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Republic of the Philippines

Region III – Central Luzon
Schools Division of City of Balanga
City of Balanga, Bataan

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, 100% of the students with 80% level of proficiency shall be able to:

A. Analyze the information conveyed in the material read

B. Show appreciation on the material read; and
C. Interpret the information provided in the material viewed/read

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Week 5: Analyze the information contained in the material viewed/read
Reference: English 9 Module
Materials: Cartolina and Worksheets

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

III. Procedures
A. Preliminary Activities
Please stand everyone and let’s ask for the guidance of
our Lord Jesus Christ before we start our day.
Starts the prayer…
Good morning, everyone! I hope you all had a warm
breakfast, before you seat down, please arrange your
chairs properly and pick all the unnecessary things on the
floor. You may now be seated.

Secretary of the class, do we have any absentees for today?

Yes ma’am, I’m sad to say that one of my classmates is
absent today.
That’s sad to hear, I hope she/he’s doing fine. Thank you.

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Before we start our class discussion, let’s first have our
motivational activity called ‘Read Me Up’. I have prepared
here a short story called ‘The Gift of Magi’ by O, Henry.
Each students will have to read it silently and after that an
oral reading is tasked to the students to fully understand
the short shorty.

The Gift of Magi

Della Dillingham, is crying as she hold 1.87 dollars in her

hand wanders here and there in the room. She is worried
because it’s Christmas Eve and she needs to buy a gift for
her loving and caring husband to show that she loves her
too. Also, she feels like crying because she doesn’t know
what to do.

Moreover, the couple lives in a small and simple

apartment. James Young Dillingham is a gentleman and
husband of Della. He works in an office in the city.
Recently he was receiving 30 dollars a week which has
drastically fallen to 20 dollars a week and due to which the
family upsets a bit.
The only pride with the Dillingham family is the gold
watch James is having which is believed to be given to his
father by his grandfather. On the other side, Della’s most
beautiful thing is her hair. James loves her long brown hair.

Della is thinking about how to give James a gift. Meantime

she comes in front of the mirror in her room. The narrator
describes it as not a good mirror as it is thin and gets very
difficult for anyone to catch his glimpse in it. However,
Della is a thin girl so she easily catches a view of herself.

In all of her nervousness, she opens her hair which falls to

its full length to her knees. She has beautiful brown hair
which shines brightly. Upon seeing her hair, an idea probes
in her mind. She rushes to the stairs and goes down to the
street and sees the name of the shop on the street Mrs.

She runs towards the shop and goes inside and asks Mrs.
Sofronie whether she will buy her hair or not. She tells her
to open her hair. When she sees her brown hair fall like a
stream from top to her knees, she at once says 20 dollars.

After the haircut, Della goes to the market to buy a gift for
James. Now she has 21 dollars and 87 cents. She crosses
the whole market and a number of shops until she finds a
beautiful watch chain. When she looks at it, she at once
thinks of buying it. Eventually, she buys it and thinks like
it was made for James. She returns home happily.

Similarly, she is smiling and blushing that how happy and

delighted James will be when he sees this beautiful watch
chain as he was already in need of one.

Subsequently, she comes home and straightly goes to her

room. Sitting in her room she thinks about her hair cut
which seems more like a schoolboy cut. On this, she
becomes slightly upset as it was her most beautiful and
dear possession. Due to this, she also imagines how badly
James will feel when he comes to know her hair is gone.
Then, she keeps waiting in her room for James to return

At 7 o’clock, James arrives and she listens to his steps

approaching the room. She excitedly goes downstairs and
stops there as James looks at her strangely because of her
haircut. She tells him not to look at her like that because
his weird look is hurting her. She asks whether James loves
her in long hair and will not love her like this.

Upon hearing this from Della, James comes near her and
says nothing can lessen his love for her. Then, he expresses
his disappointment by showing the gift he bought for her.
At that time, he says to Della if she sees what he has
brought for her as a gift she would feel the same as he felt.
Della steps towards the gift and as her white finger opens
the box tears come out of her eyes.

There are two beautiful jeweled combs which she has seen
in a shop and wanted it but she couldn’t buy it. James says
that he sold his gold watch to buy this for her. Now her hair
is gone so they are of no worth or use for her. Della, though
upset, builds courage and says to James to forget about
these gifts as they are worthy of not our use for now, and
let’s enjoy our Christmas night as we are losing time.

After reading in silently, have you gained understanding

about the short story I presented?
If that’s so, after reading the short story, a box filled with
reading comprehension questions will be pass to every
students while the music plays and whomever the box
lands on when the music stop, he/she needs to pick one
question and share his/her answer to the class.

Reading Comprehension Questions:

1. What is Della doing at the beginning of the story?

Ma’am, At the beginning of the story Della was crying
because she only had One Dollar and Eighty-Two Cents
to use to buy her husband Jim a gift for Christmas, and it
was Christmas Eve meaning she had very little time to
think of something.
2. Which possessions do Della and Jim value most?
Based on the short story, Della valued her hair. Jim
valued his gold chain.
3. What is Jim's reaction to Della when he arrives home?
Ma’am, Jim's initial reaction when he entered the flat,
(their home or apartment), was shock.
4. What gifts do the couple give each other?
Della gets Jim a watch chain with the money she got
from selling her hair. Jim gets Della hair combs that are
designed for both fastening and adorning a woman's hair.
5. What do Della's and Jim's sacrifices tell you about
their relationship?
Ma’am, Della and Jim's sacrifices show that they care
about each other because they both gave up something
special to them to get each other a thoughtful gift for
Thank you everyone for having a comprehensive answer,
seems that you’re really understand how to analyze a
written material.

In that case, let’s now move to our proper lesson.

2. Discussion
Our Lesson for today is about the Analyze the information
contained in the material viewed/read.

Do you have any idea how we analyze information?

Yes, Ma’am! We analyze the information contained in
the material by reading it and having a clear
Very good! Thank you.

When we discuss “reading” we mean the process of

engaging with a text. This includes viewing a film or
reading a novel or looking at a picture.

As we engage with it, we try to understand the meaning it

contains. This is a process of analysis that we generally
refer to as “reading”.

Are we clear?
Yes, Ma’am.
Let’s now move to the Textual Analysis.

Textual analysis is a broad term for various research

methods used to describe, interpret and understand texts.

All kinds of information can be gleaned from a text.

From its literal meaning to the subtext, symbolism,

assumptions, and values it reveals.
The Process for Textual Analysis

1. Reading or viewing a text for themes or ideas

2. Making notes
3. Identifying main ideas or themes
4. Identifying examples and techniques
5. Organize your notes

Because it deals with literary writing, this type of textual

analysis places greater emphasis on the deliberately
constructed elements of a text.
For example, rhyme and meter in a poem, or narrative
perspective in a novel. Researchers aim to understand and
explain how these elements contribute to the text’s
However, literary analysis doesn’t just involve discovering
the author’s intended meaning.

Why do you think so?

Because it often also explores potentially unintended
That’s right, because it often also explores potentially
unintended connections. between different texts, asks what
a text reveals about the context in which it was written, or
seeks to analyze a classic text in a new and unexpected way.

Let’s have example, I have here a short passage. Let’s try to

analyze and interpret it’s meaning.

3. Generalization
To sum up and measure what you have learned, Let’s have
a short recap of our topic today.

1. As we engage with it, we try to understand the meaning

it contains. This is a process of analysis that we
generally refer to as what?
Ma’am, the process of analysis that we generally refer to
2. is a broad term for various research methods used to is called reading.
describe, interpret and understand texts.
The broad term for various research methods used to
describe, interpret and understand texts is called Textual
Analysis, Ma’am.
3. Can you give at least 2 Process of Textual Analysis?
Ma’am, the first two process in Textual Analysis are
Reading or viewing a text for themes or ideas and
Making notes.
Excellent, class! Thank you for all of your comprehensive

4. Application
It appeared that you really learn and understand our topic
today, so I’ve prepared a simple group activity that will
likely to enhance and ensure your knowledge about the
topic. Kindly group yourselves into five.

All you have to do this to analyze the floor plan I have

provided and write the missing parts to create a complete
house’s floor plan, below the floor plan I have provided a
choices for you to finish and understand it faster.

Are we clear class?

Yes, Ma’am.
If you have any question, please raise your hand for me to
address your concern about our group activity for today.
a. When you enter the castle through the front door, you are
in living room. Label this room as living room.
b. As you walk to the east from the living room, you enter
the royal TV room.
c. Directly north of the Queen's bedroom is the queen's
d. The smallest room in the castle is the bathroom.
e. Southwest of kitchen is the dining room
f. Northwest of the living room is the King’s Bedroom

Are you finish, class? Let’s try to check your activity.

1. Dining Room
2. Queen’s Closet.
3. The royal TV room.
4. Living room.
5. King’s Bedroom
6. Bathroom

Did you all got the correct answer?

Yes, Ma’am.
If that’s so, please pass your paper properly and get ready
for our individual activity.

5. Evaluation
Apparently, you all gained understanding and knowledge
on our topic and it seems that you are all ready for our
activity for today.

Read carefully the provided passage and analyze or

interpret it by answering all the provided questions below.

Tigers | Nonfiction Reading

Who would win in a fight, a lion or a tiger? Well, if size has

anything to do with the matter, the tiger would win. That’s
because tigers are the largest of all cat species. They grow
up to eleven feet long and weigh as much as 670 lbs. This
makes tigers the third largest land carnivore. The only larger
land carnivores are polar bears and brown bears. You might
not think that such large, fast, and ferocious creatures need
help to survive, but they do. The tiger is an endangered

Despite all of the tiger’s strengths, the future of the species

is uncertain. Tigers face a very high risk of extinction. It is
estimated that at the start of the 20th century, there were
over 100,000 tigers living in the wild. Homo sapiens, better
known as humans. Humans threaten tigers in primarily two
ways: hunting and destroying habitat.

Tigers are hunted for many reasons. People have long

valued the famous striped skins. Though the fur would be
incentive enough for most poachers, other parts of the tiger
can also fetch a pretty penny. Some people in China and
other Asian cultures believe that various tiger parts have
healing properties. Tigers have also been hunted as game.
In other words people hunted tigers solely for the thrill and
achievement of killing them.

Humans have done considerable damage to the world’s

tiger population through hunting, but perhaps more damage
has been caused through the destruction of habitat. Tigers
once ranged widely across Asia, all the way from Turkey to
the eastern coast of Russia. But over the past 100 years,
tigers have lost 93% of their historic range. Instead of
spanning all the way across Asia, the tiger population is
now isolated in small pockets in south and southeastern
Asia. This is because humans have drastically changed the
environments. Humans have built towns and cities.

Directions: Read each question carefully and encircle the

best answer. Refer to the text if necessary.

1. Which of the following is not a reason in the article

explaining why tigers are hunted?
a. Because tiger skins are worth a lot of money
b. Because tiger parts are used as medicines in some
c. Because some tigers attack local villages
d. Because tigers are hunted for enjoyment by some people

2. Which animal does not grow larger than the tiger?

a. Brown bear
b. Lion
c. Polar bear
d. All of these animals

3. Which number is closest to the estimation of the wild

Tiger population in 2003?
a. 3,000
b. 100,000
c. 140
d. 30,000

4. Which of the following best describes the author’s main

purpose in writing this article?
a. To provide readers with interesting information about the
lifestyles of tigers
b. To persuade readers to help the world’s tiger population
and to offer ways to help
c. To entertain readers with stories about how tigers hunt
and are hunted
d. To explain to readers why the world’s tiger population is

5. Information in the third paragraph is mainly organized

using which text structure?
a. Cause and effect
b. Compare and contrast
c. Chronological order
d. Spatial order

6. Which best explains why tigers have lost so much of their

habitat according to the text?
a. Because humans are afraid of tigers
b. Because tiger skins are extremely valuable
c. Because humans have changed the land
d. Because tigers need so much space to survive
7. Based on information in the text, which best explains why
tigers are poached?
a. Poachers hunt tigers to protect their families from
dangerous animals.
b. Poachers hunt tigers for medicine to cure sick family
c. Poachers hunt tigers because they enjoy killing dangerous
d. Poachers hunt tigers to earn large amounts money.

8. Which best explains why it is so difficult to preserve the

wild tiger population?
a. Tigers do not get along with most other animals.
b. Tigers must make their homes close to rivers and the
world’s rivers are evaporating.
c. Tigers require a lot of space.
d. Tigers hunt in large packs and there are too few tigers left
to make these packs.

9. Which of the following is an opinion?

a. Tigers can grow up to eleven feet long.
b. Saving the wild tiger population is important.
c. South China tigers were brought to live in South Africa.
d. Humans have endangered the world’s wild tiger

10. Which of the following could be best supported by

information from the text?
a. Efforts to save tigers had some success, but there are
many obstacles to recovery.
b. Efforts to save tigers have failed in the past, but there is
reason to continue trying.
c. Efforts to save tigers have been so successful that they
saved tigers from endangerment.
d. Efforts to save tigers have failed completely.

Are you finish, class? Let’s try to check your activity.

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. A

You may now check and count all your scores.

IV. Assignment

Before we end our class today, please get your notebook

and write down your assignment for tomorrow’s class.

Direction: Read and analyze the poem written by Emily

Dickinson entitled, “I Never Saw a Moor”.

I Never Saw a Moor

I never saw a moor,
I never saw the sea,
Yet know I how the heather looks,
And what a wave must be.

I never spoke with God,

Nor visited in heaven,
Yet certain am I of the spot
As if the chart were given.

1. What does Dickinson intend to say in stanza I?

2. What is the message being conveyed by Dickinson in

her poem?

That’s all for today, I hope you all learned from our lesson.

Good bye, class!

Good bye, Ma’am! Thank you for teaching us!

Prepared by: Submitted to:


Student Teacher Resource Teacher

Checked by: Noted by:


Head Teacher - English School Principal

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