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My personal notes before the session:

1. What do we assess?
 In order to achieve learning outcomes through teaching and assessment there must be an
alignment of learning goals (what do I want my Ss to learn?), assessment (what will
my Ss do to show what they have learned) and classroom activity (what will I do and
what will Ss do?).
 The goals need to be shared with Ss so they understand clearly what expectations are put
on them.
 The curriculum definition of knowledge focuses on the acquiring of defined knowledge.
 There are three types of assessment Qs: 1. Assessment of a fact (either right or wrong) =
memory based 2. Requires a different process of learning (a bit complex than the 1st but
Ss arrive at the same answer in the end) 3. The ling outcomes are varied & the ling
process is more complex = the need to provide supporting evidence.
 Learning outcomes are explicit statements of expectations or criteria that Ss should
achieve at the end of the course. They are written from the Ss’ perspective (by the end of
the course, Ss should be able to…)

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