Activity 7&8 SBA

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Rey Igino K.

Dela Peña BSA 3-2

Strategic Business Analysis



XYZ Pharma used an RFP procedure to choose a COTS package that will

support the demands of its scientists in the R&D and clinical business areas before the

COTS deployment project started. The scientists need accurate content produced as a

result of their work, as well as comprehensive documentation. The package will allow

for the upload, storage, and management of digital assets and will manage security

settings, authorization levels, and record retention policies in addition to integrating data

with other applications. Additionally, it will record all necessary regulatory audit trails in a

transparent, compliant, and reportable manner. These researchers work with human

trials. XYZ Pharma must handle this correctly.

Activity 7: Assess the associated risk

He described a procedure in which they would work in sprints or iterations with

set time limits and scopes. The core team's business stakeholders would be involved at

every stage of the process rather than simply at the conclusion, giving them more

access to information about the development and chances to shape the outcome. He

knew that investing a little more time up front would be necessary, but he was confident

that it would be worthwhile because it would lower the risk in the formal UAT testing
phase and raise stakeholder satisfaction. Glenn urged everyone to give his proposition

some thought and to write down any queries, suggestions, or worries they may have.

After a short while, he invited everyone to speak up and opened the area for safe


Activity 8: Define Change Strategy

Even though this was a review of already-documented requirements, Glenn's

business analysis work is fundamentally characterized by a solution-focused approach.

He has an advantage because he has a solution-focused mindset, a set of attitudes and

behaviors that favor simplicity in philosophy and language and try to find "what works" in

a particular circumstance. A fundamental adjustment in perspective is necessary to

learn to work this manner. It improves collaborative innovative results in practice. The

motto "For Every Problem There Is a Solution" that Glenn wrote on his wall as a

reminder is just one example of how even small things may help to reinforce the habit of

a solution-focused mindset.

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