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21 EU Competition Law: Function and Enforcement contents 1 Introduction Fs Carmine econ (a) Gomme preseus (st Cons s pevtmance 4 Reseresmert f Cometition 2 Eaforenen the Commision =a i) Fst ape estat rime iow int odanayes (6 Penaties or ingement ston caves ing poiey 1 INTRODUCTION “Tis seston of he Book conte 2 sry ofthe main co tion tw fori ace taing ears among eamairs ad oer seeements At omprition (Arle 101 TFEU) and pois momople vom abusing thc pao re 102 TEEU ims the infnge these eles nay be fey the Commi. ad Vitis ch et yon damage Law enforcement cuted In Chater 2) an the mo Te Comps La Feet and Efercemcet rovsons are disse in Chops 22 Compton nao meios Member State eg 5 Fw of tans and can be palit rohit an-compttivelegiation. a5 wel as prmote = © Competiion in mes wte nations! aw has prevesed comet. fe hs conte there fc overap beeen the enforcement of competion la and he ve cea he nterral Inatet dacusec a Chaps 151 0p Chap 23 we look seca atthe state ald rales tn the Treaty (aries 107 to 09 TREUI which lini the Meme Sates scion wo ant hbase aber auvantages to tons] fmefighe af e ongoing economic rs ehe E reation a uc ade prtully poignant, There te two alae chapters on competition 3 Tas Chapt: 25 conser the rte of El in ares sated vo hey state regulation Ean acs te devegultry pact of EU law iaterveton Fray, Chapter 26 considers the —E ‘When the EEC eeaty was neste, there as considerable pesure by Americas. bu sis ly segments of Earope's academic commu, tat competion law shoul be nla 2 ibe Treaty! However sth tn te clr of competion fal yw megs Ln es : Hemtcr Sates who taddoaally favoured cael arangemert, tte intention ond ie E yromecon of national champions” Inded, some Mamber Sts oly inrodued national 23 ommetiion ss lates the 120, an even ey soe contre enfrement eer 8 fra or wnat? Thos, hen provisions ware fist itodued to curb restive prates la the cual and sel etry Atle 65 an 6 ofthe FCSC Tay, hese were an novation a fbr the Memaer Sats Oigialy the purpose of intdacing competion Iw into the EEC jeaty was fo completa he intra marl rls by prevering uses fom parition- ing th nteoatmaeket ay encouraging compedton actos border Tots the ne fr EU competion fw a en of securing tenor welfare widely accepted ah cules nc enoredrobuty by the Comin "she peat chaps cones hy compet sw is imporan an how ti enflrced. ts organise as folows ‘Stction 7 review af th dchtes abou th bce of compton ave stows hat re ate ved epson Rots, beeen those wh conse that Ue applic & tow of competion la shoul eeu on maxsnsing economic wefare am those who tae te p ‘ew tat competion an faut te prt of econemi apd noa-conomleconieratons, She secon that even song those hp tink tat como ofeswsapecr para er tonlying competion low, thre are ilferescs of pinion aboxt how te bs deploy economic {hinting ths seston othe caper seen reading fran undentaaiag of Ke sect Fe oe on gece mses dfn Be Camis, as Ss {h'Eoopre geno tin Creatine Pa scm tno ‘cee wl beeen in Chap 2, hes enc caves ignicatnpt on hag Compton in applied nd erect Sesion 3 exanines ts enocemen power ft Europe Commo. exes hy {he Conmision vestige cnc he rede each den a he pd itr may imposed an ingen oun. Ateto vente the econ thence chee wel elma erty tw wl sands ne fennel ih of hoe under esttion Secon 4 considers he stience of epson 1200 ThisRealiton ‘used aoa expen autortis wih yl mening the EU competion res doped ete at onsite a caancan wi ie Cnn asa entice a ana convovenal mesure gave rete emisnc frat competion sth se hanged he lo te Commision. Ten jars sce comin free ye he | Safle mor tur ut ls pet oie se anata tt eat fr i cei tendencies hat ar cg Secon reese res ig the pint afore! of BU compton a t= comie th cnn of te Cut offs, eg propos aye Cn | Iision ad sates value nd of pec ene ‘AIMS OF EU COMPETITION LAW. Theres considerable dete regating the fnctlons af competion tw. Today the alae ity view s that competition law stow he enor agai fits wove behaviour harms consumer. Against fs there are alternative views Ones hat compe lw shold ot be concerned with an outcome (consumer well a fiieny) but with naning the competitive proces. Another ew (tha coupon lw can be efoeed fo aan § wider st of eonomie and nom economic ambition; for cramp t may be enoeed to promote national industes, to safeguard employment, rt protect the environment tn belo me sketch a juiicaton of he ale af competion aw devve fom the iting of econo, which suppor the mot’ ew. I some sanctions (most olay the United States, schol argue tht competion fw shout e later sly acondlag te what economic theory diettes” Tis maaseer view fe contingent upon advances in conamls,s that lawyers ae called pon to refer new lenin thespian of he lan we couse he atemative points of view, In (Ewe tre to explore Row fa ‘hese competing approaches have icueneed EL competition ine eters, and in Gv sre explore how fr ecenomicdowatuits may aff the application of competion aw Economies of competition rom an economic psec competion law shall prokbtcommril ith ge the option of mares Aceosngy te pial casing sick of2 gol competion = ‘Rep cermin hg tft noe 945 EU Cmpetton Lax: Faction nd Enforcement law 1 ow well it sss an efent economic ade by pub condvct that seduces efleney; een slate ter, 'M. de a Mano, For the customer's Sake: The Competitive EWects of Etfcienies ‘n Eurepean Merger Control. Enterprise Papers No 11 (Brel Enterore Diretorate-Genersl 2002) 8-74 {como severly singh heteen Bue adele east of which reel {or teats of cmedton: koczve pau or ehea) sl Son oree ‘exemai gos ae alata tng the pe atm othe asa one ce eat "ems of tans go lings to fester cmsmotnponibtee Rtas sac «ff outcome mare sts eel 0 eels epodoory ad ops rcv fori cen eda eiery samo cont an aacte sive canbraton fips ug he maxnum pnoe eur oman eee sn heen meoogr andres pres Th st tecnay ecmins hareoney onbnatins of esau an pac age aout of exp Rene orice oe Fuse eiieny aie whe expt cen pans of tina sas roe ‘ictal gen eels es psetn te Dyaniinatian fey: Aarti rd poe NSE st tonconcred tn tine. gen egy hee of exting owe Oram effinyn pies tamer eases once time which may eld cheaper beter quads or sew pdt that abu cnsuers more ataction The distinction Yemen ste AVE or productive) efceacy and yam ecieny ted om thin tat he nt ead o Improvement ala econ he gi ery of new production process ar produ tn ker wens dye len) ested te the ay af afm, ndsty or conony to explo ts pote tonnes log se ‘echnologes and th expand Is pofctan pouty owt ‘These iitons provides with the ett tons 0 erat the perfomance of indasty Supp th manofucars of esas grec amon each at to rane pos Te hele yoeniation of is agreement serves to ase pices wll bows ca allocative selec ‘duets ean so atthe manufactures a not sng tn touts psa rodents neckeney ena since the Gems cooperte in sway that mutual benef cage Innovate reduced (ynanicineficleney. Ths exile tps ie kine fora ens aneconomis makes to et behaviour by Sams lobe calendar competing nkey tb been suggested tha here a urther sonore her earch ae el oneeoeed 896. Eurapesn Ution aw ‘cere fs ound im monopoles 1M. gel Mano, For the Customers Sake: The Competitive Eects of Eficienciee in Earopean Merger Control, Enerese Papers No. 11 (Brust, Entre Directorate-Generat, 2002) 6-14 rice. Ofer ensure nese ep) SINE the roars may party ead rae Dtelt nin eset RD hat aaa in a Ing market power and identifying harmfl practices bas eed. and we tace this hia bry here 3 fe the (560, some csouomiss bleed that there maa diet cava! cation twee ‘once the mare the es competitive be indy Ti view oles lied the Wag {ar School view a5 the mtn propaneate wen Harvard roc infence the develop tment of US anitrat nw (ald sattst rater thn competion an, ai east scons mood sang say from thi excusely eur undestnding of maths One of the tenor policy consequence of he approach was tat ergs were viewed with suspicion nd nt yt excde rivals was ale of concen ax Bo satis would serve fo exe val casing concenaton an heey waren ecoomiepevfrance THs eda fresive anita enfercement, nthe 1705 the-Chcago Steal championed fen of psions about how makes veered and advocated mor lax dg of srt." Th rhmene canbe summation! i he ong anne, Fw itr that ia whe mrtt share may be tempts ‘a behave ant-compeitvely by reducing ouput and eeasing pics, snd of bhava © ‘il send a signa co ter art players ta Hees st dems inthe mkt and vile 1 kota Aces fen Ae enter [sed Setar kone tucked "nie Py ee te Fe i ce i on ‘Sree woes ay a Wang ons or ‘97 EU Coetiton La: Fonction and Enforcement the ety of new ims This new en wl ng pecs down and rnmoduce the degre of tsupeten necessary to atsy conser dese In other wor wie axknowledging at ‘mates may ale eenom pero, he Cesgo Scot aid eid that ‘ronan erdnmanc ed oun consumer dear sold cause the etry of othe fn Shas economic nent tnt competion lw ws lgly ences ness ew ety ‘res mpc an theses tony ety was tanpeed wat nao legion it Ing buss fends ea the ani-competive behaviour sf uses seat anes foe ew commer the mae woul ho sa Secon, wile He Haraed School lamest thet resin consent of fhe Chicago Sebo auc hac oncatated ark wee re fice cause rms would be abe te expla esobonies ne that st eat Caper focone fm te manulcare ilo of cars han for seve ims We manufac a thousand {cr each Tiny the Chicagoans tle that aw snes were mor ely to damage he ‘impuitve joes hy tr intervention becaase ofthe orance about ho arts weed “The Chicago and ava viens can verge sgnfianty i he prescipons or competc tion tow enforcement Fa xa «Harr Scho! sposch woul mst thot high pres toa monnply ae legs bt Chicago School approach vould ict tt high prices ie nee, whlch mould render the market competitive the lng rt. The Chicago School BE yrbaliy the mos info choo of thous ve competion fest outa cobereat ‘ew of competition law eforeten, embeded in enfience hat mavts work best iho {rcs eulton by sates ox cours Homes he Chicago School mode scarey eon feted by ot-Ciego' economia M.S Jaab, Aa Een onthe Normative Foundations of Amira (1995-1998) 74 North Carolina Law Review 218, 222-5 Apost ea Sea of eceramis i en ming mtn fey mlb tng om ‘enn whore ncn ae en fn en At incites Yat bey eet te omy tic apse oF eps. ad bch er ules (ovine cotgueees here dette oles contendig vos oh wong he ate esas a oF be nope mode fr rt etrcemer ncaa bw tans ted ard BGR. Et Marengo re oral arty, edt oe eorcemen ul ceed ats, [eremsseny sub beach protec fare, st Chengan by one, Senge mperecton,nch tifaratin pocrpeve at ot to poder ne Se ‘eleven nea compete nants Te qe that he estriars conptton maze Soviet nares mtb oul pp necment shies sowing > wer Vary of 48 Eupean Union tow Snowe ane a anita motpeing ueon he eee mesure kt owe te ong eet ya aragemerts at te sera eta he ear ony frehery psn sees ah ary of al an ipl, ‘nt re, he tre he eects hea aca any es hen decelerate eis a a er aa el ints tis bt eg cats tte etceny mpntons ef Pewee {ences ttn bts referent an fo proie oesonlcs wh 9 mere eats cid ohn wat sen eg trent sung ld serpin cy eet ee ae ‘nuestro compte cy at ng ‘ina hamper empedtne tne Sy we Cus poset Ost Maks poe {tert ines bmn on tases rina eon eee een ‘pesmi pets pos- Chia have es st mae and Ror oer icin by a chinwah Geren compte aa anongetve ctu Cheapo = hve toon atthe enix rice mae eed on surprise terres nd a et onl revs into to ma coe me ie Cen teh ee arta te mean bat conduct line fcr neg, ome ‘hey hve revel, vent te ity of canister epi ete ‘rin forking the iene ence he nade and i Tel wa a ured “Ye pot Chico appnach fens to agestions for sompstiton law enforcement that serene fom te Chicago mode For expl,uadet a Chiago agproac, peat [a ples se ata eel ew te cor oF roca soy una when the eal ie able cae al also ext and monoptin he market In ona ner pst-he = Dey ping 5 reed sn ty eon oe gait {$a Compton tw: Facton ad Enerceent new entnt may dscourage oe is fom entering, een when i might be economy ‘nna ete, Joa supges ta thee dflrencs of opinion about whats econo {ly anal belies ers a abe asuptins abt haw markets wrk. Therefore, compe {he nw eanot be found upon economic, ar premised wp te assmgtions we ‘taue about how east pyes epee On this argmny, 2 competion authority choos economic theory that suppor ae assumptions "xfer slay challenge t he CaageSchoch @gpcech comes om kavioul eso- namics. This approach to senomice rejects he assumpion of maine economic theory That actos tev ratnaly, sed hs ae an ffs ox How oe repuates markets he ‘peste contest sits aioalty may aries self onthe sie of consumer ko shana mnfrmadon or take decisions Saved fas Ue loyaly oe an overinfated eeptono sk ana peace fa my iy ead market signals oot, Forinsance Ts becn sugested tot firs etetng Bew markt sume ty wl be sucess, wn Inet ew manage ma any asting Ino: hi sages hatte Chicagoan view that Tew enty hares eee the ak ofan competive behaviour might Be oo Ul ew ‘Stent ring clive tthe make Thi uns mre sophisticated evence 6 ‘Gui to est thal ake ower final economic ise to sont Is the role of yam eficlency, We mig oblet to tne phamancutcal sector ong eonopoled by one fe, bac what iiss the only way 0 onrenate enous esurces fo aba esting dns in the future? ow much can we Saffire competition tay in fvour of gener conmumer Benefits tomorow? Same Tave {ken te We tht novation acu frequent at competion ay shold note ovdy onceneddboct fr that monopole high weheology mat, wie hers have taken he Cit tat innova canal tke place nee ean afe potted Wy competion awe ‘epuaing the Sms tat nonopafe the maet Te rn consensus oh the est compet neha ail we tion pty to facta inva, ihough anatomist teeny gin fom continuing innovation may a ouweihs the sagan om marginal ast ps: Hoeven, competion suas hve tended 0 fas ob acai ed pro die eine a ice Mca oot ne nt ey ce ar aco 1 EES ant seme Se Honan ape fn Andy Pry Cong Seal Core mn a se ‘ oy fen otha me eee ete nme Te om fe Seca Her orl Loe on al race ee cowry tena OO fs woth closing with the following consderton: the post-Chcago at bea nutrast approche, nd the concerns over ynamic efckncy Hse sound wei tons 2 Chicago-based perspective but they have not edo tajor changes oy tment policy. The reason fr this has Ieely to do with coasdeations af le Conde: The Chicgaltarard Double Heli’ (2007) 11} Columba Business law Review 1, 38-1. 72 ‘Aotitt es nt nteaten he aati iglemenng stn Aman te ins Are ane Teme oui sath te eating mune toe on i (on iat hat att er an econaling te mt be wcinsase fr he cei hai arene othe arm cane ty the specie pats un tame cos PoC sls ten ater besa ty mtu hol apne ot he apaciyo te ey inserting tines the ante ten a he sh of (hago ays sll 9 ve, antenna emptor eno {hey nevahy nae sun ecumgons tate hes of pee foes of sc ch Ba estes ease they mt mae fsa Ha ean of oo on en fe other words, the consertave economic approach of the Cheapo Seka is supported Tange part because is egaly wotable given he nsiatna tg fr a cafe te Unies States in porocuay, ory as eon against thease of complex econ th es, ble damage ana frsinast offences of ite sprouse ha courte sed of" andthe lee of experine a capacity af an atta to which tan ult crn complex tats whet pei nglators Rove a compara savanage™ i) Politics oF competition taw ‘ren when analysed teh an economlc pepecive Debates aoa he role of compe Tow ran throug he history oF US compton le 2 Competition Law: Fenton nd Emcee .M. Fox and LA. Sulvan,"Aniest = Retrospect and Prospetie: Where are Wie Coming From? Whare ate We Going? (1987) 62 New York University Law Review 936, 992, 955-9 en eos, expec te ith Chao ening ok ot ase irs about mets [pr moscoumtr antist hm sho eames Tye ough he ow feat of ie set cg ion er oven roi dwt he Fray te pote i cnsunt-neare prim reste aast onan terme cgrgt entome er cals the aon Bu the once sat ant unmet these arate ac nd reese ante They pote tame but» pes = opto Aust ema es oe eam They ie a cs a ppt. Ne rt is reseed fe da nero aang ae he Manel Mey et 9% wi ‘he American debate spor intracve in sting out the competing values shat ao rnc compeltion plcy. As Fox ha sggeted more recat, the weal pln of debate pre muy is teoween those whe consider het anata sould ony be enforced when one proves «harm econ oer ort mest he SoH keliied ofa haf econ ‘aman thee be bel he sol sls be entre when even actions wesc ‘he competitive proces oreover. Po an Silvan ete conepeton law wie the pespctive of liberal nomi order, whic hs patclar afnity to eon of EU competion Ia, Is eats eas EU competion lw ws infeed by Garman siasip and Geran fica plajee ‘eye la he developmen of competion aw. Underaning the Geman aprcech to eu pliton was aun economic pilorophy: erdliberalisa.” W. Michel. Competition Poy fram an Ordo Pont of View in A, Peacock and He vig (eds), German Neowiberls and the Sot Marke Economy (Uondan, Macmlan, 1989) 146 ‘heat goal fhe ption iy of Oo Reali es ne poten fins {eons etom fat rave elo vr ea he stall of une eononi ome ne hm ected hes ye phi formas, re as oe oh {ove ec nah ne who nats esse ma pow. comme ficcy 5 gerne Seah YG et Capea een Cy oop On no iy res, 86 hopin fy Ban ei osc se aes aa “conan te vars ones futons hs resect he Od el ont sel # indy ete othe reer astos ona era sap ory EFtrman Kt. Mode cers inthe Aneesh ea ey on wea itineraries case Utara. MP wh Ord wa se tes Oe fein rasan avers Her, the ite of make power aet bed primary on fae fintieny th ne ens hat fie wit mae perc fl the een foe ecopanic operator, na Jens to oeency. ike Fox aad Sulla he process of competion, favouring sce ‘oper oe sins valid This vison has had a ong intoence nthe dex ‘peat of EU conpesen li Prt the compete proas o compte cute lors not make 3 signeant praca ference n most aes eg. both conden cae In the lowing chap) over exsonary conduct. Tang ploy ig aga, en ‘onic approach would coe ony ii sky ba he ont Bara ea, we ‘gpoachpotsing the competitive pacer would condemn it step beloe once thatthe conciecxues mc ple, Oe sm ha may be mad he ate pera {thats no always clear how o tant he ation of onper ve rote wha fi 2 efficent wey cot sees competion bt] ae curentyeaivatig aso cm more on aang te ces of ups cnc ‘Tune ha suppor bead policy ve toe major cancers fs the ebnce af any debe 2 B level abou the choke to ahandon the medel af competion baced on megan | Se compe pct td crn nomi pth: sn hte ean arming sal layers; and hy, thatthe mainteam enone approach focuses om a= locatve effi We, meaviing the ect impact om consumer (ody) at the expense oF promoting dynamic eine. {ii) Alms of EU competition policy tr was oly in he late 1980s thot BU soagettion pote tok hap. Tis happened a 9 resale arti cots int the neler economic poles championed by Reagan the United ee eater nied Kingdom began to ff goverment nd inst as cane ne eeocomi Haercaton calle for by se Single Eapean Act necessitated x arte or competi law to ener ha the urstormation om axed economy © srpeturtt ovcured smoothly. Secondly, the Court af st, sce the 1960s, ad rae darn unter of competion Le cases an estas strong precede thal consolidated he ca natiovepowets Tykes morale atthe Breorate- General (6) For Competitor Unio] ws considerably strengthened by he change wh enforcing competition li ce ve fgal bacang at meget (80s Fearthy the personales ofthe aa sites Cammsoners wer instrumental n stenting tis DG, Two competion comms aaeeee pete Suthertand (1985-1999) nd Sr Leon Sedan (1989-1093), were Instructs sepctuingand extending he fee mkt log, ote eadng 0 asbes Severn the views Tixbuse ny BG Compeddon sed thse ofthe Commision Preset, acgts Delors ral eras Comamcnn obec poses to regvnt merges inthe Union. Wh ee set gracaring nt wasting place eto cover eralsation this pled EU ‘eres fw a he heat of the Uronstansfaton oa acoberal make ecosomy.* "Fup space of hs evolution are worthy of mote Ft the increased emphasis on the ten cfteat elle martes unre ences abut econ owe at economic eedom ‘hare seminal in he ety development of BU eametion Taw. Secondly, the Canim varee fox campeon poly can hive det role a iiuecing the general direction of Wotton poly Far instance, Si Lean Hrson's advocacy of fice markets was inst Haaerae in coy succem of he tmplemertaion oft merge rales fle sucess Kare erst 18h ay, however, wat le convince tan his predeeer aur rouncing on fom oe of hs perches nea Teetin La to fre marks terms his quota etme make one bing et Sit nay th eplntofcompeton pes nt an tad in teas compen plc. tot ich coe Beas! hel chine te aden fone Conary, Toe Comsat rompion pny des ot operate in acu lg, ese poy sl yty an the event Shs sna oe ay OEE rmstton poe ao masts ban cotbto the foun an nsleentton Uroeeyin tose tes The pints oneines verooket by hse who rte the Trtttoal famewor of xopean competion aly. sh Cae oie * sis placement Mato Monti (1922-2008, an econo pofesor, steered competition pt P{ sloog the Moe token iy Satheaed spd Ben, and the Commissar who ave {atne 2010) an Jou Almeni slace 240) hae noe or ess Falowet nim bi roe ‘Gees Yai. Bach Hansen a A Wi, The Pies of aren Come a ferttcepentleytt ttnn enn eeet wheter this over pce a3 result of mang mca of more choc 3 a FFmovingcran conc ena However, tsb fe aed that sopeton tan fe Inder, te ecoremic provision isthe Teal) ae thie ab for the deeapes Eutmpean inst” And» cle dy ofthe deeloprent ofthe Comnity shows ar ‘ven broader rage of ebjetves have ineened EX competition la A Westtng, The Modernisation af EC Antias Law (OxerdPortan, Hart, 2090) {ohne in a 2-20Cowhch gunned fees oo mr Dre to on a ‘mmanty nial Eempins forte ant esr rate aes of rea co-oeatan ewe retains ithe Comme oer eal tame eter et integrin [Eocene or ener Community ply sins fr eanple oymn a oi et ‘heer nate ne Commer 1982 pare hen ore te ora xouaing the sap of Commu anti ply en fates [a Be i ferhd omnenng in 105) Wn continued referee the nate of mart eat the Comm ah RS ‘yal mde th anderining of Comma nina! ow mectere mega tac Fost impstin of eteraton by cpt an eines mere spat nhs ep the conto ears mergers te gal Herts ope cme tors, eth MK sta - ad aly = ect trom the ar cele of he Conmoniy eines a ‘na Agreements been underlies ave been exempts rom the rien Ale) EC whe ‘ernest on te ntrsy of competion an he erat mart nate enseutees fe Erapenn sys conpeenes, sacl adeno ces. ens, Inve degre of competion Sey engender wher te Conmison comer hatte may ona SP 225 compton Lm Function ad Enforcement S tone ormor fhe betes it don in rile 2 et a bse tate ty oF : . lt os sete the bof ecranmaeton ene is eent Nom teConasion : tos ert ye fuppan Cur hate rman at ture ering ples On This view sug tat a wie ange of pley tues affect mmpctition aw decions, and That compen aw ogetvs mgt a ies be seo pare other Community values (On the ane band, we might he sympatietcto thease of eaapetin aw to sin ater Community posi, te won be ogra ther are erect ean 0 acre them and at using competion law ty tbe ti mint means” Seon. ego {erat for ake gatipant = wodetined i compete we mode oa other ‘Secves, asy ther a ak ha by eearng other ples warts way noe évenp ef Ficlets heey tare ensimere These oases, ano others le the Commission to ty and concentrate on felting mst aly when there was Hara t consumer wea q Fowevee as we sats n thi a the following chapters tee ermal eplsndes whee com 4 pion Is enforce forthe pars of otter goa FG) Impact of the economic criss tn ecet history, tne Sven eve sen the Commision’ comment 10 consumer vlc oriented enforcement se Tas fit can ow be ilar a3 storm na eeu Inthe teat Eeblshing = Constitution for Etre tbe drat had laser a yroviion ting out he bjecines ofthe Unto or the re te Among the betes it erie the : ‘owing nteroa uke where compettin ie aed wasted Afer the rection ofthis Teaty by number of natorl efernds th French President sett the portunity te remove te scene fo competion 35 an objetive of the Union (se Arle 313) TE, viich wasa move imagens oa peeption Ist one f the esos the Treaty was etd E ‘asthe oer emphast on markets the expense of te socal dimension ® Whatever politcal sn was see, fom = leg peraestive tls seen Una’ compere sain Srcbanged” And since then hehe een ne alteraton of th: Common’ pales oro Ke 4 ance en By the Cou of Jost 3 “The second event nhc as sich more significant impact on competion enforce Be 4 men is the econo esesion the wor ha ound sl since 2008. Should hi lead : citing aerimecnonceeee cates STASI ESAAMS peel sega ce tet pig 956 Capen nin Law Compeston iw efrsent yar te wolun the ceseme cle Ne Be alowed ofr cael ens of sing sr some fom a ae hy ae tt compro slow te or eft ras ace ae Seve Nor at erg cone he ae mer eset suppor potter dsc. The fares Conpetian motos Sele Hoes fected a “own oe" The taten of sence se owing ee ae {he ltl enon af 15 he US Connon nd uppneds Wnsaton et tons bua intr ty came tte ont tts mabe sates a beter Second the Commision ee kono evn mange s te the 190, 98 ened tat ian apne o ome aw eons lewig the ostinato ee aenens Betws meal ‘ec uit elt 099 eae sh fies sued ws a a ti at freinds ost Fabemon, Wp end uch Tones tee ee thawte ee nal ae fly change te pen css ts a mad reson for vermont he pity apoonth ben i Be cae sea “thru wih sco th aponh se clog of ean te franc ime gape owl policy. wo cont cece trent oromic sate has hee Hest ran ith some rsa Stet icon ‘Nigger and. Buch-Hansn, Explaining (Ming) Rguatory Parti Shift: Es Competition Reguation a Times of Eeanomic Css (2003) New Pot! Economy 1,18 Fourth the Commision ering sant pners anda oneal degre fpr nay for tener tae goverment tas ben hie oe a pce apa nat 9 rele tester pleas beng sttegealy sect. pie ees oganie rl ‘int anders ess sates cong wit ether ets he vaste the 0 syne nes trove eit and fil acres othe abizce wie sh nthe egeaton economic ‘sein ples wl the buses rogranmes Oeste ye EAE ‘arden more gee sap ttm caren ber ead se eee es repay els rate an being eandos Ast ha te sens eel ‘Ss maagenest ig mee regu apse tone,» asd sin foo [campeon regan «any a sage Se er 7 Ecuiia Asay (204 3 Soa a a ia Se ee 1 Campetion Law: Feet an Enforce “Turning to enfoserent the oly wise lsat of the anit les hasbeen with spect {othe Commsons fing pote ta cael cases Here te Commission bas raced Ses on Stoderakings Ihe sow tha the glvan economic cicusanes the fine woud ease reievabe damage t thi uses sch hil ke ase wold dapper othe mate Thu secondly ts wuld ed fn iors fn uncplament deteriora a the exnamic ‘Hctom upstvat an down ofthe uidetaing comer” Tis provision balaces the ‘Swf fieseetacel wih he sim of viding rs nae um aoe, ain 2scenan0 ‘econo as the scl Gute ae Nghe ar eet into the mae s mare ic. How ‘er thee bs nat been sigan moun a es 0 wich hs ie ect was aps." ENEORCEMENT BY THE COMMISSION 1 Commins powers mee oigialy set in Regulation 17)6, which wasin force be= rc 1962 ae 2008 and hve ben expanded by Regia 1/2003, which sin force from Tey 20042 As intimates above, wa in 1962 nee wot expect muck tom compestion foley, tday i hath frock tarsus Besa of he Seve way hese powers ae ere The cases te Commision snvetigaion on is own nitinive,tggee hy press pcs, orks nvestiation of an ea omic sector une the owes provide n Regain 12003, arte. Secondly, sme cases {ie fom complains ade by peat pate or ‘onfesions’ mae by undealigs ht have Infaged be rls, However, the Comision ha a bligton to each decor on ety Complin ee confine ceva H may priori ess on the Basso wheter theres 3 {Uno wie nest Tas wee pares coment importa vans, where te ose ge ag to move ols of lam ov whe te pra sm queton have a sigan eet Sn market iceradon Give the powers of natn campeon autores to apply BU foapeton lve tis provides further tai for denn oak up 2c. Tc enfremen provers which ssniltatie incre edie to ges Inthe fm stage he Commision gates evidence tere whee thee has ben a {ate nthe seco tage ies concerns inowa he patie bing Invested cup have tw scarce, Fin the Commision may 2 sd era bering es a deison "© Ren arise rr a Seaeeeeeetfuoe |B bere mt eR me cnr tl a Cg bal nam 956, Egesn Union Low Ose (0 First stages investigation In order to obtain information ts determi nhether an underaking hasoinged competition ame ' tones ee lan Sven 3 I (2) Request for infomation and interviews iia Regulation 1/2002, article 18(1] empowers the Commission to require undertakings to hand. & ld creer tote e's ac heer Crmescn ey mee to beprevided. The nforation somal conse of documents stlngout hon he une Inga ce The Commision hd als eer begun lyon sateen made toby the E pares” Regulation 1/2003 codes his practice i are 197, wich empowers te Com- aa ison to ster ary peon whe consent be nterewed, bat hee ae no peas the infomation provides nconect a mseading 3 a supplying infomation here 2 isk that the undertaking providing root a has =a taninged competion law Tis woud rin counter tothe sodenalins gh gas E Fncrmition and io challenge to 3 request for information By te Commision, he Cou of atc ecognied thi ight in part Fat the ight ott ornate oneself only gps to eequ where the adresse rqulred to reply, une ain of fie assaf «ple ‘eqs he eon ne ave benie the eal ha no ty ey Sony, ve css request made une pain o 2 ine the igh ites case 374/87 Orkem v Commision (889) ECR 3283 28 late ae ofa ah tens sit exrely emote in ego 1 [ow Requain 06 appopate toeoader wheter rd a wat eet te err pees oF Coe low which fndomentl ihm an toe ot and eg of wih Conny eatin usu mere, ete, he peat ln ego Me hte 8 aR 23, lest eet the Cour bs een tt wisi ste esa eee must |= ‘revert tse ih om eng irene mpi daring lia ny pees WA ‘ayo die noting ere oe na mtr ot oduct ead by anne Sewer armen tmenscnn 2 1 Cheater bine pty anna eka ame oN 9 compen La Fonction ad nice 1A, deat whist te Commision eis keto restr et ee of Arise (10 of gunn es). comp! nwa vie Recess ies cern eh faces eign to ed coe oi ees ch ences erg er as toc eanune oo compete soni ny Rt byes can lige nomation. Thc te Cnn may at oman underneath ams hich ih ‘on the facts af he ease, the Court of au tha Some of he information sought y he ‘Commision nringed te aplisat's ights For exile [essen disosure of he eta oF any stem armed which made pose to sebute sles ng’ untae he ripen and dels of any meta ig ral moni comolare ith ny te agents ume oe uot he Cameison endeared ta anf the appleant an adironlegmet os partpation inaeoecent tenes eit or costs podution oes oro shre mites Likewise, the Commision cannot ark yrs how many meting thy hd with et compet for at angel Ae 101 THU However, pele beam docamextary wiorms- thn concerning agreements entre oto, of fetual infomation, fr example about mbich ‘underaing were presen nan mcg, following Ore. pats ve chalenge he Commusions reqs or fefornation se iingig the eilege aga eincemlaton, Street saccess Te Court of fc ae ot elagged the poston taken Orem “Tate explantonf found in Advoeste General eho Opinion. ‘cose €-101/04P Commission v SL Carbon (2006) ECRI-5915. Opinion of Aavecate General Geehoed 7 he gay eee the er ih eas ees rdconpeii face eins ‘hes are ste eh etn ef undone ans vows ceive eirceent ot Cnty eoepeton i. Ace [101 TEs ateaet pon wens esr te Scone he enna Comma pula, econ fhe ea ‘Sots on TEI os ro pity. he Cio rm ne emporio ee ‘hon tsi hat te fei eres min eral eas othe ts tenet of {fe amy bic oe es ea ys pt Ru eet a he ao Gels Ele ding insane oso he precise he Comey ns cord {fui cvoens phe! hae 2 ee nzig fom tate temby te Canon 300 Euopean Unon Law eso of an Rights ECE a oe gn agate ncaa Fave ee os convines” Tee are wo pals af eb The tw ‘ace tppan the vw tht ney tan he qe at whee ee mt ane 9 sekingnoreaton which ale epee oe eee inte coma of human fis td apy wi a igor eh se ono Acne Avot Gene Gece itt pn seg pose ndings tthe unpenn Coro aman Rt ies! mea Sera . “he on of aie 3b prot he ry of commons ven ea ants tyra ifomstion using bet ge 0 lent not ey ‘hs cbf y tev he oy {nd rca te pv, incpendeny sd cote, ay ap oie SSoncmoe Oy ldeenent we. ttt ees. he ale re sony Meter Sas iar lange ment ibe poten eda ody jet mate ofthe investigation, which wil nomally be material writen sere i fin R may include woliagdocueats prepared Oy the undetaling tai he ye pecan te cence. Inspections “Te Commits most draconian mean secur inforrain about a pose compe la tfingeiene are ts powers t ete busses prem: the pares ener inves ‘nd sce the levine iformaton These procedures ae ealoqualy refered lo a5 a SS i et commentato Ste yh ale en Coie (98 R155 eee £1 Canpsiton aw Fanetion ad aforcemet Aegulaton 112003, ates 2008), (2), 2110) nore tocar th esas tt yh Rustin ne Cormnion ma coda cereus st ndernings an rio of wderaigs se engonee Fe ls ay prmies and and ee fra of dering nd eins ty een he seach ec aes te ass espe ete msn on {ett or b.nn oy frm apes of rea hm shook ors (6 a any nance prec loos ese are peta fo teen rece lo tesserae or mem of staff nferating or escaon ot uderatigs for “Spesaten on ats or aetna aed upse fe peron pene 101) a esos spin ens ot os rere rea oth sine ant te SU vcr ocean, whch ay hereto prove a seca ton ofA 10 FEU ‘he ioe tal avebete bs nay oer remiss na means of spar eaig deen rancor manages ond oer men fs te undetuings od sonnet raring coe be amon ony dean ere wspecion Deans nck ‘Tee Cotion mus specify the ute mate and pues of itsinvestgntion aot merely fo rr tat the propeneeny nt te premsrs of he mderakings concerned susie tut sel donee on andertkings te aes the seope other uy to cooperate whist ate cea cc sntegundeg thle igh of defence.” Anil 21 fan novation and provies for saree ine poate homes bu thee requ prior aogorsation fom a onan coun whee the penis ae fected See commision spews to seach prises fs contoversial when udgsé sesh fin mem gh sandal Bn he Faropenn Convention of Hainan Rights (ECHR a= Rares ag tu pte and fmuy He A dogeion trom his nigh seed i ‘Rrtae ba AR whic states ha infngements of privy ae ued nly hen nsess, fees aa eth comomie website cout a prevention fea. To bene rose wee derogation tn Arete 82) the indeference wat he Gis to privacy must be based on oesle pl les the interference mst have a lett al, nd thee must be ee fhe potectonapat abuse By the vestiges The Court of alice italy held tat ave es ened yt EC only pple czar of private homes, not banat Prati aihough xr ht to pivacy busin premises hel next as eneah he oe au 2 ace Ay Comme EE 0, 852 Eaapen Union Law principle of EU Law wick protects all private psoas again ‘bisa o dspropotanaie Interveton by publ uta: “Ths rar intepreaion of ax undertaking’ ight iva under Commu mt now be econseed as ares of two developmen (tec law ofthe ECHR. Pt Aicmetev Germoy, te ECHR eld tat he ht o private ile dos not mercy eacopas vive Homo bu la business penis, when this necsary to pote it Inde saxon aba inser oe uric Scan. in Set Cl Et andthe (5 France te ECR el that a eomptton nes, pie jal suteration etegsed hen condcting inspections 02 afford deste a eve alegre guns stares Aled e EL competion la he Monet se sugges at Ace 9 ts an longs be

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