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SE 2101 Software Engineering

Assignment no. 2
Total Marks: 10 Marks

Deadline:16th March 2023, 4 PM (*No late submission is acceptable)

Question: Answer the following questions using your knowledge of Agile Methods.
1) You are in the middle of the sprint and the product owner has come with one new
requirement from the customer, what you do? What is the best way to handle this?
2) How does Agile Testing Methodology be different from traditional testing?
3) When the Agile manifesto says ‘People over Process’, why do we still need a Scrum
Master, a role meant to enforce the Scrum process?
4) Have you faced any situation where your delivery team is not getting along? Which stage
are they in? How to handle this situation?
5) What type of Requirements did you use for your project? Make an assumption for the
requirement chosen. If the customer wants to change the requirement in the middle of the
sprint, how to handle this as a Tester and Developer?


1) For each answer, a half-page length would suffice. However, each answer should not
exceed one (1) page.
2) Plagiarism is not allowed. If reading relevant material from the internet, please provide
3) Please submit the assignment in hard copy.

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