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Department of Education

Region VIII-Eastern Visayas

Northern Samar Division
Lavezares I District
Bunga, Lavezares, Northern Samar


Quarter 1 of S.Y, 2022-2023 I MELCs 4-5

GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Read each item very carefully. Write your answers on the provided answer sheets. Please use a
black ballpen in answering. Avoid erasures.

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate transition signals in each of the sentences below. Choose the
letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Walking can make people become more aware of their surroundings, _____ the cleanliness of the environment, and the friendliness of
the neighborhood.
A. consequently B. despite C. unfortunately D. such as

2. Residents complain bitterly about the trash thrown anywhere, _____ these same people
are the ones doing it,
A. although B. and C. moreover D. yet

3. Some city folks choose to live on farmland; _____, they have to adjust to its slow pace, quietness, and absence of cable and Internet
A. because B. consequently C. despite D. such as

4. Teleconferencing is widely used nowadays to establish communication among those who are in the work from home modality; _____,
this allows the participants to hear or see each other in a meeting.
A. after B. although C. during D. moreover

5. _____ most people are concerned about COVID-19, they hope for a vaccine.
A. Because B. Still C. As a result D. Even though

6. A lot of people ignored the reminder of the government to stay at home to avoid exposure to the disease. _____, the number of cases
A. In fact B. Such as C. As a result D. In addition

7. The plan of a city-wide lockdown gained many reactions from the people; _____, positive and negative opinions were expressed.
A. despite B. however C. that is D. in addition

8. _____ the home quarantine period, military and police forces are visible to monitor strict compliance with the policies.
A. Because B. Consequently C. During D. As a result

9. There are many things one can do at home to be productive. _____, one can listen to music while doing household chores, gardening,
reading books, watching TV shows, and the like.
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For example

10. Grocery stores and wet markets require a quarantine pass to control the number of shoppers. _____, wearing a face mask is enforced
A. Because B. In fact C. In addition D. For example

11. The Department of Education came up with a plan on how to continue the education of the
learners _____ from the different modalities proposed for this school year.
A. at this point B. in this regard C. as can be seen D. as a matter of fact

12. _____, the Department of Education, in partnership with different stakeholders conducted a series of webinars for the teachers in
preparation for the online classes.
A. At this point B. In this regard C. As can be seen D. With this in mind

13. _____ the problems with the internet connectivity, these did not stop the teachers from participating in the series of webinars given.
A. And B. Despite C. However D. Moreover

14. The month of June marks the enrolment for the school year. It was speculated that only a few would enroll due to fear of the virus.
_____, it turned out to be the other way around.
A. Frequently B. Furthermore C. In addition D. On the contrary

15. As education faces the ‘new normal’, learners are very eager to start the school year. _____, they are excited to learn.
A. Although B. Despite C. Furthermore D. Yet

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose the letter of the best answer in each item below. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

16. Which of the following verbs expresses a strong obligation?

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A. am B. dislike C. must D. ought to

17. If you have problems, you ____________ visit the guidance office or talk to someone you trust.
A. could B. must C. would D. had better

18. Instead of wasting your time playing mobile games, you ___________ read and
study your lessons if you don’t want to fail your exams.
A. could B. should C. had better D. ought to

19. The doctor ought to recommend eating the right kind and amount of food as an\ effective way to stay healthy. In the sentence, the word
ought to is an example of a/an _______ verb.
A. action B. auxiliary C. linking D. modal

20. Which among the sentences uses a linking verb that helps express an opinion?
A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.
B. You should talk to a guidance counselor when you feel sad.
C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.
D. You do know that your parents can help you in times of need.

21. Which of the following is the correct definition of an adjective?

A. It is a word that expresses a state of being.
B. It is a word that expresses a strong obligation.
C. It is a word that describes nouns and pronouns.
D. It is a word that describes verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

22. The words below are adjectives that express a positive feeling, except ______.
A. anxious B. carefree C. inspired D. objective

23. It is _________ to see friends backstabbing each other.

A. insignificant B. impolite C. worst D. sad

24. Parents are ________ to see their children help in the household chores.
A. happy B. excited C. amused D. satisfied

25. Which of the following sentences expresses the feeling of being content?
A. I am satisfied with my grades for this quarter.
B. I am happy with my high score on the quiz.
C. I am looking forward to the next lesson.
D. I am thankful for my parent’s support.

26. This is a type of adverb that emphasizes the intensity of your stand about an issue.
A. Adverbs of Manner B. Adverbs of Opinion
C. Adverbs of Place D. Adverbs of Time

27. Which among the adverbs below expresses unhappiness because of failing to meet
A. Disappointingly B. Disapprovingly C. Unfortunately D. Unluckily

28. I, __________ believe that we should help street children by asking private and government agencies to provide them child care
A. evidently B. personally C. probably D. wisely

29. ______________, many health workers volunteered in helping those who cannot
afford medical services.
A. Fortunately B. Objectively C. Probably D. Truthfully

30. Which of the following statements agrees with the issue of Promoting Physical and Mental Health While Staying at Home?
A. Without a doubt, people have enjoyed gardening while staying at home.
B. We should responsibly express our comments on issues we read on Facebook.
C. Surely, exercising and bonding with our family are ways to spend our time indoors.
D. Clearly, many liked to spend most of their time playing mobile games than reading books.

Prepared by:


Subject Teacher/Teacher III

Checked by: Approved:


English Department Head/Head Teacher I School Head/Secondary School Principal IV
Date: __________________ Date: __________________

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