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Board of Advisers
mpany structure
d. Co

VI; Operations Plan


how your busine
Outlinesd. ss will run and how your product or :service will be

the busi
Illustrate how ness runs from the front stage (seen by customer) to the
backStage (unseen by the thstomers);
Now Will you keep track of Inventory?
Now will you.keep costs reasonable to remain competitive?
Items included in this section are:

a. • The general approach to operation

b. Business location
c. FacilitieS and equipMent

Section VII: Product Design and Development Plan

If developing ,a completely new product or Service, yoU need to include a

section that focuses-on the status of your development effort.

Items included in this section:

a. DeVelopmenf status and tasks

b. ChallengeS and risks
c. Intellectual property

Section VIII: Financial Projections

■ .' The final section of a business Plan presents 'a .firm's .pro forma or projected
financial projections.
■ Demonstrate the potential growth and profitability of the business.
■ The most important section of the buSiness plan is an outline of the propose
company's financial statements.,
'When making finantial projections, it is important to explain any assumptions
— how you determined the figures you used.
■ If you are looking for financial assistance, lenders will want to know where you
will get financing for your bUsiness and how you Will spend the money.
■ Ideally, these statements should be audited by a certified public accountant
tieCause most financial institutions prefer that extra reliability.

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