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Program Name: C-PGDBA_Bharti_Walmart_I

Subject: HR Development and Training
Assessment Name: HRDT
Weightage: 70
Total Marks: 70
Duration: 80 mins

Online Examination:

Online examination is a Computer based examination.

Online examination comprises of Total 29 Questions - Out of 70 marks.

Duration of online examination will be of 1 Hour 20 minutes (80 minutes).

Section - I Instructions:

- It is compulsory and has total 3 Subjective Questions.

- Students are required to solve any 2 Subjective Type Questions. Each question is of 5 marks.
- Section – I is out of 10 Marks.

Please refer following instructions regarding Subjective examination:

- While attempting subjective examination Text formatting facility will be disabled such as use of bullets,
making the text bold, underlining the text etc. Only normal character on the key board will be available.
- Special characters available on the keyboard will be allowed.
- Students can not attempt more than 2 questions out of given 3.
- A blank (space typed) or any entry in the space provided will be considered as question is answered.
- Hand written answers are not allowed. Subjective test can be answered by using key board.
- No brail support shall be provided, but writer assistance shall be allowed. The student has to intimate it to
SCDL well in advance by completing applicable formalities.
- Answers for both the questions should not exceed more than 110 words. The maximum word limit per
answer is 55 words (for Subjective part).

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1) Human Resource Development in any organisation is a composition of competencies, commitment and

culture'. Comment.

Human resource development (HRD) has been defined as essentially consisting of these three Cs:
Competencies, Commitment and Culture. All three are needed to make an organisation function well.
Without competencies, many tasks of the organisation may not be completed cost-effectively or with
optimal efficiency. Without commitment, they may not be done at all or are done at such a slow pace that
they lose relevance. Without an appropriate culture, organisations cannot last long. Culture provides the
sustaining force and spirit to organisations to live.

2) What are the reasons for doing training needs assessment in organisations?

_To determine whether training is needed _To determine the causes of poor performance _To determine
the content and scope of training _To determine desired training outcomes _To provide a basis of
measurement _To gain management support

3) What is Training Audit? What is its purpose?


Training Audit is an aid to decision-making, which, carried out regularly, will become central to any
strategy to ensure continuous improvement of training and development in the organisation. A Training
Audit provides organisations with an overview of the effectiveness and efficiency of its training/learning
function. The purpose of the Training Audit is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
training/learning function in terms of its current responsibilities and future commitments.

Section 1 is complete.

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Section - II Instructions:

- It comprises of Objective Questions Only.

- Total 60 marks are allotted for objective type questions.
- The objective questions are of following type and carries marks as given under.

Multiple Choice Multiple Response : 4 Questions - 16 Marks (Each 4 marks)

Multiple Choice Single Response : 9 Questions - 18 Marks (Each 2 marks)
True or False : 5 Questions - 5 Marks (Each 1 mark)
Select a Blank : 5 Questions - 5 Marks (Each 1 mark)
Match the Column : 4 Questions - 16 Marks (Each 4 marks)

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Total Questions : 27
Total Marks : 60

1) A particular reward system or practice may have a high motivation policy.

1] True
2] False

2) Firms, like a learning organisations, view training as budgeted cost rather than strategic investment.
1] True
2] False

3) :BLANK involves adapting the learning environment to maximise learning.

1] learning process
2] attitudes
3] trainability
4] Training design

4) Where, what, who needs to be trained is the job of the

1] Security
2] HRD
3] Accounts Department
4] Front Office

5) The Lecture method is :BLANK because information can be transmitted to a large audience in a short
1] Popular
2] Infamous
3] Extravagant
4] Dissimilar

6) Match the Following

1] Invented the process known as 'modelling 1] Bandler and Grinder
2] Father of modern hypnotherapy 2] Dr. Milton Ericson
3] Creator of Gastalt therapy 3] Fritz Perls
4] The mother of modern day family therapy 4] Virfininia Satir
5] Shaun Tyson
6] Alfred York

7) Management can expect a:BLANK of acceptances if it has properly matched the candidate's personality to
the job.

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1] minimum
2] greater proportion
3] maximum
4] suitable

8) Once what are properly established , then it helps translate organisational goals and objectives into job
requirements that convey acceptable and unacceptable levels of performance to employee
1] Strategic relevance
2] Developing an Effective Appraisal program
3] performance standard
4] TQM

9) Which one of the following has been the traditional approach to evaluate an employee's performance
1] Customer Appraisal
2] Peer Appraisal
3] self appraisal
4] Managerial or supervisor appraisal

10) Individuals in Establishment stage have to reach their peak productivity and rarely they are given work
assignments that carry great power or high stages
1] True
2] False

11) One of the following type of training programs focuses to teach the new employee a particular skill or
area of knowledge.
1] Skills and technical training programs
2] Orientation programs
3] Initial Training programs
4] counselling programs

12) Human Resource Development is a process approach to the personal needs of an organisation that takes
into account of
1] fears
2] frustration
3] reports
4] ambitions

13) Match the Following

1] Organisational Complexity 1] Organisations are influenced with the rapid changes in the economy
2] Learning styles 2] Continually upgrade their expertise
3] Technology Advances 3] changing the way knowledge is delivered to employee
4] Training can be a potential tool 4] giving individuals the skills they need to think strategically
5] potential to align a firm's employees with its corporate strategies
6] systematic approach to training need

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14) Who states the steps such as Job Description, Task Identification, Course Objective for the task analysis
1] Campbell
2] Goldstein
3] Wexley and Latham
4] McGehee & Thayer

15) Increased human performance often leads to

1] increase in number of employee
2] increase in number of welfare facility
3] increase in operational productivity
4] increased company profit

16) Analysis of ineffective performers is not able to identify what interventions are needed to improve
performance .
1] True
2] False

17) Under which title multiple example of concept or involving the trainee in several different practice
1] General principles
2] support in the work environment
3] stimulus variability
4] Identical elements

18) Match the Following

1] Attention to performance and learning 1] Glasers' principles
2] What must be done before learning take place 2] Traditional learning theorists
3] Adopting the language ,methods, and model that portray human 3] Instructional Psychology
being as information processors. 4] Cognitive Psychology
4] To develop models and theories that explain functioning of the 5] Each component task must be fully
people achieved
6] The component tasks is learnt in the
appropriate order

19) The projected data is compared to the actual data after training and the difference represents the estimate
of the impact of the training is the special feature of the following strategy
1] Trend line
2] A control group arrangement
3] management estimate the impact of training
4] Experts provide estimates of the impact of training on the performance variable

20) Evaluation compares the:BLANK of the program to its usefulness or value measured in monetary

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1] profit
2] cost
3] loss
4] validity

21) In case study of Mahindra and Mahindra the employees on their return, the terms are debrief on the trip
1] their impressions of work process and condition
2] climate
3] the training module,
4] picnic spot

22) Training departments that plan to use their trainers as facilitators could overcome potential problems by
being more rigorous in the assessment of attitudes and skills of potential trainers
1] True
2] False

23) The experience of undergoing NLP training is a life changing one for many people and its techniques
offer advantage to most role in organisations
1] directors and executives
2] students
3] managers at all levels
4] Administrator

24) During which procedure the assessment of suitability for employment is difficult enough
1] Recruitment
2] training
3] the selection procedures.
4] evaluation

25) Match the Following

1] Training in specific skills should cover at the following area 1] setting goals and objective
2] To measure the extent to which an employee possess certain characteristic 2] Trait method
3] Each trait of characteristic to be rated is represented by a scale 3] Graphic Rating Scales
4] Modification of the basic rating -scale method 4] Mixed standard scales
5] contrast error
6] Similar-to-me error

26) In decline period after several decades of continued achievements and high levels of performance ,the
time has come for
1] apprentice
2] retirement

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3] journey man status

4] uncertainties

27) :BLANK at initial stage should provide significant advantage to both the organisation and the individual.
1] training
2] career development
3] Successful placement
4] evaluation

Section 2 is complete.

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