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School Year 2022-2023

Name: Kisses L. Alvaran Grade & Section:7- MATAPAT
Week 22 Date: January 30-Feb 2, 2023

Activity: Picture Talk

I. Directions: Identify and describe the interactions of the following organisms

Organisms Description of the relationship

The relationship between the clownfish and the sea
anemone was the clownfish finds safety and shelter
in the anemone, which also gives it nutrition in the
form of waste and frightens the clownfish.

Clownfish and sea anemone

The relatinship between the frog and the water liliies
was the lily pad is unharmed when a frog uses it to
wait for prey while sitting on it.

Frog and water lilies

The relationship between the human and the
mosquito is sucking, or extracting the mosquito's
blood from the host by sucking it, in order to enhance
the mosquito's blood supply.

Human and mosquito

The relationship between the bear and the fish was
A fish that the bear caught with his hands and is
about to devour that was cause of starve.

Bear and fish

The relationship between the wolves was Wolves
mostly obtain their sustenance from moose, and the
wolves in turn help control the moose population.

The relationship between the hyena and the lion was
Lions and hyenas share the same territory, hunt the
same prey and scavenge the same animal
carcasses, As a result they compete for food, chase
one another, and occasionally even murder each
other's progeny.

Hyena and lion


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