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22 Antitrust and Monopolies conreNts 1 traction (oh trees aig 2 Scope of petion of EU ‘ompetison a (a Unserstnge fa 12 TEU: Ate f 2 Domiront Postion 9) Daewoece sed ines" ton Rae fi jet ere resin, (o Reporae bye Cou of eo fitton x reventon come 5 sen Side of Competition ame (a) Bosground Enforcement Ager este ome 1 INTRODUCTION 1 provisions at implemen he competion policy nose isa AGpemne i Chapt Aree 101 TFEU spits ne dace dang cars eeepc wid hen ey Fs to pen Aree 102 TFED ap to dominant uneraings and forbs oom vo ine te ofthe 90 be Comin Bas een eng n> From aus 80 Cuopesn non tow = sei of ref itacvs tthe aplcaon of compton lin respons ols ha sSSpyrcach wan nucle greed n econmks and wasovely agressive! Eling ved catang tn proceso elon he ental heme of is chat, which seeing ibe felon “= Seonon tev he lea outs hat fe common 10 bot Arties: the mening of y= uderag, he concept of an fet on rade beeneen Meer Sates, nd judge-ade res 9 Tha exclade te apliestion of competion aw ‘Seton 3 isa rview ofthe key oes tat Save arisen inthe aplicalios of Arie 10, seas aed no thee puts Fst, we explore how ths provion apples t ste that. Then the key sso EU omen aw [le proc oft consumer ea the in ‘plo of ares) In pate we ty how this rowson nls earls. whote ner eit eae hers ats 3 monopoly and reence consumer were. A fore Comput Cumislone arated them 2 ‘cance on the open weet economy’? Catching and suntan atl at he her a he fants of all competion autos? Ths subse = sion a echpte shoul be ead together with action 3 of Chapter 21 which xpos the. vores the Comsaion ha to had eats tnt pnalive them. The ask nth chapter {o txamine bow widely the mening ofthe concepts of agement and cence practice hve bees tnd teach collusion Secondly, we consider bow the Commission and Europe Corts Serta whether agtements ta remo vous ant-competie (or example, Jom wontues and dserbution agement) ar evaluated wer Aric 1010) and consi ‘Greene ers on what he lel ox eonome standaed for atseent x. Thiy, we say ow atc 11 is applied tw exempt ant-comgetiaveagpeten’ and explore he debate dtuccn» nao and wide interpeation ofthis exemption. The Hulk of the Commis Sows energie ever the pas: Fry ges of compton fw enforesent hve een devoted ‘Srhste Lor cou and dauntiag timber of decisions have been pled However, this chop ve wl it ouseves fo avaljeg a small ep eenatve sample of decisions ta ore deal Steton # cxeines Article 102 TEU by fine dscussng he concept of sie tr genes terms followed bya cas study on predatory preg and rate prising races The ky pout ave tc breadth af the concept of mina, athe plicy underpinning the abase pct, tbe Couto ustie'saproach it impone om dominant wndeadings 3 speci ‘pony not to dstort competition xt sem to place te emphasis on texting whet cr tareted nue [a succeatlin harming competion ara causing Ham to connie irae the Commision s hoping cede his cave nw 0 consis the at-competive ‘Jasco more tly and we at ths work im pogees” bre y explaining the nx approach Sed come how far he cs law ofthe Cour of Justice to dae i ymptbeito chis Shaton abr account of iden development. As w: noe in Chapter 21, the Coe ipsam athe powe fo sue comment eens: ts worth noting that dese deiions (uptinePey7008 SENOS aa ae “0 Ana and Moog oe incrasing i Sequeney and hee ie approach appears deviate fom the formal tance Harare onthe Coan of Justice tke The plcatons of his development are that Weave ona pra fand ot ents coastert approach 19 competion aw 2 SCOPE OF APPLICATION OF EU COMPETITION LAW Undertakings compton tw applies o“uedetaking. tem tat compasses evry ent engnged ee tec, gars ofthe pal tara of tc en or the way I whichis waa rie eaiag dependent of ay ton! I defniions of what onstines Rae aber secant te quton ts whebertbe eye quesion when ding Saree pat yas anecooomle impact om te art by fring gods or servis. meant ‘ech cconone ny ny be eed 3 8 uhdevcking when I pesorms cera ents a sue he spe of competition lave when pursing abe role. Invent" oper Te herter opting associations arcltarlcxpeatives™ nd pltiastional co armas canal aos undertakings. Emlayees Howeve, are wot undertakings" wor ae et nb operate on ekalfo hc principal nthe no finns in ce yay 8 Fe ect nrg conte eu te povsn of publi srs, qoeins have ease nhc ene engage inte provnon of ese ype of ves Fr example are cynbulanc evs wir ta contol sou be regulate by competion Ls Se sous iced in Chaper 26 whi is avaliable oie Stsutaes may have independent legal personal, bt forthe pups of competion soa ebay eed msn economic eat log wih he Peer company wh (or Rito a ao aly fo determine conduct o he markt Wether parent a toe nclae gle ecomam ely 1 questa of fac. Relevant considerations aan peta sbtes a the ett bs the subsidy bere 2 maori share reg ta gies oa presumption tet he pret con the sabia he compestion Ee beans eco nd beter Ie sulin ces ot the parent’ fotranions rset arent nd subsiary scone undetaking rte as eonsierbe practi! implis Peetu tty are re ue takings then Aztse 101 TFEU apes, while ther is ome vereraking is deed san inter agement which Ate 108 doesnot apy. pret om sonar mt i er tm a icine tro "Ci nn EH ee ere any i 98 Cp 0 art ist Un aye oc iE a - leer mri 1000 Earepean ion Law ‘Ass velt an underaing may evade the aplication of Article 101 by baying ems whom i woulé normally contrat i find the the bone of complying Wt Anil ay = 5 too oncoas. Pater Pen embark an thie soece, oning alt ditto in ees ember Stes and orchestrating dbatin thrngh then, The eft of this wat to gang ton he marten each subary was ont allowed to eli the ceeny lente tot by © ‘Paster Pen Vino (a Uutch wholesale eomplaied because wished to ay Parker precy In Germany for ree in the Netherlands, bt was wnsiesl n obttning te Wood roy = Panter’ German sutidony Hd Pater probed an independent dinar ia Geracy from sing o Vibro this would have conauted en agement in tach of Arle 10 be svi wos a inna este the Cur of Dostice el thai ot eel by Ait 0] = Deus Parker an is subse ome asin econ unt Pater stacey ha een theres ofan eater Commission decision spared by an ener compat fen Vib tat, itcomtacs with an independent disrior in Germany iinged Article 101 by HrOibing the German ator fom exporting Pater produce tampons, Pater Pen estab ‘sow datbuton nxwork,avdng te fading of a agrsmcn but deviing the mare ‘hey undermining one cet aim of EU competion av. 5 ‘atcond pial ran frdlerminng wet ares an bi age sonic unit hat a pres epost frac by ir whl owed ubiiy Ts Fle mas Set in 1 Commision (Ops 1 ipse «penal 06 fara pers for 3a cca ‘out othe Union ty sass eve if he pret company had no peenc the Eugen Union!” Thy, a camber of cnc deemintons la campeon law pictelings depend pon cling the tarover or mate sae of he underaingconcere. Fe tance, pe ‘Sakae npr ted upon the nove of the nde (and hs ge wl include he ‘unover of the eae ecm ent It eats thatthe in en be tees igncnly ecu the umover of the woe corporate group may be ken eto acount. Tse ve pints sr partly imporan bere thr i peti ta the paren an 2 wy ore Stsliay sea singe undertaking. which pari have halle regu Wu acces. (ore €-801)19 Seine Holding Ltd and eters Common. udm of 18 Jay 2012 inp be of contin oa canta ee smpetion ns, pariear "coe 1900 ere Commit] 7p ts te sh Rtn Camson a ce Pers ‘sige nx glen an onpon st Aes an 0 ‘ps nena ih tio ce ea nt poi. eit a Meno tof 101 Fn ot pret eptton of th cane te te the ‘Rann Roo tom ce gee pce: a urepea an aw hse ile ot thence ep cet eae hs of he fee una he rine Fey of seen iloms at noms pesorpton i jeprtnste othe tite am ime Fate othe see rout based o thee hs vein et sepa es eps hina alata te capt ea scary eb Jt Her he rapes of hae ens sat che ruin ape hat eases af Be Pee Ueenensc cron one leo every ae found Te psonion vtnicane me emis ihn au due 3 Hts eg he ey care ere aemurcering tthe eiary aed he pare company Heo cote 9 gle ‘on the fc of this pol the Court af ace not! tha the pasent had devised com. pane popramme fo avid competion infingeens ey superting thst" ft pee te comercolpoly of staan’ Nove ow a suantiv question of wat rnderking te om peocdual sigatcans i) Effect on trade between Member States 1 Contin la dows nt apy wes de practice inaueston bas an appeisle tet on trade beeen ember Sates The Cour of asic asset ut wide defiance Want coespon t he esdeplyed i dsplsconcering the tera kt genera” Case 58/65 ScitéTecique Mire v Mascinenba Um fr966] ECR 204, 249 For is eiemen be aie mst be psi fee wi ose degre of rbaity apt or sae eames win he Gel ef applet of tie [1 TEU x mcr conser aa) “Two wocks afer hs jutgment the Court of Jetice expanded this formula by lig that Teomiing nieter a agreement fas an cect on ade does net require an evaluation ceeeaer te tfc is postive or megane Even agremects which Snrease trade 42 Eaepean Vion ow ‘among Dutch roofing fet manufacturers was helt afect trade Berweer Member Seat sand as 6 Contin ud Gi v Com ER ech enon ana a a ph * Gare Cvs a ok ur Zn pn a W228 Enns aan ot A Yee Pig ao ERE ne. Siesin tear vomeioel Olan ieee roe on ween of mia porn wi do at pp ats open sesh SI boofot Goat Pott an anepes Excluded agreements ‘i eeonoaic actives el oe elated by EU compan la, ba the Treaty provides ‘arco eeepone fr example, ationa secusy2* alate aed proves entsted foi th roan oF sertcs of eae eronomie nee. Wns the ccoconie secs whee excuion was 2 mac of legate choke he aaa te busin death certain Beds wher EU competition law is exude. tresete aul Com egaitons bree employes ad workers I the coat of atrave baglsing re excl In he seaal au etblsbing ths excsion 0 Fae ce by or argentation representing employe aud workers nthe wholes ae aPboting eatin the ethernet ens sage peno Fan or all employees sri seer find wulé be reponse far waning the employees suolesentry vn seme. Tee eranstion of thee supplementary funds was approved by Dutch aw atthe scien, wedewabings operate inthe leant sector, fuse co make the ae satan They ba bane oe advantageous priate pension scheme. ant Souler tat the devine bythe employer aod wore a make afin te fund com etna ww ese a competion in wo way: it weve undertakings ou Sing rae rcp scheme, and exclude ares ou the evant nae spe of de aaa Me fect the Cur of asic ried att agement flows the scope of ‘aase Toiih Thebans fr tis nas thatthe Union eked wih bot ensuring competition Ay iso devconing a ply inthe sia phere ana ese to cooing objectives bad re teed Coun found the seston a eometivon woud be abeent in cl- ratceapementsbebves ogansainnsrepreveng pores and workers and hat the ‘Siicaten of competion law woul damage coiectv ates inprove the codons crarsment Te judgment an be praised fr consteney wi be ald Europa cererer this tpeeacly define pss ofen useé (expla that the EU iter darn rect grace not metly about the ceatan of economic wealth, Dut ao aut he equ ft Interests of eeployers. Howes the Curt of Jance ds aot axe he ren sree in question fo appro edocs not consider wheter Ss Bd vemteonarngeaen i the eas resucve wy of ochiving the improvement of Wark ‘acannon nor doe the Cou nk no consieston the pom tht Ari 1010) Toe eae cpt ses agreement tse, he cll policy considerations trump the Se et eon pe byes = resi Me aa trol seca se Space eo 1008 European Ucn La competion policy considerations, Subregion develpmcnts AWE il into eueston the = ‘ality fh jament Amare well elablabed and wider excusion wa sige a Wouters ‘atom prohed paresis between less and accountants (mildly perme ‘Ships ty the 0- Tale# Gyles expsing and cries the BU gston, Eaten simmie \Gyeten. erticl Restraints nthe Dsrbtion Process: Strenath ad Weakness of te Free Bier Rationale under FEC Competition Law’ (1368) Commn Harte Lan Review a6, 64a, 658-7 The sie tl for EE compton er rin heme gong ne aman he Teter rer sice Gri Consten Paral inet andes ges re ies rom one Clpotng ale e petira a sing eer ae lal ele the EF Commons ‘Ses horeve the ie ears era ec hia oer bee ovement! band wh tao formomeu ae sujet tee ssn awl fe ft ul faa neon nee (oe vont acne Regent che omen edn seve tees ara porte ‘ne cou argue thatthe Cainisan soul at be so mach concerned wth he es movement af ne ben ar nthe er eter of at bonded grdseosing one ean ket neath essen Coma Mat in re, nen mor nese man Compson on he ef ten (nam 25] carpet tears een we ef eed ana enn gs hh ae lene nh omen Mat? comers forge harrison, aso een ris abi tre vies The Commision sad (avec sevens cal sire iegrsbn gos by men nea neration Inananets Tos es the asserts question ete promaan of sel spurts isn sina ceng et pce leet, grout tana ramon a vgn satan power nthe pe 1 urseny ofthis aproach hed the Comimiston o ty ad strech the nation oF are fren to esure market sentation i prombtedcven te activi peas nates. We ‘ch detngsehBetveea wo sands ine as Ta Tne ss manures sent tie ote ditbuesexoring them nat Lo export or pining the wands expo potbite” om iavoices These requ wee Ht par of The Secon contact ad the parins aed hey wee wel requests However twas eld that tae ets consti expert bans tha re art of th 2pcement bewern manufrs Sed eins and which were aly sept by Be astbuor coatinaing to buy beds Fm the manufactur.” Ts ase labs ben ertesedin hat pyment ofan invoice does tot ervey represen an wernt by the date, bur the Cour ef Jase Poses fre such chasis to apply Aree (04 Ye secure am negated market sca i Ca 27 27 HL ei v Coin | 8.205; Bona SISEAEEASS 2 na of ota me coma Oy Caen Votmee A aa HBR ed Cf Er © BUHD Venger Comms 200) EE ime ‘obra reir aan Sherrer reo (980 2 1016 areas Union Law ro ‘hsm st of cas el lady Ford Commision od hay mpg sot ran la Sed ie ooo Grn dlr un. et oe Bits pcs fringing tw peda om Gomny in ete a it cen osupply rlghtchand ve casi Germany. Fd iste ha he lc hat tease ‘a bad eee eany ret nts cpa ole reqte ew cep fot pole. py on peng pas ape The nln od may cede at eds nS eee we ee betes For us ans nie fi pe ote Cou of sc red be marco aos oman ore paral fcotnty te dsr wie tes. pee eee ® lve rl nd vd te wes deg Ww eve yl tae rset ot teagan the Consn shee meaning eee pee Stow or pte ot: ayers etn ee Commis bly este Se sop Slats Naa iho he so mcr eof epee She yee fd by te Seah on rch el ets wee 4 poe Ives ae prctsin te Une Kg. Arson wld Sp sates eo Mt the United Kimedor, causing considerable loses for Bayer UK. ta ‘sponse he Bayer group ao lange ts dey plying tat al ea es ply issn pe Sra theca ta aye Face ye Sa ha ot an peter ov ithe os ly ets st Spl ed ac Gitte Kalo tt dying tat yw genet by any agement th wholes The Coe! aged wh ae Jainod Cases €:2]01P and C-H01F Bundesverkand der Arzneimite-importere eV and CansmisionvEaye 2004] 4 CALK 13, the General Can] ut fram tenga he cna pment win te mening ‘fie oh ane Heaters aun be eins a a eoncurense stent two etc th nmin oe te mane eg vingerant onan ef 24 an 28 md IR EOL ho aT ASG een Cm (oiecia: nt np ve oe ite ste he amt Apr AH: Os eine lt Pe 10%? Ants nd Ma ales Je Nolih teeny scent at thundering gation Here eeaetcnin stung ns owes whether s meee sped mee prety eomoiesiesconsutes an ae the eaing of Ail (10%( othe Tey. the aeeertnem cures te Conse’ rgert. tthe eect tht ayer infinged tale eee anetfananga afte anirst commer liso ae Fec ars canescens aguante (nea austen at ‘weuntaianofBaye/s reno toes rai mp nl conse bas of at eecranr rons by arte oH ee ean ued he see a on peemert itt sgvan pecment coma bate on what ini the eres of uate pty of wes yl 0 he Taya be ese sia oe | oan ageenen 7 Shc crmenion of ently med tena ra ips woul ae ‘hang te cope of hat prosnn th tof 1 fe Treaty, Fee pee wits te mconng fee 1] ee Tena be exe obi eae ‘hora Ie ocrer Crt ay rit to min wheter Bos candor suppor te anes owerer, price anioaity ima eleese Union i dangerous aspiration asthe purchasing aoe penan een i the United Kingom ox Gamany ikl tobe Righe Oa that er coon ar Poland or orga pies hemogenty leads to covergoce mwas the sree goats poorer antes wil bece unaffordable” The Baer adgmen is Aion bcene wie inthe asthe Cou of Tse al supported th renin wie aeae tar he Commision pave tothe noon of agement snow sid at ecugh ve cuout an ewe frm teleolglea spioneh ta formalist, eral ieterpreation of thcimesniag ot pecent The Court ilig fo wie the waning of Treaty Arties bi ro being pte luo par of «puter inthe lationship tween the Commision eu i cout f Sone: whl ne ear yas te Coat sugar te Commissions bald ‘Mrepecatons, more esr it pcs sae the cron ofthe seta Court oth cours feat reat mete eal nd subjected he Commision fo ster review." save terse 116 apes ron Law Ail) Object or effect the restriction, distortion or prevention of competition (3) Background ‘he case lw on pure uae in pharmaceuticals ao asf in examine the Cou of Juste’ stance on what ateenen’ han competes n Glaresmathine eteoher GSE, ‘we find clear avergence betwen the General Court andthe Cour af sie on Bist ‘qucston” The ape ase when USK, a produce of pharmacies, seed a lus la ‘oni wih Spaishwholeslers o ensue tht ty db not export he meds ete, Member Stats The commer tina or GSR peste i he sccines ae bough tinal health authors and thse uy medicine at dfs pros in some, lie Spa the prc ae becae he goverment ats goareice asi a meine, whe in the United Kingéom the price is her because te government shes fread pha smaceatcol fens ant encourage future Inovatog. Give law trapor ont ees eet Inmeive for wholesales i Spinto expor io te United ingsom, ard an bie ire In OSK to preven these exports Because they harm pots nthe UE wakt The Comes Feand te agreement ta a ts objet he resction of compton sl Wich ws be ‘expected ven tt te aicensent ered 9 purttontheintral mark." Frm noe espective the parle ade does wot bee any Denes consumer at yen fhe even othe phamacetal companies tel revearch dnd development Statese ar herd this bs. the Commission's policy harms the deveopmet wf mee drags” Oo appeal, te General Cour rue thatthe prevention of paral! rade was ra sul oie 2 resstion af competion Cave T168101 iki Series United Conmiion (208 CR -2969 >) 118 inet. te sje ssid otis [0 FEU, whieh corte ner po Inder forthe sehen the ant rtd te Cormonty prea anton ener mae ts pve andes tyres coma eben thot the Genel ses Constong cleared the welfare ensues, tn canrng beer ‘taresiton woul be et by need ey ih wat oe ae consumes 118, consequent Be apteatan a Ate [CYTE] the eet coe cao eens aegis anaes deme wht it has sabe! or st the penton That rai whch maybe striae wes te ccf he eset eel in thee te ‘tence fn sero eng the Crom here the Reng us on ier hn, be Spleen pend ae eee he a, ret aia a vat cout of wos a ty oe ote ee wekhy Ss dae Biobe oe — & wom Stofiad a 9 % od tina one Manoptes | kets ee sxe ie ten it pal ase muse hens cera potecon tis TReioeot em ts the to tens fra ass De Seon fb, bn oe ono the sergio competion on he er Pa a tS, nse Feclebecarsed fone eb the estrcon of omen ha a8 nf a5 the eect ay br reson epee fa somes of se bara, However on appeal the Couto utc retuned tothe son It ok in Cosson and Gre fig (ics we dees aiov) The Coat red tht mlng In the es aw ri he ea of [Are 101 supposed the poston othe Geer! Cooee Joined Cases €-S01/06P, C-513)06P, C-515/06PandC-518I06P GlaxoSmithKline Serves Untntedv Commission, udgment & October 2008 ‘mame of eran aetages ny rave 39 anager mt be boe nmin tthe Court a el hin cther competion sal ounin ee, Ate on TE sins pte et ony hee of eangan rf easier ut a8 he ttre Sine mae nancy, empesn och Corset or ad tat geen Sr ancompatie ont pce at alas eevee vag tect competion ner of spl oe (Ttons oat oy mqsing ofthat the peer ta desrariags al cmsames 5 8 [peat ars eingetnt-engeine tet dy mtg ta a arene ha ath Sect te Gr Chet commits a era ean “the debate erwen he to cous estate of he cure conmovery ever the sand by which one eseses the nt-compettve notre of gett. Accrding o he Geer (Cour cansumer welfare stated pefred This ine wi the Commision’ careat polly so wel conan the Curt of sie’ pon reflec a diferent uerstanding of rapettion. Te Cou’ statement that ons egage in protecting competion 5 secs ‘pague and ees fo competing nerpetatons. "On te one ba maybe a he Cou ising Ate 11) sfegnand dhe economic feetom of marie pariopais" The Cou is hoxton saying that he rotion of arestcsa competion neces no lik to economic cosequeness Ths suport ty the ppc (Gene Alans angi: there wore agtermene bene nance companies nl repr (arages where the more nsrance polls «gorge ol, the Heer ace it mould receve Fon he Insurer company on spat tht Heal out. Tbe commer ose of thi 2 Fangement simple: the move Insane polices ae the more money Ihe Garage mikes ‘eal Botte Cour cosierl it would be posible to condemn Ita x restction by pina te veyed ofthe ton tak an, BE Cope La a Imre a mater conseme roteton than concern or competion autor, lta parave hase the Cour of ase ey 9 wie rare of pases sh proce aie ly to have bh fet oncom wef Fm the nee "priv, the diene ence thet es atone 9 Heaps, tof meta General Cot wise oe pa ofthe ikely sonal mga he greene we a (our of osteoid hat preicting theft sch n terns ay lg pret ean on he rom hata ta ties eosomic etm ae Tove efiiny Toe so fe ths inne RDS dpe, whe Re coe {int a szcement hoy ee snes soe of em wold cee acon ‘was resicinn of competion by eke the Cort indicted he Kno -empeti ‘tect ta would yrs ine pie elf de apy ad freee oo sash har apace i kly fo cme harm to contuer wel as Se ameu a face needy the Comision ertabish a infngement a conta eae con Aareements restive of competition by objet ‘Ace 101 SPEU dsngues beeen agrees whose ect i he retin of oe pettion ad the which have as net the rexthton of carpetition Income Iniingomenis by aoe te dite onsets elt be ket nnd Te ie the fetinton of = mstion by be inlaes agrements which by tee wey nate are “ajuous othe paper furcoing of normal empetion’” Sme ofthe agents which ac covered hy this con be deed fom the Cou of ate’ ens in the ass cessed Shove sercements nat fx pices 9 ate thr forms of coon wih se pec tom al agicemecte tha serve opto Une market The eson question is how one soe aout elablshig hat agement ast ata sntcsompentive one an rete ous nemets bv bes from daa. 7- Mabie, he ne rani the contest of onesied pace ara sine ee of Operate of mode phone in the Neheinds where hey deed reduc he remuneration pi ‘eer for cen tobe phone contacts. madden to config har here wa esl rg or dio dee a hom consumer vo etal hat the agrecrent sits competion, te COUR hal his SRS Stout every of areemens restive by objec, cave €o5/08 T-Mobile Netherlonds BY Rasd van bestowr an taedeengingesuteteit [2008] ECR 4528 peut othe ent tote concede compete, se ear i a eda jes wie sare ttn ant ere ond rene oe tee eine pres et eset ain gem re edie etic, teething pee te Conmision fh Espa ve bic. wae alti pom Article [OKH TES 1h ‘een sted cela that the mt Wir, nonce an tas of ems fhe ceri pai os ot weetctconpatanto te soe deletenous ts canegaer snl the Be coi cee scampi cin st ee peed of eae Stone a8 eee Ferrer indexing whether concrete pai by tle 1) TE ee 0 tebctang cn te ard, he ve ase rrr cay owt th eferog om i theres one csi he EOF creep aanenc ese nt concer, ch are a lnetaneteomgcve Oe sl es atin et fr vee rates horoscope cc Hs cht thse ete rena hve rg tbe a tonenonet of tng oe rencia ace uth acme eles retcan ory ef reevanet fr ceteniong 2 “Tone ay fie rd 2 ay nm fr 030 ese paring ae very io ere, rail 21 pts the mos unit creer Gagan nat th snenet is abot te capac Fe agement ve 20 sa ec ae at ths elles why some econo aalyss required, On the ts aa eerie suuseent for exam, at ll war posi ad compe whch Is ee teen sucefl hovel cate It foows tha as Oud has remarked & fin REO Lt wseniceve by objet merely generis presnpin of gay beste ‘ne patie may deny the cei that nthe econo context the greet! Wess he hmf eects the pate re sees ebueng he Presumption, ag ae fom pareraph 28 that the pen may sl preva 1 stows hat the eemeat hag fic conse oral fet fs ierpreton icone the sme a the Comet say Stent seading in prin while he Court ken tinue concep eg hie and eft ts tn ac them + HZEIMRES Decne when ang 8 estan = ee thet one i always considering he copay nl-competve bur Agreements having an anti-competitive effect ‘The methodology fo dts whether an accent hs a ant-competive ef al problema beens: the Common has ben too quck find ant-competiive ef Spite of the Con of urce at tines vemindng the Commision that close ara wi farted” eon the coming ino fre of Regulation 12003, whe pasha te opportunity to nf aicements come cven nein the pare 0 avo dang so because the Comte” lon would ton easy find aresticton aed then ake to long sue an exes.” Oth = fuel tht tbe Commision sould apply «mre sphisteated approach systematically?" “The Commision has sow revised hs agprosch in respons to the enigue it cee, ont pished Gulies 9m te Appleman of Arle 21) {now f013) TR. The suggest tat an economic eppaisal wil he cee oo deme wheter 2x agement ha th effect of nceaing peso hang consumes in tber ways. The tenon of te Guidlines io iia that eneeonth a ntrowe intrptaton af Arise 101) wl Be Followed. However, tis aproech bas It commentators confae, wil some aBung it the Commission lends to cry ox 3 dale econame balance of te plo- ad aca Pte ef ofa agreement une Atel 103) eva nt Borde eases for eval tion under Arse 1012! but oes suggesting that a agreement wl infnge Arie tin when te agree ges the underage make pores wet my be ed oar Consumes nan, soe ecovonic analy mast be pefomed before deterlting that ce alba wen sing rie sie eed essen po Cee Ses tues nnn el bse Geno eles. ea ORE cnet i ee St Sek at an Hea inosine > Fis ne ST en oie 9 92:11 1023, Anita Monod greene an-competve tet it we ae il nes 0 Nw MAC ed Beirne borden shits othe defendant to ostfy te practice under Arte 101}. In ar weer etary elt om the okperations we mae above: what does it sean t9 rest eet? Ifoneis ooking for ikl arm to consumer eli, this woul ental more TER Eaxacruton than if one mately loks for damage othe fenetonins of mates ashehove ial he ancl of effec ts done under Are 1013), what she Scop oe ei 1010" “Ta couasson’s new approach wit so bolster byte General Cou a sieant “pepoen tat mesh pry alleging a8 iniegenet of rele 10300 prove oe = ee eh antecompeive fers han Ux Commission hss provided wom ns sev At auc vasa toomingsecoent beeen O2 aud Ao which was signe 10 ion ncares fea te German artis onstuctngitsome new. The cae aloe se fend tha ls evtnted competion swipe an aleve ut when cea te agteement under Arse YOU} Found that de agieeene woud improve SEapeuton ne the evant ark receipt the agreement bt fra period sherteshan Fae ine pares had ally sulted 0 they sought (ad otsine)onrutest of ee Cieustore decision. The sgnicance of judges s the lel standart bythe (oat of ose. vores | fm wa te 2 ‘ase 1-328)09 02 (Germany) Gi & Co. ONG vCommasion [2005] CR -129% ov na coe sach sti wert spe ae erent drt ave as is et ests ae eet nc erste eee lb onsen fort 18 oe oa Serer many teat thee eter ae pest wich show ht ome Et Anice Bet heenpcere resid dtoet appre. The oeeition'qeston ham ae io thst cotta hh od ce fe ere fe agreement Those be merece with competion myn pare ote te oeeMER otha fr ne pereain of em eb am ene. 0 NT anon regcs nae ting scout ofthe compeiton statin aan reaeiatn acne athe een os ot mur a Cag out an sane thse oo the po and ant compeine eects of the agreement ae hus apg sr of exer whit the (Canty ont ro eee oho plac we tte (1011 TFL ae dou neva tats the apn’ dn at th Cason ai ‘Theft condition is the ost comovesl Because scope nce: det mens ak an agreenent 6 euamptd beau it ll eeonomicelcenc ibe nation view, or doe itaso can shar an egrecmen maybe exempted wake contin to oer mers 07 otis and Monge: er tntet to he Community he wie view Fr exam at he ft tak an a etece gyms oo open ean Se evan cnr Q sa rege ar be exemied? Oran agent hat senghens aaron ns rom eres? Neier he deco ‘ anne nor be urpen Cours pages havo aa nie a co que. lng ut comments ve age a 2 Oo pny ae aes anieacing tx bon t exempt an en cor ae ht si ates 5 2 mater” Th Commision 28 pat atl 10) an ons agents sh mses OM ‘aa att et fo be ued exempt geet nT A i a oe meh ou news heaped at as ee ak 9 <5 coe menage Cosel Eup Ge Constictio ARENY ym acing anaes 0 does ee Do etn macuns, ares (phe out ace markt ein PSE a i es i ow cregyeficiesy. TR agement i fun se of i reece pene aries foe sans PUG ea og macht ana eats comue coe. The a SED en an css or ze mansfactrer: bo ba not et evel ol a et nes However, he Cosi ond the Flowing stom fer exenping he agrees i eak Earopeat nds 7 ‘ceceD (2000) 0) Li87147 ay. Tre aye designe 6 te 159 date 184 so, by acs wh te alo RD CRT Tn inet eccrine steed ation sein cn open ere tes poi Ean te tanbe conasey ce han wt etene sh no ene ara on arf cote ni. of ht cee pant! ensgy snsoytin oe wstng maces Ft re on ode of ashing) CE i ern oe et earn 250 wing ea of NEC Sa a eo acs rma ey ed a ete heey ane (a ia ccna en re acon dectcy ts ron evi of ed ot 7 nt: a Cs Cone ape twee sa Eo fe Sc 8 ve ti ey DD pg, ore exeve icine within ie oA mnt depending main cn guna. (6) Clete envirsment! befits The Common rena enn te sing in marginal aman fa ie bn fe {ease te se-talee tea crs) x CUR 41961 pr tn fsoboe ie, Or a Eroeun ae neg ar ont wot a 40.70 rh ‘Thi decision gives a wide nepretaton of economic elegy, noting thatthe conic vironmental Deets which the apeement generac are eugh © exempt agreement De de ou bind he econ may be ead ae sgieting tat her Union pai eed th fein to eros in pareslr paragraph 6) On he thr and, he ecton might sim ply bere stating hat beeause the areca cues every il consumers are beter off recast even ough the price of washing machines res, the ety il we lw exo to compat or thie paragraph 52, Thue tan be rend sparing Both te ie ad ‘arow ineration of Ace 1OIG). This ambiguity asa cnacteres eater deco Srhick sugges that decon to exempt may be Influenced B a atge of woweteseny Inet competiion aco for ample rerng waenployees. pom esvonnens ssa eg he rein of Sng Eupean ty ea f cmp CECED ir an iterstng fori interpcaton ofthe eco condlon ia Ane 110) that corsuers shoul enti On theo ath the Bees ould ace ods who boy ‘he gods and thus ein direc by the agreement, However n CECED the Commission wat ling tn consider collective bens to secky 8 whole "consumer benefits Which 2 overly wade inlepreatin. Another iniesting analysts ofthe consumer Benet cate Was oeed bythe Court of hustce in Aone Equiv usa Spanish tanks aed © Ftp a secre register af eet infermaton thal woul las the crit Mey of Pent cost. Te ict was at each bank was aware each potest cleats ces Dsoy and ook aust acount whew negovating fee ans. The Court held ha twas lel tt cs epement would ret competion, ba sna aed some electons on how one might g abou soaysing the consumer benef et in Arice 10102 1 suggests that two gous ef onsumet benefit thove who ge loan on beter es, and those ho ‘4 nae get tans because oftheir bod rel sco, and this sa heat bvase i oi oe Se eee nan CU: Ryo BR aL Spee DN Ba, Senn der Sec Sv Ace de er 0 sto vot ® vende. That pesos who ae unable to opin serve as x rot ofa sa an agrectntcan beste nes ete eu te retin: wld on reset acre to there of crt ents moles who etre Soe erin USK the Cou apes hat 9 ern on comet oy rea toate escarh and sevenpaes for aor dns coud De exe Hi ao an ght the agent monly conmain ects that a 8496 aaeaenseeipe nents entity the fi wo xt, Ths mes tat he Beis ae ee esate way, tema excipan wl no e granted. tnCECED, oa ve Common conere whee here wee ay oR Ways of MEE E> fp oes sie aera cul ave ec fe pees 1 a ca se nur dil about te eneay cess ofeach mashing Machine and He {alr coasant he choice The woul eles resricve of competition shan witha sa ce Mowe he Comision ied that forming conser woul ya 1 ee Tos the estition agen yee pares wa necsary 10 ache the eget tenes se mee of he fina ves eexlaned by the Commision: ‘Utlmatly, he te eye aed the compete proces giver poi over poentityro- aera meh Rha en tn R381 sc te ond moe competive ps. As ls inion o dominate eer Sys of ther her ar barrios to etry Bu ht poson nt witouconseregt rooms have oe vied wee om Wo takes wide cometon a ey (ony fcr that lon the exsting crpary trae pc, ods easter cocepon soe trybarets only hse ast th ne ena mort nc ht ne tac he ecg frm Te wie th concep usd, he ely ith one tls dominance Hee ‘be splcton ofthis dese in competion law hasbeen rich: fia ates et vst min mappen tse yn fron eB at wil acy hoben bow In the neat fate Rate han fcsng om wb an ety Dane” aneg ome definition salts sol ep aw he ey wi bere oe eet ne rave i at thew eof tensed bythe of Ds es ne foro dmitens xn be epsine! by the Co's concen st when ta lacy shorter her fm a ene (0 compe azn the dominant sndeatng I Miche the Court approved the Comsion’sdesson that Michelin ba dominant ostnn a the mateo new es fr etn tps of eis ound thts poston was sted because Michein ented into dserbuton ogresens wth (re reer the Nebetande vin sce the mers edn sure es tom coi Deus Wes Ben Francia incetvs nthe orm ua eats i Puch ar itn Ses I rsgs the appt cane nite ing €Somlnnce was te by he Com (ase 322/61 Nedesandiche Banden-tadutrie Michelin NVv Commision (1983 ECR 461 55. sith ist bob that ine wo ss me tise sh of Men NY a tetring to out undetaingepatig Coho Ewa or er te nl st ee sonideton ngs ths ara the lead whe ne Nn fy ts oes inthe mates of este an eset ange ri owt te Cuisine ine econ Fave not ben ei nf in ean ei Ne ee "Ne Mik opie an sper one mri oof fem sas tes nae 2 ston prcterece frMcin res eth pute ys asnale iesnen ora waar uring ad ice mn ne ee art ers a grace tecarveectienne 3p or dando tne Mksest HY heise pston wih ees gel inane to compton Arai ele ethene eta roma aa 157. isnot pole tough ebjectan made ni seagoing on this pit ote rene gonna it Mh th poate the iy ft oss Se series indi ha tude hsm coisa conn 8 1038. Aaa ond Menopois E — es aoe mt oe emis nee we opens ices nent comme fe Dee a i teem noma onmmnrmcansette | oe atc sco alge ant of ts camps os 1 a Sa me sneitenncomesy ore ar ecenyead | a Cateergemncatioaagwnewonreimnoeint | = 1 Regret einen een ail ce acne estece of adnan poston, By ese ae. ate rats tin seam ic Mo no crt an abr td ore t nprcoa gh i hy ae St dort ten os Mc Fiat me te ee, race ms a antenna we ct ay orl ftom he fac that buyers of heawy-veicle tyes ae experienced rade users are such as to dear en Ae ta yer sto he eta a “ = ce epent pois an ecenive tv of fon at cot ve SA eae re arss i adc he Corte as fon ot a ast crop oe yop ac oe gs ac HOE Pe tantra hy eso aay conser = aoe aa es nee the a wl ei sae adering sl an gin’ Te iis nt by cee oo sateen ot oy seg cfr oe dni a wi or zl lene dione ete yt Ce prah 57 of =| a es Toad trig ve 9 pol PSY Me rr a ot uns eo nk Oo he owe 29 ccd w page ace» Dove yd ei aoe corer fem nme icy th in oe se fy Lind af competion Sinn fe io ae * : (a) use of dominance: general principles ; hep tse ye cin wo cari rie an iat. he ist | ae ae shea Sonia aang (rae cs a = sve prices. However the Cotuitsion bas sbown lit ieterest in pualsbing -exptoirative abuses. | @ ae cag un i eit re pre thot es a ae tects nany moet nding bt some et . aS “a Siero mae a sv Ait 1036. Eropeae nin ta . ‘only exobtnly high pees eae eulaton, allo the Cours asta barre i ‘sul the Commision bs elated iavesigatane ove excosive pce in cco seas have only ee hon eal, whee he taruton wa compete ork ake we toed by national regio that ave the power costa pies, Tw vegan faveae ‘ex retin commitment decors and price adjusts war by atonal mca oo The second ceegory of abuse cxctatonary, coves suse tare deed ngacrnege ‘sey asa There arto stations fr extening the aglaton of Ate 1) TH exclusionary abuses" On the one hand these absive pales se deigoed wo safes sr the onderating’s dominant posion ano fit subsequent xpcitaton of oat ance.” For instance, United Brande dominant in ie ttt for bares, out esa ther banana manatees tow the ropa marke e+ way of mannii i poet Ce tustomes. Anothejuriiation fr tating exchainary abuses sean ompeoe i a hy elisunaus or weakening competi, the oisant frm deles he pratt ote, comic actors to prnpate amt mar, Thee als ay have bc apa feng ew goods noth market a developing the market nether ways These with Wh send Jascaton of pening exlsionnry conduc htt ives the apperance ta eC ison protects sale uaeitings ater han consumers. This fortwo ven the istic that ing af a nengement is mate ey ay bythe Cour of sce cn a lier ee o sto ty ennsuer harm nor eed al es at the eas fy tate was or wil be sues: and he second atthe vedere ander srng ft atic jul thei actons once thse Have ern ju fo nutcase ‘he controversial udginent im Brisk Ainnaye res a clr example of whet many 3 8 the ovesiy aaaresive eptoah opt by the Union The Commision bd coded © te Bd Gonna Bo e202 4037 atv and Mone, pw nesey offering roel gets xr somite pom BA kes Br en dcrniatary, desigoed a inde lly and served nce co peng ines “Cae Ca95/04? Bish Aicnays pe « Commson,Jugert of 15 March 2007 cote fr anes cana ets fon rancor eter tyes bres riety Hous en fm mate ene wey ido mgs fa omen ot Sa rat pston asco, of aki Ae mpl A ener be ran cre ot by een Co] deg Fe etn aoenant pan ent meee xeon peat PEE tne maet ut ge et 8 vesansy es Fae ee vectra gone cor tons ta say as oe Fan othe cee an at commit firs tow he nea no er ce oh tno cas peta oe of Padus Foret eer he psa eee on ser an tering ay a ph gc tne wh se eters te segs whee a ee each ager mate sae ans covet 1H ha A Mee ae rte al frames of tat neg mst tn Be Fee peut psiton gee cos vers srs ett it ar gnu Snses panes y uc annertaing on heb tower i pn nant, vv om mee reas fe competion. a estar tom en tae comes was cof tem significative fae decontrons - vin yi ut Se Ce 2 et “ev aT EES EPONA DOE POET oy Applying these standads to he facts of the eas, the Cour of susie confined that Ba Stat dominant poston bones were raw ply french ue a theyre be pon th tl umber eles sle and nto tesa ocr a phen Se soscinga ere BA kes ment x ecnt ices in ore pens Sau often move wore ling» ew ext BA kets ter han sng some her ae tlc, BA ee se ht ote compet nee ull bad omnes ee = sloth ety 0 ezeleh a reward scheme simrto SA tray be ruc thie nti fring fae for nts, see as oer gD shen ont pres wes blo cosa wich ee BA wersinply weet ag Et ie valor tet lack to have been theft onthe mae ndbene ied fom saute monopoly for several yeas ging Ita signa aivatge over ew entana The Cour of Fst’ approach in thi cse tet rede the cl that BU com pein aw proses competitors and nt competition." bt theres 2 ational ai fr th Enyroach, ae Pras Fox has idee: Ine aprile of edn of enninat sto ade witht afl obec const damian ims a care an asamp ht psc ths edo smoot the Pa esac af the eompetion paces an ie taut the bet tapes, carota omen = = “Toe reader should note the similarity between the Court of Juste's appraisal here and the Gi ‘ppmac eis a Are 11 ces cman we Pe acd es , inst nn fe aut i comie segeing he compete ce, my compete asco SS Predatory pricing a ‘eon me png nin sees hepsi am ey mae tothe compete proces and he posable beets af eran ormvof bain by dominact tinderaigs is paral relevant in the content of clo cast ring fen ered f ean pcing.Blon-ct pricngom bea benevolent srsigy tei amare, ye lng prices so 50 invite cestomes, tu it may so conta peatry Suaey designe © five ther compettor out ofthe marke, hereby the peta nfore oes the Br nis the market Below -cost pring is fen praised seectvey targeting those cose rps where the beehis ofbelow-cost ping I gretst. The sna predatory png, {esc coscems Alay, dominane rinnafatrer of beeon poe (ache usd la 0 lines ofbusness, aor adden ane plac ecame concerned at oe of ts compet, ECS, ho hd ely Sle Deon) prox nthe Nur seo, a expanding the pases set. nen on Safeguarding is pots Azo duea>oed ECS with reiton, sold benonyt gerne at very Tow prices © ECS castes Inthe flor mart, wae the 1098 Antz a Monopies tsining Ng pce for regular cantor a nga nhs commer ei said ms ray om ECS reff Tesi ECS 10 shan te ss ae ono uti ele te parame drain we Opie af Be deemed preston “ces cus2l06 AKZO Chemle BY v Commision of the European Commaniis (1981) echt 5389 vane nets tt he Cut eins juga ase 278 Hara 2 hes the are he epost nee ih ent rm ere wh cn oa cones tbo he ats comer ep he a ee mantras ofthe epee eampeiion sexy inte mate HE et oe isa ast drag tom iin acon Me ts tony eng mets ei an a home win en fez ean be eed eto ek hats tty. oe ih yng ene eas I oy mn ei est cine centr mas ga Feuer ero mes apogee ot Da fig sean Nena try a pce weapon ot mre ae ee ate gets ana aman eft st Ca an eure fe canes robe oot a ar of ea So ong alos tat oy sa css bt bE Mer sc ese eates suse hey areceomined as at af Hany eh pcscn ie ro aie feral wi 2 POP chi ana wich Seca of hair Me OEE crap ett ne compton ge gas En ite complex ecoor teois of predatory prising sigue at ie eetion Pei Ve come ec copna appa too wide anne Fant oes naan coal ae iene bea fr-compedive racy wher oi vein 2.8% Pd, aon pes ences 0 Generate inkl eles Senay, the joe Man ove ea: why bl No stb nd oe ay en ane was need ty intr memoranda Incating Ue ste a fat eae to undermine compete pie stn any COPAY: vest 7 ya ov Pi ig Sep ep aa me 1040 European Union Lm dominant o ot 0 the probative vu ofthis apposch to etn Is uncer Fours dag jucment quires ne showing tha the paedstry pring camglg Uely tobe suacons {UL for pcs below average valbl cost the Cour pens assim tht the petoy ‘el be let eave the lt profs ser ecabe fw ae be abe oie pes a Therein showing hath rake eect fries above average variable cot bly erage tv cat tbe Ca Cn aes by aeung that ring eRavouy, coupled wt 2 Panto enche a, wl not ely injure a vl a cnt the doetinctundenang Tia aulaeqens appitin ofthe Azo ext bythe Commiio, WIN Wanadoo Inerectve sid allowing a merger waa tht ie pr of France Telcom] wae found hv ct retary prices art fa plant pre-emt he market igspeed internet access ey phate ne development On appeal tote Court of lasice, the partes ime tat 2 Ging of predatory ping shoul nly succeed f there was poot that he peta wold beable to reoup te ses incurred ding the predory pricing campage This woul be to da farther requirement the Adz hat would make one mre corvince ht predatory ‘ring was ely o harm consues. Wale the Advocate Gener wat ayinati, the Cour ‘Sofie ta hte was none establish ecoupmen Case €-202/07P France Télécom SA Commision (2009) ECR-2268 \ {nat ro! the posit of coepment emer see by te appliaton. yan unten in Css ened in sew oat underabn apiestn of pcesom an were ale ee 114, hater dos af cue, pce te Conon rm gaa gay recuperate srt ei ing wher OnE Rare oneree 6 Msc be ah ot by fog fence at tt preven te vdeng {osteoma pestan npr loin themiron ome ae Stace Akzo, de Court of Futice hs Fe 9 cin how a domiant aig may ost an aggresve prc sate whe dominant poston chalet by competitor The Gea fra Court has gested a emit ry pond me with pce aha FE ot bow cat provided that he pasate (tees oa dein to pete ones pos

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