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College student Slaman constantly desired to give back to her neighborhood.

She needs

assistance, though, to do this while juggling her courses and a part-time job. The few volunteer

options she discovered were either too time-consuming or insignificant, and she felt she needed

more free time.

Slaman started by looking for short-term volunteer options aligned with her values. She

discovered that distributing and sorting food at a neighboring food bank wanted help. The shifts

were only a few hours long and could be scheduled on weekends, which fit her timetable for her

employment and school. The experience Slaman had helping at the food bank was rewarding and

meaningful. She was delighted to engage with the other volunteers and witness how their efforts

benefited the neighborhood. Eventually, she prioritized volunteering and even discovered

methods to work it into her daily schedule. For instance, she started taking her reusable bags to

the grocery shop and giving the food bank any excess non-perishables she had at home.

Through volunteering, Slaman was able to support her neighborhood and felt connected

and purposeful. She came to see that even seemingly insignificant deeds might significantly

impact someone's life. Also, Slaman learned new skills via volunteering that she could use in

other aspects of her life, like communication and cooperation. In the end, Slaman appreciated the

chance to serve and was motivated to keep helping others in any way she could.

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