
with each other for tons of reason. But I think its sign to move on and find
someone who’s going to love you for who you truly are…
I looked up to sky, she’s right it’s time to move on and stop hurting
yourself from loving someone who can’t be with you. Maybe start focusing on
yourself instead of finding love from someone else.
HERA: Thanks Sky… Since when did you become wise you bitch HAHA
SKY: Only for you babe (wink) HAHAHA you bitch
The whole day I’m still spacing out thinking of what happened today and
what am I going to do to move on. Seeing Sean having fun at the cafeteria
makes me think of Dean, wondering if he’s hanging out with Sam… or having
their DATE…
HERA: I bet they’re having fun right now
SKY: dude? I thought moving on, why are you staring at Sean?
HERA: HUH? Oh, sorry just…
SKY: try to focus on your food and ignore Sean, you’re just making yourself
think Dean
HERA: Sorry sorry WOOHH! Moving on…
As I try to focus on my food, I still can’t forget Dean. After our class
ended, I decide to go home instead of hanging out with Sky.
Sweet and Sour
Mr. Boobies
So, how’s your day?
Sweet and Sour
Sooooo awful
Mr. Boobies
Why? What happened?
Sweet and Sour
Sorry I’d rather not talk about it :<
Mr. Boobies
Sweet and Sour
Yeah sure
Theo called me
HERA: It’s nice to hear your voice again
THEO: Please spear me with that talk, I know my voice is awful
HERA: Trust me, your voice makes me feel comforted
THEO: So? What happened?
HERA: First thing I woke up late and as try to run for it… umm I bump into…
THEO: Oh Dean…
HERA: Yup he notices that I’m late so he offered me to ride his bike, so I accept
his offer since he’s persistent, and happened next is my stupidity
THEO: What did you do?
HERA: I asked him about him and Sam… if they’re a THING. It turns out they
were almost a month
HERA: Yup haha I know I’m stupid how dare I am to feel heartbroken when I’m
the one who asked him… I hurt myself by asking the truth… I know it’s fucked
up you would probably think it’s for the best since you know it’s impossible for
us to be together… but still it hurts you know… I liked him since I was in a 5 th
THEO: It’s okay I understand what you’re feeling right now… your feelings are
valid you liked… him in a long-time and now knowing he’s in love with
someone else it breaks your heart
Hearing Theo’s advice makes me burst to cry
THEO: But it’s time to move on… stop hurting yourself, loving someone when
you know the truth that you can’t love him for many reasons and start loving
yourself first… why don’t you try to avoid anything that makes you think of
him, maybe it will help you to forget about him
HERA: You know maybe it’s not that hard to forget him…
THEO: What do you mean?
HERA: To be honest it bothers me I don’t think I really did Love him… I didn’t
even know if I ever love someone, cause think of it if I loved him why did I think
I liked his brother? Isn’t that impossible if you only have eyes for someone?
THEO: well, you can say that
HERA: See, maybe that’s why I kept thinking why do I thing I have e feelings
for Sean when I liked Dean for almost 4 years
THEO: Wow 4years (whispers)
HERA: 4years… What?
THEO: oh, nothing you can continue
HERA: I’m just saying my mind is Fucked up
THEO: Look you’re just confused and heartbroken since that happened with

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