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Performance Task

Science • Grade 8

Name: Date:


Newton Olymphysics: Traditional Filipino Games

Your group’s goal is to apply concepts of Newton’s three laws of motion in playing Filipino
traditional games by creating a brochure about each of those games.

You are a group of sporty physicists who want to study the Physics behind various Filipino
traditional games.

You need to convince your schoolmates that playing these Filipino traditional games are
not only fun and entertaining but also educational.

The challenge involves winning on different Filipino traditional games and at the same time,
pointing out what concepts of Newton’s laws of motion apply to the games by creating a
brochure about it.

Product, Performance, and Purpose

The Newton Olymphysics: Filipino Traditional Games version will go as follows:
1. The class will have to play several Filipino traditional games such as luksong baka,
piko, luksong tinik, and patintero.
2. The standard procedures for each game will be followed. Each group must follow the
mechanics properly and earn points for them to be declared as a winner for that
3. The students will have to explain the concepts of laws of motion embedded in the
game by creating a brochure of each of the games they have played. It must include
the following:

Performance Task
Science • Grade 8

a. description of the game;

b. strategies that can be used to win the game; and
c. experiences during the gameplay.

Standards and Criteria

Table 2.1. Learning outcome or task description for the output-based rubric

Criteria Below Needs Meets Exceeds

expectations improvement expectations expectations
1 2 3 4

Display (20%) Organization of Some parts of Most parts of All parts of the
The brochure the parts of the the brochure the brochure brochure are
was properly brochure is not are not are organized organized and
labeled and evident and organized and and properly properly
parts are not properly labeled. labeled.
labeled. labeled.

Layout (20%) The layout is The layout is The layout is The layout is
The content of not properly somehow organized. well organized.
the brochure was organized. organized. Consistency in Consistency in
properly laid out. Consistency in Consistency in presenting the presenting the
presenting the presenting the content is content is
content is not content is less evident. clearly evident.
evident. evident.

Creativity Creativity is not Some parts of Most parts of All parts of the
(20%) evident in the the brochure do the brochure brochure show
The group layout and not show show creativity creativity in
showed a high display of all creativity in in layout and layout and
level of creativity parts of the layout and display. display.
in their work.
brochure. display.

Teamwork Cooperation is Cooperation is Cooperation is Cooperation is

(20%) not evident in not evident in evident in most clearly evident

Performance Task
Science • Grade 8

The group all members of some members members of the in all members
showed great the group. of the group. group. of the group.
teamwork in
making their

Integration of All parts of the Some parts of Most parts of All parts of the
Scientific brochure do not the brochure do the brochure brochure
Concepts contain any not contain contain correct contain correct
(20%) correct scientific correct scientific scientific scientific
Scientific concepts. concepts. concepts. concepts.
concepts were
properly applied
in the task.

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