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Class Pre Nine

Paper Chemistry
Q1: Attempt any seven questions.
i) What is the relative atomic mass> how it is related to
ii) State three reasons why do you think air is a mixture
and water a compound?
iii) How can you differentiate between organic and
inorganic chemistry?
iv) Differentiate between homoerotic and heteroatom
molecules with examples?
v) How many atoms of sodium are present in 3 moles of
sodium and what is the mass of it?
vi) Describe plum-pudding theory?
vii) Define industrial chemistry and analytical chemistry?
viii) What is valency?
ix) What is ion? What are its types?
Q2: Attempt any two questions.
i) Write the discovery of electron and also its properties?
ii) Describe briefly any four branches of chemistry?
iii) Explain the Ruther Ford’s Atomic Model?
Q3: Multiple choice questions. (Any 15)
i) Mixture can be separated by method.
a) Chemical
b) Physical
c) Nuclear
ii) Explain of heterogeneous mixture is.
a) Air
b) Gasoline
c) Soil
iii) Empirical formula of acetic acid (CH3COOH) is.
a) CHO
b) CH2O
c) CH
iv) Nuclear chemistry has application in.
a) Medical treatment
b) Ecology
c) Agriculture
v) Which of the following are not triatomic molecules?
a) Co2
b) O3
c) H2
vi) Which one of the following can be separated by
physical means?
a) Mixture
b) Compound
c) Radical
vii) Which one is physical property?
a) Melting point
b) Taste
c) Hardness
viii) The ratio of carbon and oxygen in CO2 is.
a) 2:3
b) 3:8
c) 1:2
ix) Empirical formula of glucose is.
a) CH2O
b) CHO
c) C2HO
x) The most abundant element occurring in the oceans is.
a) Oxygen
b) Hydrogen
c) Nitrogen
xi) A piece of matter in pure form is termed as.
a) Element
b) Substances
c) Mixture
xii) How many atoms are present in one gram atomic mass
of a substance?
a) 6.02x1023
b) 6.20x1024
c) 6.2x10-23
xiii) Percentage of Argon in nature is.
a) 21%
b) 09%
c) 10.1%
xiv) Number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is called.
a) Mass number
b) Atomic number
c) Mass unit
xv) Value of Avogadro’s number is.
a) 6.6x10-20
b) 6.00x1024
c) 6.02x1023
xvi) Structure of atom is studied in which branch of
a) Physical
b) Organic
c) Inorganic
xvii) Electrons are discovered by.
a) Sir William Crooks
b) Goldstein
c) Chadwick

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