Lab 1 Sequencing by Possitioning (ATMN 153) (W23)

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ATMN 153 – Industrial Pneumatics Laboratory Assignment

Lab 2 – Sequencing by Position Sensing

Laboratory Experiment 2
Sequencing by Position Sensing
• To learn how to use Limit Valves to control cylinder actions in a sequence of
cylinder actions.
• Become familiar with using metering valves to slow cylinder extension
• Explore conflict in pneumatic control circuits

• Two double acting pneumatic cylinders
• Two double solenoid 5/2 DVCs – Pilot Operated
• Four N.C. limit valves
• One N.C. push button valve
• Pneumatic Hoses

Part A – Sequence A+; B+; A-; B-

Build the circuit below

ATMN 153 – Industrial Pneumatics Laboratory Assignment
Lab 2 – Sequencing by Position Sensing

Part B – Sequence (A+; B+); A-; B-

Build the circuit below

• Set the metering valves as open as possible to make each cylinder extend as fast
as they can.
• Press the Start button as FAST as you can to see of you can make Cyl. B not
extend. (Notice if you press it for more than a ½ second, B will extend fine)
• Run the circuit several times and adjust the metering valves to slow down each
cylinder until they take at least 2 seconds to extend.
• Notice that as you adjust the speed more slowly, you must hold onto the Start
button longer to make Cylinder B extend.
ATMN 153 – Industrial Pneumatics Laboratory Assignment
Lab 2 – Sequencing by Position Sensing

Observations & Questions

These are thought exercises – discuss with your partner

Part A – Sequence (A+; B+); A-; B-

Why does cylinder B get stuck?
What this 4-minute video and discuss why with your lab partner.
Better yet, try explaining it to another student.

Submission Instructions
Build signatures: [5 marks]
• Take pictures of all your builds and submit to the link on BB under this lab.

Automation Studio: [5 marks] – Circuit from Bart B only

Simulation functions 2
All ports numbered – Ass components Labeled 1
Border inserted with Name – Number – Lab Description 1
BMO included 1

Due Dates

There is no due date for this lab

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