Topic 2 Meeting Minutes 10-03-2023

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Appendix 2 - Minutes of Meeting

[Meeting Title] Infosec Training

[Pick the date]10-03-23 [Meeting Time] 3:30 Pm [Meeting Location]
Meeting Subham Tabdar
called by
Type of Personnel and security threats in day-to-day life
Facilitator Monish Kumar Chandrasekaran
Note taker Lakpa Tenzin
Timekeeper Bolaji Durojaye
Attendees Monish Kumar Chandrasekaran, Subham Tabdar, Lakpa, Bolaji
[Agenda Topic] Safeguarding Intellectual property and implication if not
[Time [Presenter] Monish Kumar Chandrasekaran
allotted] 20
1. Social engineering attacks like phishing emails also pose a significant
threat to HR data.
2. Cyber-criminals have different kinds of motivation for instance
Monetary and destructing the company’s reputation.
3. Mostly hackers do this for fun to expose the people’s vulnerabilities.
1. Organizations should also develop disaster recovery plans to respond
quickly and effectively to data breaches.
2. Organizations can consider partnering with third-party security
vendors to enhance their HR data security.
Action Items Person Deadline
Do more research on the topic and present to the Bolaji 15/03/23

26 Murdoch University

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