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Assalamualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarahkatuh.

Hi, My name is Siti Hadijah Halik Nondu, I was born in Sansarino,

Central Sulawesi, on April 15, 2000. Since I was little I have lived in the place of
my birth with my parents and 2 of my brothers and also added 1 person. my
sister. I am very grateful because I am in the midst of a family who loves me very
much. Since I was little I have been taught how to live a disciplined, simple life,
how to respect people, and did not forget to teach me about religious values.

Since I was in elementary school until I went to college, I was very well known
by people who are active, easy to get along with, religious. My assessment was
carried out by my family, my friends, my best friend, and my teacher. Even
though they judge me as I am, I always don't feel that I am an active and
intelligent person. More precisely, I tried myself to be like that and the claim had
no effect on me.

When I was in elementary, junior high school, and senior high school. I often
follow the organization.
Like when I was in elementary school, I really enjoyed participating in scouts, in
middle school, I participated in 2 organizations, namely scouts and student
councils, and in vocational school, I participated in scouts and the Marching
band, and in the marching band, I played or held a bells or belira musical
I studied at senior high school for 3 years and now I am in college at the
Universitas Negeri Gorontalo, Faculty of Letters and Culture, majoring in English
Why did I take or choose the English Education major because when I was in
junior high school I started to like English and I have a dream to become a tour
guide and be able to travel around the world. While I was busy studying, I also
joined the English Language Association Organization. and besides that I was
looking for scholarship info which then I found the Van Deventet-Maas
Indonesia or VDMI scholarship.

Van Deventer-Maas Indonesia is a foundation funded by Van Deventer-Maas

Stichting in the Netherlands, which has supported and assisted education in
Indonesia since 1913. The goal of VDMI itself is to improve the moral, spiritual
and intellectual development of the Indonesian people, especially in the
education of women. Indonesia. The assistance provided by VDMI is in the form
of scholarships, training provision, and assistance in the form of educational
projects. In addition, we also provide several pieces of training for capacity
building and competency development, in the form of Leadership Training,
Active Citizens for Sustainable Society Development, Regional Meetings, and
Creative Writing.
And in my opinion, it is very worthy to receive the VDMI scholarship because I
want to lighten the burden on my parents in the economy because during the
current pandemic it is an obstacle to make my parents work so that my parents
are difficult in the economy.

So by being accepted for the VDMI Scholarship, I will be able to lighten the
burden on my parents a little, and can also change the economy of my parents in
supporting the family. So that if I get the opportunity to be one of the recipients
of the VDMI scholarship, I will not waste this opportunity.

After getting a scholarship and graduating from college, the first one was after I
received the scholarship I maintained my academic grades, took part in activities
to increase my potential, and maintained an attitude to protect my good name,
my parents, and the university. And after graduating from college, the
contribution I will make to the scope and society is that I can't just run away, and
also the community has been waiting for the knowledge that I have studied to be
given to them and since I majored in English so I want to improve or help
children in my area to speak English because in my area there are quite a few
English teachers, so their knowledge of the language is still a little lacking.

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