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Importance of the Study

This research will shed light on the perception and experiences of nursing students

on the sudden transition of classes. This study's findings will be extremely useful in

providing information to the following:

Nursing Students. This study will aid students in broadening and deepening their

understanding of the emotional and physical impacts of the sudden transition from a fully

online class to face-to-face clinical exposure.

Nursing Program and Clinical Instructor. This research will provide educators with

concrete data on the experiences and perceptions of nursing students on the sudden

transition of classes, in order for them to create a conductive learning environment and help

the students to fully adapt.

Commission on Higher Education. This study will help the Commission on Higher

Education to gain a better understanding of the effects or perception of the students on the

sudden changes. This can be a potential reference to give them ideas for improving their

learning system.

Department of Health. This research will provide them with a view of the experiences,

perceptions, and struggles of future nurses, which can give them ideas to improve the

healthcare system in the country.

Future Researchers. The results of this study will serve as a reference to the researchers

for their future studies.

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