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Isabel De La Calle

Mrs. Cereghino

JH Literature

8 March 2022

The Old Man and the sea, Written Response #1

The Old Man and The Sea is a story of pity because the reader pities the old man’s destitution, as the old

man pities the fish he has caught. The old man begins to "pity the great fish that he had hooked” (page

48) after he has caught him, because he often refers to them as his brothers. He is unhappy to have to

kill him. The old man says to the fish “I love you and respect you very much. But I will kill you dead

before this day ends” (page 54). Although he is going to kill it, he respects the fish, and he does not seek

needless suffering for him. Pity can also be seen in the old man, going on a dangerous expedition to fish,

because he needs money to cover his basic needs. We experience pity ourselves towards the poor old

man, down on his luck, who had been "forty days without a fish” (page 1). Especially in the end, when

the old man finally makes it back home with only the backbone of the giant fish, we feel tremendous

pity for Santiago. The Old Man and The Sea is filled with moments of pity, an emotion seen throughout

the book, and experienced by the reader as well.

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