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1. What is security?

Answer: Security is essential to safeguard your computer against trespasser from using your personal or
office based computer resources with malicious intent.

2. How can you apply the information assurance and security to your course?

Answer: Information assurance and security is applicable to my course in a way that it helps me to know
how to protect computer system and network from theft. Secure hardware and software from
unauthorized intrusions. Learning this topics enables for me to be more vigilant and it prepares us for
incoming cyber attacks that may alter, distroy and misuse our data.

ACCESS- is a security that can be used to regulate who or what can view or use resources in a computing

ASSET- Anything having value(DATA)

ATTACK- Gaining the access of data it's either accessing data, modifying data or destroying the data by
unauthorized users.

CONTROL, SAFEGUARD, or COUNTERMEASURE - In essence, they are means, methods, actions,

techniques, processes, procedures, or devices that reduce the vulnerability of a system or the possibility
of a threat exploiting a vulnerability in a system

EXPLOIT- is a piece of software, data or sequence of commands that can exploit a vulnerability for
malicious purposes.

EXPOSURE- is the extent which vulnerability is exposed to the threat.

LOSS-the intentional or unintentional destruction of information, caused by people and or processes

from within or outside of an organization.

PROTECTION PROFILE OR SECURITY POSTURE- the measures of the level of visibility you have into your
asset inventory and attack surface.

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