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Konseptualisasi Interaksi

-Ruang Permasalahan-


Definition: Taking something for granted when it needs further investigation


• People will want to watch TV while driving

• The robot could take orders and entertain customers by having a conversation with them
• The robot could make recommendations for different customers, such as restless children
or fussy eaters



stating something to be true when it is still open to question.


a multimodal style of interaction for controlling GPS — one that involves speaking while driving — is

Watching 3D TV

• There was no existing problem to overcome

What was being proposed was a new way of experiencing TV

• An assumption

People would really enjoy the enhanced clarity and color detail provided by 3D

• A claim

People would not mind paying a lot more for a new 3D-enabled TV screen because of the new

Aplikasi Bagi Pakai Foto Flickr


- Dapat mengambil manfaat dari fenomena kesuksesan blogging

- Sebagaimana orang suka melakukan blogging, mereka juga ingin berbagi koleksi foto dan
mendapat komentar dari orang lain
- Orang suka berbagi-pakai foto mereka dengan orang lain di seluruh dunia.


- Flickr(2005) hampir merupakan aplikasi manajemen dan bagi-pakai foto online terbaik di
-Model Konseptual-


1. Metafora dan analogi utama. Bagaimana memahami dan bagaimana memakainya. Browsing
== window shopping
2. Konsep peran pengguna dalam menggunakan produk contoh: task -- domain objek,
atributnya, operasinya. Co: URL, halaman web statis dan dinamis, link, folder URL , saving,
revisiting, organizing
3. Hubungan antar konsep. Co: satu objek mengandung objek yang lain, perbandingan
pentingnya satu objek dibandingkan objek lain. Co: folder isi kumpulan url yang saling
4. Pemetaan antara konsep dan user experience yang didesain pada produk. Co : URL terkait
dengan halaman Web tertentu, saat user ngeklik linknya brwser user akan menampilkan
halaman Web tersebut.

-Interaction types-:

1. Instructing : Issuing commands and selecting options. Example : Word processors, VCRs, and
vending machines . Good for repetitive kinds of actions performed on multiple objects.
Example : spell-checking and file management (penggunaan function key dan menentukan
pilihan melalui menu) -> input : kata kunci

2. Conversing : Interacting with a system as if having a conversation (dua arah -> mesin sebagai
rekan). Example : timetables, search engines, advice-giving systems, and help systems, also
virtual agents, chatbots, toys, and pet robots designed to converse with you . Example :
finding information or requesting music . Input berupa dialog/natural language

3. Manipulating : Interacting with objects in a virtual or physical space by manipulating them.

Involves penggunaan mouse untuk dragging, selecting, opening, closing and zooming
actions on virtual objects. physical controllers (for example, Nintendo Wii) or air gestures
(such as, Microsoft Kinect) to control the movements of an on-screen avatar. Tagged
physical objects (for instance, balls) that are manipulated in a physical world result in
physical/digital events (such as animation).

Direct Manipulation(DM) :
1. Continuous representation of objects and actions of interest
2. Physical actions and button pressing instead of issuing commands with
complex syntax
3. Rapid reversible actions with immediate feedback on object of interest
Example of field areas: ‘doing’ types of tasks, for example, designing, drawing, flying, driving,
or sizing windows

4. Exploring : Moving through a virtual environment or a physical space. Example: a virtual 3D

environment (VR), Physical environments embedded with sensors, Enable users to fly over
them and zoom in and out of different parts. Gak harus VR bisa juga eksplornya pakai
mouse. Contoh: Second Life, The Sims
5. Responding : The system initiates the interaction and the user chooses whether to respond.
Detecting the location and-or presence of someone in a vicinity and notifies them on their
phone or watch. Alerts the user of a nearby coffee bar where some friends are meeting
User’s fitness tracker notifies them of a milestone reached

Conceptual knowledge used to inform design and guide research:

1. Paradigms. Inspiration for a conceptual model, general approach, ex: desktop, ubiquitous
computing in the wild, Ubiquitous computing , Pervasive computing, Wearable computing,
Internet of Things (IoT)
2. Visions. Invites people to imagine what life will be like in 10, 15, or 20 years’ time Ex: Smart
cities, smart health, Human-centered AI
3. Theories.
4. Models
5. Frameworks

Aspek Kognitif


Experiential vs. reflective cognition (Norman, 1993)

Fast vs slow thinking (Kahneman, 2011)

Cognitive Process:

1. Attention
Selecting things on which to concentrate at a point in time from the mass of stimuli around
Information at the interface should be structured to capture users’ attention, for example,
use perceptual boundaries (windows), color, reverse video, sound, and flashing lights. the
characters are grouped into vertical categories of information.
• Context: Make information salient when it needs to be attended to at a given stage of a task
• For example, color, ordering, spacing, underlining, sequencing, and animation
• Avoid cluttering visual interfaces with too much information co: simple like Google
• Consider designing different ways to support effective switching and returning to an
2. Perception / pengenalan
• How information is acquired from the world and transformed into experiences. Design
representations that are readily perceivable, for instance:
• Text should be legible
• Icons should be easy to distinguish and read
• Sounds should be audible and distinguishable
• Bordering and spacing are effective visual ways of grouping information
• Yellow on black or blue is fine, Yellow on green or white is a no-No.
• Haptic feedback should be used judiciously

3. Memory
recalling various kinds of knowledge that allow people to act appropriately. Context helps (
Context: where, when, how, and so on) . Recognize better than recall.
Recall (user ngetik/masukin) ex: Command-based interfaces
Recognize(user milih dari menu yang ditampilin) ex : Graphical interfaces, tabs and history
lists of visited URLs

Design Implication:
• Reduce cognitive load by avoiding long and complicated procedures for carrying out tasks
• Design interfaces that promote recognition rather than recall
• Provide users with various ways of labelling digital information to help them easily identify it
For example, folders, categories, color, flagging, and time stamping

4. Learning Involves the accumulation of skills and knowledge involving memory

• Incidental learning (for example, recognizing people’s faces, what you did today) ->
• Intentional learning (for instance, studying for an exam, learning to cook)

Design Implication:
• Design interfaces that encourage exploration
• Design interfaces that constrain and guide learners
• Dynamically linking concepts and representations can facilitate the learning of complex

5. Reading, speaking and listening

• Speech-based menus and instructions should be short
• Accentuate the intonation of artificially generated speech voices
• Provide opportunities for making text large on a screen
6. Problem-solving, planning, reasoning and decision-making
• Provide information and help pages that are easy to access for people who wish to
understand more about how to carry out an activity more effectively (for example,
web searching)
• Use simple and memorable functions to support rapid decision-making and planning

Cognitive frameworks

1. Mental models. Users develop an understanding of a system through learning about and
using it.
• Clear and easy to use instructions
• Appropriate tutorials and contextual sensitive guidance
• Provide online videos and chatbot windows when needing help
• Transparency: to make interfaces intuitive to use
• Affordances of what actions an interface allows . For example, swiping, clicking, or
2. Gulfs of execution and evaluation. The gulf of execution -> The distance from the user to the
physical system. The gulf of evaluation -> The distance from the physical system to the user
3. Distributed cognition. Concerned with the nature of cognitive phenomena across individuals,
artifacts, and internal and external representations. Ex : a cognitive system for ATC
4. External and embodied cognition.
a. External : how we interact with external representations (such as maps, notes, and
diagrams). Provide external representations at the interface that can reduce
memory load and facilitate computational offloading.
For example, information visualizations have been designed to allow people to make sense
and rapid decisions about masses of data
b. Embodied Interaction : Creating, manipulating and making meaning through our
interaction with things. Ex: How our bodies and active experiences shape how we
perceive, feel, and think

Aspek Afektif

Designing with 3 levels in mind :

1. Visceral design => making products look, feel, and sound good (attractive, brilliant colors,
2. Behavioral design => use, and it equates with traditional values of usability (affordances)
3. Reflective design => considering the meaning and personal value of a product (cultural)

1. Expressive interfaces => both informative and fun. Color, icons, sounds, graphical elements, and
animations are used to make the ‘look and feel’ of an interface appealing. Ex: beachball, smiling
apple, minimalist and aesthetically-pleasing design, ex: Round face and simple dial , Large font
and numbers
2. Annoying interface = > pengguna merasa digurui/terganggu co: in Home with Bob, Clippy, dll
3. Frustrating interface
a. When an application doesn’t work properly or crashes
b. When a system doesn’t do what the user wants it to do
c. When a user’s expectations are not met
d. When a system does not provide sufficient information to enable the user to know
what to do
e. When error messages pop up that are vague, obtuse, or condemning
f. When the appearance of an interface is garish, noisy, gimmicky, or patronizing
g. When a system requires users to carry out too many steps to perform a task, only to
discover that a mistake was made earlier and that they need to start all over again

4. Affective Computing and Emotional AI. how to use computers to recognize and express emotions
as humans do
5. Persuasive technologies and behavioral change => designed to change people’s attitudes and
6. Anthromorphism => Attributing human-like qualities to inanimate objects (for instance cars or
computers) co : mobil yang bisa bicara, animasi

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