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Background of the Study

Crime is very rampant now a days and becomes one of the major

problems of our community. The government is very aggressive in attempting to

reduce if not to eliminate the crimes committed in various areas of our country.

One way to reduce the commission of crime is police visibility. Police patrol has

always been a backbone in protecting the community. It gives deterrence to the

would-be criminals once they see a police officer patrolling in a specific area

where most of the crimes have been committed.

Peacekeeping is the basic function of the police. And police visibility is one

of the main thrusts of the peacekeeping activity. Without this, it would be very

difficult to maintain peace and order. However, enhanced police visibility may not

work in all situations or fail to achieve its objective of addressing criminality. This

is where the police must share the mantle of responsibility for fighting crime with

the members of the community. Community cooperation and support is

indispensable. In fact, the basic mission of the PNP expressly states that peace

and order and public safety can be assured only with the active involvement of

the community.

In the study of Laruan N, and Penny L, 2015 entitled Performance of

Barangay Tanods, their performance was high as an entire group and when

classified as to age, as to elementary to high school graduate, length of service,

and training attended. These manifest the seriousness and dedication of

barangay tanod in performing their task as law enforcers in the barangay.

Further, maybe the barangay tanod were properly oriented, well-motivated to the

task assigned to them for better performance in compliance with the provision of

the local government code and revised penal code. A no significant differences

were noted in the performance of barangay tanod classified as to various

categories. This showed that regardless of the stated variables a strong

confidence of all of barangay tanod to manage and perform their functions well

regardless of the categories. Furthermore, maybe due to their commitment and

motivations to the service as barangay tanod, whether young or old, educational

attainment, length of service, and training attended, they still maintain the same

performance or accomplishment as law enforces in the barangay.

Thus, the study focuses on the factors affecting the performance of BPAT

in relation to the level of performance of their duties and responsibilities. Hence,

this study is conceptualized for its results will be beneficial to Sultan Kudarat

State University along the areas of research and extension. Specifically, these

are inputs for the social researches to be conducted. Likewise, this will also be

contributory to accreditation concerns.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the Factors Affecting the Performance of

Barangay peacekeeping Action Team in Barangay Panay, Sto. Nino, South


Specifically, it will answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of respondents in terms of;

1.1 age

1.2 gender

1.3 civil status

1.4 educational attainment

1.5 length of service

2. What are the factors affecting the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping

Action Team (BPAT) in Sto. Niño?

2.1 benefits

2.2 facilities

2.3 training

3. What is the level of BPATs performance in terms of;

3.1 performance on their Duties

3.2 performance on their Responsibilities

Significance of the Study

The result of the study will merit the following:

The Philippine National Police. The PNP had developed and promoted the

idea of Community Oriented Policing System which includes the Barangay

Peacekeeping Action Team (BPAT) for several years now. This study contributes

to the collage of information available to provide inputs to the viability and

sustainability of this policing initiatives. Especially to the Sto. Niño Municipal

Police Station in Sto. Niño, South Cotabato and to the South Cotabato Provincial

Police Office.

Municipal LGU. The result of this study could serve as a baseline data to

improve programs for BPATs advancement. The data provided for by the study

can provide inputs for legislation and development of programs in peace and

order initiatives. The data can be used for proposing likeminded initiatives on

police-community relation.

Policy Makers. Legislators and people involved with policy making can gain

insights from this study. They can use the data to back up proposition or to

commission further inquiry.

The Sultan Kudarat State University. This study can be part of the University

Library, and can used by the students of the Sultan Kudarat State University and

of other colleges as reference material for future studies related to this endeavor.

Barangay Council. This will serve as an eye opener that barangay

peacekeeping action team needs extra support with regards to the factors cited.
The study will also serve as their guide to on how to handle the problems of


Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team. This study will serve as an essential

tool to reach out their silent struggles and concerns to the program coordinators.

Researcher. The result of this study would offer them to have further

understanding about the factors affecting the performance of BPATs in the

municipality of Sto. Niño.

Future Researchers. This study serves as resource materials for others who

want to carry out research in the related field.

Scope and Limitation of the study

This study was conducted to the determine the factors affecting the

performance of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team in Barangay Panay, Sto.

Niño South Cotabato. This study was conducted from November 2021 to July


Definition of Terms

Barangay- refers to the smallest political unit in the country. Historically referred

to as barrio, is the smallest administrative division in the Philippines and is the

native filipino term for a village, district, or ward.

Peacekeeping- refers to the deployment of national or, more commonly,

multinational forces for the purpose of helping to control and resolve an actual or

potential armed conflict between or within states

Performance- refers to the action or process of carrying out or accomplishing an

action, task, or function.

BPAT- refers to an acronym for Barangay Peacekeeping Action Teams which is

composed of different sectors in the community with the primary objective of

helping the police in the peacekeeping and public safety efforts.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Factors Affecting the Performance of

Performance of Barangay Barangay Peacekeeping
Peacekeeping Action Action Team

Benefits Implementation of their

Implementation of their
Training Responsibilities

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework Showing the Variables of the Study

The diagram illustrated above shows the relationship between the

independent and dependent. It illustrates that the dependent variable is the

performance of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team which includes the

performance of their duties and performance of their responsibilities. On the

other hand, factors affecting the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping Action

Team is considered by the researcher as the independent variable which

includes of the following indicators such as benefits, facilities, and training.


This chapter presents a review of related literature and studies which

served as frame of references for this study. The foregoing related literature and

studies presented are similar to the present study as far as the testing effective

methodology is concerned.

Review Related Literature

The Philippine Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) in its

Memorandum Circular No. 2003-02 views the maintenance of peace and order

as the key factor in the improvement of the community and the nation (Laru-an &

Penny, 2015). The Philippine National Police (PNP) and the Local Government

Unit (LGU), particularly at the barangay level, had innovated and created

initiatives to enhance peacekeeping in the community (Alkire, 2003). However,

most of the strategies and concepts of the PNP in the past against criminality

were adopted from other countries and were found not suitable to the existing

criminality situation in the Philippines. Thus, a peacemaking concept that is

responsive to the unique peace and order conditions in the country had been


According to Aydinan, J.J.B. (2019) in the Philippine setting, Barangays serve as

the smallest administrative region, governed by one leader: the Barangay

Chairman (according to the law)/Barangay Chairperson (GAD

Advocates)/Barangay Captain (street term). The Punong Barangay (Barangay

Chairperson) plays a vital role in preparing and executing government policies,

initiatives, and services for the citizens. The Barangay Captain serves as the

administrator of one barangay. With the help of barangay councilors, his primary

duty is to control the peace, order, and security of his or her area of jurisdiction.

However, such a position is still a tremendously heavy obligation to be carried by

the shoulder of only one person. This is because of the considerable number of

families within the barangay and the vastness of its territory. To make the

performance of such obligation more efficient, the Barangay Captain has the

power to appoint barangay police officers or “barangay tanods” to screen the

peripheries of “puroks” or zones of the entire barangay and to extend the

barangay services, particularly in maintaining peace, security, and order, through

crime responding, patrolling, and hazard identification. Barangay Peacekeeping

Action Team (BPAT) plays a very significant role in the Philippine National

Police (PNP) Organization (Lowry et al., 2005). The Patrol Officers serve as

the first person you can ask for in times of need (Sluka, 2012). They are in

charge of the worry of culprits and anticipation to the individuals who might be

hoodlums (Wilson, 2013). It is understood that the patrol officer's life is at risk

because of the nature of their duty (Vila et al., 2002). Partnership with the

community and the police is wielded as a weapon system by itself in the

campaign against crime. Apparently, the police cannot address today's crime

problem alone.

According to Nelson G. Laruan and Penny L. (2015) BPAT’s performance

was high as an entire group and when classified as to age, as to elementary to

high school graduate, length of service, and training attended. These manifest

the seriousness and dedication of barangay tanod in performing their task as law

enforcers in the barangay. Further, maybe the barangay tanod were properly

oriented, well-motivated to the task assigned to them for better performance in

compliance with the provision of the local government code and revised penal

code. A no significant differences were noted in the performance of barangay

tanod classified as to various categories. This showed that regardless of the

stated variables a strong confidence of all of barangay tanod to manage and

perform their functions well regardless of the categories. Furthermore, maybe

due to their commitment and motivations to the service as barangay tanod,

whether young or old, educational attainment, length of service, and training

attended, they still maintain the same performance or accomplishment as law

enforces in the barangay.

Based in the study of Sumad-On, D. (2020) the patrol force is considered

the core of the police departments in any community. Its existence lessens the

necessity for organizing specialized operating units because these patrol forces

directly deal with society. Police executives and local officials are cognizant that

the patrol force is the most important element of the police department. In

relation to this, the barangay enforcers are force multipliers of the Philippine

National Police, with the fundamental duty of patrolling and responding to

incidents within their Area of Responsibility (AOR). This is true because the

characteristics of community policing are common among jurisdictions. Examples

of these are the involvement of the community in the performance of police jobs;
the relevant assignment of police officers to a neighborhood to develop better

relationships; the setting of police goals based on real needs and

desires―proper application of the above would encourage an organized and

peaceful society, and barangay enforcers contribute to it.


In the study of Mallari, E., Lasco, G., Sayman, D.J. et al. (2010) mentioned

that the range of motivating factors to seek and sustain their BPATs roles,

including a variety of financial and non-financial incentives, gaining technical

knowledge and skill, improving the health and well-being of community members,

and increasing one’s social position. Furthermore, ensuring BPATs have

adequate support and resources (e.g., allowances, medicine stocks) to execute

their duties, and can contribute to decisions on their role in delivering community

health services could increase both community participation and the overall

impact of the BPAT programs. Added also of the high-risk field of their work,

BPATs should more likely needed full support to sustain their daily needs and

deserve good benefits to compensate their sacrifices for the community.

Conforming by Gapangada, A (2010), the performance of Barangay

Tanod depends on the support of the community and the institution where he

belongs and his own perception and attitudes towards his role. Results have

shown the willingness of respondents consisting of local community residents to

provide him with support, be it food during ronda or even legal support. The state

or condition of the Barangay Tanods at present leaves them highly vulnerable to

the weaknesses of the very institutions where they belong. Unless the hiring and

selection process are professionalized, they will continue to be eternally

beholden to those who appointed them. In addition, he also cited that improving

one’s services benefits the state, and the benefit of the state is the primary goal

of a public servant. However, evaluating oneself to improve services begins with

the noble discovery of weakness points, attributes, and determinants. Values are

chosen while passing through life stages.

He also cited in his study that barangay patrol is at the forefront in

maintaining Peace and Order in every barangay. They serve as effective and

indispensable instrument of even the smallest Local Government Unit (LGU) in

pursuing its vision of effective and efficient governance. They are composed of

civilian volunteers guarding our own neighborhood from lawless elements and

they have proven their worth in the prevention of crime by serving as deterrent to

criminals especially in areas where policemen are scarce. Armed with

nightsticks, they are often exposed to dangers. Although they are given some

incentives pursuant to the Local Government Code, these are often not

commensurate to the type of risks that are inherent in the nature of the job that

they perform. Given this setting, a look into the nature of the jobs of BPATs, its

impact and limitations as well as prospects of maximizing their services to

enhance national security proved to be not only timely but also necessary.

According to M. P. Saligan, M. L. Baldesanso, G. L. Maniabo, N. D.

Canini, P. D. Jomuad (2018) cited that despite the lack of proper facilities for

crime prevention, BPAT members do not hesitate to risk their lives just to

safeguard the security of the people in their respective barangays. The result

may imply that there is a need to empower the BPAT members and equip them

with proper facilities for crime prevention. It is important also for the PNP to

conduct BPAT training for crime prevention. In addition, Delgado (2011) stated

that despite insufficient supply of facilities to prevent crime, BPAT conducts

community-based information campaign and activities in support of the PNP’s

internal security operation, anti-criminality effort, disaster management and

control program.

In addition, he also cited the way how BPAT addresses crime prevention

obtained the lowest rank. The results could be associated to lack of proper

facilities and training for crime prevention. In their uniforms, BPAT members are

equipped with flashlight and armed with nightsticks only while conducting night

patrols around the vicinity of the barangays. In this situation, they are exposed to

danger in the hands of criminal elements and other wayward members of society.

Members of BPAT are volunteers who are responsible for peacekeeping

activities in the barangay.


In the study of Shoemaker (2001) argued that, due to lack of resources,

conventional socialization practices and the value of the barangay justice system,
juvenile courts and correctional facilities are used less often than the juvenile

code would suggest and this situation is likely to continue. Several businesses

are already introducing programs to help motivate the public even from the level

of barangay, as a way to help curb rising crime incidences. (Samaniego, 2015).

In addition, Benitez (2013) stated that though barangay police or “tanod” works

on a voluntary-basis and lack of trainings, they do not hesitate to risk their lives

just to ensure the security of the people in their respective Barangay.

According to Aquino, P. and Buraga (2016) stated that during their effort to

assess the crime prevention activities in different cities, revealed that the PNP

conducts enhanced Police Integrated Patrol Systems (PIPS), and deploys

Tactical Motorized Riders on perceived crime-prone areas, saturation drives

among others. The respondents from the business, education, health, and youth

sectors appraised the crime prevention efforts as slow. The crime prevention

activities of the barangay, on the other hand, is assessed as not seemingly

effective. All the barangays have organized a group of Barangay Tanod, which

helps maintain the peace and order situation in their respective places. Their

data also show that they don’t have enough equipment’s and which will affect

while serving their barangay constituents.

In the study of Rivera (2014) he cited that training of members of

barangay tanod is highly desirable and instills greater trust and loyalty in the

organization. The training design should aim at making the members general

practitioners in social defense or crime prevention, rather than limiting them to

law enforcement activities.


In the study of Cordner (2009) defines the strategic dimension of

community policing as including the “key operational concepts that translate

philosophy into action”, lining the broad ideas and beliefs of community policing

to the specific programs and practices that are implemented. Community policing

impacts upon the strategic direction and operations of policing organizations

through: expanding the role and duties of police officers to enable them to think

more laterally, to engage in both proactive and follow-up activities and to provide

a more personalized service delivery; redeveloping police activities and

operations for example, through reorienting operations to focus less on patrol

and more on local problem solving, crime prevention education, and developing

positive relationship with youth; emphasizing prevention, focusing on long-term

benefits and conceptualizing how the impact of police work is measured beyond

crime rates and clearance rates (for example focusing on community perception

of safety and attitudes towards law enforcement); and developing a more

localized, 23 community-specific focus for officers to generate a sense of

accountability and responsibility for specific areas.

According to Maniabo (2018), argued that community satisfaction on

BPAT performance is very high. The residents positively perceive the

outstanding commitment and dedication of BPAT in performing its task as law

enforcers at the barangay level. However, the delivery of BPAT services on crime

prevention has to be improved. Proper facilities and training for crime prevention

may be helpful for BPAT members. Barangay council may also consider what

other support to provide for BPAT that will make it more effective in performing its



According to Cabanban (2002) cited to his study the assessment of the

perceived performance of the police on its Police Community Relations Program

as to their level of implementation, level of participation of the community along

the different areas of the program, and PNP image. The study revealed that in as

much as program along community information and education, community affairs

and community organization and mobilization have been perceived by the

respondent as “always implemented,” the community are very aware of the

performance of the police and very commendable participation in activities

involving police community relations.

In the study of Etcuban (2018) concluded that the BPAT was highly

effective in the conduct of patrol in their respective villages, specifically in

rendering support to the barangay justice system which is the mainstream of their

responsibility . They often involved in giving the community the best possible

policing system particularly in the deterrence of crime such as checkpoint and

gives essential support to lupongtagapamayapa program in barangay. With this,

it helps promotes an environment of mutual trust and confidence while

maintaining tranquility and order and providing safety services. Also, the police

in the community is a gesture of PNP's commitment to pursue an effective

community partnership in support of sustained village-based anti-crime strategy

in collaboration with the BPAT by intensifying public safety information campaign.


Research Design

The study employed the quantitative descriptive research design. It

was seen appropriate for this study to use descriptive method because it focuses

on fact-finding to establish the nature of something as it exists and can be used

to find new characteristics, meanings or relationships in already existing data

(Hakansson, 2013).

Research Locale

The study was conducted at Barangay Panay, Sto. Niño, South Cotabato.

The researcher gathered the respondents in any comfortable place within the

Barangay that the respondents will prefer to be held. The researcher chose the

place of implementation because it gives the researcher the needed information

with regards to the study being surveyed.

Figure 2. Map of Region XII highlighting the Barangay Panay, Municipality of Sto. Niño

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of the study are all the 20 designated BPAT members

which correspond to answer the factors affecting the performance of barangay

peacekeeping action team and the 150 residents which correspond to answer the

level of performance of BPAT in Barangay Panay, Sto. Niño, South Cotabato.

The researcher believed that the BPAT members and the residents are the

suitable respondents to the two sets questionnaire wherein they can answer the

general and specific research objectives of the study.

Stratified random sampling was used in determining the selection of the

respondents. According to Nickolas, (2019) stratified random sampling is a

method of sampling that involves the division of a population into smaller groups

known as strata. In stratified random sampling or stratification, the strata are

formed based on members' shared attributes or characteristics. Stratified random

sampling is also called proportional random sampling or quota random sampling.

Data Gathering Procedure

After the approval of the panel members and adviser, the researcher

went through the following steps and procedures in gathering data for the study.

Documents needed was made available after formally communicating with the

Barangay Captain of Barangay Panay, Sto. Niño, South Cotabato for a request

letter as carried along with by the researcher. The communication letter was
signed by the adviser of the researcher and approved by the College of Criminal

Justice Education’s Dean of Sultan Kudarat State University Then, the

researcher personally administered the questionnaire to the target respondents

which are the BPAT and the residents of Barangay Panay, Sto. Niño, South


Subsequent to the given period of days, the questionnaire will retrieve for

tabulation. In order to make sure that the questionnaire was retrieved at a

hundred percent, again, the researcher went back to Barangay Panay, Sto. Niño,

South Cotabato wherein the questionnaire was distributed and retrieved it. The

researcher personally thanked the respondents for their valuable effort in

answering the questionnaire. After the questionnaire was gathered, the data was

collated, tabulated and tallied before they were subjected to statistical treatment

and analysis and interpretations.

Data Gathering Instrument

There are two sets of survey questionnaire used in this study. It

was contextualized in the local setting and will be subjected to validation by panel

and adviser. The first set of tools assessed the independent variable which is the

factors that affects the performance of BPAT with the following indicators:

benefits, facilities and training. The respondents indicated their answers on Five-

point Likert scale that ranges from 5 to 1 corresponding from strongly agree to

strongly disagree. Additionally, the scale was used to determine the choice for a

response to each item in the questionnaire.

The second set of the instrument evaluated the second independent

variable which is the level of BPAT performance that includes the following

indicators: implementation of their duties and implementation of their


Statistical Treatment

The researchers used the following statistical tools to analyze the data.

Frequency Counts and Percentages. This was used to analyzed the profiles of

the respondents in terms of age, sex, civil status, length of service and highest

educational attainment.

Weighted Mean. This was used to describe the performance of BPATs in

relation to the performance of their duties and responsibilities in the municipality

of Sto. Niño, South Cotabato. Moreover, weighted mean was also used in

measuring the factors affecting the performance of barangay peacekeeping

action team in Sto. Niño, South Cotabato.

The scale was applied to determine the factors that affects the

performance of Barangay Peacekeeping Action Team as shown below with their

respective range of means and description.

The same scale was used to determine the level of level work ethics as

shown below with their respective range of means and description:

Numerical Scale Description

5 Always

4 Often

3 Sometimes

2 Seldom

1 Never

The weighted mean was further interpreted using a modified 5-point scale

of the three groups of respondents on the performance of the BPATs in relation

to the level of performance of BPATs duties and responsibilities.

Numerical Scale Description

4.20-5.00 To a Very High Extent

3.40-4.19 To a High Extent

2.60-3.39 To a Moderate Extent

1.80-2.59 To a Less Extent

1.00-1.79 To a Least Extent

Chapter IV

This chapter presents research findings and discussions using quantitative

descriptive statistics, calculation of frequency, percentages, and presentation of

data in table form.

BPAT Residents
Freq % Freq %

18-25 2 10% 48 32%

26-33 5 25% 56 37%

34-41 4 20% 30 20%

42-49 5 25% 10 7%

50-57 4 20% 6 4%

Total 20 100% 150 100%

Table 1.1 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Table 1.1 shows the demographic profile of the BPAT in terms of Age. It

can be observed that out of 20 respondents 2 or 10% were ages 18-25, out of 20

respondents 5 or 25% were ages 26-33, out of 20 respondents 4 or 20% were

ages 34-41, out of 20 respondents 5 or 25% ages 42-49, and out of 20

respondents 4 or 20% were ages 50-57. On the other hand, it also shows the

demographic profile of the residents in terms of Age. It can be observed that out

of 150 respondents 48 or 32% were ages 18-25, out of 150 respondents 56 or

37% were ages 26-33, out of 150 respondents 30 or 20% were ages 34-41, and

out of 150 respondents 10 or 7% ages 42-49, and out of 150 respondents 6 0r

4% were ages 50-57.

BPAT Residents
Freq % Freq %

Male 18 90% 69 46%

Female 2 10% 81 54%

Total 20 100% 150 100%

Table 1.2 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Gender

Table 1.2 shows the demographic profile of BPAT in terms of Gender. It

can be observed that out of 20 respondents 18 or 90% were male, and 2 or 10%

were female. On the other hand, it also shows the demographic profile of

residents in terms of Gender. It can be observed that out of 150 respondents 69

or 46% were male, and 81 or 54% were female.

BPAT Residents
Civil Status
Freq % Freq %

Single 4 20% 76 51%

Married 16 80% 74 49%

Total 20 100% 150 100%

Table 1.3 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Civil Status

Table 1.3 shows the demographic profile of the BPAT in terms of Gender.

It can be observed that out of 20 respondents four (4) or 20% were single, and

16 or 80% were married. On the other hand, it also shows the demographic

profile of the residents in terms of Gender. It can be observed that out of 150

respondents 76 or 51% were single, and 74 or 49% were married.

Educational BPAT Residents

Attainment Freq % Freq %

3 15% 13 9%

High School
14 70% 59 39%

College Level 3 15% 78 52%

Total 20 100% 150 100%

Table 1.4 Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of Educational


Table 1.4 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

Educational Attainment. It can be observed that out of 20 respondents 3 or 15%

attained elementary level, 14 or 70% attained high school level, and 3 or 15%

attained college level. On the other, it also shows the demographic profile of the

residents in terms of Educational Attainment. It can be observed that out of 150

respondents 13 or 9% attained elementary level, 59 or 39% attained high school

level, and 78 or 52% attained college level.

Length of Service Freq %

1-2 years 1 5%

3-4 years 8 40%

5-6 years 10 50%

7 years and above 1 5%

Total 20 100%

Table 1.5 Demographic Profile of the BPAT members in terms of Length of


Table 1.5 shows the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of

Length of Service. It can be observed that out of 20 BPAT members one (1) or

5% were in service for 1months-2 years, 8 or 40% were in service for 3-4 years,

10 or 50% were in service for 5-6 years, and 1 or 5% were in service for 7 years

and above.
Table 2.1. Factors affecting the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping
Action Team in terms of Benefits
Indicators Mean Standard Description

1. Has expressed interest in 1.90 0.55 To a Less

my health and wellness. Extent

2. I am compensated fairly. 2.15 0.67 To a Less


3. I am satisfied with my honorarium 2.10 0.64 To a Less

benefits. Extent

4. My benefits meet my (and my 1.85 0.75 To a Less

family’s) needs well. Extent

5. I have a good understanding of 2.10 0.64 To a Less

compensation policies and practices Extent
that affect me.

Overall 2.02 0.29 To a Less


Presented in Table 2.1 is the factors affecting the performance of

peacekeeping action team in terms of Benefits? The result shows that item 2, I

am compensated fairly obtained the highest mean of 2.15 (SD 0.67), and

interpreted To a Less Extent. While item 4, my benefits meet my (and my

family’s) needs well obtained the lowest mean of 1.85 (SD 0.75), interpreted as

to a less extent.
Overall, the factors affecting the performance of BPAT in terms of benefits

obtained the overall mean is of 2.02 (SD 0.29) interpreted as in To a Less Extent.

Result of the data implies that the BPAT are highly got a chance to experience

lack of support in terms of benefits.

The result of the study was supported by Arcadio (2003), BPATs’ a r e

at the forefront in maintaining Peace and Order in every

Barangay. They serve as effective and indispensable instrument of even the

smallest Local Government Unit (LGU) in pursuing its vision of effective and

efficient governance. They are composed of civilian volunteers guarding our

own neighbourhood from lawless elements and they have proven their worth in

the prevention of crime by serving as deterrent to criminals especially in areas

where policemen are scarce. Armed with nightsticks, they are often

exposed to dangers. Although they are given some incentives pursuant to

the Local Government Code, these are often not commensurate to the type

of risks that are inherent in the nature of the job that they perform. Given

this setting, a look into the nature of the jobs of Barangay Tanod, its impact and

limitations as well as prospects of maximizing their services to enhance national

security proved to be not only timely but also necessary.

Table 2.2. Factors affecting the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping
Action Team in terms of Facilities
Indicators Mean Standard Description

1, I am well equipped with proper 2.00 0.73 To a Less

uniform when performing my duties. Extent

2. I am well equipped with flashlight 1.85 0.67 To a Less

when conducting nights patrol. Extent

3. I am well equipped with nightsticks 1.85 0.67 To a Less

when conducting patrol around the Extent

4. I am well equipped with handheld 1.90 0.64 To a Less

radio that can be used in Extent

5. I am using our own patrol vehicle 2.10 0.72 To a Less

when conducting a roving and Extent
responding in the area.
Overall 1.94 0.34 To a Less


Presented in Table 2.2 is the factors affecting the performance of

peacekeeping action team in terms of facilities. The result shows that item 5, I

am using our own patrol vehicle when conducting a roving and responding in the

area obtained the highest mean of 2.10 (SD 0.72), and interpreted as To a Less

Extent. While item 2, I am well equipped with flashlight when conducting nights

patrol and item 3, I am well equipped with nightsticks when conducting patrol
around the vicinity obtained the lowest mean of 1.85 (SD 0.67), and interpreted

To a Less Extent.

Overall, the factors affecting the performance of BPAT in terms of facilities

obtained the overall mean of 1.94 (SD0.34), and interpreted To a Less Extent.

The result of the data implies that the BPAT are highly got a chance to

experience lack of support in terms if facilities.

The result of the study was supported by Saligan., et al (2018) cited that

the way how BPAT addresses crime prevention obtained the lowest rank. The

results could be associated to lack of proper facilities and training for crime

prevention. In their uniforms, BPAT members are equipped with flashlight and

armed with nightsticks only while conducting night patrols around the vicinity of

the barangays. In this situation, they are exposed to danger in the hands of

criminal elements and other wayward members of society.

Table 2.3. Factors affecting the performance of Barangay Peacekeeping
Action Team in terms of Training
Indicators Mean Standard Description

1. I attended a training/retraining for 2.00 0.73 To a Less

implementing the proper rescue Extent
operation during flood disaster

2. I gained basic knowledge on crime 1.85 0.67 To a Less

prevention and deterrence in attending Extent
continues training.

3. I am confident with my acquired 1.85 0.67 To a Less

skills on safety precautions during Extent

4. I attended several trainings that 1.90 0.64 To a Less

could enhance my skills in the Extent
performance of my duty as a BPAT

5. I attended a training related on the 2.10 0.72 To a Less

application of first aid and emergency Extent
Overall 2.02 0.27 To a Less

Presented in Table 2.3 is the factors affecting the performance of

peacekeeping action team in terms of training. The result shows that item 5, I

attended a training related on the application of first aid and emergency response

obtained the highest mean of 2.10 (0.72) interpreted as To a Less Extent. While

item 2, I gained basic knowledge on crime prevention and deterrence in

attending continues training and 3, I am confident with my acquired skills on

safety precautions during calamities obtained the lowest mean of 1.85 (SD 0.67)

interpreted as To a Less Extent.

Overall, the factors affecting the performance of BPAT in terms of training

obtained the overall mean of 2.02 (SD 0.27), and interpreted To a Less Extent.

Result of the data implies that the BPAT are highly got a chance to experience

lack of support in terms of training.

The result of the study supported by Benitez (2013) stated that though

barangay police or “tanod” works on a voluntary-basis and lack of trainings, they

do not hesitate to risk their lives just to ensure the security of the people in their

respective Barangay.
Table 2.4 Summary of Factors affecting the performance of Barangay
Peacekeeping Action Team

Indicators Mean Standard Description


Benefits 2.02 0.29 To a Less Extent

Facilities 1.94 0.34 To a Less Extent

Training 2.02 0.27 To a Less Extent

Overall 1.99 0.03 To a Less Extent

Presented in Table 2.4 is the summary of factors affecting the

performance of barangay peacekeeping action team in terms of benefits,

facilities, and training. The result shows that benefits obtained a total mean of

2.02 (SD 0.29), and interpreted to a less extent. Facilities obtained a total mean

of 1.94 (SD 0.34), and interpreted to a less extent. While training obtained a total

mean of 2.02 (SD 0.27), and interpreted to a less extent.

Overall, the summary of factors affecting the performance of barangay

peacekeeping action team in terms of benefits, facilities, and training obtained

the overall mean of 1.99 (SD 0.03), and interpreted to a less extent. The result of

the data implies that BPAT are highly got a chance to experience lack of support

in terms of benefits, facilities, and training.

The result of the study supported by Shoemaker (2001) argued that, due

to lack of resources, conventional socialization practices and the value of the

barangay justice system, juvenile courts and correctional facilities are used less

often than the juvenile code would suggest and this situation is likely to continue.
Table 3.1. BPAT performance in terms of their Duties as perceived by the
Indicators Mean Standard Description

1. Conduct briefing, attendance 3.91 0.73 To a High

announcements and attend flag raising Extent

2. Deployment-monitoring at terminals 4.15 0.73 To a High

or loading and unloading areas, Extent
schools, universities, and churches.

3. Patrolling at malls, business centers, 4.17 0.64 To a High

factories, banks, vital installation, Extent
public residence/ subdivisions, market
areas, congested and crime prone
4. Deployment for community To a Very
organization and public information 4.38 0.60 High Extent
and deployment for disaster mitigation.

5. Coordination/visitation with peace

partners (LGUs, concerned citizens,
security agencies/guards, AFP and
other law enforcement units, security, 4.17 0.70 To a High
and safety officers of business Extent
establishments, students, employees,
general public, religious groups, etc.)
6. Conduct crisis management, To a Very
disaster mitigation, and search, 4.24 0.67 High Extent
rescue, and relief operations within the
7. Strengthen and support the To a Very
Barangay Justice System 4.43 0.65 High Extent

8. Organize and mobilized various To a Very

sectors of the community in support of 4.35 0.72 High Extent
the maintenance of peace and order
and safety.

9. Conduct crime prevention and To a Very

deterrence measures to protect the 4.29 0.62 High Extent
vulnerable sectors of the community.

Overall 4.23 0.23 To a Very

High Extent

Presented in Table 3.1 level of performance of BPAT in terms of their

duties. The result shows that item 7, Strengthen and support the Barangay

Justice System (Lupongtagapamayapa.) obtained the highest mean of 4.43 (SD

0.65) interpreted as to a very high extent. While item 1, Conduct briefing,

attendance announcements and attend flag raising ceremony obtained the

lowest mean of 3.91 (0.73) interpreted as To a High Extent.

Overall, level of performance of BPAT on their duties obtained the overall

mean of 4.23 (SD 0.23), and interpreted To a Very High Extent. Each standard

deviation implies a significant variation in the ratings given by the respondents

This reveals that the respondents may not completely agree with each other.

However, the respondents have tolerably varied general opinions in the BPAT

performance in terms of level of performance on their duties as revealed by the

overall standard deviation.

The result of the study supported by Maniabo (2018), argued that

community satisfaction on BPAT performance is very high. The residents

positively perceive the outstanding commitment and dedication of BPAT in

performing its task as law enforcers at the barangay level. However, the delivery

of BPAT services on crime prevention has to be improved. Proper facilities and

training for crime prevention may be helpful for BPAT members. Barangay

council should give what other support to provide for BPAT that will make it more

effective in performing its duties.

Table 3.2 BPAT performance in terms of their Responsibilities as perceived
by the Residents
Indicators Mean Standard Description
1. Maintaining peace and order in their To a Very
barangay. 4.29 0.65 High Extent
2. Disseminating information regarding 4.23 0.73 To a Very
disaster. High Extent
3. Enforcing rules regarding curfew 4.32 0.67 To a Very
hour. High Extent

4.Performing duty without 4.17 0.67 To a High

discrimination of the public. Extent
4.17 0.68 To a High
5. Help to reduce the traffic during/or Extent
any activities.
6. Helps to detect any dangerous 4.09 0.74 To a High
weapon that causes hazards in public Extent
safety within the barangay.
7. Detect any form of violation that To a High
causes hazards in public safety. 3.96 0.72 Extent
Overall 4.18 0.27 To a High


Presented in Table 3. Level of performance of BPAT in terms of their

responsibilities. The result shows that item 1, Maintaining peace and order in

their barangay obtained the highest mean of 4.29 (SD 0.65), and interpreted To a

Very High Extent. While item 7, Detect any form of violation that causes hazards

in public safety obtained the lowest mean of 3.96 (SD 0.72) interpreted To a High

Overall, level of performance of BPAT on their responsibilities obtained

the overall mean of 4.18 (SD 0.27) interpreted To a High Extent. which means

that the BPAT performance is To a High Extent in terms of their Responsibilities.

Each standard deviation implies a significant variation in the ratings given by the

respondents This reveals that the respondents may not completely agree with

each other. However, the respondents have tolerably varied general opinions in

the BPAT performance in terms of level of performance on their responsibilities

as revealed by the overall standard deviation.

The result of the study supported by Etcuban (2018) concluded that the

BPAT was highly effective in the conduct of patrol in their respective

villages, specifically in rendering support to the barangay justice system which is

the mainstream of their responsibility . They often involved in giving the

community the best possible policing system particularly in the deterrence of

crime such as checkpoint and gives essential support to “lupongtagapamayapa”

program in barangay.
Table 3.3 Summary of level of performance of Barangay Peacekeeping
Action Team as perceived by residents

Indicators Mean Standard Description


Level of performance on 4.23 0.23 To a Very High

their duties Extent

Level of performance on 4.18 0.27 To a High Extent

their responsibilities

Overall 4.20 0.02 Toa Very High


Table 3.3 is the summary of performance of barangay peacekeeping

action team in terms of level of their performance on their duties and

responsibilities as perceived by residents. The result shows that level of their

performance on their duties obtained a total mean of 4.23 (SD 0.23), and

interpreted to a very high extent level of their performance on their

responsibilities obtained a total mean of 4.18 (SD 0.27), and interpreted to a high


Overall, the summary of performance of barangay peacekeeping action

team in terms of level of their performance on their duties and responsibilities as

perceived by residents obtained the overall mean of 4.20 (SD 0.02), and

interpreted to a very high extent. The result of the data implies that the response

towards their performances is highly appreciated by residents.

The result of the study supported by Cabanban (2002) cited to his study

the assessment of the perceived performance of the police on its Police

Community Relations Program as to their level of implementation, level of

participation of the community along the different areas of the program, and PNP

image. The study revealed that in as much as program along community

information and education, community affairs and community organization and

mobilization have been perceived by the respondent as “always implemented,”

the community are very aware of the performance of the BPATs’ and very

commendable participation in activities involving police community relations.

Chapter V

A comprehensive summary of findings, generalization, and

conclusions are presented in this chapter. Recommendations are

formulated herein to affect the results of the study.


The summary aimed to determine the factors affecting the

performance of barangay peacekeeping action team in barangay Panay,

Sto. Niño, South Cotabato. Respondents are all 20 designated members

of BPAT and 150 randomly selected residents of barangay Panay, Sto.

Niño, South Cotabato.

The following are the findings of the study:

1. The demographic profile of the 20 members of BPAT who sought to

answer the factors affecting the performance of barangay

peacekeeping action team was determined. The majority of

respondents denote 5 out of 20 or were aged 26-33 and 42-49, it

denotes that 18 out of 20 were male, 16 out of 20 were married,14

out of 20 attained high school level, and 10 out of 20 rendered 5-6

years in service
2. The demographic profile of the 150 residents who sought to answer

the level of performance of BPAT was determined. The majority of

the respondents denote 56 out of 150 or were aged 26-33, it denotes

81 out of 150 were female, 76 out of 150 were single, and 78 out of

150 attained college level.

3. The respondents identified that the factors affecting the performance

of BPAT is at low affect in terms of benefits, facilities and trainings.

Factors in terms of benefits and training got the highest mean of 2.02

with a standard deviation of 0.29 and 0.27 while facilities got the

lowest mean of 1.94 with the standard deviation of 0.34.

4. The respondents identified that level of BPAT performance is high in

terms of their performance on their duties and responsibilities. BPAT

level of performance on their duties got the highest mean of 4.23 with

a standard deviation of 0.23 while level of performance on their

responsibilities got the lowest mean of 4.18 with a standard deviation

of 0.27


Taking all the results of the study, it is concluded that:

The majority of the respondents who sought to answer the factors

that affects the performance of BPAT were aged 26-33 and 42-49 years

old, most of the respondents are male, married, obtained high school

level and has been in service for 5-6 years.

It is also concluded that the majority of the respondents who

sought to answer the level of performance of BPAT on their duties and

responsibilities were aged 26-33 years old, most of the respondents are

female, single and most likely obtained college level.

The result also concluded that the benefits, especially honorarium

benefits received by the members is not enough and needed attention in

order for them to provide better services to the community.

The result implies that they are also lacking in terms of facilities,

most especially those equipment’s which is mostly needed during nights


It is likewise concluded that continuous training is also lacking

since they lack basic knowledge in crime prevention and tend to lose

their confidence in responding to calamities within the community.

Findings also indicates that their level of performance perceived

by residents on their duties and responsibilities gained too much

appreciation only means that despite of the poor support given to them

and the lack of proper compensation, training, and facilities for crime

prevention, BPAT members do not hesitate to risk their lives just to

safeguard the security of the people in barangay Panay which the

residents positively perceived the outstanding commitment and

dedication of BPAT in performing its task as law enforcers at the

barangay level.

Based on the findings and conclusions of the study. The

researcher presents the following recommendations.

1. Increase in service compensation may be considered to somehow

sustain their daily needs and provide for their family

2. The delivery of BPAT services on crime prevention has to be

improved. Provision of proper facilities for crime prevention may be

helpful for BPAT members.

3. The Local Government officials and PNP may also consider to

conduct trainings and seminars for BPAT to be fully equipped in

terms of knowledge and to be more effective in performing its duties.

4. To the police officers/PNP, build a stronger relationship to every small

safety unit in every barangay to further understand the situations and

the community needs in order to provide services thereof be it

protection, BPAT’s facility enhancement, security, or coordination.

5. The Local Government officials and PNP should also conduct similar

studies on other fields and smaller size of the sample to determine if

the same findings will be established.

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