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Customer Centricity For HR

Corporate life is evolving; the continuous customers’ demands and raising

expectations provoke companies to compete in service. External Customer
Service is very important to any business, however all initiatives to enhance the
customers experience will remain incomplete if the Internal Customer Service is
not developed!

The development of effective internal customer service ethos can fundamentally

transform the cultural values of an organization and the quality of work with
consequent positive impact on productivity and the quality of the service delivery.
Developing the internal customer service will result an evolution of the Quality
Customer Service (QCS) initiatives within the organization and will support people
facing the customers in fulfilling their promises.
During this program, the delegates will understand how their performance secure
repeated customers. They will also be able to draw the link between different
forms of operational and frontline relationship within the business.

In any organization all staff are both the providers and the receivers of service and critically if
poor internal service exists, then the final service to the external customer will be diminished.

Moreover, the delegates will be looking at how an underdeveloped Internal

Customer Service ethos emphasizes the idea that the organization cannot meet
its market objectives including expansion and building loyal customers if the
internal service is not met with high standards and consistency.
During the program the delegates will understand the importance of the internal
service concepts through looking at the actual CAPs (Customer Action Plans) and
linking between the CAPS and the QCS (Quality Customer Service) through
internalization approach and operationalization approach.
Through analyzing the internalization and operationalization, delegates will be
able to draw the link between the quality customer service, adherence to the
functional tasks, and organizational requirements.
The delegates will work on improving the current service delivered to their
colleagues working within the branches, the direct sales force and any other
business channel through reflecting on their actual business workflow.

Duration: (3) days Language: Arabic/ or English

General Methodology:
Similar to any L2S training program, this program offers an
interactive learning experience in which will allow the delegates to reflect on their
learning through an informative, indulging, and fun classroom experience. The
design of the training session focuses on the following attributes:

• Concrete Experience: The delegates will learn by doing

• Reflective Observation: Reflecting on the newly experienced skill set
• Abstract Conceptualization: Developing deeper understanding to the learned
• Active Experimentation: providing the delegates with realistic tools that can
be tested in the real life
• Understand the importance of internal customer service and how a service-oriented
organization can achieve a unique market position.
• Understand the practice internal service standards and processes that creates internal
satisfaction with internal customers through – face to face, email or on the telephone.
• Use a range of professional techniques, tools and skills to make internal customers feel
valued and to deliver above expectations
• Implement the 7 laws of service leadership
• Understand the and implement the 4 principles of corporate relationship management
• Implement internal customer journey mapping and know how to apply the three pillars
of internal service improvement plans
• Analyze the internal service journey and creates a positive impact at each touch point
• Understanding the importance of SLA’s and CAPs in order to ensure meeting promises.
• Make a composed and confident impression, so internal customers feel welcomed when
they have a problem
• Managing internal customers’ expectations
• Apply best practice in following up with internal customers
• Identify different internal customer needs and situations and change their approach
• Deal with complex or multi-stage technical problems more effectively
• Turn problems into opportunities for greater customer satisfaction
Module 1: Introduction to Customer Centricity

• Team Activities – (Me & Everyone else)

• What Is World Class Customer Service?
• Understanding what is meant by world class customer service.
• A Model for World Class Customer Service
• A model for world class customer service that can be used as a strategic tool.
• Defining Internal Customer Service
• Practical Case Study

Module 2: The Service Standards (In correlation with “Emotional Ladder of Service”)
• Who is your customer?
• Excellence Vs. Non-Excellent Service Behavior
• Providing the BEST internal Service
o Bending, Empathy, Synergizing, Thanking & Appreciating
o Apply the BEST module in practical examples
• Application of the Organizational Values, who is doing what
o Integrity first
o Purpose led
o Customer driven
o Future focused
o One team

Module 3: Service Leadership

• The 7 Laws of Service Leadership

• Applying the 7 Laws in practical context for great internal service encounters
• Types of relationships and their impact on business environment
• Customer Experience Inside-out
• Internal Customer Journey Mapping (practical mapping)
• Managing Expectations and Meeting SLA’s
• Building Trust
Module 4: Eliminating challenges through SPECIAL service

• The SPECIAL model

Speed and time
Personal / personalize
Expectations – manage and exceed
Competence / courtesy
Long-term relationship and follow-through

• Qualities of customer service and support ‘superstars’

• Applying the SPECIAL qualities to your job

Module 5: Internal Service Improvement Plans for HR Team

• The supply chain – understanding the importance of customer service within and
between operation/ support and branches/ direct sales/ departments / business
• The 5 Phases of Implementing Service Standards
• The life cycle of implementing service standards.
• The Impact of Standards on Customer Service
• Benefits to the organization and customers of establishing and operating a service
pledge, service standards and relevant performance measurements.
• Continuous service improvement
o Including the VOC (Voice of Customer- ENPS)
o CAP’s (Customer Action Plans)
o Quality Customer Service (QCS)
o Query Management System (QMS)
• Things to avoid
• Practical exercises
Module 6: Employee Engagement and Service Culture

• The Impact of Culture on Performance

• To understand the link between culture and organizational performance.
• The Importance of Inspiring “Service Shared Vision”
• Using Values to Drive Focus on The Customer (inside-out)
• To understand the importance of values to drive behavior toward the desired culture of
service excellence.
• Case Study 3 – Zappos
• Lessons from Zappos, a case study to identify ideas for implementing in the participant’s
own business.

Module 7: The Full picture

• Action plans
• Learning Diary
• Summary of key learning points

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