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Class Four

Paper English A
Q1: Write Words Meanings.
Words Meanings Words Meanings
Behave Symbol
Intrupt Cluster
Success Bloom
Achieve Warmer
Praise Cunning
Instead Paws
Q2: Choose the correct adverb of manner.
1) Speak________ with your parents.
(bad, loudly, politely)
2) The children are playing________.
(sadly, greatly, happily)
3) His grandfather patted him________ on his head.
(hugely, largely, softly)
4) He returned from work________ at night.
(gently, late, low)
5) This girl is crying________.
(loudly, happily, fluently)
Q3: Divide the given words into their syllables and also
write the numbers of syllables.
Words Syllable Division No: of Syllables
Q4: Fill in the blanks with using the word bank.
(but, or, and, because)
1) I like to eat oranges________ grapes.
2) Would you like milk________ tea.
3) Rida wants to play football________ she is ill.
4) Sarah bought a new dress________ a pair of shoes.
5) I sent him a gift________ he didn’t respond.
6) Sadia is eight________ nine years old.
7) He was very happy________ he got first position.
8) Farah likes to play cricket________ football.
9) I want to go outside________ it is raining.
10) She works hard________ she will get her reward.
Q5: Match the words make compound words.
Tooth bug
Hand corn
Lady brush
Pop oven
Q6: Write these words in the relevant boxes.
Bed, plates, chair, oven, fridge, lamp, pillow, cutting board
Bedroom Items Kitchen Items
Q7: Translate into Urdu.
Mango also the king of fruits is the national fruit of Pakistan.
Pakistani mangoes are known for their great taste all over the
world. Pakistan exports mangoes all over the world.
Q8: Answer these questions.
1) What is the little of Anila’s book?
2) What did Danish feel when his name was called out?
3) How can we encourage others?
4) What do Chukors usually eat?
5) Why did the wind and sun argue?
6) Name some common road signs?
7) What sound do kittens makes when they are happy?
8) What things can brighten our day?

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