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Every country has its great men and women who are remembered for what they have

done for heir country. One of the Indonesia’s great men is Dr. Mohammad Hatta. He was a man
with a deep love of his country and his people.
Dr. Mohammad Hatta was born in Bukittinggi on August 2th, 1902. While still in Junior
High School in Bukittinggi he became interested in politics and joined the League of Young
Sumatrans. He left Bukittinggi to study in Batavia. Then he went to he Netherlands. where he
studied economic and gained a doctorate. During his stay there he as active in the Nationalist
Movement. Because of his activities he was arrested. At this trial he resented 10 a brilliant
defense and acquitted.
In 1932 Hatta returned to Indonesia. He joined a political organization called, Indonesian
National Party or PNI. One of its goals was to develop political awareness among the
Indonesian people. His activities again led to his arrest. The colonial government exiled him to
Boveri Digul, and later to Banda Neira. Shortly before the Japanese invasion he was brought
back to Java. When Japanese surrendered in August 1945, Soekarno and Hatta proclaimed
Indonesia’s independence. Hatta became the first Vice President f The Republic of Indonesia.
In 1956 Hatta resigned as Vice President and devoted himself to writing. On March l4t1,
1981 Dr. Mohammad, Hatta died in Jakarta. However people will always remember him as a
great statement of Indonesia.

1. “Mohammad Hatta’s presence was unw anted by the colonial government.”

This information is found in paragraph ….
a. Two
b. Three
c. Four
d. Five
e. One
2. The word “there” in “During his stay there he was active in the NatIonalist Movement”, refers
to …..
a. Batavia
b. Bukit tinggi
c. Banda Neira
d. The Netherlands
e. Digul
3. How old was Mohammad Hatta when he died?
He was ... years old.
a. fifty four
b. fifty six
c. sixty nine
d. seventy nine
e. eighty
4. In line 2, what does “they” refer to?
a. Their activities
b. Their countries
c. Indonesian people
d. The great men and women
e. Every country
5. What is the third paragraph about?
It’s about the time when Mohammad Hatta …..
a. studied in the Netherlands
b. became the first vice president
c. proclaimed Indonesia’s independence
d. joined the League of Young Sumatrans
e. passed away

The Legend of Nyi Roro Kidul

(The Queen of South Ocean)

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Kadita. Because of her beauty
she as called Dewi Srengenge. It meant the goddess of sun. Her father was King Munding
‘Wangi. lthough he had a beautiful daughter, he was unhappy because he always ... (6) to have
a son.
The king ... (7) to marry Dewi Mutiara. He had a son from her. Dewi Mutiara wanted her
son to .. (8) a king in the future. She asked the King to send his daughter away.
The king did not ... (9) Dewi Mutiara called a black wizard to curse Kadita. She wanted Kadita’s
beautiful body full f ulcer. Then, Kadita’s body was full of ulcer. It smelled bad. The beautiful
princess cried. The ing was sad. No one could cure his daughter’s illness. The king did not want
her daughter to be a ... (10) so he sent her away.
The poor princess did not know where to go. However, she had a oble heart. She did not
have any bad feeling about her step mother. She walked for almost seven ays and seven
nights. Then, she came to the south Ocean. The ocean was so clean and clear. he (11) into the
water and swam.
Suddenly, there was a miracle. The ocean water cured her illness. She became more
beautiful than before. She also had a power to command the whole South Ocean. She became
a ... (12) called Nyi Roro Kidul or The Queen of South Ocean.

6 a. expected
b. gave
c. born
d. had
e. got
7 . a. received
b. decided
c. got
d. made
e. learnt
8 . a. had
b. lived
c. replace
d. become
e. recognized
9. a. refuse
b. allow
c. agree
d. sent
e. consider
10. a. rumor
b. news
c. message
d. information
e. annoucement
11. a. swam
b. run
c. slept
d. jumped
e. danced

12. a. fairy
b. mother
c. Son
d. Princess
e. queen


Boyz H Men A Song for Mama

Written by Edmonds, Kenneth B

You taught me everything

And everything you’ve given me
I’ll always keep it inside
You’re the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn’t anything
Or anyone that I can be
And it just wouldn’t feel right
If didn’t have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me 21.
When skies were grey
Whenever I was down
You were always there
To comfort me
And no one else can be
What you have been to me
You’ll always be 22.
You will always be the girl
In my life for all times
Ma ma
Mama you know I love you
(Oh you know I love you)
Mama 23.
Mama you’re the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama I just want you to know
Lovin’ you is like food to my soul
(yes it is, yes it is, ohhhhh,
yes it is, yes it is,
yes it is ... oohhhh)
You’re always there for me
Have always been around for me
even when I was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
(Yes you did)
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin’ me 25. You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when I was so afraid
And Then you come to me
And saaaayyyyy,
I can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have- done for me
You’ll always be You will always be
The girl in my life
(oooo, oohh)
Never gonna go a day without you Fill’s me up just thinking about you
I’ll never go a day
Without my mama

13. The writer thinks that her mother has this role in his life, except.
a. teach him
b. gives the driving force
c. shows the right way
d. gives the strength
e. tells the mistakes
14. Mama you’re the queen of my heart. What is the opposite of the word ‘queen’?
a. Princess
b. Prince
c. Knight
d. King
e. Minister
15. You gave me strength to go on. What is the synonym of the word ‘strength’?
a. Power
b. Energy
c. Inspiration
d. Encouragement
e. Facility
16. When the writer is bad, her mother will to him.
a. teach
b. encourage
c. show the right
d. improve
e. prevent
17. What can you conclude from the lyrics of the song?
a. The writer’s mother only gives attention when the writer was sad.
b. The writer did not think that her mother was important for him.
c. To love the mother is just like the food of the soul.
d. There are some days for the writer to go without his mother.
e. The mother never comforts the child.
18. What is the pattern of positive passive sentence in simple present tense?
a. S + is/am/are + V-ing
b. S + is/am/are + V-3
c. S + is/am/are + not + V-3
d. S + was/were + V-3
e. S+ will be+ being+V-3
19. Sean practices the new dance moves.
What is the correct passive form of the underlined sentence?
a. The new dance moves are practiced by Sean.
b. The new dance moves is practiced by Sean.
c. The new dance moves practiced by Sean.
d. The new dance moves practices Sean.
e. The new dance moves will be practiced by Sean.

Why does Sea Become Salty?

The legend of why sea became salty says that a long time ago, there was a giant that
used to ... (20) in one of the islands next to the nice people, this giant was very generous and
always gave hem salt to prepare very tasty meals.
One day, the ocean was very agitated and the people could not go to the giant’s island
for some salt, the days passed by and the sea was still very rough, eventually they ... (21) of salt
for their food and started to find a way to go and get it. A child gave hem the idea to ask the
gentle giant to stretch one of his legs so they could cross the ocean and et the salt they needed.
The giant accepted the idea, but when he stretched his leg. he didn’t notice that landed
on an anthill. This made the ants furious and started to bite the poor giant’s leg, the giant, in
pain, asked the people to hurry.
As soon as the people made it to the other side, he giant gave them sacks full of salt. When
they were done the giant stretched his leg one more ime, landing, again on the anthill.
The giant in more pain than before. begged to the people to hurry because the ants were
biting him again, but the sacks were so heavy that slowed down the people. Sadly before the
people were able to reach their own village. the giant in a scream of gain moved his leg to the
ocean so the ant won’t bite him anymore. throwing the people and the sacks f salt in it.
The giant saw the people drowning and in a quick move save them, but the salt ... (22) in
the ocean, that at that time didn’t have any taste, making it salty. And this is the legend of how
the sea has the salty taste.

a. live
b. lives
c. living
d. lived
e. life
a. running out
b. runned out
c. ran out
d. runs out
e. running

a. melts
b. melting
c. was melted
d. melt
e. melted

Long time ago, there was a king ruled a big kingdom in East Java. His name was Prabu
Menak rakoso. The king realized that he must expand his territory to Bali Island. So, he and his
troops invaded a kingdom in Klungkung, Bali. He was succeeded in invading the kingdom. He
killed the king. Yet, the king’s son and daughter survived and ran into the forest. The son’s
name was gung Bagus Mantra and the daughter’s name was Made Surati.

Prabu Menak had a charming son named Raden Banterang. One day, Banterang went
to jungle for hunting. In the jungle, he met king of Klungkung’s daughter, Made Surati. He
amazed with the beauty of Surati. Then, Surati as taken by him to the kingdom. Several months
later, he made Surati as his wife. They lived a appy life together in Kingdom.
One day, Surati went to market to buy some foods. In the market, he was shocked when
she met some beggars. She was more surprised when she realized one f the beggars was his
brother, Agung Bagus. She asked Bagus to live in Kingdom. But, agus. rejected her idea
because he found that Surati was the prince’s wife who killed and ruined is kingdom. Instead of
accepting Surati’s request, he asked her to kill Raden Banterang, Yet,
Then, Bagus was angry with her. He thought Surati as a traitor and no longer as her
sister. So, e had an idea to kill Surati. He made up an issue that Surati had an affair with
another man.
Banterang believed with this issue. He was angry to his wife. He asked Surati to tell the
truth. urati tried to explain the situation. She told his husband that she wasn’t lying to him. But,
Banterang did not believe her. Then, Surati told that his brother had made this issue to kill her.
he also explained that she is a daughter of King Kulungkung.
Banterang became angrier when he new this truth. He took his dagger and tried to kill Surati.
Surati asked a wish just before Banterang took his dagger. She wanted Banterang to
throw her body into the river after he killed er. She wanted to prove that she did not lie. She said
to Banterang if after he threw her body nto he river and it smelled terrible, it meant she lied.
However, if the river smelled fragrant after her ead body was thrown. It meant she was innocent.
Without hesitation, Banterang killed Surati. fter he killed her, he kept Surati’s wish. He
threw her into dirty black river. Suddenly, the colour f the river turned into the glass colour and
became clean. He could also smell fragrant from the iver. He realized that his wife did not lie
and was innocent. He was angry and screamed like a razy person. Then, Banterang decided to
suicide and threw himself to river.
This is the legend of Banyuwangi River. Banyu is a .Javanese word that means water or river.
Wcingi means fragrant. Banyuwaflgi was born as a proof of love sacrifice. Until now, people
name this rives. as Banyuwangi.
22. The underlined phrase in the text is a
a. adverb of place
b. adverb of time
c. adverb of verb
d. direct speech
e. specific pronoun
23. Who is the main character in the story?
a. Surati
b. Roro Anteng
c. Sangkuriang
d. Bethara Kala
e. Hutiya Mala
24. “Surati asked a wish just before Banterang took his dagger.”
Which one is the appropriate word to change the underlined word?
a. offered
b. quitted
c. ordered
d. said
e. told
25. What paragraph is the complication in the story?
a. First paragraph
b. Third paragraph
c. Four paragraph
d. Five paragraph
e. Second paragraph
26. Which one is not true statement based in the text?
a. The legend comes from East Java.
b. Raden Banterang is the son of Prabu Menak.
c. Agung Bagus thought Surati as a traitor and no longer as her sister.
d. Agung Bagus took his dagger and tried to kill Surati.
e. Banyu is a Javanese word that means water or river. Wangi is means fragrant.

A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked up, took it home and looked
after it lovingly, even though his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the
After some time, the wing mended and, because the bird did not want the farmer to ave
kept on arguing with his wife al the time, it decided to go back to its nest.
When the farmer discovered that the bird was gone, he was upset that he went out to
look for it. Eventually, he found it again, was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As
a sign of their thanks for is care and attention, the birds gave him a little box, and told him not to
open it until he got home.
To his surprise, the farmer found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw
them, she decided that she too deserved a reward, and she went to see the birds.
The birds gave her a little asked, but this one was full of devils. The devils jumped on her
soon as she open the basket and chased her away. Left alone, the farmer went to live near his
friend, the bird. There he built a hut f a perfumed wood; and• the birds decorated it with flowers
of every kind.
27. Which of the following statement do you agree with?
a. The farmer chased his wife away.
b. The farmer lived happily with his wife.
c. The farmer’s wife took care of the bird.
d. The bird was very thankful to the farmer.
e. The farmers wife was a very kind woman.
28. The farmer’s new hut was.
a. well furnished
b. built by the birds
c. a gift from the bird
d. decorated luxuriously
e. built of perfumed wood
29. What do we learn from the text?
a. A gift shows kindness.
b. Sufferings bring happiness.
c. Arguing makes you distressed.
d. A good deed deserves a reward.
e. Having no heart makes you isolated.
30. What is the main idea of the third paragraph?
a. The bird left the farmer.
b. The bird welcomed the farmer.
c. The farmer got a little basket from the birds.
d. The farmer was so angry and went out to find the bird.
e. The farmer was happy having got a box of precious stones.
31. What tense is used by the text?
a. Present perfect tense
b. Simple past tense
c. Future perfect tense
d. Present continuous tense
e. Past perfect tense

Edison acquired his knowledge of electricity and telegraphy (use of a telegraph system
to communicate at a distance) as a teenager. In 1868. at age 21, he developed a telegraphic
vote-recording machine, the first of his inventions to be patented. The next year, Edison
invented an improved version of the stock ticker, which printed stock market quotations and gold
prices on a paper tape. Unlike older stock tickers, Edison’s was fully automatic, and it did away
with the need or a special attendant to operate each machine.
These early inventions brought Edison no financial returns. The first invention to bring
him money was another improvement on the stock kicker. Edison created a central mechanism
by which all the receiving tickers could be put in unison with the main sending apparatus. For
this invention, Edison received $40,000, which could be worth $530,000 in 2000. He and a
business partner, who operated a machine shop, used the money to start a new company to
manufacture Edison’s improved stock ticker. For the next five ears Edison spent up to 18 hours
a day in his workshop in Newark, New Jersey, inventing and manufacturing a variety of
electrical devices. One important device that he designed during this period was the quadruplex,
a highly efficient telegraph that could send four messages at a time over a telegraph wire,
instead of just one.

32. When did Edison acquired his knowledge of electricity?

a. When he was a teenager.
b. When he was a boy.
c. When he was in school.
d. When he was in home.
e. When he was in his lab.
33. When did he develop a telegraphic vote- recording machine?
a. In 1867
b. In 1868
c. In 1869
d. In 1870
e. In 1871
34. How much did Edison get from the stock ticker?
a. He got $30,000.
b. He got $35,000.
c. Hegot$40,000.
d. Hegot$45,000.
e. Hegot$50,000.
35. What was quadruplex?
a. It was a kind of telegraph.
b. It was a highly efficient telegraph.
c. It was a message.
d. It was a telephone.
e. It was not Edison’s invention.
36. “... inventing and manufacturing a variety of electrical devices.”
The underlined words has the same meaning with the word, except.
a. tool
b. equipment
c. means
d. supply
e. instrument

Christine Hakim

Christine Hakim is one of the most famous Indonesian actresses. She was born in iambi
on December 25th, 1957.
Christine Hakim has been a multi-talented film actress since the 1970. Her father is
Hakim Thahar while her husband is Edo Eduard Jeroen Lezer. She made the debut by
becoming the actress in ‘Cinta Pertama’ in 1973. This film led her to win ‘Piala Citra’ in the
Indonesian Film Festival. She continued her success in the later films. Up to now, she has been
nvolved in more than 30 films.
Winning ‘Piala Citra’ for six times are a recognition for her acting. Joet Nja Oh ien was
the most well-known film of Christine Hakim. It was released in 1988. It tells bout the struggle of
the people in Aceh, led by Tjoet Nja Dhien. to gain the independence.

37. When was Christine Hakim born?

a. 1955 c. 1957 e. 1959
b. 1956 d. 1958
38. Who is her husband?
a. HakimThahar
b. Edo Eduard Jeroen Lezer
c. Edo Thahar
d. Hakim Lezer
e. Hakim Eduard Thahar
39. What was her movie debut?
a. Piala Citra
b. Tjoet Nja Dhien
c. Cinta Pertama
d. Badal Pasti Berlalu
e. Eat Pray Love
40. How many films has she been involved in?
a. 26
b. 27
c. 28
d. 29
e. 30
41. What makes people recognize her acting?
a. Her acting debut in Clnta Pertama
b. Her husband
c. Her winning in Indonesian Film Festival for six times
d. Her contribution in directing many Indonesian films
e. Her familiar face

Christina Martha Tiahahu was born in Nusa Laut. Maluku.January4th, 1800 and died in
the Banda Sea, Maluku, January 2nd, 1818 at the age of 17 years. She was a girl from a village
on the Nusalaut Island, Abubu. His father is Paul Tiahahu Kapitan, a lieutenant from the land of
Thomas Abubu who was also assistant of Pattimura Matulessy in the war against the Dutch in
Christina Martha listed as a unique freedom fighter because she was a teenage
daughter who directly engage in the battle against the Dutch colonial army. Among the fighters
and the community, she had great spirit to against the enemy. Christina was known as a brave
girl and resolutely aginst the ideals of struggle.

42. Who is the inspirational woman told in the text above?

a. Dewi Sartika
b. Cut Nyak Dien
c. Christina Martha Tiahahu
d. Cut Mutia
e. RA. Kartini
43. When was she born?
a. January 14th 1080
b. January 4th, 1880
c. January4th, 1808
d. January 4th, 1800
e. January4th, 1888
44. How old was she when she died?
a. l6 years old
b. 17 years old
c. l8 years old
d. 1 years oId
e. 20 years old
45. What was his father?
a. Paul Tiahahu
b. Thomas Abubu
c. Pattimura Matule SSY
d. Nusalaut Abubu
e. Ahero
46. Is the girl categorized as a hera?
a. Yes, she is.
b. No, she isn’t.
c. Yes, she does.
d. Yes, she can.
e. No, she didn’t.

Chairul Tanjung was born in Jakarta on June 16th, 1962. His parents were A.G. Tanjung
and Alimah. He was born in a very rich family, but because of something, his family economy
turn 180 degree where their big house arc were sold to cover debt and for a living . they had to
live in a tiny apartment. His parents wanted their children to be successful so they worked in a
company. Khairul finished his study at the Boedi Oetomo Senior Hidgh School in 1981. He
obtained a bachelor degree at the Faculty of Dentistry. University of Indonesia. He became the
national noble student in 1984 and 1985. While studying. he and his two friends started a shop
which sold books and T-shirt but they rapidly become a big shop selling doctors and
laboratories equipments. He must spare his time studying and business but he chooses
business, so he dropt from the Dentistry school and established PT Pariarti Shindutama with
150 million rupiah for assets borrowed from Exim Bank. The company produced shoes for kids
and got an order making 160 pairs of shoes to Italy. But a month after the order, he separated
from his two friends because he had a different thinking about business. He later became the
chairman and founder of CT Corp (Indonesia). Along with the late bounder of Sony. Akio Morfta.
He worked with Morita to establish the business. He bought Bank Karrnan and changed
its name to Bank Mega. He expanded his business interests into insurance and securities.
Chairul is now involved in the television business; he founded Trans TV and TV 7 from the
Kompas- Gramedia Group. Chairul owns property projects, such as Bandung Super Mall,
Batam Indah Prospertindo, Para Bali Propertindo, and Mega Indah Propertindo. In 2012, he
bought a minority share of Garuda Indonesia. His holding company is CT Corp., formerly Para
Group, with 3 sub holdings such as Mega Corp (a financial business sub holding), Trans Corp
(a media, life style, department store, consumer goods, hotel and entertainment sub holding) ,
CT Global Resource, an agribusiness and energy sub holding.
There is also a biography of Chairul Tanjung which has been launched with the title
Chairul Tanjung Si Anak Singkong (“Chairul Tanjung the Cassava Child,” “cassava” meaning
“socially inferior”).
47. What is the name of the figure to’d in the text above?
a. Chairul Tanjung d. Afgan Syahreza
b. Bill gate e. W.S. Rendra
c. J.K. Rowling he finish Senior High School?
d. 1981
e. 1998
48. What did he reach in 1984 and 1985?
a. The national noble student in 1984 and 1985
b. Good business
c. Owning Bank Karman
d. Owning Ct. Corp, formaly Para Group with 3 sUbholdings such as Mega Corp,
Trans Corp, Ct.Global Resource,and MNC Media Group
e. Founding Trans TV and TV 7
49. He worked with Morita to establish the business.
The underlined word is a
a. a present continuous verb
b. past perfect verb
c. past verb
d. present verb
e. past perfect verb
50. What is the second paragraph in the biographical text called?
a. reorientation
b. introduction
c. complication
d. series
e. orientation

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