Leadership Skills

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GA AW Sem. Le Beom MOA the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a Common goal. In a business setting, this strategy to meet the company’s neck mean directing workers and colleagues with @ Here's what you need to know about leadership, and some examples of how it can benetit businesses. What Is L adership? Leadership captures the essentials of being able and prepared to inspire others. leadership is based upon ideas—both original and borrowed—that are effectively communicated to others ina way that engages them enough to act as the leader wants them to act. fective A leader inspires others to act while simultaneously directing the way that they act. They ‘must be personable enough for others to follow their orders, and they must have the c thinking skills to know the best way to use the resources at an organization's disposal Alternate definition: Leadership may also refer to an organization's management structure. How Does Leadership Work? In business, leadership is linked to performance, and any I take that into account. Therefore, while I those who a ership definition has to dership isn't intrinsically linked to profit, re viewed as effective leaders in corporate contexts are the ones who jerease t What Is Leadership? ELeadership in business is the capacity of a company's management to set and achieve challenging goals, take fast and decisive action when needed, outpertorn: the competition, and inspire others to perform at the highest level they cat It can be difficult to place a value on leadership or other Ghalitative aspects of a compa: versus quantitative metrics that are commonly trac! ed and much easier to compare between companies. Leadership can also speak to a more holistic approach, as in the tone a company's management sets or the culture of the company that management establishes. Leadership is setting and achieving goals, tackling the competition, and solv ing problems decisively and quickly. Leadership also refers to the tone a company's mana corporate culture, ome people with strong leader CEO, COO, CFO, pi is Leadership nent sets in terms of the p skills in the business world rise to became the 1 of their comp ident, or chi ies Wh: Teadership is a proc: ‘work of others towards ability of a many by which an ‘ecutive can direct, puide and influence the behavior and accomplishment of specific goals in a given situation, Leadership is the er to induce the subordinates to work with confidence and zeal) ee ae — Leadership b ee rac 2 influence behaviour of others. It is also defined as the capacity to ier P towards the realization of a goal. Leaders are required to develop future visions and to motivate the organizational members to want to achieve the a e the v ions. According to Keith Davis, “Leadership is the enthusiastically. It is the human factor wl goals, the ability to persuade others to seck defined objectives h binds a group together and motivates it towards Character ties of Leadership 1. Its a inter-personal process in which a manager i towards attainment of goals 1 Tenotes a Tew quali into influencing and guiding workers S 10 be present in a person which includes intelligence, matwrity and personality. a h Fae enna It involves two or more people interaeting with each other: eader is involved in shaping and moulding the behaviour of the group towards accomplishment of organizational goals, 5. Leadership is situation bound, There is no best style of leadership. It all depends upon tackling with the situations. Importance of Leadership Leadership is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency a organizational goals. The following points justify the importance of leadership in « conce achi 1. Initiates action- Leader is a person who starts the work by communicating the policies and plans to the subordinates from where the work actually starts. 2, Motivation- A leader proves to be playing an incentive role in the concern’s working. He rds and thereby motivates the employees with economic and non-economic rev work from the subordinates. 3. Providing guidance: A leader has to not only supervise but also play’a guiding role for the subordinates, Guidance here means instructing the subordinates the way they’ have to perform their work effectively and efficiently. 4. Creating confidenee- Confidence is an important factor whieh can be aehiey ec! through expressing the work efforts to the subordinates, explaining thei elearly the 1 them guidelines to achieve the goals effectively. Its also imporsny te hear the employees ards to their complaints and problems. Morale denotes willing co-operation of the et 19 confidence and winning their trust. A leader ean be a mor fo that they perform with best af th with rey 5. Building morale- and getting them int by achieving full co-operation s mployees towards their work le booster wir abilities as they Work to achieve goals. ; “aps Aneta Jone from people. An efficient 6, Builds work environment- Mandy p nt helps in sound and stable jer, [He shoud have personal camtels with 1d solve them, He should treat employees on humantt jement is getting things growth, Therefore, hunan relations out he anployees and should n terms work environm kept into mind by # Tea isten to their problems ion- Co-ordinati : ec eee can be achieved through reconeiling personal interests with Sano . This synchronization can be achieved through proper and cflective Co ation which should be primary motive of a leader. Qualities of a Leader A leader has behavior. The following are the requi 1 10. got multidimensional trai in him which makes him apps ites to be pr Hing and effective in in a good leader: Physical appearance- A leader m very important for a good leader. 1 have a pleasing appearance, Physique and health are Vision and foresight- A leader cannot maintain influence unless he exhibits that he is forward looking. He has to visualize situations and thereby has to frame logical programmes, Intelligence- A leader should be intelligent enough to examine problems and dif uations, He should be analytical who weighs pros and cons and then summarizes the situation, Therefore, a positive bent of mind and mature outlook is very important Communicative skills- A leader must be able to communicate the policies and procedures clearly, precisely and effectively. This can be helpful in persuasion and stimulation. Objective- A leader has to be having a fair outlook which not reflects his willingnes free from bias and which does: towards a particular individual, He should develop his own ‘opinion and should base his judgement on facts and logic. Knowledge of work- A leader should be very precisely knowing the nature of werk of his subordinates because itis then he can win the trust and confidence of his subordinates Sense of responsibility- Respons very important to bring a sense of influence. A leader must have a sense of responsib towards organizational goals because only then he exploited in areal sense. For this, he has to motivate himself and arouse and urge xiv best of his abilities. Only then he can motivate the subordinates to the best. Self-confidence and will-power- Confidence in himself is important to earn the ew of the subordinates. Ife should be trustworthy and should handle the situations with full w power. (You can read more about Self-Confidence at : Self Contiseuce | Confident and liminate Your Apprehensions). Humanist-This trait to be present in a leader is essential because he deals v peeings and isin personal contact with ther. He has to handle the personal problems ot his subordinates with great care and attention, ‘Therefore, twating the human beinss 0" humanitarian grounds is essential for building a congenial environment Empathy. It isan old adage “Stepping ito the shoes oF ethers”, This is vers muna ecuuse fair judgement and objectivity comes only then. Teer should understate problems and complaints of employees and should se have & complete view of the needs This helps in improving human relations and perso nal lity and accountability towards an individuals work is 12 get maximum of capabilities juan and aspirations of the employ ts with the employ conta Leadership Styles - Important Leadership Style All leaders do not possess same attitude or leaders ack me perspective, As discussed earlier. fey leaders adopt the carrot approach and a few adopt the stick approach, Thus, all of the leaders do not get the things done in the same manner, Their style varies. The leadership style varies with the kind of people the leader interacts and deals with. A perfecvstandard leadership style is one which ass s assists a leader in getting the best out of the people who follow him. Some of the important leadership style ¥ Autoc follow: atic leadership style: In this style of leadership, a leader has complete command and hold over their employces/team. ‘The team cannot put forward th they re best for the team’s or organizational interests. ‘They cannot the leader's w: ir views even i! ize of question of getting things done, The leader himself gets the things done. ‘The advantage of this style is that it leads to speedy jon-making and_ greater productivity under leader's supervision, Drawbacks of this leadership style are that it leads to greater employee absenteeism and tumover. ‘This leadership style works only when the leader is the best in performing or when the job is monotonous, unskilled routine in nature or where the project is short-term and risky v The Laissez ‘aire Leadership Style: Here, the leader totally employees/team to perform the job themselves, imtelleetual/ra trusts their He just concentrates on the ional aspect of his work and does not focus on the management aspect o! his work. The team/employces are weleomed to share their views and provide suggestions which are best for organizational interests. This leadership style works 0 when the employees are skilled, loyal, experienced and intellectual. Y Democrative/Participative leadership styl invite and encourage the team members to play an important role in decision-making process, though the ultinuie decision-making power rests with the leader. The leader guides the employees perform and how to perform, n what to while the employees communicate to the leader th experience and the suggestions if any. The advantages of this leadership style ane tht Teads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled employees. If leads to am optimistic ork environment and also encourages © that it is time-consuming ivity. This leadership style has the only dian dc Y Bureaucratic leadership: Here the leaders siietly adhere to the Sout ea ant policies, Also, they make sure that the employeesteam also sty lon he res Tromotions take place on the basis of campayees’ ability ty lies is leadership style gradually develops over ne, Tw lene 2 Te ie more suitable when safe work conditions an uit, ae eid eat shin style discourages ereativity and does net make employees sell-vontented eadership style dis g peadership Styles - Important Leadership Styles leaders puleeal En ot ae une altitude or same perspective. As discussed earlier, few roach and a few adopt the stick approach. Thus, all of the leaders same manner. Their style varies. The leadership style varies eae of the important leadership styles are as follows: Autocrati ip style: i eee sw le: In this style of leadership, a leader has complete command mployees/team. The team cannot put forward their views even if they are best for the team’s or organizational interests. They cannot criticize ot question the leader's way of getting things done. The leader himself gets the things done. The advantage of this style is that it leads to speedy decision-making and es productivity under leader’s supervision, Drawbacks of this leadership style are that it leads to greater employee absenteeism and turnover. This leadership style works only when the leader is the best in performing or when the job is monotonous, unskilled and routine in nature or where the project is short-term and risky, ¥ The Laissez Faire Leadership Style: Here, the leader totally trusts their employees/team to perform the job themselves, He just concentrates on the intellectual/rational aspect of his work and does not focus on the management aspect of his work. The team/employees are welcomed to share their views and provide suggestions which are best for organizational interests. This leadership style works only when the employees are skilled, loyal, experienced and intellectual. Y Democrative/Participative leadership style: The leaders invite and encourage the team members to play an important role in decision-making process, though the ultimate decision-making power rests with the leader. The leader guides the employees on what to perform and how to perform, while the employees communicate to the leader their experience and the suggestions if any. The advantages of this leadership style are that it leads to satisfied, motivated and more skilled employees. It leads to an optimistic work environment and also encourages creativity. This leadership style has the only drawback that it is time-consuming. V Bureaucratic leadership: Here the leaders strictly adhere to the organizational rules and policies. Also, they make sure that the employees/team also strictly follows the rules and cedures. Promotions take place on the basis of employees’ ability to adhere to This leadership style gradually develops over time. This leadership fe when safe work conditions and quality are required. But this ty and does not make employees self-contented, pro organizational rules. style is more suitabl fe leadership style discourages creativi Key Leadership Traits or characteristics: ‘Among the most important characteristics that each of us should possess, grow, and improve are the following: L.EffeetiveCommunication Good communication and leadership is all about connecting with others at various levels. Connecting is the ability to identify with people and relate to them. We become more effective in connecting by (i) finding common ground; (ii) making our communications simple; (iii) capturing people's interest; (iv) inspiring them; and (v) being authentic. An effective communicator exercises transparency and shared decision-making when appropriate, conveys feedback directly, and regularly acknowledges the success of others. In order to become a more suecessfill communicator, we need to be present in the interaction, This includes creating a distraction-free 2Trustworthy - SRR terest In their seminal book, The Leadership Challenge, James Kouzes, and Barry Posner state that in "every survey we've conducted, honesty is selected more than any other leadership characteristic." In order for a leader to gain followership by any group of people, small or large, the people first want to be sure that the individual is worthy of their trust. For team members to be fully confident in their leader, they have to believe the leader is a person of integrity and authentic character. Trustworthiness is strongly tied to values and ethics, Members are drawn to leaders who take a stand on important principles. As Kouzes and Posner say, leaders are “only as good as [their] word in the eyes of those [they] aspire to lead. 3.Decisive / Core LUE A strong leader exercises good judgment, appreciates informed input differing opinions. The best leaders, however, have to remain decisive. Former Porsche CEO Peter Schutz used to say, "make decisions like a democracy, execute like a dictatorship." Deliberate decision-making involves (i) building an accurate, full- spectrum map of all possible outcomes; (ii) predicting where all these paths made lead: and (iii) reaching a decision by weighing various solutions. Leaders often tie themselves up in knots wanting each decision to be perfect, however, the best leaders make decisi they know could be wrong. The real differentiator is deciding with speed and conviction, Above all else, great leaders learn conscientiously from every decision, whether good ot bad, in order to better inform subsequent decisions. 4.IndependentThinker One of a leader's most important traits is the ability to be a good thinker. Leaders must recognize and apply common sense solutions, instead of being married to stale strategy or trendy management concepts. Good thinkers solve problems and never lack for ideas to build their team or their organization. To stimulate fresh and innovative ideas. spend time reaonly get one or two applicable ideas to your situation trom every hour of effort, but that new idea, modified to your team, could be the breakthrough to lasting success. A senior partner in a Texas firm | clerked with during law schoo! taught me the importance of “staring out the window time.” With the hectic paee of practicing In, he encouraged and welcomes that the best value for our clients (or our teams) must include thinking time. Many Successful leaders block off time on their calendar to think through challenges, opportunities, and ideas. Make sure to have pen and paper handy to capture ideas arising during this time. S.Positive The most effective leaders remain positive and inspiring. People expect their leader to be energized and passionate about the future, They need to inspire team members with enthusiasm and a strong belief in where the organization is heading. There is a 100 percent certainty that obstacles and failures will arise, which cause stress and negativity to settle in. The positive leader has to control their reaction and stress 10 remain positive in the midst of difficult and stressful times. Leaders have to uplift their members’ spirits and give them hope. They need to see you as a leader convinced "in words, demeanor and actions," so they also believe the "obstacles will be overcome and dreams fulfilled." (The Leadership Challenge) This in turn leads others to be optimistic and hopeful about the course you are headed, and willing to do what it takes to drive the business forward, 6.Humility [ politeness * Exemplary leaders understand that no great achievement can be accomplished alone. but requires the help of others. It is critical for leaders to adopt a servant leadership mindset. This includes a willingness to listen and respond appropriately to feedback and to admit mistakes as appropriate. Humble leaders lack pride and pretense, and instead are interested in diverse views and ideas. They operate with self-effacing humor, give cre to others, and live down-to-earth in their interactions with others. A leader must be prepared to admit, often, that they are incorrect or made a mistake, A humble leader will step up and apologize when appropriate. Everyone is full of flaws and drops the ball, but the most effective leaders remain humble and unassuming; always willing to learn and grow to benefit the organization and its individuals. . 7.ConflictResolution z (Li spurt ax clart solving . Every office environment and every group will have conflict. As draining and str conflict can be, it is not the actual conflict that is the primary problem. The real issue is how we handle the conflict that matters. An effective leader manages and resolves der understands and effectively applies the actually a good thing in many contexts. It vity, strengthen bonds between ful conflicts to produce positive outcomes. The lea art of diplomacy in the workplace. Conflict is can help drive positive outcomes arising from ercati colleagues and permit diverse perspectives that benefit the entie group and the deeision. Often, a k into a conflict among co-workers to enable them to work through the disagreement, if the conflict begins infringing on the goal you are trying to achieve or the ow the work gets done, you need to address it, whether indirectly or directly. found effective over the years is to prepare for the hard discussion by ‘ons or conclusions I have reached without all the facts: der should not step However, process for hi One tool that I have (j) considering any false assumpti and (i) considering the situation from all perspectives. including the cee a discussion. This helps better plan the message and meeting. Conflict can fee ss rel and more manageable with a methodical approach that includes being flexible a adaptable, 8.Visionary yo Another top leadership trait is the ability to look ahead with a sense of direction and concern for the future of the crzanization, Strong leaders see beyond the present and plan strategically for the long term. They engage their team in a forward-looking manner to sell the vision in order inspire and motivate them, Leaders cannot be content with the status quo; rather they have to focus on how things should be better in the future. An effective leader is one who an clearly outline forthe team why staying where they presently are is unacceptable, and Pak On Of the "there" they need to achieve for long term success. The leader suet make it so unacceptable to stay put and so appealing to achieve the "there" of the vision that everyone rows in the same direction to get there. Leaders need a destination in mind ‘when asking team to join them on a journey into an uncertain future PTeamBuilder = Wey WER —toretteeg_ It Potential. Just because you assemble a talented group of individvals together does not mean you will automatically be a great team. We have all seen examples of th Sporting events and in business, Rather, great team building begins with building tity, which starts withthe leader, To rally a team around a commen cause or visior leader has to see the vision and constantly keep the team focused on it. When members share a common goal, they pull together and outshine competitors wo merely @ combination of great individuals. When a team is passionate abet What thes Dine {© accomplish it builds accountability and drives the team, Effective team Dui Jing includes celebrating wins together, or encouraging them when efforts fail. you wut to win as a leader, embrace the value and importance of building cohesive and unsiied teams. 10.Personable | Kamdmeture, Building genuine relationships with those you lead is a Key to being a suecessfil leader. A leader must remain approachable, accessible, Understanding of their employees’ neevs an! committed to building strong relationship. One of the best ways to do this is t0 be with ies and challenges, and spend ne ‘with people you serve, Winston Churchill famously engaged in “dinner ‘able diplomacy" where spending time building relationships helped him achieve seat Accomplishments, Leadership expert John C. Maxwell advises leaders to "walk! sly through the crowd, remember people's names, smile a everyone, and! be quick to otter help.” The most effective leaders remain accessible, approachable, and acearstahle 1LAppreciative / apprecteate One of the most Valuable tools at leader's disposal isthe use of two very powerlid words ~ "thank you." Showing appreciation to your team and stall is foundatio tn the success. Appreciation makes team members feel valued. Eighty-one percent of peopl. say they are willing to work harder if they have an appreciative leader. Your ae need 10 be noticed, recognized, and appreciated for thei efforts. It is always went, the time Yor a short discussion, note, or eal to thank constituents in your group, cine « leader who regulary expresses appresiation also helps build the addtional key leads hip traits of humility, optimism, and being personable. Take time today to thank somes your team, and make it a regular habit, 12, Adaptable (ACC ureladi ve A leader displays adaptability by being comfortable with change and growth, Ther no doubt that in today's business climate things change rapidly, and the best leaders hu: zw be willing to try new things and be willing to fail in order to grow. As we expan our willingness to try new things, our adaptability muscle expands. A great leader turns the relentless and unending uncertainty that their people face into opportunity and growth. Our followers need to see that we will try new approaches and techniques to mee: the demand of a rapidly changing business world. This instills confidence and helps loud « changed culture needed in today's legal environment. 13.EncouragingtheHeart — M adivettiomad + ‘The final trait to highlight is encouragement. Driving extraordinary results in business is hard. In order to ensure that everyone on the team is rowing in the same direction. st is critical to regularly encourage and engage your team's hearts and minds. Express pris their accomplishments. Make a point of regularly thanking them for their hard wor. achievement. Celebrate important wins. Create a sense of community and camarade:.- telling stories recognizing individual contributions. Reinforce your team's core valu standards. All of this will pay significant dividends in driving extraordinary results. 2 0n \" - \ 1) PERSUASION SKILLS. Tesainnp privad Persuasion skills mean: i peas Skills meaning, in simple words, isthe ability to make intentional and sucec Cloris in influencing someone either through written or verbal commut Persuasion skills refer to the skill of changing or influencing the beh aitiudes of someone or a group towards another idea, person ot event, The art of persusion usually involves reasoning, sharing feelings, and cleverly conveying information sential Persuasion Skills Hectively engaging the Head, the Heart, and the Hands across the many people amd Sttuations that @ leader encounters requires using a diverse set of persuasion skills. Tv stape direction, alignment, and commitment through interactions with others skilled in 6 areas: cation. Simply put, haviors. belie! or Teaders must be Understanding and navigating organizational polities: Organizations have formal and informal structures. Understanding and effectively navigating through complex Political situations requires political insight. Leaders adjust to the reality of corporate Politics and are sensitive to how the organization functions. 2. Creating visibility: To create new opportunities, effective leaders stand out and get noticed by others while staying authentic. They are careful 10 allow their team members to shine while not over-promoting themselves. 3. Building and maintaining personal trustworthiness: Leaders ask others to take risks along with them. Therefore, people must believe in the leader and their leadership. Leaders must show integrity and be widely trusted. i networks: Forming and nurturing a nework of relationships is invaluable in today’s interconnected world. Networking allows leaders to generate new experiences, develop persuasion skills, and to tap into the skills and vision of others. 5. Clear communication: Writing and speaking clearly and briefly and applying variety of communication styles helps leaders to get the message across and to ensure the right impact. 6. Motivating others: By motivating others, leaders create a climate in which people become engaged and empowered. Leaders understand the needs, styles, and motivators of others. People will like working withiand for those leaders and wiil be more receptive to their influencing. Methods and Techniques for Success in Persuasion 1. Establish Your Credibility. There's no substitute for expertise, so become un expert in your { mode of professional and personal self-developme a - strong know Listen to people culture of mutual respect for each other and of Valuing each other s cont: butions « 2. Come Well Prepared. To be uptimally persuasive, be prepared with all the relevant detaited is tornzetivn un y to fully support your proposal. (Practice with the techno! in your momentum, Bees By ‘or your pr r neces n cee of tech id have a backup plan to maini in adva ce OW your audience's needs and interests, as they relate to your prepos | Think the potential eutcom: and be ready 1 field questions and satisfy obyecth ns, 3. Understand Your Group's Inter Ask questi » to help you understand your group member: solutions This likely bring you to modify sedr origi clude certain compromises that} 2 the plan to deliver a snare syuter outcome 4. Connect on an Emotional Level. Demonstiate your depth of belief in your position. / A question: to aug aI response to your ideas, As they provide their feedback a their i nd to help them receive yur message in ‘he 5, Build Relationships of Trust and Respect. In building relationships of mutual trust with people, much of the work o! pers bebe YOu ev make « presentation in whieh You need the 2) Motivational leadership skills. f The following 10 motivational skills are important for your leadershiy career: 1. Empathy — QersHe - he ability: 18 understand and feel sosheone else's emotions. This © to their team members and build stronger relationships which cw lo you atic You can show empathy for your team members by| using some of these strategies: Ask questions. 2. Have informal conversations. 3. Celebrate personal evcnt Make the office more ergonomic, 5. Launch voluntary wellness activities 2. Positivity itivity +» the ability to focus on the good in situation. A leader with a posi. can belp increase their team’s happiness, You can be a positive leader by -ein ac monient. If an employce is facing dn obstacle, encourage positive. Try to use optimistic words when speaking When sour team members are succeeding, gneourage them with postive ent to ELON v ren pout conticts oF : co 3. Relinbitity ( Beer MaxzDO Reliabiliy mean hat others ean expect you ty provide consistent revels Reta ai members, Showing vv Hey ues Sou valu onsistently support and value their te and cite an rnotivate them to work hander You ean Feat by esampto by ste team how rchable you can be. Try to be punt: aland give your tear sample malice OF st 4. Goal setting = - Pe ee ee *F clear sense of purpose ean motivate people. By setting speci gual 1 GN | personal 9 sHermanee 2 Your team, Consider setting group goals and personal aullines to hold your team accountable an inspin sossible. include detaits and d 3 Persistence Star Persistence is the a ability to work throuph obstacles to achieve success, Showing. your team that you work hard can inspire them to do the same. You can lead by example by tracking Your personal goals and working diligently to reach them. 6, Team building The ability to foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration is an important skill for all leaders. Connected groups often work more efficiently. ‘Try 10 encourage teamssorh by planning team-building activities and events. Y collaboration. Consider celebrating group sw rewards 7. Communication ‘ou can also use team goals 10 encourae cesses with parties or other motivation cessful leaders must communicate effectively to motivate their team members Jeader, consider these tips to help you increase your motivational communication skit!s. + Speak clearly and confidently. You can help motivate a team by choo words carefully’ and speaking. them with contide Use storytelling. Storytelling is an excellent motivational tool, You can use and famous examples to inspire your team when giving speeches or setting xamples from life can help prove your points and provide insp Practice public speaking. Before speaking to your group, consider practicins times to help, you —feel_~—confident. = and Set objectives. Try to communicate effectively by setting objectives for Pian a purpose for each written correspondence and formal disessions Maintain motivational body language. You can help motivate your team by showing positive body language. Maintain eye contact and stand up straight « show you are a confident leader. 8. Effective feedback The ability tw provide focused and positive, feedback. is. an motivational leader. Constructive feedba nportant part of hei Shows an individual “where and how + improve. You can increase your feedback skills by creating a regular evaluation s example, you can meet quarterly with your team members and provide feedback si performance review. Try to make feedback as actionable as possible by providing eps. 9. Active listening ive listening is the ability to focus on a speaker and fully understand what they ir sestr before responding. Employ and understand them. As a leader, you can improve your active often feel more motivated when they feel their leaders istening skills by sede maintaining eye contact and asking questions. 10, Delegation Delegation is the division of tasks. For example, if you have a large project, you into separate sections and assign someone to complete cach part. When you delegate, yuu 2 show employees you respect and trust them to accompl responsibility and authority over a task, which eati be ver 1 break it ish their work, You also gr otivating, (yp Y What is Conflict? . Conflict is a process that unfolds when two or more people's interests are not in alignment with each other. It can also ocour due to an individual’s biases, cultural beliefs, social status. and other factors determining which values they prioritize above the ones others mizht not However, conflict resolution is not the same as “agreeing to disagree.” It is a more severe event that unfolds in several stages: latent, perceived and felt, conflict approach, stalemate or negotiate, and aftermath. How a person navigates these stages determines whether or not the conflict escalates. What are Conflict Resolution Skills? Conflict resolution skills are the tools that help people handle different types of conifict. Usually, this involves one person leading a discussion that diffuses the situation instea! of allowing it to blow up. As they do this, they maintain emotional control during moments of disagreement and lead people toward mediation, negotiation, or compromise. People who deploy conflict resolution skills keep teams unified, ensuring that debate doesn’t twn into division. Conflict Resolution Leadership Qualities Deploying conflict resolution skills isn’t as simple as following a few strategies that dissolve problems. In fact, it takes particular leadership skills and qualities for a person to diffuse heated or challenging situations, Listed below are a few personal characteristics leaders need to work on first to better succeed at conflict resolution. 1. Curiosity —Poaheves€ « ‘As mentioned Sbove, conflict often occurs when communication lines break. Instead of shutting down or allowing others to, leaders get curious about problems and find « way 1 connect. One way to do this is by asking clarifying or engaging questions that enable peop! to describe their opinions, emotions, belie{S, or thought processes. This helps indi i better understand and empathize with the place others are coming from. Emotional Intelligence gxetdH cer Emotional intelligence (EI) i$ one of the most important leadership qualities. EI consists of four different quadrants: self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and 1 hip management. Without knowledge in these particular areas, relationships bresth own, especially during times of conflict. People who lack emotional intelligence don’t understand how their thoughts, words, and actions affect others. Because of this. they ‘ emotional control during sensitive situations that require personal qualities that ditluse rether than instigate conflict. For this reason, El is a crucial skill leaders 3. Flexibili Studying various leadership styles and traits equip leaders to handle teams of people. No wo employees are exactly alike, which means that lender eflectively. Practicing Situational Leadership, pushes leaders to meet an employees” specific nee by knowing, 1: project. Otherwise, they'll feel frustrated when the ion: n't brush aside. need a diverse skill set to lead 5) eroup 's one advantageous waty to do this bes aise it For instance, leaders can avoid sosilict this person needs more direction, so 1H use the telling approse!) when work isn’t approved S 4. Objectiveness Leadefs who handle conflict must remain objective and not participate in fueling one side of a disagreement. While they might agree with one party over another, they should never join in and heighten tensions between two or more people. Their job is to stop the conflict trom getting worse. Integrity and Respect Aligning personal and organizational values with conflict management ensures leaulers act with integrity as they handle uncomfortable situations. ‘This might look like not eneging with a per t the following day. Doing sv vives everyone time to reflect on what was said, how they’re feeling, and where to go next. ‘The point of demonstrating these qualities and using conflict resolution skills is to lead yoursel! and others in ways that build and maintain strong interpersonal relationships. 6. Patience As the old saying goes, ability feelings of suffering aside so that the common good prevails. When demonstratins teaching patience, leaders should be willing to listen to all angles of a conflict, pride a calming presence, and help pull people closer together instead of letting their op) viewpoints tear them apart. 7. Forgiveness — {eC Forgiveness is an act of acceptance that stops conflict from festering and growing should model forgiveness and show what it looks like to lead with humility and hirdowss Forgiving a person is the same a agree with you or how you acted, I still care about you and want to keep working on wil a strong relationship together.” 8. Positivity — Leaders are positive thinkers because they know negativity doesn’t help stressful sit: As Zig Ziglar once s ing will let you do everything better than ne thinking will.” During times of conflict, it can be easy to let your emotions get the you, assume people's intentions, or make a vow in your mind to never mend a relatis oshipy with someone opposing you, However, leaders know these types of thoughts aren't helpful 9, Humor While it isn’t always an appropriate strategy when dealing with conflict, sometimes humor can break the ice between people. As cited by the Mayo Cline. laughing heips reduce iely, and stress by “firing up and cooling down” a slows down a person’s heart rate and blood pressure, calming the mind and boss | nN Who gets heated and asking them to mi “Patience is a virtue.” This is because patience is a rare but vuluable When handling conflict, those with patience can set their frustration, anger. or nd saying, “I see you, understand you, and while | might no: tension, anx SON'S StFUSS FeSPO: process can also help teams openly communicate in a friendly yet direct manner. How to Resolve Conflict ‘After a leader gets a firm grasp of the leadership qualities above, they will be ready 19 stl implementing different conflict resolution skills, The suggestions below are some of the Bind out ways to prevent conflict from escalating and causing rifts among team members more about cach strategy listed below. b 10. Open Communication | von skill that prompts people to explain thei Open communication is a great conflict resolution en a eee thoughts, feelings, ideas, and solutions honestly and direct Y spe cea ee workplace conditions where leaders foster a sense of trust ant ee Ae a executives must ingrain it into the team culture, For example, a CEO mi by asking team members to voice their opinions during a meeting, communication can tum into lengthy diatribes that don’t resolve problems if a person's thoughts aren't clearly communicated. Assertive communication prevents this trom happening, because it forces people to be more direct, When used as a conflict resolution skill. assertive communication should also include proposing solutions and push conversation forward to reach a satisfying end goal. 12, Active Listening the Active listening is listening with the: intent to understand. When it comes to conilict heightened emotions often prevent effective communication from happening. This is because when people feel threatened, they become defensive as a means to protect themselves. As a result. they stop listening and begin mentally formulating their next attack while the other person speaks. Acting in this manner doesn’t resolve problems—it just drives a wedge further in between people. 13. Stress Management When a person engages in conflict, their body naturally produces stress hormones that cause a “fight-or-flight” response, This can significantly alter a person's mood, make avoidant, ot create a large amount of stress and anxiety in the mind and body. Practicine stress management techniques helps limit the impact these bodily responses hav : tress nit t € on tense situations. As a result, there’s a greater likelihood for a positive outcome rather than the conflict to continue growing. 14, Collaboration them allowing Collaboration is a conflict resolution skill that prevents conflict trom occurring or firth ‘ ing or further developing. Too often, disputes arise when group members aren't in agreement over whe go next. As a leader, it’s your job to communicate the visio w and how different abs fulfil this endeavor. For a business to be impactful, leaders should step in and point the ican in the right direction by initiating a discussion on whether or not the group's decisions ideas can fulfill this purpose, 15. Compromise Another conflict resolution skill all leaders should have is the ability to compromise, As the former Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany once stated, “A compromise is the art of dividing a cake in such a way that everyone believes he has the biggest piece” White people engaged in conilict might feel like they didn’t receive the exact outcome they desired ‘a leader's job is to make sure they are satisfied with the result, 16. Negotiation While negotiation similar to compromise, they aren't the same thing, Compromise is collaborating to reach an agreement while negotiating is an exchange of want and desires, For example, this might look like two business owners discussing the terms of a deal, One might want a one-ye; . seat contract, while the other demands a three-year one. 1 hey might settle for a one-Year contract but at a hi igher price than the three-yea ars. way, b business overs get the terms they aay hree-year plan offers. This way’. both 17. Problem-Solving Businesses form to solve customers’, internal , clients’, sues that arise when attempting to do comes to decision making because leaders and ideas about the best way mindset of collaborating as they make decisions that aflect the company and its. people. Tackling problems together reduces conflict by ma how the business's mission gets fulfilled, 18, Accountability Accountability is accepting full responsibility for your words, thoughts, and actions. Pusing conflict, accountability can translate into owning lapses in judgment or emotional conti. As referenced above, leading with integrity maintains and grows interpersonal relationship: Tactics of Business Leader Successfull business depends on great teamwork and quality leadership. For builds m » member is required to utilize their strengths. Creating collaborative teamwork and an atmosphere where everyone can de’ potential is key to successful leadership and team management, 1. Rigorous Self-Assessment Leaders must be aware of their unique leadership style and techniques. 1 is up these techniques and styles are effective. It is also “quired whether the team: members are generally receptive to them, 2. Utilize People’s Strengths [tis important fox a business leader to find out their team members’ indiv ciual stre I: is important 10 discuss these strengths with cach member to realive their that can last, each t evaluate whet contributions to each project. 3. Train and Coach think you arg tike a squadron leader who you are wrong about a erucia! asp ects their soldiers wd if sou buildieg understonding and diatogue. is someone who is responsible for ning and cosching peop few dictating to them, 4, Be Responsive and Adaptive One great quality of any leader is their responsivenes to be prepared. You need! to be able ta make quick dees ons 3 am members for definitive outputAny ve ides thas comes « be welcomed with appropriate and + to situations and leader, you ha be able te should not be left in the Turch, It should deliberation t evaluate its potential 5, Respect Your Team Giving respect and earning respect are two sides of the same coin. You feel valuable to let them value you. this is @ two-way principle, While 1 4 might want a one-year contract, while the other demands a three-year one. They might settle for a one-year contract but at a higher price than the three-year plan offi business owners get the terms they want 17. Problem-Solving . This way, both comes to deeijon_maki g because leaders and employees all have varyjx@ opinions and ideas about the\best way to solve these problems. Nevertheless, tcayfS must develop mindset of collaDyrating as they make decisions that affect the co) Tackling problems tgether reduces contfiet by making employees Je how the business's mission gets fulfilled. 18, Accountability Accountability is accept conflict, accountability ca pany and its people. like they have a say in g full responsibility for your words, thoughts, and actions. During translate into owning lapses ip(judgment or emotional control. As referenced above, leading with integrity maintains and sows interpersonal relationships Tactics of Business Leyder Successful business depends on\great teamwor and quality leadership. that can last, each team member is\equired to stilize their strengths. Creating collaborative teamwork Madan potential is key to successful leadersh 1. Rigorous Self-Assessment Leaders must be aware of their uniqy F build imosphere where everyone can de team management. adership style and techniques. It is up 1 ¢ their responsiveness to sit 10 be prepared. You need to be able to make quick {te team members for definitive output.Any new idee left in the lurch, It should be welcomed sith ape tial. cader, you hav coin, You need toma two sides of the same coin. ¥ \ “This 1 two-way principle \ feel vayfable to fet them value youcThis is a pwoway T understand this, they often forget at times by trying to micromanage personnel to diix. betiet output.A true leader will lead by example through their own work and focused efforis 6. Conflict Resolution Across all organizations, people working in a collaborative atmosphere often come ¢/o>¢ t0 one another and end up becoming good friends or rivals, Internal feuds are connnon. particularly in small workplaces where people need to share smaller spaces and wil) ¢ into contact with each other much more often, 7. Encourage Brainstorming As a business leader, you do not need to be diplomatic or crafiy in handling people's yssue all the time. Sometimes you can just Jet them speak their mind and be straight i the issues and concerns that are bothering them, This helps in easing out the overall atmosphere. Brainstorming ideas and expressing in workplaces is also a way to boost creativity and foster innovation.

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