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Unacceptable Acceptable Excellent Score

0-5 6-10 7-15

Voice Difficult to understand what Speaker easily understood Excellent delivery.
Quality is being said. Voice is too appropriate and pace and Voice modulation,
soft or too loud. Pace is volume enthusiasm,
often too quick or too slow. interest and
Diction Very awkward diction, words Words have generally Very beautiful
came across as mumbled or understandable but sung in diction. All words
slurred an awkward manner, vowel pronounced
shape was not appropriate clearly, and vowels
were always
Tone The tone is often focused, Tone is focused, clear and Tone is consistently
Quality clear, or, centered centered through the focused, clear, and
regardless of the range, normal singing range. centered through
significantly detracting from Extremes in range the range of the
the overall performance sometimes came tone to be voice.
less controlled. Tone quality
does not detract from the
Mastery Presents the song with a not Presents the lyrics with a not Presents the song
so clear voice and lacks so clear voice and lacks a bit with a clear and
modulation, has not modulation, masters the well modulated
mastered the piece well and piece and performed the voice masters the
performed the song with doing well piece and perfectly
some errors. performed the
Name of Judge___________________________

Signature of the Judge:______________________

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